Malaysia airlines plane may have crashed 239 people on board #12

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This has been a big theme ....................just like a murder the wife/ husband is always looked at first ............them going into the pilots lives happens in every aviation accident this is no different-- just part of the investigation
Its not personal they do when they last ate , how long they slept, how many hours flown last 90 days, how is marriage, kids. Rx use, drinking habits, how you spent the last 72 hours , you ever flown with copilot before, what do you think about him/her, they ask colleagues to rate them , they talk to their bosses, their neighbors, their kids, get their bank records,
its a mystery ...

I'm just having a difficult time assigning MALICE to either of the pilots. They both seemed to love what they did and had loving families. The older guy was not religious, from what I've read....politically involved, yes but nothing to indicate radical. And the younger seemed so normal for his age. He was devout, his neighbors said but he had been studying and working on professional aviation for a long time. His fiancée is a pilot and they met in school YEARS ago. So I hope it turns out that it was a botched hijack and that all but the hijackers passed quickly. But NO COMMUNICATION has be stumped. jmo
On Star uses the cell phone network to track the location of your car. This airliner disappeared well beyond the coverage area of the cell phone networks.

i was kinda doing a pun in relation to this.............after all I did say we can communicate with the Rover on Mars. MARS is a very long communication coverage. We can do it.....and maybe Planes need to have more technology on them.....or at least more up-date in this day of Age. Human Lives DO matter.


I am so glad you put this into words. I'm a pilot's wife. (Why does that feel like a confession?!)

I'm (just a private) pilot myself but my husband is a Gulfstream/Learjet captain, my brother is an airline captain and many of our friends fly heavies all around the world for major carriers. I've made myself limit my time on this thread. The worst part would be the lack of closure; people suspect your husband, your children's father, is a mass murderer and you may never be able to prove them wrong.

What do all of you, if you've discussed it, think about the info that was deleted from the simulator history?

As far as the investigation goes, authorities can't avoid looking into the pilots. Even though being investigated may feel personal to those who are related, it isn't really. Hopefully the truth will come out. No one wants to blame either pilot imo. And the investigation doesn't reflect on all pilots.

One time I was upset that a military man was being accused of committing a crime. My husband said to me that there are criminals or people capable of doing bad things in every sector of life. So true but disappointing when you feel protective over a certain group of people.
Upthread was a post wondering why the pilot would erase sim games. I've always assumed it was to free up memory; video and graphics eat up a lot of that. That idea was confirmed in a report I read just now--that even investigators concede it may have just been to free up memory, as he had "hundreds of thousands" of hours of sim gaming logged in:

'We are following up on the data logs being erased,' the source said. 'These could be logs of the games that were erased to free up memory, so it may not lead us to anything. He played a lot of games, going into hundreds and thousands of hours.'

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Both these pilots' reputations and career paths seem stellar; both had friends and loved ones and personal goals and good causes that gave their lives meaning. I'm not inclined to think they were interested in anything other than being exceptional pilots during this flight.
I am also wondering IF that debris still could be from the Japaneses Tsunami also in the Indian Ocean???? That could be possible still.

Not trying to be negative here.......Just remember how much debris came from there....and could be in the Indian Ocean to. See below article with map


A floating island of debris the size of Texas has been crossing the vast Pacific Ocean to the western shores of the Americas since a devastating tsunami inundated Japan in 2011, says a new study.


Wrong ocean, the debris from the Japanese tsunami would be in the PACIFIC ocean
CCTVNEWS ‏@cctvnews 2m

Malaysian military says they haven't ruled out a terrorist attack or hijacking. Some Information held for security concerns. #Live #MH370


Thanks for posting.

I would venture to say not just SOME of the information.....ALL OF THE INFORMATION IS BEING HELD FOR SECURITY CONCERNS.


Now, can I just do a bit more speculating?

Now let's say this is terrorist-related. All countries silent b/c for security reasons.

So therefore, of course, public is in the dark.

Now what if, God forbid, something happens in the near future.....some terrorist attack somewhere directly related to this possible hijacking and done by the same group.

Don't you know it people will be questioning why the government was so silent with them.

IF it's the case this is terrorist-related, IMO, it is a very tricky situation for nations to balance. Balancing national security with also the citizens' rights to know something major was going down terrorism wise.

Amazing that 9/11 was not incentive enough, huh?:banghead:

I don't think other countries did much reform after 9/11 - an attack on the US.

