Malaysia airlines plane may have crashed 239 people on board #10

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Reports that the plane was sighted by people in the Maldives are "not true," Hishammuddin said, citing the Chief of the Malaysian Defense Force who contacted his counterpart in the Maldives.

'Malaysian authorities have received background information from all countries with passengers on board the plane except Russia and Ukraine. So far, no information of significance has been found about any passengers"
An Australian-led search has begun for the missing Malaysia Airlines plane in a massive stretch of ocean west of Perth but is likely to take weeks, authorities have said.

Covering an area the size of France, the search operation began on Tuesday afternoon when an Australian P-3 Orion surveillance plane set off from RAAF Base Pearce outside Perth.

Aircraft from the US and New Zealand will join the search on Wednesday, and China has expressed interest in helping.

''The area where the aircraft might have entered the water was then corrected for the water movement … to provide a possible search area,''

the first Australian Orion took off from Pearce base at 2pm eastern daylight time and would reach the search area about 5.40pm. It would be able to search for only about two hours before having to return home.

Three more Australian Orions were set to join the search on Wednesday, as would an Orion provided by the Royal New Zealand Air Force and a US Navy P-8 Poseidon, a more advanced surveillance plane.

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The Today Show just did some Q & A with some experts.

One of my biggest questions was answered. The debris could be scattered thousands of miles now if it is in the ocean as the Indian Ocean is rough water. :sigh:

There were only a few questions, limited time.

Anyhow, the video clip should be up soon on their website.
The lady in red has upset me, such raw grief.

I don't think I've ever seen such a total shambles on live news. Awful awful awful.

I saw that too. Beyond gut wrenching to see.
The Today Show just did some Q & A with some experts.

One of my biggest questions was answered. The debris could be scattered thousands of miles now if it is in the ocean as the Indian Ocean is rough water. :sigh:

There were only a few questions, limited time.

Anyhow, the video clip should be up soon on their website.

Former chief of air force Errol McCormack said even the sophisticated Orions would be lucky to find anything out in the middle of the Indian Ocean where high swells and currents made the challenge harder.

''Out in the middle of the Indian Ocean, it's very deep and it's a difficult job, so there's got to be a better than even chance that they won't find it,'' he said.
Neil James, executive director of the Australia Defence Association, said the search would also be racing against the clock.

''If they don't find the debris field soon, the chances are that a lot of the stuff will have sunk.''

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The New Straits Times newspaper on Wednesday led its coverage of the missing plane with a story referring to Pine Gap as a “super-secret” installation in the barren Australian heartland that could solve the puzzle of the mystery disappearance.

The newspaper quoted Mr Hishammuddin as saying Malaysia would “appreciate” if the US could provide investigators with data from its facilities in Australia.

“Although he did not mention the two facilities by name, the New Straits Times believes he was alluding to the Pine Gap and Jindalee facilities,” the newspaper said.

The Jindalee Operational Radar Network, known as JORN, is Australia’s powerful military radar system that has an official range of 3000 kilometres but experts say it’s over-the-horizon-radar system can detect movements across 37,000 square kilometres.

Australia’s Foreign Minister Julie Bishop told Parliament on Monday that all of Australia’s defence intelligence relating to the plane “has been and will continue to be passed on to Malaysian authorities”. Australia releases only limited information about the JORN system which has enormous antenna installations spaced across the outback.

John Blaxland of the Australian National University’s strategic and defence studies centre said the JORN system would probably have to have been programmed to look for MH370 in advance.

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Rear Marshall Hadi said the Indonesian navy had been searching in the Malacca Strait since the day after the plane went missing. Now that the search area had been expanded into the Indian Ocean, he said the airforce was willing to join the search, but it had not yet been given instructions about the specific area to look in.

“We have our airforce liaison officer now in Malaysia to help to coordinate us … on the search,” Rear Marshall Hadi said. “With the recent information now that search area is expanded to the Indian Ocean we are waiting to hear the search coverage in Indian Ocean that Malaysia would like us to help searching.

“We are still waiting for information from Malaysia … However we have already started searching on areas in the western part of Sumatra. It coincides with annual training we are doing now in Medan for a week. We are using six F16 aircrafts in the training so we are doing training and searching at the same time.”

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"Some data had been deleted from the flight simulator found at the home of the pilot," Hishammuddin said. Forensic work is under way to try to recover it, he said.


I do think the pilot is involved, and I do think he had practiced landing at an airport (or two) that he had never flown into before.

But, anyone with the tech savvy that he has knows that deleting data does not really delete it. it would need to be written over by other data. So either it is an innocent deletion of something else, or he did it hastily.

ETA - nevermind the 'hastily' part (bbm):

KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia — Some data from a flight simulator taken from the home of a missing airliner’s captain had been deleted more than a month ago, Malaysian authorities said Wednesday.

Logs were deleted Feb. 3, nearly five weeks before Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 mysteriously veered from its flight path and vanished from radar in an action officials here say was deliberately engineered by an aviation expert.
When I read the following, I had a completely different thought rather than just to free up hard drive space: I wonder if he saved them to an external drive or DVD --- and then sent them to someone else to view/learn?


“It’s entirely possible that files might have been deleted for genuine purposes,” said Chris Yates, a British aviation consultant “The fact of the matter is files can often be shifted, put on a hard drive, what have you. The files might have been deleted to maintain the hard drive.”
"Some data had been deleted from the flight simulator found at the home of the pilot," Hishammuddin said. Forensic work is under way to try to recover it, he said.

They discovered that its data records had been cleared on Feb. 3, more than a month before the March 8 flight...

“The experts are looking at what are the logs, what has been cleared,” said Tan Sri Khalid Bin Abu Bakar, inspector general of the police, who declined to comment further.
Authorities are attempting to downplay the boarding of the plane with stolen passports by misguided people who simply wanted to get to the west ???

To eventually assume the identity of another flight and having loaded this one with chemical, biological or a combination of , fly it into a western city to kill & spread terror...

This aircraft will turn up, in a most inconvienent location... it's been their worst nighmare since flight began,,, and now it has happened... why else would we be sending assistance 1/2 way around the world to locate a 3rd world nations aircraft ??? Think about it ??? Why ???
A few minutes ago on Fox and Friends the hosts were talking about how the Prime Minister of Malaysia called his counterpart in Pakistan asking for their satalite data. They thought it odd that he would specifically call him as most of the search has been in the south. They connected to the Generals statement yesterday regarding plane being in Pakistan. Anyone know where they got the info about that call? Was that announced somewhere?
Authorities are attempting to downplay the boarding of the plane with stolen passports by misguided people who simply wanted to get to the west ???

To eventually assume the identity of another flight and having loaded this one with chemical, biological or a combination of , fly it into a western city to kill & spread terror...

This aircraft will turn up, in a most inconvienent location... it's been their worst nighmare since flight began,,, and now it has happened... why else would we be sending assistance 1/2 way around the world to locate a 3rd world nations aircraft ??? Think about it ??? Why ???


I do believe that the two Iranian men are innocent in the hijacking. I think the 'why' behind this whole thing is internal to Malaysia and is focused on making changes there, not anywhere else.

However, the scenario you bring up is an interesting one. I posted this last night but will repost it again - fighter jets ran flight interception training over DC last night (although this does happen 'periodically' here):

Fighters in intercept test over Washington DC

....The flights are scheduled to take place between midnight and 2 a.m. A main purpose is to hone the abilities of the North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD) to intercept aircraft intruding in Washington air space, NORAD said.....
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