Malaysia airlines plane may have crashed 239 people on board #13

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Here's some interesting background from the Sydney Morning Herald on the story behind the grainy satellite images that have diverted attentions to the southern Indian Ocean.

The images were taken by WorldView-2, which is owned by US satellite company DigitalGlobe.

WorldView-2 takes a new image of any place on earth every 1.1 days (one day, two hours and 24 minutes).

The satellite, among four others that DigitalGlobe owns, weighs 2800 kilograms, operates at an altitude of 770 kilometres, and is able to collect nearly 1 million square kilometres of imagery every day.

DigitalGlobe also owns Tomnod, the crowd-sourcing website that allows internet users to scour images for possible sightings of the missing plane.
Hi, just a forum question. Can anyone tell me why my posts have 'Edit' at the bottom, instead of quote.


Hi PatCee: It's because it's your post, you can then edit it if you like. Other people's posts it will say "quote" so you can quote them when you respond to them
It's because it's your post, you can then edit it if you like. Other people's posts it will say "quote" so you can quote them when you respond to them

Thanks Waddles, does that mean that I'm the only person that can see the 'Edit'?
Why were there no phone calls from Malaysia Airlines Flight 370?

Many recall that when United Flight 93 was hijacked on September 11, 2001, passengers were able to make two cell phone calls during the flight's final moments. Several other calls were made using airphones.

If metadata was detected from cell phones on Flight 370, surely it would shed more light on the missing plane's flight path?

The plane may have been flying too high or too fast to register with cell towers, according to telecoms experts, but careful analysis of the passengers' cell phone records will need to be completed to be certain.

"So far, we have not had any evidence of any telephone company of any member trying to contact," said Malaysia Airlines CEO Ahmad Jauhari Yahya at a news conference on Monday.

"But anyway, we are still checking. There are millions of records to process. It is being done as part of the investigation."

That makes me feel like the plane is in that remote area on the southern arc where Australia said they saw debris. The ocean has no phone service, you know. But if it flew on the north arc then there's a better chance of cell service.

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Keir Simmons ‏@KeirSimmons

I hear families of those missing on flight 370 had to move out of their hotel today to make room for @F1 racing teams... Is it true @F1?

I hope not.

Sarah Bajc, whose boyfriend, American Philip Wood, was aboard the plane, is one of those anxiously awaiting news.

"I'm desperate to hear it is an airplane wing and there are survivors clinging to it, and one of them is Philip," she told CBS News by email. "I'm apprehensive it will be unrelated and the wait will just continue after many more hours of misery."

"I am prepared for dead bodies," she wrote, "but I am not prepared for never knowing."

Prayers for all the passengers, crew and family affected by this tragedy. May today bring closure to all that are suffering...:please:
Shadowing topic started for those that want to discuss. Waiting on mod approval - this is what I've included to get it started

Forbes Asia - Malaysia Airlines 370 in Central Asia?

Keith Ledgerwood
Did Malaysian Airlines 370 disappear using SIA68/SQ68 (another 777)?
Questions/Answers Follow-Up #1 - How Did Malaysian Airlines 370 disappear using SIA68/SQ68?

“I’m sure: MH370 escaped in the shadow of another plane” retired Air Force Colonel says

Blog below explains why it wouldn't work. I was also reading the game sim forum; people there said there is no way there was enough fuel.

Ask the pilot - Theories and topics discussed in these updates include: transponders, cell phones, the Singapore Airlines radar theory, onboard fire or fumes theory, hijacking and plane-as-a-weapon theories, and more… 3/18/14
THEORY OF THE DAY: The radar ruse. I’m talking about this post, by an aviation enthusiast named Keith Ledgerwood. His hypothesis is that the missing Malaysia Airlines jet had tucked up underneath a Singapore Airlines 777, causing the two planes’ radar signatures to appear as one. Thus disguised, the Malaysia jet flew on, undetected for hours before eventually breaking off and landing at an airfield in…? It fails to offer any explanation as to how, once separating from the Singapore flight, the Malaysia jet could have completed its secret diversion without being seen

I read this blog but he seems to completely dismiss the entire idea in a couple of paragraphs. Something about altimeter.

The thing is, IMO, he's thinking about this like in terms of, okay somebody a couple of days ahead of time came up with this elaborate plan, and so of course it won't work because it's so elaborate. And then he goes on to dismiss it in a paragraph or two.

Ok, but what if the people had been planning this for YEARS?
Some of the family members chose to stay at home.
I read this blog but he seems to completely dismiss the entire idea in a couple of paragraphs. Something about altimeter.

The thing is, IMO, he's thinking about this like in terms of, okay somebody a couple of days ahead of time came up with this elaborate plan, and so of course it won't work because it's so elaborate. And then he goes on to dismiss it in a paragraph or two.

Ok, but what if the people had been planning this for YEARS?

Wish my topic would approve already! I honestly do not see why they flew so long to get on the tail of that plane. Weren't there other planes they could get that came sooner? Then they had to accelerate up again on the fuel they had left. I don't know if I believe it was done. He is waiting to speak to pilots of the other plane
CNN reporting what sounds like Woods Hole will be getting involved.
For aa - this reminds me of your early post re possible hi-jack as a test run. I disagreed with this on the basis that the world would then be alerted to the situation. The shadowing possibility would change my mind, as in any future action the plane would be invisible. Hope this makes sense.

OMG that is so scary. You're right.
Press Conference tid-bits (snipped):

“This is going to be a long haul, we have to trench down on this,” said acting Transport Minister Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Hussein during the daily briefing held at Kuala Lumpur International Airport (KLIA) on Friday.

... there were no positive news so far and admitted that the 30-day period of finding the plane's blackbox before its battery life runs out, was crucial.

... there were technologies available to find a blackbox even after 30 days, as was the case in the Air France 447 crash in 2009. The French authorities who investigated the crash are now aiding Malaysia in its find for MH370.

... such equipments, are very limited and is currently in talks with leaders from several nations to seek an “opportunity to use them.”

The search, meanwhile, continues in the northern and southern region, though the current focus is on the two objects detected by satellite possibly belonging to parts of the MH370 which was revealed by Australian authorities on Thursday.

China has deployed five ships and three ship-borne helicopters which are currently heading toward the southern corridor.

Japan meanwhile has also deployed its assets to Perth, which included two P-3 Orions, to assist in the search efforts.

“This morning I have spoken with the acting High Commissioner from the United Kingdom, who confirmed that the Prime Minister has spoken to the Prime Minister of the UK, and that HMS Echo is already heading towards the southern Indian Ocean to support the search effort. He also confirmed that the UK will be providing us with a list of possible assets that can be deployed if needed,” he said.

... Malaysia was also requesting speciality assets from the United States such as remotely operated vehicles for deep sea search.

... Kazakhstan has informed that the MH370 aircraft had not landed in their area. “We are now waiting confirmation from them so that we could use Kazakhstan as a staging point for further operations,” said Hishammuddin.

Read more at:

bbm - new information


I am curious as to why Malaysia would wish to use Kazakhstan as a staging point for further operations....(regarding the missing plane)...

This seems like an intriguing geopolitical strategy IMO....

But it's implications are not clear to me...

Thoughts anyone?

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