Malaysia airlines plane may have crashed 239 people on board #12

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I Ponder these days ..................... WHY?

~ WHY do Automobiles have On-Star GPS Tracking device and Planes do not?

~ WHY can they find my car faster this way than a Plane?

~ WHY is it I can find my cell phone via GPS Tracking, but we can not find a Plane?

~ WHY is it that Planes are painted Silver or Grey? Why are they not painted Bright Red, Orange, yellow or some other color that stands out more?

~ WHY can't Planes be painted with High Luminous paint stripes to see easier in the dark, or under water? Green luminous ALGAE in the water can be seen under-water (and I might add) from the Sky?

~ WHY can tracking confetti be put into Farmer's Grain (so it is able to be traced if stolen) then found -- and a Plane can Not be? Why can't plane fuel have something similar to float on water if such a disaster?

~ WHY can My CAT and DOG have a Micro-chip in them -- be found and returned?

~ WHY can MY car Keys have GPS on them, but a Plane does not have several GPS on it should it break up in a Tragedy?

~ WHY can we communicate with the *Rover on Mars* but can Not communicate with a Black Box to find it's location?

~ WHY don't Planes have Mirrors under them in case of another Plane hiding under it? Is this not something that should be NOW considered?

~ WHY can't a Plane have a Satellite Dish on it? My home has one, by cabin, and so does my RV?

~ WHY do my keys, my car, and my Cell phone have tracking device on it?

~ Also WHY can't anyone cell phone that was ON the plane not be able to see if it can be found via GPS?

Why, why, why?

Some of these may be far-fetched.....but I am trying to make a point in all this confusion of this Plane. Sometime it does not make any sense to me...but I am NOT a Geek to know all the answers either

We really need to update our thinking for Planes when things like this happen. What do you think??

I personally think your "why can/can't" list is absolutely spot-on..and while yes, I realize a couple are not easily implemented into all areas/aircrafts/laws..but you have a very good point with the majority, and I'd dare say that your words printed above are the thoughts of many, at this time, all across this globe..and that we are wanting to know just how/why in the hell such "miniscule" things are so greatly/easily protected(and therefor easily located)..while something so major, with such an amount of human life aboard is so UNeasily located and therefor "lost"..?

**Please forgive the limitations that come w/my posting via mobile ATM**
I'm sorry, I should have been clearer. I am uncomfortable with Captain Shah being slowly painted as a villein. Very uncomfortable.

Me too. Speculation is just that.
But at the same time ... Plausible theories must be considered.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
What about the auto-pilot theory? But even in this case, someone would have had to set the auto-pilot South direction.

IMO, something nefarious happened. Whatever evidence we do have, the precious little of it, all points to that. So until we get new evidence that points some other way, that is unfortunately what I am going with. (And I don't mean just the pilots - I am keeping that open, but also hijacking open).


As far as "blaming" the pilot and co-pilot, i think the Malaysian gov't is using them as scape goats for the moment. Which i find disgusting, because, any way you look at this is their very own fault for lack of security and SOP set in place.
You all be nice to my Mary Schiavo! She changed aviation history!

When it quiets and NTSB is allowed to start this guy is awesome ---Greg Feith! He will make the talk show rounds once NTSB is allowed to quietly takeover!!!

I have no idea who any of those people are...

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I Ponder these days ..................... WHY?

~ WHY do Automobiles have On-Star GPS Tracking device and Planes do not?

~ WHY can they find my car faster this way than a Plane?

~ WHY is it I can find my cell phone via GPS Tracking, but we can not find a Plane?

~ WHY can MY car Keys have GPS on them, but a Plane does not have several GPS on it should it break up in a Tragedy?

~ WHY do my keys, my car, and my Cell phone have tracking device on it?

~ Also WHY can't anyone cell phone that was ON the plane not be able to see if it can be found via GPS?

Why, why, why?

We really need to update our thinking for Planes when things like this happen. What do you think??


A GPS system might not have solved the mystery of Flight 370, but it would probably have given searchers a better read on the plane’s last known location, Thomas said.

