Malaysia airlines plane may have crashed 239 people on board #12

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The problem I have is, is seems like they, whoever "they" is, is using him as kind of a shield and a distraction and a pacifier and on and name it. Because they keep putting his name out. If we think about it......since the first couple of days......ALL THE INFORMATION THEY HAVE PUT OUT IS ABOUT HIM. Except for yesterday and the Aussie ocean sightings, which have yet to be confirmed. And yet, even admidst this new and important ocean sighting - they are STILL PUTTING OUT INFORMATION ABOUT HIM (PHONE CALL).

Now let's compare that to:

Information they have NOT put out:

-what exactly did the passenger and OTHER crew (besides pilot) background checks reveal?
-what is the background research on the 2 Iranians?
-are they secretely pursuing any leads for any of the passengers, crew, ground crew, or anyone else with contact with that plane?
-have they gotten any information which might link this to some terrorist group?
-where did the other satellite pings come from?
-exactly which countries' radar caught this unidentified plane and which did not?
-what is the deal with the cargo? Everything or anything about cargo.
-how exactly do they know something was programmed into the flight plan? Details on that.
-what was the ENTIRE communication b/w Malay ATC and the cockpit for the time the plane was in the air before the "all right, good night?"
-we need to hear the pilots' voices during ALL the communications - are they 100% sure "all right, goodnight" came from the co-pilot, or are they just hiding information that they know that came from a hijacker? How do we know?
-How exactly do they know about the altitude changes? Details on that. How did they retrieve that information?
-What EXACT LOCATION POINTS are they SURE of with this plane? I have seen about 100 different variations of the plane after it crosses the Malay peninsula - the Malaysian officials still have, I believe, a couple of more points whre they know the plane was right after that (you can see in some maps - kind of to the right, and then to the left again). Where did they get these data points?
-What exact information did the officials have in U.S. and Malaysia to determine that the South Indian Ocean is where they would start searching?

OMG and on and ond and on.................

There are SO MANY "UNANSWERS" and yet.....................


Let's see:

-Captain Shah attended Anwar's trial
-Captain Shah supporter of "opposition party"
-Captain Shah wearing Democracy Dead t-shirt or something like that
-Captain Shah wife left the house the day before....oh wait no she didn't.....oh wait yes she she didn't.....yes she did.....not she didn't
-Captain Shah daughter lives in Australia
-Captain Shah owned a flight simulator
-Captain Shah had some logs?....deleted
-Captain Shah made a phone call prior to plane taking off
-Captain Shah hardrives being checked out in Quantico






You forgot about the copilot who invited those two pretty girls into the cockpit for the entire flight (different flight) laughing, joking photos and smoking the whole duration. No big deal because it was on auto-pilot. Totally against regulation.

Don't think I would have appreciated it if I was a passenger on that flight. From now on Im going to wonder whats happening in the cockpit on my flights!!!
I am sorry , I missed your point here?

If you trace it back by clicking all the arrows you can see the conversation started because some of the people who were on MH370 would / could have been only children due to the 'one child' policy in China. Which in turn makes the loss absolute for some of their parents.
I have a question.

We all know the pilot's name and the copilot's name.

There were 10 other crew members who would have access
to the cabin

Not one their names has been released.

Whenever a plane goes down, you always hear about the flight crew.
Why is there no information released about them ?
I am caught up.

Now I am going to sleep.

Tomorrow is the day we have information which will leads us to more questions..
Here are my questions about this latest development (wreckage):

If earlier reports had military radar indicating the pilot was flying by waypoints northwesterly from Malaysia towards the Andaman Islands (and low, avoiding commercial radar), then how is it that they think he could have instead flown southward and ended up southwest of Perth, Australia? Wreckage being down there doesn't make sense if one is assuming aircraft trouble just off the east coast of Malaysia (eg. a cockpit fire) made the pilot turn around and head westward. If the fire/smoke/lack of oxygen caused them to pass out, then the pilot wouldn't have flown by waypoints for several hours in a westerly direction unless on autopilot--which some pilots say won't work if there's an electrical fire. And if they now want to say the fire caused the pilots to pass out but the plane somehow kept flying on autopilot, then the plane would have continued going westward (assuming autopilot still worked.)