Heck, military radar picked up that plane after it turned in Malaysia and into Thailand that no one monitoring those radars gave it a second thought. In the US, that plane would have been quickly shot down
Well, fancy meeting y'all here! Unfortunately here we are again, another day, same story. I thought we'd have some news today, sigh. I have some catching up to do but just wanted to say hi to everyone!
Well, fancy meeting y'all here! Unfortunately here we are again, another day, same story. I thought we'd have some news today, sigh. I have some catching up to do but just wanted to say hi to everyone!

A GPS system might not have solved the mystery of Flight 370, but it would probably have given searchers a better read on the plane’s last known location, Thomas said.

‘‘There are lots of reasons why they haven’t changed, but the major one is cost,’’ ‘‘The next-generation technology would cost $70 to $80 billion in the U.S.’’


I am sure that lady who lost her Only son would can not fathom was her only son. Gone now forever --> her family gene pool. What is the price of a Human life these days? When they are Innocent?

How do you put a dollar Sign on One person's head......let alone 239 others.

We spend more $$$ on Wars -- Killing bad people. These are innocent people here on a plane. JMO, MOO

I'm sorry, I should have been clearer. I am uncomfortable with Captain Shah being slowly painted as a villein. Very uncomfortable.

I agree. Nothing released about the pilot's actions prior to the flight has actually been negative so far, unless we chose to make it so.

The pilot deleted old game files from his computer.........who hasn't?

The pilot made a phone call...........Oh no!!

The pilot's family went (not moved) to their second home the day before the flight...... I would imagine that almost every time they
visited their second home it was a day or so before a flight - after all, it's what the pilot does for a living.

I'd like to see people post about all the good things the pilot has done in his life, the charities he's supported, the children he's helped, the unselfish way he's given of his time and efforts to help others. It's all out there, yet nobody really talks about any of that.
So nothing new yet. I guess the day is just beginning there for searches. Hopefully they'll find something soon.

I have CNN on but so far no "breaking news" like there was last night....just replays of the evening's programs.
I don't think other countries did much reform after 9/11 - an attack on the US.

Heck, military radar picked up that plane after it turned in Malaysia and into Thailand that no one monitoring those radars gave it a second thought. In the US, that plane would have been quickly shot down

This was exactly my point.
The notion that it is $$$ over human lives or their safety is simply infuriating and IMO is behind the lack of action or reaction.
This has been a big theme ....................just like a murder the wife/ husband is always looked at first ............them going into the pilots lives happens in every aviation accident this is no different-- just part of the investigation
Its not personal they do when they last ate , how long they slept, how many hours flown last 90 days, how is marriage, kids. Rx use, drinking habits, how you spent the last 72 hours , you ever flown with copilot before, what do you think about him/her, they ask colleagues to rate them , they talk to their bosses, their neighbors, their kids, get their bank records,
its a mystery ...

Agreed, and we've seen this over and over again in other cases here. He does need to be looked into, absolutely, because overall, for that flight, it was his aircraft. I just wish the media would get hold of info on everyone else on that flight, not just him. Plus, if this turns out to be some horrible accident (yeah, I know), heaven help his family, due to the many fingers pointed at their loved one. There will always be those who doubt the official conclusion of this, if there is one.

And there goes CNN with the Zombie Plane thing. I'm about to write an e-mail, I swear. It's gross.

I am sure that lady who lost her Only son would can not fathom was her only son. Gone now forever --> her family gene pool. What is the price of a Human life these days? When they are Innocent?

How do you put a dollar Sign on One person's head......let alone 239 others.

We spend more $$$ on Wars -- Killing bad people. These are innocent people here on a plane. JMO, MOO


This was exactly my point.
The notion that it is $$$ over human lives or their safety is simply infuriating and IMO is behind the lack of action or reaction.

Malaysia Airlines is government-owned.

Enough said.
"The search was called off at darkness with search teams describing rough seas and high winds. It will resume at first light.

But it will be no easy task. The area of ocean the search is taking place in has average depths of more than 14,000 feet.

As reported by ABC News, it is so treacherous, with huge seas and powerful westerly winds, it is known by sailors as the "Roaring Forties."

The rough seas can create waves of 20 feet and higher, leading to many ships completely avoiding the area."
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I saw the video on CNN of a sailboat or some kind of boat in the water looked soooooo scary. The waves were huge! Choppy and huge and windy. It really does look like everything it's being described as.

I am sure that lady who lost her Only son would can not fathom was her only son. Gone now forever --> her family gene pool. What is the price of a Human life these days? When they are Innocent?

How do you put a dollar Sign on One person's head......let alone 239 others.

We spend more $$$ on Wars -- Killing bad people. These are innocent people here on a plane. JMO, MOO


Tears in my eyes :(
Ahh thank you William Waldock on CNN "i really don't like the term zombie plane"
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