Malaysia airlines plane may have crashed 239 people on board #11

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Ah they showing passenger 162 on cnn, it's a cute little 2 year old!

So sad!
Ohhh CNN... Why oh why did you have to show a picture of that precious baby??
Such a tragedy. No matter the outcome.
Let all put on our thinking/ memory caps! Other than the plane has vanished can anyone come up with ONE thing I am serious, that has been reported and not been denied or turned around . I flunked anyone else

It is mirroring schizophrenia.

Sadly, I don't think we normal citizens of the world will ever know what happened unless the plane suddenly appears again in a terrorist action of some kind. All we have are countries jealously guarding their own territory & military capabilities from rival countries. Even if our own US government can determine what happened to the plane I highly doubt that they would let us 'Joe Citizens' know. There is much that they think we, the people, are either unworthy or unable to handle. For instance, I don't believe that TWA flight 800 went down as a result of a spark in the fuel tanks. I could more easily believe that I could fly to the moon by flapping my arms. I've lived too long to be trusting.
Was a an intense one

Problem is that if the fire took out the communication it'd also take out the auto pilot.
It's just not feasible that a plane with incapacitated pilots and communication would fly that long.
The auto pilot would also be taken out shortly after the communication and it would crash. :twocents:

Swissair 111 is a great example of what happens with a fire that takes out communication.
I think it means that Malaysia has received radar data from another country and they are not at liberty to disclose which country nor the radar info provided to them from that other country

So, somebody does know. I wonder who? The US, China, Pakistan, Israel?
It's just a guess but I would assume the Country's willing to share don't want it public. It's good most are cooperating.

I have to disagree, sorry. I think it should be released! Are news networks trying to get more ratings?

Is there a security risk to release the information?

There are 229 people on that plane and it's lost. If they know something, they should say it now, IMO.
I just jumped on and haven't read through the threads. I am sitting here thinking to myself how odd the pilot has a flight simulator at his home. This folks is why I LOVE WS! My dh is a flight simulator addict! I affectionatly refer to his cockpit(s) as "the other woman". We have 2 cockpits in our basement - the most current is a dedicated 737 with more than 100 buttons, switches, panels, yoke, gears, blah . . blah . . . blah. He tolerates my fascination with WS and cases/trials - and I tolerate flight plans, whiz wheels, helmets, caps. . . . etc.

Has anyone been on Tomnod looking for the plane on satellite images? There are new enhanced images posted today (according the the email I received).
I have to disagree, sorry. I think it should be released! Are news networks trying to get more ratings?

Is there a security risk to release the information?

There are 229 people on that plane and it's lost. If they know something, they should say it now, IMO.

Perhaps it will be released in time if it helps locate the plane. IMO we have nations who don't trust each other. It's good they are sharing with the folks that need to know. The one's that are coordinating the searches. Yet I hear ya.
I’m guessing that the people of Israel, Palestine, Syria, Afghanistan (should I continue?) - would all disagree with that opinion. Just a guess though.

I have to tell you that I’m completely over the whole “expert” thing. The only experts anyone is hearing from, are the expert editors at the networks who decide what is going to be the most sensationalistic angle to sell.

If I may add my two cents. Can we please just leave out the my country is better or is the only one with experts. It is insensitive. This is a highly sensitive situation, both politically and from a humanitarian standpoint.

The world is searching for this plane it seems either directly or via tomnod.
If I may add my two cents. Can we please just leave out the my country is better or is the only one with experts. It is insensitive. This is a highly sensitive situation, both politically and from a humanitarian standpoint.

The world is searching for this plane it seems either directly or via tomnod.

Who said that?
I have to disagree, sorry. I think it should be released! Are news networks trying to get more ratings?

Is there a security risk to release the information?

There are 229 people on that plane and it's lost. If they know something, they should say it now, IMO.

Am as curious as anyone else but if it would compromise a country, their armed forces, their intelligence gathering or the safety of others as long as they are sharing critical data on the plane with each other that is all that matters.
Perhaps it will be released in time if it helps locate the plane. IMO we have nations who don't trust each other. It's good they are sharing with the folks that need to know. The one's that are coordinating the searches. Yet I hear ya.

Thanks for clarifying Bravo! :seeya: I hear you too, that make sense.
I just meant the US should take over the investigation, I was generalizing and I make no sense when I do that. My bad my heads spinning.:scared:

LOL Trust me many of us are spinning here :seeya:
I just meant the US should take over the investigation, I was generalizing and I make no sense when I do that. My bad my heads spinning.:scared:

It is important, too, that a lot of the nations are cooperating to find this plane. And that is a good thing. Too bad it takes something like this to make us cooperate. jmo
Sorry, but the devil IS in the details when reporting. It sounds sensationalized when they say may reveal. I don't find it unusual to delete logs because to me it would take up space and is not necessary to the actual game.

I am not big on the reporting from the telegraph in the UK either.

I don't find anything suspicious/nefarious about the pilot deleting files/logs. Why keep logs from previous simulations? It's just going to take up unnecessary space and slow everything down.

This post is probably going to be out of place since I'm in the process of catching up!
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