Madeleine McCann: German prisoner identified as suspect

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“The 43-year-old was today named as Christian Brueckner - a German paedophile and drug trafficker jailed last year for raping a 72-year-old American tourist in Praia da Luz shortly before Maddie was snatched from her bed 13 years ago. His alleged admission to a friend about Maddie's abduction came over a drink on the tenth anniversary of her disappearance when her face appeared on the German pub's TV screen. He then showed his friend a video of him raping a woman, which led to the associate tipping off police. The 43-year-old drifter with a long history of sex crimes against women and children was living in Praia da Luz when Maddie vanished from an apartment 13 years ago as her parents Gerry and Kate were out for dinner at a nearby tapas restaurant. The convicted child sex offender spent 12 years in the Algarve resort dealing drugs, burgling holiday homes and robbing tourists and was jailed last year for the rape of a 72-year-old American in same resort just 18 months before the British three-year-old vanished on May 3, 2007. In December 2019 he was convicted in Germany for the attack on the US-born pensioner in September 2005. He planned the rape having broken into the victim's house wearing a mask and armed with a rope to tie her to a wooden beam. She was blindfolded, gagged and whipped with a piece of metal before being raped and robbed - but hairs left at the scene later linked him to the crime. She told the police: 'He enjoyed torturing me'. The sex attack on the 72-year-old woman could be significant because the convicted paedophile had broken into her Praia da Luz holiday home to loot it - police have long believed Maddie may have been snatched during a burglary.”
UK Home | Daily Mail Online. Plus a pic with eyes redacted is posted.

can anyone remember if they have any DNA from the crime scene?

My heart breaks for Maddie, and her family.

He seems very similar to Joseph Duncan although his many victims were both little boys, and girls. This one seems to strike the most defenseless whether elderly or children of such a young tender age.

I hope the police can tie him to others crimes beyond what they already know. I hope LE throughly retraces his history then compare it to all unsolved cases whether it's rapes or rapes, and murders.

JEDs MO was to extremely torture his victims before killing them. Shasta is so lucky to be alive.

This pedophile is also another sadist like JD. Imo they enjoy the immense torture of innocent, and defenseless victims as much as having total power and control over them.

I have always felt this case would be solved one day. I felt all along this was the evil deeds of another pedophile so I wasnt surprised when they announced they have a suspect. I just wish it had happened sooner, but at least it finally happened. It shows us to never lose hope even in years or decades old unsolved cases.

Some pedophiles brag to others about what they have done, and video it happening like this deviant, and JED along with other serial pedophiles.

Imo, pedophiles are constantly stalking, and areas looking for their next prey. I believe this hideous monster did the same when he came in to kidnap Maddie.

As we know all too well it doesnt take but seconds or a very few minutes for them to kidnap their victims. Often they do so in broad daylight with most not even being detected by anyone.

Sadly, I've also felt Maddie was most likely murdered shortly after she was kidnapped, and raped.

It's so heartbreaking to even think about how she must have suffered in such unbelivable pain once he had her in his evil sadistic grip.

It reminds me of little Samantha Runion when her DNA was found in the kidnaper/rapist/ murderer's vehicle. It was Samantha's tears. :(

These kind of kidnappers, rapists, and murderers are proof that pure diabolical evil exists, and they strike without warning.

"Seven years in prison for brutal rape in Portugal
Braunschweig. 14 years ago, a 72 year old was attacked in her home. The 43 year old suspect is pleading not guilty in the trial taking place in Braunschweig.

The suspect is talking of a "trial of arbitrariness", his lawyer demands to release the suspect because of the benefit of the doubt. The regional court of Braunschweig on the other hand is sure that the suspect is guilty.

14 years ago - in September 2005 - the suspect, who had his last residence near Braunschweig, is accused to have robbed, shackled, hit, raped and stolen from a 72 year old American woman in her home in Portugal.

In the verdict, the regional court agrees with the Departement of public prosecution: The 43 year old is sentenced to serve seven years in prison for brutal rape and robbery.

This seven years include a former sentence of a year and nine months given by the court of Niebüll in Schleswig-Holstein for Marihuana dealing and drug trafficking on Sylt.

Both trials are now investigating the question, if the suspect is protected by the "Spezialitätsgrundsatz": Meaning that he can only be charged for the crime because of which he was transfered from Portugal to Germany.

The regional court of Braunschweig is arguing that the protection of the "Spezialitätsgrundsatz" is not longer valid, because the suspect stayed in Italy after his deportation from Portugal. The 43 year old does not share this opinion: "I am still protected by the Spezialitätsgrundsatz. They should not have been able to arrest me in Italy."

The definitive verdict will be given by the Bundesgerichtshof (German Federal Supreme Court).

The rape trial is not effected by the verdict of the German Federal Supreme Court.

