Malaysia airlines plane may have crashed 239 people on board #13

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Just a FYI, MHA 318, the replacement flight after MHA370, is just about to depart for Beijing; now 2 weeks after the disappearance of its predecessor.
So if shadowing was the original intent for MH370, surely they'd have had a specific plane picked out? How would they know that particular plane would be where they needed it to be when they were ready to "disappear?" I'm having trouble buying this theory because it seems like there are too many things needed in order for it to align. Just a short delay in takeoff could have thwarted their plan and the Singapore plane would not be in the right spot for them to shadow. Am I missing something?

Hearing about the Shadow Theory reminds me of Miami Vice, I know it's a movie but the theory is there also.
[ame=""]Miami Vice A500 Shadow[/ame]
Exactly. I don't think anyone is trying to rehash the arcs. We're just wondering why they haven't shown us the previous pings and why. The previous pings would help determine if the plane was going in a straight line or zig zagging around more. It wouldn't be exact, but it would be helpful. I'm quite certain this information exists and I find it suspicious that they won't show us. I think they have a much better idea of what happened then they are telling us.

But it seems to me the US and Aussies think it's most likely that the plane is in the South Arc range - what information they are basing this on, we don't know (of course!).

So surely US and Aussies will have asked to see the other satellite ping information?

If the satellite pings were going north-arc direction, why on earth would US and Aussies go south-ward?

And IF the pings are going south direction, why hide it? If the plane ends up having crashed near Australia, well then, the whole world will know it was travelling south direction, anyway? What's the use of hiding the pings?

The only reason I can think of to hide the pings is IF it's actually going north direction, and they are trying to find it and don't want whoever did this to know that they know. YKWIM?

But then I do not see US and Aussies making such a public move towards South, IMO. They would just stay quiet.

Nothing makes sense.

Should definitely be laws against it! I hope this isn't done on US planes.

If it is proven that the batteries were in fact on that flight illegally to save money and not have to pay for separate cargo planes, I wonder if this has contributed to the seemingly "secrecy" that Malaysia seems to have with being open and honest from day 1.

So what I am trying to point out is even if the batteries prove to not have caused a fire or anything, it may have contributed to the lack of cooperation of Malaysia officials. Or at least it is perceived to be lack of cooperation at the start at least. Maybe they were trying to hide this.

I agree with another poster that if they caused a fire, it seems we would have had a stress call or something. The turning off of transponders and turning off of devices still has me convinced that something nefarious went on. Whether the pilots or some other hijacker.

The only way I see a malfunction causing this plane to disappear like it did is if there was sudden cabin depressurazation which knocked everybody out before a distress signal could be sent. With a fire, I think they would have sent out a may-day.
Hi, just a forum question. Can anyone tell me why my posts have 'Edit' at the bottom, instead of quote.


I think after you write a post, for a little while it has Edit in case you need to edit your post. Then eventually the edit goes away and it goes back to quote.
I'm with you on this and have the same question!

Same here. I thought we would have seen this by now. I don't know if it would help since all you would have is the plane somewhere on an arc/circle at X time. I heard a pilot state on Fox this AM that the system is meant for data transmission primarily, not as a way to locate a plane.
I didn't see anyone post the Google Earth Images, so here you go. The objects are 12.3 Nautical Miles away from each other. I saw that someone had earlier said they saw the same images from the news report on Google Earth. There are pics of both objects and then zoomed in images of each object.

View attachment 42165

View attachment 42166

View attachment 42167

Thank you Pocoloco! :seeya:

I am stunned...

May I ask a few questions?

what is the date of these google images (originally)

I cannot see the objects... As my eyes are definitely letting me know that I need to see an optometrist... But can others see the objects on these images?

Because... If these images of the objects were taken BEFORE March 7th ( when the plane disappeared...) ...

then I am absolutely gobsmacked... :gasp:

I am curious as to why Malaysia would wish to use Kazakhstan as a staging point for further operations....(regarding the missing plane)...

This seems like a intriguing geopolitical strategy IMO....

But it's implications are not clear to me...

Thoughts anyone?


Intruiging indeed.

And didn't China say the other day that they began search operations in their Western part, "just in case?"

So seems like US and Australia are going South, and Malaysia and China are going North????

Thank you Pocoloco! :seeya:

I am stunned...

May I ask a few questions?

what is the date of these google images (originally)

I cannot see the objects... As my eyes are definitely letting me know that I need to see an optometrist... But can others see the objects on these images?

Because... If these images of the objects were taken BEFORE March 7th ( when the plane disappeared...) ...

then I am absolutely gobsmacked... :gasp:

I am stunned too. But I dont see the objects in the pics there. Just clouds. Maybe I am misunderstanding.

If there really are same objects and image taken before flight then this should prove the objects are not related.
Intruiging indeed.

And didn't China say the other day that they began search operations in their Western part, "just in case?"

So seems like US and Australia are going South, and Malaysia and China are going North????


Sounds like they are searching everywhere....

Countries from central Asia to Australia continue to search for the plane along an arc drawn by authorities based on satellite pings received from the plane for hours after it vanished. One of those arcs tracks the southern Indian Ocean zone that's the focus of current attention.

The other tracks over parts of Cambodia, Laos, China and into Kazakhstan, where authorities said Thursday they had found no trace of the plane.

Hishammuddin said Friday that Malaysian authorities were awaiting permission from Kazakhstan's government to use the country as a staging area for the northern corridor search.

That clearly signals that Malaysian authorities are not ready to give up on the possibility the plane could still be found far from the focus of current search efforts.

"Obviously, the search now has taken a global perspective," Hishammuddin said.
I'm way behind, but have y'all seen this? A woman was rescued from a deserted island because of Google Earth!

Interesting story...but is your friend (anyone else think that SOS looked like SO5?). Sadly it is a mixture of invention, plagiarism, and hoax:

ETA: JMO, but Google Earth can have little to do with this story, anyway, as all its images are taken about once every year or so. The relevant imaging is the satellite imaging done by DigitalGlobe every 1.1 days, and which is being used for searches (eg. Tomnod).
I am stunned too. But I dont see the objects in the pics there. Just clouds. Maybe I am misunderstanding.

If there really are same objects and image taken before flight then this should prove the objects are not related.

I don't see anything, either. Just waves?
I have a new silly Theory....

What if Malaysia was involved and swiched out pilots (or forced pilots to do what they say) before they took off and just flew the plane to a landing strip that only they know about. Not sure why they would do it, but something about the way they have been handling all the briefings has me worried they know what happened.
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