Magnotta March Prelim Hearing & Trial Day 1 - Sep 29, 2014 - Thread #1

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@WoodsAllan · 4m4 minutes ago
The jury is back out of the courtroom as lawyers discuss other issues that are not reportable

@MontgomerySue · 3m3 minutes ago
waiting for jury. talk amongst yourselves

MontgomerySue · 3m3 minutes ago
waiting for jury. talk amongst yourselves

@MontgomerySue · 3m3 minutes ago
waiting for jury. talk amongst yourselves

@MontgomerySue · 3m3 minutes ago
Jury coming back, take two

@amyminsky · 4m4 minutes ago
Calling jury back ... It's almost time for the morning break and we haven't heard anything from a witness yet!

@sleeCJAD · 3m3 minutes ago
Jury back
@sleeCJAD · 3m3 minutes ago
Jury back

@MontgomerySue · 3m3 minutes ago
Police crime scene photographer Caroline Simoneau back on stand for continued cross examination by defence

@Brige_Noel · 3m3 minutes ago
Judge tells jury that q's asked to Feng (re: Lin's sexual habits) were intended to help determine if #Magnotta's actions were premeditated

@sleeCJAD · 3m3 minutes ago
We're picking up where we left off: Ottawa evidence. Box sent to Liberal Party of Canada done. Taking out pink note found

@MandelSun · 3m3 minutes ago
#Magnotta defence back to showing jury evidence police seized from boxes used to mail Jun Lin body parts.

@sleeCJAD · 3m3 minutes ago
On with the purple latex gloves for Simoneau and white latex ones for attorney Luc Leclair,so as not to contaminate the evidence

@sleeCJAD · 2m2 minutes ago
Showing this note to the jury

@sleeCJAD · 1m1 minute ago
I think we will hear from witnesses from Ottawa, Leclair says. we certainly will, crown replies

@Brige_Noel · 2m2 minutes ago
First exhibit is note sent to Lib party, which reads "You need to speak to Laureen Teskey & her family, lots to hide."
Still confused. Whether the victim was into S&M or not, how does this determine premeditation? Is LeClair suggesting that because LJ was voluntarily lured to the apt for casual sex, including S&M, that the intent for LM was not to kill him at first. But then the "voices" took over? I guess that's where he is going to go with this. And he's going to use the fact that there was someone there the week before in the same position who was not killed as proof that LM had an "episode" when LJ was there. Okay...I get it now. Don't buy it but I get where he's going. It was just a dirty underhanded way of getting to that point.

How did LJ meet LM anyway? I'm afraid I really didn't follow this much in the beginning.


ETA: By the way, since when do defence lawyers get to go home and read their bad press and then come back the next day and ask the judge to help them out of this mess by explaining to the jury why they came off as such a jerk the day before?
@sleeCJAD · 2m2 minutes ago
Note is bagged and entered into evidence

@sleeCJAD · 2m2 minutes ago
Note is bagged and entered into evidence

@sleeCJAD · 2m2 minutes ago
Leclair wants the pink tissue paper

@sleeCJAD · 43s43 seconds ago
Leclair shows one of the three crinkly pink tissue papers to the jurors
@MontgomerySue · 2m2 minutes ago
Jury being shown three pieces of pink tissue paper. why? your guess is as good as mine

@sleeCJAD · 1m1 minute ago
Next, black gift bag

@MontgomerySue · 1m1 minute ago
Pieces of evidence put into separate Ziplock bags, as per Leclair's reques

@MontgomerySue · 1m1 minute ago
Pieces of evidence put into separate Ziplock bags, as per Leclair's reques

@sidhartha_b · 1m1 minute ago
We're back to showing the #Magnotta jury each item that was seized by police in the trash and from packages mailed to Ottawa/Vancouver

@sidhartha_b · 1m1 minute ago
The Crown has shown these items in photograph form, but defence is showing #Magnotta jury each physical item & filing it as exhibit

@sleeCJAD · 20s20 seconds ago
Black gift bag bagged, entered into evidence
@sidhartha_b · 41s42 seconds ago
Friday's are reserved for arguments/discussion without jury present, but there have been several of those already this week