The emigrant, who made his living in Portugal with various part-time jobs, lived in a house close to the home of the victim when the crime took place. He depictes himself as a helpful man with changing relationships and claims to have nothing in common with the masked robber of September 2005 who seemed to enjoy hitting and torturing his victim with a bendable metal object.

But how did a body hair of the suspect end up on the crime scene? The Departement of public prosecution Claims the hair to be strong and valid evidence. The suspect has other ideas of how the hair ended up there: While petting the victims cat in front of the house or a meeting in the Supermarket or cafe, the hair could have been transported to the house by chance.

And then it ended up on the same bed sheet on the bed used during the rape? That's too far fetched for the regional court - as an DNA expert confirmed during the trial. She said it is possible, but very unlikely.
The investigators found the hair early on, but could not connect it to the suspect right away, years after the unsolved crime took place. Acquaintances of the suspect mentioned video tapes during the iterrogation of the police. This tapes showed the suspect in apparenty real rape scenes.

The video tapes did never show up, it's said that they don't exist anymore. Did the former acquaintances made them up to come to good terms with the police? The lawyer of the suspect points out that there are a lot of obections in the statements, "the statements are just not believeable."

The Departement of public prosecution claims the statements to be valid. "The police started investigating because they reported the rape of an older woman.", the judge explains. The Police started looking into crimes in Portugal which matched the description the two made. The description matched the case of the raped 72 year old.

Regarding all given evidence, the Departement of public prosecution finds the suspect to be guilty."

Translated by me, a non-professional translator who is known for translating fanfiction and not for her great knowledge of juristic Terms. I'm very sorry for spelling mistakes!
Thank you! You done a really good job from what I can see :) I appreciate it
Rape is not about sexual desire, it's about violence and power. Neither children or 72 year old women are likely to be able to put up much of a fight against a man.

Absolutely and I know this, I just found it interesting that he is identified over and over as a pedophile when his crimes involve others than just children.
If this guy was convicted of a sexual crime against a child for the first time at 17, and then goes on to re-offend, not just once, but allegedly several times, and commits other crimes such a burglary and drug trafficking, why on earth was he a free man,roaming the EU?
"Seven years in prison for brutal rape in Portugal
Braunschweig. 14 years ago, a 72 year old was attacked in her home. The 43 year old suspect is pleading not guilty in the trial taking place in Braunschweig.

The suspect is talking of a "trial of arbitrariness", his lawyer demands to release the suspect because of the benefit of the doubt. The regional court of Braunschweig on the other hand is sure that the suspect is guilty.

14 years ago - in September 2005 - the suspect, who had his last residence near Braunschweig, is accused to have robbed, shackled, hit, raped and stolen from a 72 year old American woman in her home in Portugal.

In the verdict, the regional court agrees with the Departement of public prosecution: The 43 year old is sentenced to serve seven years in prison for brutal rape and robbery.

This seven years include a former sentence of a year and nine months given by the court of Niebüll in Schleswig-Holstein for Marihuana dealing and drug trafficking on Sylt.

Both trials are now investigating the question, if the suspect is protected by the "Spezialitätsgrundsatz": Meaning that he can only be charged for the crime because of which he was transfered from Portugal to Germany.

The regional court of Braunschweig is arguing that the protection of the "Spezialitätsgrundsatz" is not longer valid, because the suspect stayed in Italy after his deportation from Portugal. The 43 year old does not share this opinion: "I am still protected by the Spezialitätsgrundsatz. They should not have been able to arrest me in Italy."

The definitive verdict will be given by the Bundesgerichtshof (German Federal Supreme Court).

The rape trial is not effected by the verdict of the German Federal Supreme Court.

The emigrant, who made his living in Portugal with various part-time jobs, lived in a house close to the home of the victim when the crime took place. He depictes himself as a helpful man with changing relationships and claims to have nothing in common with the masked robber of September 2005 who seemed to enjoy hitting and torturing his victim with a bendable metal object.

But how did a body hair of the suspect end up on the crime scene? The Departement of public prosecution Claims the hair to be strong and valid evidence. The suspect has other ideas of how the hair ended up there: While petting the victims cat in front of the house or a meeting in the Supermarket or cafe, the hair could have been transported to the house by chance.

And then it ended up on the same bed sheet on the bed used during the rape? That's too far fetched for the regional court - as an DNA expert confirmed during the trial. She said it is possible, but very unlikely.
The investigators found the hair early on, but could not connect it to the suspect right away, years after the unsolved crime took place. Acquaintances of the suspect mentioned video tapes during the iterrogation of the police. This tapes showed the suspect in apparenty real rape scenes.

The video tapes did never show up, it's said that they don't exist anymore. Did the former acquaintances made them up to come to good terms with the police? The lawyer of the suspect points out that there are a lot of obections in the statements, "the statements are just not believeable."

The Departement of public prosecution claims the statements to be valid. "The police started investigating because they reported the rape of an older woman.", the judge explains. The Police started looking into crimes in Portugal which matched the description the two made. The description matched the case of the raped 72 year old.

