Malaysia airlines MH370 with 239 people on board, 8 March 2014 #26

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
Yes, indeed it was confirmed that these two men were, in fact, asylum seekers. They were not terrorists, nor were they thought to have been involved in any terrorism-related groups, etc. Let's pull this thread from the madness of conspiracy theory and bring it into the light of truth; also, why do I get the feeling that some of this conspiracy theory may be related to that these men are Persian ('Middle-Eastern').

it's perfectly reasonable to speculate that two people with stolen passports whose one-way tickets were bought with cash by a third unknown person at the behest of a fourth person known only by his supposed last name were terrorists

also who are the five people who checked in for the flight but never boarded the plane?

it's hardly madness to be suspicious of that whole scenario given the stated facts and given the history of prior attempts by terrorists with explosives at that same airport
I've been thinking more about the 16-inch gap in 777's, which grounded them for repairs. That, presented with this info, makes me believe that there may have been an issue with the plane, and the pilot was heading toward an airport, but ran out of oxygen and fell into unconsciousness before getting there. (Also, the fact that insurance companies and airlines always desire pilot error as "the cause" for monetary reasons.)

From the article: "The left turn is the key here. Zaharie Ahmad Shah was a very experienced senior captain with 18,000 hours of flight time. We old pilots were drilled to know what is the closest airport of safe harbor while in cruise. Airports behind us, airports abeam us, and airports ahead of us. They're always in our head. Always. If something happens, you don't want to be thinking about what are you going to do–you already know what you are going to do. When I saw that left turn with a direct heading, I instinctively knew he was heading for an airport. He was taking a direct route to Palau Langkawi, a 13,000-foot airstrip with an approach over water and no obstacles. The captain did not turn back to Kuala Lampur because he knew he had 8,000-foot ridges to cross. He knew the terrain was friendlier toward Langkawi, which also was closer."

"What I think happened is the flight crew was overcome by smoke and the plane continued on the heading, probably on George (autopilot), until it ran out of fuel or the fire destroyed the control surfaces and it crashed. You will find it along that route–looking elsewhere is pointless."

A Startlingly Simple Theory About the Missing Malaysia Airlines Jet
All this talk about the possibility of some sort of event causing smoke to infiltrate the flight deck got me wondering about the supplemental oxygen system installed in the passenger cabins of planes. I found this enlightening article that talks about what some refer to as the "rubber jungle" on board a plane once the masks drop from the ceiling.
The truth about oxygen masks on planes – what can the Southwest incident teach us?

"Firstly, what you’re supplied isn’t exactly oxygen – nor is it not compressed air in the scuba diving sense. Oxygen tanks are heavy and bulky so aircraft use a more complicated system. The panel above each seat actually contains a cocktail of chemicals that, when burned, release oxygen. They might include barium peroxide, a fine white powder used in fireworks, sodium chlorate, more commonly used as a weedkiller, and potassium chlorate, a staple of school science lab experiments (it reacts violently with sugar)."
Wow, that's fascinating. I didn't know about that, and all these decades I've been flying, I never knew there was about 15 min. of created air in the mask, and that each one is individual. Let's say I'm sitting next to an empty seat and I pull my mask down to start the chemical reaction (aka "flow of *oxygen*"), but it takes longer than 12-15 min. to get down to 10K ft., I might just grab the mask next to mine and start that chemical rxn.

All this talk about the possibility of some sort of event causing smoke to infiltrate the flight deck got me wondering about the supplemental oxygen system installed in the passenger cabins of planes. I found this enlightening article that talks about what some refer to as the "rubber jungle" on board a plane once the masks drop from the ceiling.
The truth about oxygen masks on planes – what can the Southwest incident teach us?

"Firstly, what you’re supplied isn’t exactly oxygen – nor is it not compressed air in the scuba diving sense. Oxygen tanks are heavy and bulky so aircraft use a more complicated system. The panel above each seat actually contains a cocktail of chemicals that, when burned, release oxygen. They might include barium peroxide, a fine white powder used in fireworks, sodium chlorate, more commonly used as a weedkiller, and potassium chlorate, a staple of school science lab experiments (it reacts violently with sugar)."
A new mission to find the missing wreckage of Malaysia Airlines flight MH370 could be launched in a matter of months, according to reports.

Families of victims and the Malaysian government are currently looking to send seabed searchers, Ocean Infinity, on a new quest to find the missing flight.

Officials are hoping new debris and analysis will provide investigators with a clearer priority search, News Corp reported.

