Malaysia airlines plane may have crashed 239 people on board #12

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Thank you, I tried waiting but it won't play for me, maybe doesn't work in France for some reason

You're in France too? Another American ex-pat like me??

Skynews link works, but it's just playing generic headlines at the moment.
With all the links everywhere, I didn't know if this is well known outside Australia (or even outside my personal circle). I think it must be, because there are books and shows about it. I know lots about it because I know the de Crespigny family.

This was just on channel 7 in Melbourne. I've been doing kitty litter, watering garden etc. and didn't catch much but it looked both terrifying and impressive. I never knew a huge piece of the plane crashed to the ground in Indonesia!

An Australian Hercules will drop marker buoys in the area highlighted by the satellite imagery.

A merchant ship that responded to a shipping broadcast issued by Rescue Coordination Australia on Monday is expected to arrive in the area about 6pm (AEDT).

Mr Young said the marker buoys will provide an ongoing reference point if the task of relocating the objects becomes protracted.

This link seems to include most of what is know at the current time.
This was just on channel 7 in Melbourne. I've been doing kitty litter, watering garden etc. and didn't catch much but it looked both terrifying and impressive. I never knew a huge piece of the plane crashed to the ground in Indonesia!

It is such a fascinating story. I didn't watch the show, but I'm hoping to catch a repeat.
The Australian navy P-3 plane has returned to Perth. It failed to locate the debris of #MH370.
A Norwegian ship has just reached the area in the southern Indian Ocean where debris from Malaysian Airlines #MH370 may have been spotted.
The first of three P3 Orion sweeps over the area of the satellite images found nothing owing to increasingly poor visibility. Earlier promising reports of radar returns picked up by USN P8 Poseidon have been broadcast as incorrect.

I'm not sure how much longer this thread/topic will be alive now that things are wrapping up - I just wanted to say its been a pleasure "sleuthing" with you guys - I have spent many a night the last week or so staying up way past my bedtime and neglecting to do work lol

Will list off a bunch of people in my profile visitor messages to thank personally for all their awesome sleuthing and enjoyable posts in the thread/s rather than add another two pages to this hehehe! :)

I've had a number of people PM me over the last week and a bit asking more detailed questions and also some requests for personal opinions that I have been reluctant to answer for various reasons (I'm certain that one or two were media/reporters looking for some crumbs - and I won't deal with media full stop - so if you're in that category, thats why there was no response... maybee Steelman will come on your show, provided you can afford his very high appearance fee's and his manager can make time for you :p hehehehe).

One of the other things I've tried my best (despite personal curiosity being huuuge here!) to do is shy away from claiming personal and unsubstantiated "theory's" on who/why/what etc has happened here. Its unprofessional for any outsider to do this and as a pilot who know's better, its not my position to do this - not only am I unqualified as an air crash investigator. With exception of a few *unconfirmed and communicated as such* little bits and peices I have been told in personal conversations with a couple of friends or aquaintences who are currently serving in the three ADF services (and just by co-incidence are working in roles that have been somehow involved with this losely or otherwise) - I have been privy to nothing more than anyone else and therefore couldn't/can't offer anything other than answers on the things I actually DO know and/or CAN answer morally and with "in confidence" or respect for security of info in mind. I'm not a current serving ADF member and I have taken measures as some may notice to keep my identity unknown for the above reasons and enjoying the freedoms of privacy that the brave men and women serving our countries have given through their sacrifices for all.

Those who have expressed genuine curiosity and personal interest and or shared stories and memories of aviation within their past or family's with us in thread or via PM with me *thumbs up* you're awesome :)


Is it possible to attach files here??? I've got an interesting PDF about RAAF fast jet accident investigations that some people here might find interesting to read over - it describes a number of incidents that could relate to how this pans out - Hypoxia incpacitation, Bird strike (bird going through cockpit windscreen and incapacitating pilots who are flying an otherwise still flyable airplane), cockpit/onboard fire and a whole host of other things... It might help some people understand how these things unfold a little better as this investigation becomes public if you continue to follow it (which I have no doubt you will!) ;)

It explains where the wrong decisions were made and where other shortfalls contributed to otherwise recoverable situations - and explains it in a very easy to understand brief in each case that all of you will understand, should it interest you.

One of the “incidents” described within includes the tragic fatal accident of a personal friend who was serving in the same aircraft/squadron’s with me that also answers a PM that someone sent me very early on which I have been terribly slack in replying to after accidently closing my browser window or having a laptop misbehave a few too many times :( lol hopefully I’m not too late answering this for you finally buddy ;)

This is epic enough for one post – again, thanks everyone, its been a great way to connect with like minded people :)

P.s there might be errors here - I've tried to edit/read over as best I can in the browser window but you know how it is lol
If this turns out to be an intentional crash into the furthest possible spot in the ocean, it may be the cruelest thing I have ever heard.....a moving debris field 1500 miles from any land. I pray the weather cooperates when daylight hits tomorrow. These families need closure.

And if this debris isn't MH370 wreckage, heaven help those families. I would be locked up in a straight jacket by now. I cannot imagine the pain they're in.
The first of three P3 Orion sweeps over the area of the satellite images found nothing owing to increasingly poor visibility. Earlier promising reports of radar returns picked up by USN P8 Poseidon have been broadcast as incorrect.

Forensics, please quote your sources when you post.
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