@sleeCJAD · 40s41 seconds ago
Leclair doesn't want the black garbage bags and ties. On to the box sent to the Conservative Party of Canada

@sleeCJAD · 58s59 seconds ago
Leclair doesn't want the little pieces of cardboard box. He wants the bigger Can Post mailing box pieces

@MontgomerySue · 42s43 seconds ago
Jury being shown box sent to federal Conservatives. inside, is a hand drawn, large black heart. return address is Longueuil

@SGirouxCTV · 24s25 seconds ago
Now showing the box sent to #CPC under pseudonym R Bordelais

@MontgomerySue · 55s55 seconds ago
Box was mailed from Canada Post outlet in Snowdon

@sleeCJAD · 26s26 seconds ago
Addressed to the Conservative Party of Canada. Return addressee Rene Bordelais. Shown to the jury

@sleeCJAD · 26s26 seconds ago
Addressed to the Conservative Party of Canada. Return addressee Rene Bordelais. Shown to the jury
Hmm...Rene Bordelais...isn't that the last name of the person Karla Holmoka married? Is that not her new married name?

ETA: Looked it up and yes it is. Just shows his fascination with her as a notorious serial killer to be using her name as an alias to me. Just as he wanted to become famous and finally settled on infamy as a serial killer since nothing else was working. Thank goodness he was stopped.

@sleeCJAD · 56s56 seconds ago
Mailing box bagged and submitted into evidence

@sleeCJAD · 1m1 minute ago
Leclair wants the item with the name Neil Fenton on it

@MontgomerySue · 54s55 seconds ago
Leclair asking for piece of evidence that has name Neil Fenton on it

@sleeCJAD · 3m3 minutes ago
Leclair says item had the name Neil Fenton imprinted deep into it. Can't seem to find it. They'll look for it at the next break

@MontgomerySue · 3m3 minutes ago
Simoneau saying she didn't take photo of that. Judge tells Leclair to move on to another exhibit

@sleeCJAD · 3m3 minutes ago
Meanwhile, more pink tissue paper.

@MontgomerySue · 3m3 minutes ago
Lots of curious lawyers and courthouse employees dropping in to overflow room to catch some of #Magnotta trial
Leclair knows about evidence that LE didn't photograph? What's up with that? Who is Neil Fenton?
@MontgomerySue · 3m3 minutes ago
Jury being shown the note now

@Brige_Noel · 3m3 minutes ago
Next item Simoneau brings out is this note, sent along with parcel to Tory HQ

@WoodsAllan · 3m3 minutes ago
This note sent to CPC headquarters in Ottawa, mentioning PM Stephen Harper and his wife, Laureen Teskey

@sleeCJAD · 3m3 minutes ago
Nope, sorry, it's the pink note instead. This one:

SGirouxCTV · 3m3 minutes ago
Now showing note sent to Stephen Harper and his wife. Witness called him Stephane Harper. Leclair corrected "you meant Stephen.."

@sleeCJAD · 4m4 minutes ago
Pink note bagged, entered into evidence
I wonder if the jury is as confused as to LJ's interest into S&M or not being relevant as to why LM felt it ok to kill him? S&M between two consulting adults is legal is it not? Hacking someone up with an ice pick, recording it and posting parts of a body aren't. Also can the fact that LM knew where to send the video of the murder and also posted references to it before it was posted several times show that it was premeditated?
@sleeCJAD · 5m5 minutes ago
Leclair wants the black gift bag found in this box

@sleeCJAD · 2m2 minutes ago
Showing the gift bag to the jury. Bagged and entered into evidence.

@MandelSun · 3m3 minutes ago
#Magnotta jury shown another pink note, this one to Conserv Party complaining @pmharper and wife "f--ed up big time."