Here's the earlier military radar-based maps showing how whoever was piloting the plane flew by navigational waypoints, and avoided commercial radar:

(MSM link in Thread 6 Post 107)

Here's the map showing where the wreckage was found SW of Perth:

So, if the wreckage off of Perth IS #370, then that means there must've been another deliberate, southward turn at some point. Certainly that wasn't also due to mechanical trouble, as the plane didn't head toward land, but rather open sea.

Unless the military radar is lying, I just don't see how those two pieces spotted in waters west of Perth could be the aircraft. (If they ever do locate them, now.)

Thank you for excellent maps.

Yes, I have been voicing these same questions on here.

I want to know EXACTLY what are the points that the Malaysians have for the location points of 370 that they DO have.

I have seen very different variations from website to website and news story to news story. (I'm talking about after the left turn).

I think that military radar map is accurate, because it was released, IIRC, in the very first days of this. That is when they released the most accurate information, IMO. Like this and like the arc satellite info. After that - silence.


-Thai Military said they caught a plane going westward (same as Malaysia identified), and then turning in the direction of Butterworth, Malaysia. Butterworth is on that part that juts out in the norht of Malaysia.

So that corresponds exactly with that Malaysia military map you just posted.

Yes, this zig-zaggy way makes no sense in the auto-pilot theory. IMO, auto-pilot theory guy is trying to make a "simple" theory by IGNORING evidence.


*****Uh-oh, editing this b/c Butterworth, Malaysia does not actually correspond very well with that Military radar. Oops. Butterworth is the part of Malysia jutting out in north part of Malaysia. The direction this map shows is towards Phuket, Thailand.

Ok see, this is exactly what I'm talking about! Confusion, confusion!
"In the US, that plane would have been quickly shot down"

We fervently hope this is true! However, do not forget that on 9/11 it was known that highjacked planes were in the air and NORAD never managed to get a jet in the air to take out any one of the four.

Remember that? We KNOW this happened. Yet the public was never given any kind of a rational explanation for WHY no fighter jets ever got up in time.

So and so said this and so and so said that. I read the entire report on 9/11. There was never any real explanation as to why things went down like they did. The jets that did get scrambled that day were actually out over the ocean. And they were SENT out over the ocean. It was some bizarre reading.
I agree. Nothing released about the pilot's actions prior to the flight has actually been negative so far, unless we chose to make it so.

The pilot deleted old game files from his computer.........who hasn't?

The pilot made a phone call...........Oh no!!

The pilot's family went (not moved) to their second home the day before the flight...... I would imagine that almost every time they
visited their second home it was a day or so before a flight - after all, it's what the pilot does for a living.

I'd like to see people post about all the good things the pilot has done in his life, the charities he's supported, the children he's helped, the unselfish way he's given of his time and efforts to help others. It's all out there, yet nobody really talks about any of that.

It is relevant because he was the pilot of this missing plane. His actions before the jet went missing with more than 200 people are important. His family leaving the home the day before all these people are lost is an oddity, as well as deleted things on the flight simulator. Diego Garcia simulation? Why?
New thread... you know the drill... 10 minutes until this one closes.

[ame=""]Malaysia airlines plane may have crashed 239 people on board #13 - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community[/ame]
Yes, that is a good point.

I was thinking, well, you know, I guess they never mentioned any other calls because they already knew there was no "action" going on in the plane at that tme. There was apparently nothing going on obviously on runway, nothing that we know of during take-off, etc..

But then I'm thinking, yeah, so why are they making a big deal about the pilot's phone call?

What if the hijackers were some of the passengers....then those passenger phone calls on the runway would be VERY important if there are any. How come they are not mentioning the passenger phone calls? We are only hearing about pilot phone call?