Regarding all given evidence, the Departement of public prosecution finds the suspect to be guilty."

Translated by me, a non-professional translator who is known for translating fanfiction and not for her great knowledge of juristic Terms. I'm very sorry for spelling mistakes!

Thank you!
this article shows his picture a lot more clearer than the previous ones I think.

I understand
In Germany it’s against the law release a suspects identity - even after they’ve been convicted, but if this IS the guy who killed Maddie, British press, heck even international press all around the world will be wanting to print his face, his identity and as much info about him as they can find. So how will this work do you think? If it’s against the law in Germany? Hmm
Fall Maddie McCann: Was wir über den tatverdächtigen Braunschweiger Christian B. (43) wissen
it won't be helpful if there is any trial.

makes me wonder how the german press got the details, and if the press know it is against the law, why did they release the name.
the suspects whole life story is already beginning to appear in the media.
"Seven years in prison for brutal rape in Portugal
Braunschweig. 14 years ago, a 72 year old was attacked in her home. The 43 year old suspect is pleading not guilty in the trial taking place in Braunschweig.

Snipped by me

Thank you for doing this for us. So what date was this originally posted (in the press?) please?

I also want to say how sorry I feel for the 72 year old American woman (however old she is now).
If this guy was convicted of a sexual crime against a child for the first time at 17, and then goes on to re-offend, not just once, but allegedly several times, and commits other crimes such a burglary and drug trafficking, why on earth was he a free man,roaming the EU?
That’s the thing about the EU, convicted murderers and rapists are completely free to move about and member countries cannot refuse them entry. I didn’t vote for Brexit but I can understand why some people did.
So I have a question as I don’t have the foggiest idea on how these people work. For anybody that knows this stuff.

if he is a pedophile is it not strange he would rape old ladies as well? Completely different ends of the spectrum I would of thought If you are into children.
Just a reminder (from the deep recesses of my mind) that there was a couple with a daughter from (Kent I believe, iirc) who were on local UK news in the south east (I think it was Meridian news) the year that Madeleine went missing and I recall perfectly it was on TV the first week the children went back to School in September too...stating something I think is important. They were staying along the coast from PDL, not too far away, in a holiday complex that summer. They and other parents had become concerned about a solo man who was obsessively taking photos of young children in and around the pool area and and that things came to a head with the man of the couple who was on the news item, having a fight/scuffle with the man and insisted the man delete all photos of his daughter. The man from the couple then held him in a citizens arrest and asked reception to call Police. Police did not come until the next morning when they just shrugged their shoulders. The couple went to the media because they claimed no-one was following this lead up at all. I honestly believe this is important information. That couple and the other parents from that holiday really need to be interviewed.

Bringing forward something I posted earlier when the thread got incredibly busy. I hope you don't mind. I just wondered if anyone thought this should be investigated further?
So I have a question as I don’t have the foggiest idea on how these people work. For anybody that knows this stuff.

if he is a pedophile is it not strange he would rape old ladies as well? Completely different ends of the spectrum I would of thought If you are into children.
Not all child molesters are pedophiles: some predators target the vulnerable, like this suspect, a elderly woman and a child. They treat their victims as objects, age does not matter to them.
One would hope so, he had access to this property at the time, & with the media hype surrounding this case during the days if not hours after her disappearance he would have had to dispose of any evidence quickly. All conjecture of course.

But he has also had time to remove evidence
And that maybe someone besides this creep was holding the video camera. “There is reason to believe that there are other people besides the perpetrator who have concrete knowledge of the possible scene of the crime..."
Might explain the police interest in the person he called and spoke to before/during her disappearance?
Thank you for doing this for us. So what date was this originally posted (in the press?) please?

I like translating that kind of stuff and I will definetly keep you up to date! If there is a specific video/article you'd like to be translated, just ask! :)

The translated article was published on December 17th 2019
I like translating that kind of stuff and I will definetly keep you up to date! If there is a specific video/article you'd like to be translated, just ask! :)

The translated article was published on December 17th 2019
Would you mind reading this article for us and telling us if there’s any new information on there? It’s quite long so it might not be worth translating if it doesn’t have anything new though. Thank you in advance x

Fall Maddie McCann: Die Vorstrafen des Tatverdächtigen Christian B. - DER SPIEGEL - Panorama
Police think Madeleine McCann is dead; parents still hope

LONDON – German police said Thursday they presume a British girl who went missing in southern Portugal 13 years ago is dead, but Madeleine McCann’s parents still nurture hope their daughter will be found alive.

McCann was 3-years-year at the time of her disappearance from an apartment while her family vacationed in the seaside town of Praia da Luz, in Portugal’s Algarve region, in 2007.

Police in Germany reported Wednesday they had identified a suspect, a 43-year-old German citizen currently imprisoned in his home country for a sexual crime. They did not name him...
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