Madeleine McCann: German prisoner identified as suspect - #6

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Even if this tripartite investigation seems very weird from what we read in the news, I don't think they're moving slowly or sit and waiting.

A Spanish investigator released a NASA picture he claimed showed CB's van (June 2007) and on June 8 (2020, of course) he's informed by [Portuguese?] police that it's a Renault van parked there until August 2007 (It couldn't be VW Westfalia anyway because of hood IMO). So they seem to be moving much faster than what they show in the press.

Espacio Exterior: Madeleine McCann police is urged to search house of Christian B. after evidence that the VW white van was there days after the abduction
People with personality disorders can 'split' though can't they? Favourite pets or people put on the 'good' side/ treated well. Whilst other people/animals are viewed on the bad side, abused and given completely different treatment...even their own children in some cases.

Lots of us use splitting as a defence mechanism, it's not just specific to those with disorders.
I think the German prosecutor’s strategy here is brilliant. He’s admitted that he doesn’t have enough evidence to prosecute, but he’s dribbling nuggets of CB’s depravity all over the world now, bit by bit. The last details about the contents of the USB/dead dog findings have to leave CB crawling out of his skin. There’s no chance of a semi-normal or even a safe existence for him in society ever again. He’s being exposed and his jailers are now his protectors.

Well, I think Mr. Wolters thinks he's part of a peds German or international ring. That's what it seems to me. He may be wishing to capture the entire ring.
I can’t believe he would break into someone’s apartment naked with swimming goggles on. What on earth is that all about? Surely that will leave behind more dna, body hair or shedded skin cells. It makes no sense. Although he does say he was high at the time.... but still???
Possibly but if CB is not charged, That is a very dangerous game to play, the Prosecutor could get in a lot of trouble and CB could sue the police force for a large amount and press I imagine.

Agreed - I am deeply uncomfortable with a prosecution that claims 100% conviction both in a murder and in his guilt yet at the same time lacks proof to charge. How can this be?

It sets a disturbing precedent

This may seem overly technical to some but the act of charging is an important differentiating moment in any prosecution. To move to charging the prosecutor must be certain in his own mind

1. That a crime was committed and if so, what crime it was
2. The the accused is the perpetrator.

I am hoping that somehow the proof of guilt lies in an inadmissible piece of evidence or some other technical issue with the case.
Ok, but I was thinking more of people who show an abusive side to some but not others, If you see what I mean? It's gross but he could have erm.... abused some of his dogs and not others.

He may well have 'abused' his beloved too, but I'd question whether there was an 'attachment' (emotional) with that particular mutt.
I think the German prosecutor’s strategy here is brilliant. He’s admitted that he doesn’t have enough evidence to prosecute, but he’s dribbling nuggets of CB’s depravity all over the world now, bit by bit. The last details about the contents of the USB/dead dog findings have to leave CB crawling out of his skin. There’s no chance of a semi-normal or even a safe existence for him in society ever again. He’s being exposed and his jailers are now his protectors.

While I agree such information should be public domain relating to crimes he has in fact been convicted for, I have strong issues with a prosecutor conducting a media campaign to paint the accused as guilty based on unrelated evidence - this is the very essence of propensity reasoning which we don't use in the law.
Ok, but I was thinking more of people who show an abusive side to some but not others, If you see what I mean? It's gross but he could have erm.... abused some of his dogs and not others.
He seemingly had relationships where the British girl said that he was "great" and everything was "normal" until she hugged someone else and then he lost control. It's too easy to say but it all sounds like "control"
He seemingly had relationships where the British girl said that he was "great" and everything was "normal" until she hugged someone else and then he lost control. It's too easy to say but it all sounds like "control"

Definitely an element of control IMO. ...and power. In the relationships he tries hard to appear normal and that must be a huge effort that he can only do for a few months. The rapes and break in's seem to be about power, control and breaking people's personal boundaries ( complete amateur psychology view there, just my view)
Don't agree I have to say. The McCanns lost the case in Portugals 'highest court' because they ruled Amaral was allowed to express himself ( write a book ) ...just as the McCanns used the media ( photoshoots, writing a book etc.
I think that is fair, whatever you think of Amaral.


The Lisbon proceedings arose precisely because the parents sued Amaral in Portugal - essentially seeking the profits from his book sales and injuncting the proceeds, freezing them in his bank account.

These were not actually libel proceedings as Portugal's law differs to the sort of UK actions against the newspapers.

Amaral was successful largely because his book broadly reflected the status and nature of the PJ inquiry during the time he led the inquiry and thus was protected expression.

The case is frequently misrepresented in the UK media - e.g. Amaral was not awarded damages. The parents were the plaintiffs and being unsuccessful, ended up with a large costs award against them.
Definitely an element of control IMO. ...and power. In the relationships he tries hard to appear normal and that must be a huge effort that he can only do for a few months. The rapes and break in's seem to be about power, control and breaking people's personal boundaries ( complete amateur psychology view there, just my view)

I agree. To appear 'normal' would take a hell of a lot of energy.
But it also depends on what the ex gf's perception of 'normal' was too.
Definitely an element of control IMO. ...and power. In the relationships he tries hard to appear normal and that must be a huge effort that he can only do for a few months. The rapes and break in's seem to be about power, control and breaking people's personal boundaries ( complete amateur psychology view there, just my view)
Yeah and he likes his victims to be defenceless (bounded, gagged and blindfolded) his victims appear to be anywhere from 3 years old to 72 years old, and they are only ones we actually know of. I’m trying to work out what this guys MO is. The videos of sexual acts with dogs has threw me also. There is nothing off limits with this bloke. Literally nothing it seems...
Agreed - I am deeply uncomfortable with a prosecution that claims 100% conviction both in a murder and in his guilt yet at the same time lacks proof to charge. How can this be?

It sets a disturbing precedent

This may seem overly technical to some but the act of charging is an important differentiating moment in any prosecution. To move to charging the prosecutor must be certain in his own mind

1. That a crime was committed and if so, what crime it was
2. The the accused is the perpetrator.

I am hoping that somehow the proof of guilt lies in an inadmissible piece of evidence or some other technical issue with the case.

I think some of this comes from the confusion in the UK media about the German legal system. The prosecutor can be 'sure' of his theory and start a murder investigation there. In the US or UK a suspect would be said to be 'helping police with their enquiries' and police wouldn't make any comments about what they think they have done until charged. They definitely need the 'who, where, what, when' to charge.
Yeah and he likes his victims to be defenceless (bounded, gagged and blindfolded) his victims appear to be anywhere from 3 years old to 72 years old, and they are only ones we actually know of. I’m trying to work out what this guys MO is. The videos of sexual acts with dogs has threw me also. There is nothing off limits with this bloke. Literally nothing it seems...
I wonder about the possible link to the little boy that went missing in PDL?
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