@sleeCJAD · 2m2 minutes ago
Now it's the pink tissue paper

@amyminsky · 1m1 minute ago
.... Defence attorney Leclair continues to meticulously go through the items contained in the four parcels #Magnotta mailed

Brige_Noel · 2m2 minutes ago
ICYMI, here is a piece from our features team on the challenges of a 'not criminally responsible' defence: … #Magnotta

@sleeCJAD · 2m2 minutes ago
Defence wants morning break. Back in 20

@MontgomerySue · 43s44 seconds ago
Leclair asks for morning break
I wonder if the jury is as confused as to LJ's interest into S&M or not being relevant as to why LM felt it ok to kill him? S&M between two consulting adults is legal is it not? Hacking someone up with an ice pick, recording it and posting parts of a body aren't. Also can the fact that LM knew where to send the video of the murder and also posted references to it before it was posted several times show that it was premeditated?

I posted earlier that I think Leclair is going to tie that S&M thing in with the fact that there was another man who was tied up a week earlier and was not killed. And then he'll probably suggest that LJ was killed because LM had a psychotic break or something when LJ was tied up consentually. Problem is, I don't think the video showed LJ tied up and alive did it? I've personally never seen it.

And yes...everything LM did in the months, weeks and days before this, including pre posting about the video before LJ was killed, is going to play against this flimsy theory they are trying to build that it was not premeditated but a sudden onset of mental illness.

I wonder if the jury is as confused as to LJ's interest into S&M or not being relevant as to why LM felt it ok to kill him? S&M between two consulting adults is legal is it not? Hacking someone up with an ice pick, recording it and posting parts of a body aren't. Also can the fact that LM knew where to send the video of the murder and also posted references to it before it was posted several times show that it was premeditated?

That will be interesting blefuscu ... if the Crown can show that LM was checking out the Gore site prior to LJ being killed, that might negate Leclair's attempts in that regard.
I posted earlier that I think Leclair is going to tie that S&M thing in with the fact that there was another man who was tied up a week earlier and was not killed. And then he'll probably suggest that LJ was killed because LM had a psychotic break or something when LJ was tied up consentually. Problem is, I don't think the video showed LJ tied up and alive did it? I've personally never seen it.

And yes...everything LM did in the months, weeks and days before this, including pre posting about the video before LJ was killed, is going to play against this flimsy theory they are trying to build that it was not premeditated but a sudden onset of mental illness.


Thanks Kamille ... I had forgotten about that !!
@sleeCJAD · 1m1 minute ago
Judge is back
@sleeCJAD · 41s42 seconds ago
Jury is in. Defence is done with Montreal police officer Caroline Simoneau. She is dismissed

@MontgomerySue · 47s47 seconds ago
This witness, Caroline Simoneau, is finished. Next up, Michael Nadeau, but he's not feeling well, Crown says

@sleeCJAD · 32s32 seconds ago
Next witness Montreal police officer Michael Nadeau. Crown says he's not feeling well. May return this afternoon

@sleeCJAD · 1m1 minute ago
We'll hear recorded testimony of the manager of apartment building where crime scene was located. Eric Schorer has since died

@MontgomerySue · 1m1 minute ago
Eric Schorer, manager of #Magnotta apt building has since died. So we will hear his recorded testimony from preliminary hearing

@sleeCJAD · 1m1 minute ago
Judge instructs jury as to the weight of this testimony which was recorded during the preliminary hearing last year

@MontgomerySue · 33s33 seconds ago
If there are differences between recording or transcript, go with what you hear, judge tells jury

@sleeCJAD · 33s33 seconds ago
Recording starts to be played
@sleeCJAD · 50s50 seconds ago
Eric Schorer says he took care of building for six years

@MontgomerySue · 16s17 seconds ago
Schorer met #Magnotta about March 2012, when he called re apt. Met in building office. He filled out application

@sleeCJAD · 25s26 seconds ago
No formal lease because it's a monthly lease, he says. Took photocopy of passport

@MontgomerySue · 49s50 seconds ago
Apt has no lease, rented month to month. Asked #Magnotta for ID, he provided passport. He paid $490/mth in cash or with cheque

@sleeCJAD · 44s44 seconds ago
#Magnotta paid first rent payment of $490 in cash, other times cheque.