Former Australian investigators are welcoming the renewed search after they felt they were rushed into looking for the plane in the wrong area.

New search for MH370 will be launched with plans look to send world's leading seabed searchers | Daily Mail Online
A new mission to find the missing wreckage of Malaysia Airlines flight MH370 could be launched in a matter of months, according to reports.

Families of victims and the Malaysian government are currently looking to send seabed searchers, Ocean Infinity, on a new quest to find the missing flight.

Officials are hoping new debris and analysis will provide investigators with a clearer priority search, News Corp reported.

Former Australian investigators are welcoming the renewed search after they felt they were rushed into looking for the plane in the wrong area.

New search for MH370 will be launched with plans look to send world's leading seabed searchers | Daily Mail Online

I often wonder how the passengers and crew’s families are doing it must be a living nightmare not having any answers with no end in sight.
In a new paper titled Search Recommendation for MH370's Debris Field, scientists Victor Iannello, Bobby Ulich, Richard Godfrey and Andrew Banks have identified three potential search areas, representing three different scenarios.

The search area given the "highest priority" assumes there was no pilot input after fuel was exhausted.

The search area of next highest priority assumes there was a glide towards the south after fuel exhaustion.

And the lowest priority area is where they believe the aircraft could be found if there was a controlled glide in an arbitrary direction.

New MH370 search areas pinpointed
MH370 found? How missing Malaysia Airlines plane may have landed in Kazakhstan
Feb 8, 2020
''MH370 may have landed at Yubileyniy Airport in Kazakhstan after it disappeared over six years ago, an expert has claimed.''

BFO values are a measure of the relative motion of the satellite and the aeroplane.

Using a newly invented technique, they used these data to track the plane in an arch over the Indian Ocean, with the last ping implying a location west of Perth, Australia.

However, what is most mysterious about these values is that they don’t quite add up, they don’t actually fit together very well.

This led Mr Wise to suggest the BFO values were spoofed and that only the BTO data can be trusted.''

''What’s more, the airport is out in the middle of nowhere so they are unlikely to be seen.

All this on top of the BTO data which suggests this route was possible, it is reasonable to consider this theory as to what really happened that night.''

One would think/hope Tony Abbott would be reliable?

From above article:

"'My very clear understanding, from the very top levels of the Malaysian government is that from very, very early on, they thought it was murder-suicide by the pilot,' Mr Abbott told a Sky News documentary.

'I'm not going to say who said what to whom, but let me reiterate, I want to be absolutely crystal clear, it was understood at the highest levels that this was almost certainly murder-suicide by the pilot.

'Mass murder-suicide by the pilot.'

Malaysian investigators publicly gave Captain Shah the all-clear, and were searching areas they believed a 'ghost plane' could have reached before running out of fuel.
Mr Abbott said he never repeated what he had been told about the murder-suicide theory because he was under the impression all avenues would be exhausted during search efforts.

'I would say let's ditch that assumption, let's assume that it was murder-suicide by the pilot and if there is any part of that ocean that could have been reached on that basis that has not yet been explored, let's get out and explore it,' he said
Adding credibility to Mr Abbott's claims are reports from French investigators that indicate 'some abnormal turns made by the 777 can only be done manually'.

They were granted access to extensive documents of Boeing flight data sent during the Malaysian Airlines flight prior to the crash.

Sky News documentary MH370: The Untold Story will air on Wednesday 19th February and Thursday 20th February."
One would think/hope Tony Abbott would be reliable?

From above article:

"'My very clear understanding, from the very top levels of the Malaysian government is that from very, very early on, they thought it was murder-suicide by the pilot,' Mr Abbott told a Sky News documentary.

'I'm not going to say who said what to whom, but let me reiterate, I want to be absolutely crystal clear, it was understood at the highest levels that this was almost certainly murder-suicide by the pilot.

'Mass murder-suicide by the pilot.'

Malaysian investigators publicly gave Captain Shah the all-clear, and were searching areas they believed a 'ghost plane' could have reached before running out of fuel.
Mr Abbott said he never repeated what he had been told about the murder-suicide theory because he was under the impression all avenues would be exhausted during search efforts.

'I would say let's ditch that assumption, let's assume that it was murder-suicide by the pilot and if there is any part of that ocean that could have been reached on that basis that has not yet been explored, let's get out and explore it,' he said
Adding credibility to Mr Abbott's claims are reports from French investigators that indicate 'some abnormal turns made by the 777 can only be done manually'.