‘‘There are lots of reasons why they haven’t changed, but the major one is cost,’’ ‘‘The next-generation technology would cost $70 to $80 billion in the U.S.’’
Unfortunately it seems it takes an accident, an injury or a catastrophic event to bring change.
I am so glad you put this into words. I'm a pilot's wife. (Why does that feel like a confession?!)

I'm (just a private) pilot myself but my husband is a Gulfstream/Learjet captain, my brother is an airline captain and many of our friends fly heavies all around the world for major carriers. I've made myself limit my time on this thread. The worst part would be the lack of closure; people suspect your husband, your children's father, is a mass murderer and you may never be able to prove them wrong.

Thank you for this. I've been thinking of how these pilot's families must be feeling. I would be shouting my belief in my husbands/fiances innocence, but not everyone is like that. Plus, if they did make themselves available for interviews or statements, it would be chaotic, imo. Just look at the pressers that we have seen so far.

I don't blame you a bit for limiting your time in this thread - big hugs.
You all be nice to my Mary Schiavo! She changed aviation history!

When it quiets and NTSB is allowed to start this guy is awesome ---Greg Feith! He will make the talk show rounds once NTSB is allowed to quietly takeover!!!

She is impressive
Brillant just brillant !!!!!!!!!!!

I Ponder these days ..................... WHY?

~ WHY do Automobiles have On-Star GPS Tracking device and Planes do not?

~ WHY can they find my car faster this way than a Plane?

~ WHY is it I can find my cell phone via GPS Tracking, but we can not find a Plane?

~ WHY is it that Planes are painted Silver or Grey? Why are they not painted Bright Red, Orange, yellow or some other color that stands out more?

~ WHY can't Planes be painted with High Luminous paint stripes to see easier in the dark, or under water? Green luminous ALGAE in the water can be seen under-water (and I might add) from the Sky?

~ WHY can tracking confetti be put into Farmer's Grain (so it is able to be traced if stolen) then found -- and a Plane can Not be? Why can't plane fuel have something similar to float on water if such a disaster?

~ WHY can My CAT and DOG have a Micro-chip in them -- be found and returned?

~ WHY can MY car Keys have GPS on them, but a Plane does not have several GPS on it should it break up in a Tragedy?

~ WHY can we communicate with the *Rover on Mars* but can Not communicate with a Black Box to find it's location?

~ WHY don't Planes have Mirrors under them in case of another Plane hiding under it? Is this not something that should be NOW considered?

~ WHY can't a Plane have a Satellite Dish on it? My home has one, by cabin, and so does my RV?

~ WHY do my keys, my car, and my Cell phone have tracking device on it?

~ Also WHY can't anyone cell phone that was ON the plane not be able to see if it can be found via GPS?

Why, why, why?

Some of these may be far-fetched.....but I am trying to make a point in all this confusion of this Plane. Sometime it does not make any sense to me...but I am NOT a Geek to know all the answers either

We really need to update our thinking for Planes when things like this happen. What do you think??

That crossed my mind. It's anyone's guess. I was really hoping they found the debris today.

I am also wondering IF that debris still could be from the Japaneses Tsunami also in the Indian Ocean???? That could be possible still.

Not trying to be negative here.......Just remember how much debris came from there....and could be in the Indian Ocean to. See below article with map

Mashable ‏@mashable 15m

#MH370 search update: A RAAF P3 Orion plane & a merchant ship have made it to the search area 2,500 KM SW of Perth

ETA: sorry, the link doesn't seem to take you to that story (maybe just an update with their last story link hooked on)
You all be nice to my Mary Schiavo! She changed aviation history!

When it quiets and NTSB is allowed to start this guy is awesome ---Greg Feith! He will make the talk show rounds once NTSB is allowed to quietly takeover!!!

She is one bad *advertiser censored** lady. She has my respect.
The village idiot. Great points. I suppose it all gets down to cost but what's a few dollars more as they cost millions anyway. They can always put a tax on air fares to cover the extra costs. They have no problem putting tax on every thing else.