We just don't have enough information because we don't know what information they're not giving us.

For example, if Captain Shah was able to use his cell phone on the runway....but NO ONE else was....that would have some meaning possibly.

But we don't know if NO ONE else used their cell phones or not?

I have a VERY HARD TIME believing no single passenger used their cell phones on the tarmac, like while the plane was waiting at the gate for the plane to fill up, and then backing out of the gate. I would guess some people probably even try to get a quick text out on the runway, waiting to take-off. Then quickly put it in airplane-mode.

There MUST be passenger calls or texts if the whole network was not blocked.

We just don't know. All they did was tell us of one phone call of Captain Shah. Well, what about the other 238 people??

You make such a good point.

Now yes that is a time-consuming retrieve phone records of all 239 passengers and crew (some from different countries) and look at calls for all of them.....but so many countries and so people must be working on this....surely they can pull this information together.


Let's see if they ever give out any information on passenger phone calls from the gate/runway.

Ohhh Aa9511....

I am so glad you understood my point...

But you explained it better than I...

It is relevant because he was the pilot of this missing plane. His actions before the jet went missing with more than 200 people are important. His family leaving the home the day before all these people are lost is an oddity, as well as deleted things on the flight simulator. Diego Garcia simulation? Why?

Yes. He certainly should be checked out thoroughly. This plane and its passengers were his responsiblity. My problem is with the subtle hints thrown out every 12 hours. You either suspect his actions or not. We are big boys and girls. We can handle the truth either way.
Sad but you never know what someone can be doing privately. Only to find out later a neighbor, friend, relative. etc. who you thought was so wonderful,nice, kind and friendly being carried away by LE in handcuffs for murder, rape, pedophilia, some other horrible crime. People aren't always the way they seem.

Army psychiatrist Maj. Nidal M. Hasan shot and killed thirteen, wounding thirty two others at Ft. Hood in Texas. He shouted “Allahu *akbar!” meaning “God is great,” before started firing more than two hundred rounds.

Hasan had carefully planned his attack, training at a local firing range and researching jihad on his computer, and had ties to radical imam Anwar al-Awlaki. He also attended the same mosque the same period as that of Nawaf al-Hazmi and Hani Hanjour, two of the hijackers in the September 11 attacks, who went there from April 2001.

He was investigated by the FBI because of emails between him and Anwae al-Awlak.i
"In the US, that plane would have been quickly shot down"

We fervently hope this is true! However, do not forget that on 9/11 it was known that highjacked planes were in the air and NORAD never managed to get a jet in the air to take out any one of the four.

Remember that? We KNOW this happened. Yet the public was never given any kind of a rational explanation for WHY no fighter jets ever got up in time.

So and so said this and so and so said that. I read the entire report on 9/11. There was never any real explanation as to why things went down like they did. The jets that did get scrambled that day were actually out over the ocean. And they were SENT out over the ocean. It was some bizarre reading.

THe part I never got is why the hijacker who CIA gathered intel that he was in the Kuala Lumpur meeting, I believe with pictures and everything. He was put on terrorist list. When they knew he was trying to enter the US, then the information gets very unclear. Some said they gave the information to the higher-ups in CIA. Some say the information never got to the higher-ups. Just like you said, so and so said this and so and so said that. It was never clear how this hijacker (and others) actually were allowed into the US. I don't know about the others b.c I did not read that far. But I read the whole part about his one hijackers who at least some in the CIA knew he was at the KL terrorist meeting, and he was even put on the terrorist watch list.

I especially like the rear view mirror idea, not expensive, common sense, 20 bucks at Auto zone.

YES - Planes (and Pilots control) may need to have mirrors under/over then in the future so no secret flying under/over them can happen. The pilot should be able to monitor this.

Until this flight M370 and hearing about the possibility of another plane shadowing under another -- Well, Reality Check -- if this is what can actually happen. Planes may need Mirrors on them for that reason.

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