They were granted access to extensive documents of Boeing flight data sent during the Malaysian Airlines flight prior to the crash.

Sky News documentary MH370: The Untold Story will air on Wednesday 19th February and Thursday 20th February."

Do you think that the documentary will be online for others?
All this talk about the possibility of some sort of event causing smoke to infiltrate the flight deck....
I would not give the smoke / unconcious pilots a lot of credence. Though a fire is possible, several other aspects would seem to make it very unlikely:

- Somebody turned off the plane's transponder just prior to the plane veering off course. The initial course changes (avoided military radar) apparently needed human input. The autopilot could then continue to the new destination.

- The transponder was also turned off just after Malaysian air traffic controllers handed the plane to Vietnamese controllers and just before the Vietnamese controller picked it up. Thus, the transponder turn off seems to have been planned.

- A back up partial transponder like system was disabled by pulling a fuse in an obscure fuse box located in the rear of the plane. This took research as pilots are not normally instructed on how to disable it as they have no legitimate reason to do so. Rather, one needs to go deep into maintenance manuals to find out how.

- The planes new course took it around known military military radar installations. The plane’s course change was tracked very briefly on Thai military radar only because they had recently moved a radar set following a series of border clashes with Cambodia over who owns, or does not own an ancient temple.
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SKY News will screen a two-part investigative documentary MH370: The Untold Story, presented by Peter Stefanovic in February. 8pm February 19 & 20 February at 8pm on Sky News on Foxtel and Sky News on WIN.

MH370: The Untold Story will reveal shocking allegations and startling information about what actually happened during the disappearance of flight MH370, what the authorities both locally and in Malaysia really knew and exactly where experts believe the plane could be found.
Airdate: MH370: The Untold Story

This is in approx. 10.5 hours time from now.
World clock below for reference.
The World Clock — Worldwide
Was anyone able to watch the two-part documentary? Does anyone know any links where it can be seen after the fact?

"A member of the Malaysian Government has called for an international inquiry into the disappearance of MH370 following claims Malaysia knew it was mass murder suicide."

"Byron Bailey is so confident he knows where the MH370 wreckage is he’d bet his house on it.

The former pilot with more than 50 years of experience has been saying for years investigators have been searching in the wrong place and they should in fact be looking south of the search site.

To be precise — latitude 39’10 S,88’18E."

Former pilot says he knows where doomed MH370 is located
He backs his arguments with quite a bit of reasoning, why do you feel he has no credibility?

He just throws a bunch of words at something to try to make the absurd sound reasonable. It’s still absurd. The plane didn’t fly undetected across five, ten or more hypervigilant nations that are sensitive about their airspace to secretly land someplace like Iran. He’s an idiot.
Do you think that the documentary will be online for others?

I'm not sure where to see it, but here is the trailer for it:

Sky News documentary trailer - MH370: The Untold Story

Edit to add: oops, I thought today was the 19th.. maybe we'll be able to see it tomorrow? (If Sky News is UK based, not sure how far ahead or behind they are?)

SKY News will screen a two-part investigative documentary MH370: The Untold Story, presented by Peter Stefanovic in February. 8pm February 19 & 20 February at 8pm on Sky News on Foxtel and Sky News on WIN.

MH370: The Untold Story will reveal shocking allegations and startling information about what actually happened during the disappearance of flight MH370, what the authorities both locally and in Malaysia really knew and exactly where experts believe the plane could be found.
Airdate: MH370: The Untold Story

This is in approx. 10.5 hours time from now.
World clock below for reference.
The World Clock — Worldwide

Was anyone able to watch the two-part documentary? Does anyone know any links where it can be seen after the fact?

"A member of the Malaysian Government has called for an international inquiry into the disappearance of MH370 following claims Malaysia knew it was mass murder suicide."

It seems both parts of this documentary can be viewed... but it is a roundabout way that one needs to access it. Please note that the newspaper article itself seems to be paywalled, but if you access it via this tweet FIRST, and then click on the article within the tweet, the article seems to be available, which has both parts of the documentary linked within. (PS I tried saving part one to my hard drive, however it downloaded it withOUT sound!)

The Courier-Mail on Twitter
He just throws a bunch of words at something to try to make the absurd sound reasonable. It’s still absurd. The plane didn’t fly undetected across five, ten or more hypervigilant nations that are sensitive about their airspace to secretly land someplace like Iran. He’s an idiot.
If you pay attention to what he says, it makes sense. You don't have to agree, I personally have a problem with the why, but technically, it's rational.

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