I think after this a lot of countries will be examining their airlines and I would also say all their security measures to see why this plane wasn't detected. Looks like a few countries have got expensive surveillance systems that don't appear to work or staff that were asleep on the job. JMOO
Yeh that is what I thought when that was breaking I was thinking these serious ones are serious machines memory is prob not like ours !

The thing is, I read that these were just flight simulator games. They make them for X-box, the PC, etc... you can buy them, download them, buy expansion packs for them. This would be totally different from a professional flight sim used for actual pilot training. If he was just gaming, then yes, he would delete his logs/files periodically to make room on his hard drive. He would delete game programs that he was finished with. Hubby and I are gamers, so are my sons, we delete files all the time. Your system can lag if you have too much stuff stored there.

I saw three games listed in and MSM article that he had been playing, and all of them are widely, WIDELY available to the public.

I don't know, there may very well be something suspicious there, and they are getting closer to retrieving that deleted info. But, from all of the articles that I read when this news first broke, if it's just gaming, it's not nefarious at all. My opinion, though :twocents:
I'm sorry, I should have been clearer. I am uncomfortable with Captain Shah being slowly painted as a villein. Very uncomfortable.

The problem I have is, is seems like they, whoever "they" is, is using him as kind of a shield and a distraction and a pacifier and on and name it. Because they keep putting his name out. If we think about it......since the first couple of days......ALL THE INFORMATION THEY HAVE PUT OUT IS ABOUT HIM. Except for yesterday and the Aussie ocean sightings, which have yet to be confirmed. And yet, even admidst this new and important ocean sighting - they are STILL PUTTING OUT INFORMATION ABOUT HIM (PHONE CALL).

Now let's compare that to:

Information they have NOT put out:

-what exactly did the passenger and OTHER crew (besides pilot) background checks reveal?
-what is the background research on the 2 Iranians?
-are they secretely pursuing any leads for any of the passengers, crew, ground crew, or anyone else with contact with that plane?
-have they gotten any information which might link this to some terrorist group?
-where did the other satellite pings come from?
-exactly which countries' radar caught this unidentified plane and which did not?
-what is the deal with the cargo? Everything or anything about cargo.
-how exactly do they know something was programmed into the flight plan? Details on that.
-what was the ENTIRE communication b/w Malay ATC and the cockpit for the time the plane was in the air before the "all right, good night?"
-we need to hear the pilots' voices during ALL the communications - are they 100% sure "all right, goodnight" came from the co-pilot, or are they just hiding information that they know that came from a hijacker? How do we know?
-How exactly do they know about the altitude changes? Details on that. How did they retrieve that information?
-What EXACT LOCATION POINTS are they SURE of with this plane? I have seen about 100 different variations of the plane after it crosses the Malay peninsula - the Malaysian officials still have, I believe, a couple of more points whre they know the plane was right after that (you can see in some maps - kind of to the right, and then to the left again). Where did they get these data points?
-What exact information did the officials have in U.S. and Malaysia to determine that the South Indian Ocean is where they would start searching?

OMG and on and ond and on.................

There are SO MANY "UNANSWERS" and yet.....................


Let's see:

-Captain Shah attended Anwar's trial
-Captain Shah supporter of "opposition party"
-Captain Shah wearing Democracy Dead t-shirt or something like that
-Captain Shah wife left the house the day before....oh wait no she didn't.....oh wait yes she she didn't.....yes she did.....not she didn't
-Captain Shah daughter lives in Australia
-Captain Shah owned a flight simulator
-Captain Shah had some logs?....deleted
-Captain Shah made a phone call prior to plane taking off
-Captain Shah hardrives being checked out in Quantico





Good grief I just caught Martin back in the simulator a few minutes ago
The village idiot. Great points. I suppose it all gets down to cost but what's a few dollars more as they cost millions anyway. They can always put a tax on air fares to cover the extra costs. They have no problem putting tax on every thing else.

I think after this a lot of countries will be examining their airlines and I would also say all their security measures to see why this plane wasn't detected. Looks like a few countries have got expensive surveillance systems that don't appear to work or staff that were asleep on the job. JMOO

Amazing that 9/11 was not incentive enough, huh?:banghead:
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