@MontgomerySue · 40s41 seconds ago
The apt was rented furnished. Schorer lived in building too, saw #Magnotta fairly often

@sleeCJAD · 1m1 minute ago
Says #Magnotta did not advise him he was leaving. Needs advance notice.

@sleeCJAD · 48s48 seconds ago
Asked #Magnotta to provide a financial statement since he didn't have a job at the time.

@MontgomerySue · 56s57 seconds ago
#Magnotta didn't have job when he applied for apt, so Schorer asked for bank statement; Magnotta provided it. He said he was from TO

@MandelSun · 47s47 seconds ago
#Magnotta said he was originally from Toronto and said he had a child in the Mtrl area. Had a possible caregiving job lined up!

@MontgomerySue · 1m1 minute ago
#magnotta told landlord he wanted to live in the area because he had a child in area. said he would work as a caregiver

@sleeCJAD · 39s40 seconds ago
Doesn't remember anything special, said hello every now and then

@MontgomerySue · 54s54 seconds ago
Schorer said #magnotta wore sunglasses a lot. never saw him with pets. Had Videotron installed shortly after moving in

@amyminsky · 50s50 seconds ago
Schorer told police #Magnotta had said he wanted to live in that area because he had a child in the area, moving to Mtl for potential job.
@SGirouxCTV · 54s54 seconds ago
Landlord describes the discovery of suitcase with torso next to apt building

@sleeCJAD · 38s38 seconds ago
Says he told the janitor to call the police

@WoodsAllan · 54s55 seconds ago
Schorer had seen suitcase a few days earlier in the alley, weekend prior to the murder discovery. Didn’t think anything of it

@sleeCJAD · 1m1 minute ago
Four cameras, lobby, stairs coming up, entrance, basement.

‏@amyminsky · 1m1 minute ago
Schorer: there are several camera around the property - entrance, lobby, basement, etc. Feeds are on monitor in his apartment 24/7

@MandelSun · 1m1 minute ago
Four recording motion cameras put into #Magnotta building, incl lobby and basement.

@sleeCJAD · 2m2 minutes ago
Points out accused in the courtroom

@SGirouxCTV · 2m2 minutes ago
It's a very short audio testimony, we're already into cross-examination

@sleeCJAD · 2m2 minutes ago
Crown done, defence begins. Asks about cameras.

@sleeCJAD · 3m3 minutes ago
Says no camera on fire exit door

@MontgomerySue · 3m3 minutes ago
Cross of Schorer by Leclair. Cameras at entrance, lobby, 1st floor and basement

@MandelSun · 2m2 minutes ago
Cameras had been installed in #Magnotta building because of break-ins, mgr said. Jury has been told it will see footage

sleeCJAD · 1m1 minute ago
Witness says they were using the Gazette at the time to rent apartments
@MontgomerySue · 1m1 minute ago
Schorer not sure how the apt was advertised. Didn't point out cameras to #Magnotta, he said

@sleeCJAD · 1m1 minute ago
The first time they met, did he show #Magnotta the basement? No, maybe after to show him the laundry room

@sleeCJAD · 1m1 minute ago
Did he show #Magnotta the cameras? No, witness says

@MandelSun · 1m1 minute ago
#Magnotta had a kid in Montreal???

@amyminsky · 1m1 minute ago
So Schorer saw the suitcase over the weekend before killing was discovered, but never with the torso inside. Only the janitor saw.

@sleeCJAD · 31s31 seconds ago
Name Luka Rocco #Magnotta on the passport? Yes, witness says

@MontgomerySue · 37s38 seconds ago
The name on application was Luka Rocca #Magnotta, Schorer confirms. Court has no copy of application, Leclair notes

@sleeCJAD · 30s31 seconds ago
Says #Magnotta was very normal and cordial when they spoke.

@SGirouxCTV · 49s50 seconds ago
When #Magnotta applied to rent his apartment, he showed his passport as ID

@MontgomerySue · 1m1 minute ago
#magnotta was very cordial the day he applied for apt, Schorer says. Very normal. What do you mean by that? leclair asks
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