Malaysia airlines plane may have crashed 239 people on board #13

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Yes, hourly pings plotted in the graphic are from a journalist's standpoint. His path leads to the two areas being searched in the north and south.

From what I can tell, if you look closer at 2:11 and 3:11, southern path passes right over Indonesia.

the northern path over Myanmar (Burma), Bangaladesh, India may need to be shifted right a little but I can see how the pings could still fit.


Miley, which map are you referring to? I have been searching, but haven't seen one with all the hourly arcs, except the journalist version (guess) posted previously above. But it doesn't show a 3:11 arc. Where do you see this pls? TIA!
Why is information about possible debris sightings only released just before nightfall when they can't really search?

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The Australian Maritime Safety Authority said the spot of the sighting was within Saturday's search area, but that the object was not found. Searchers will take the Chinese information into consideration as they design their search for Sunday, AMSA said.
There's just so much information & misinformation about the whole sad situation, i am so confused about it all. I've been trying to keep up with threads but somethings keep popping up that just make no sense to me and i'm hoping that if i "think out loud" that others might help me straighten them out in my mind.

I don't post often, as i don't feel that confident in how i say things.

Anyway - my mind keeps returning to the 2 boys travelling on stolen passports. They apparently entered Malaysia using Iranian passports, and left using stolen passports, as they physically were on the flight when it departed. One of the boys mum's was waiting for him in Germany - would the flight from KL to Beijing be a normal way to travel to Germany? In my head, if you're travelling on dodgy documents, the way to avoid any detection would be the quickest route involving the least changeover points. Is it known if the 2 boys knew each other? And can anyone who knows how to work out the aircraft seating arrangements, tell me if they were sitting together?

With so many odd pictures being posted, i do believe their presence on the flight isn't coincidental, but don't think they have the maturity or learning to have tried to takeover the flying of the plane. However, they may have been there for another purpose.

Unsure if i'm allowed to post this sort of ramble, but i keep going round in circles & keep returning to this point... I'll keep my pings & thoughts about that for the moment, as i'm seeing things that others are posting and thinking "i'm sort of understanding" for the moment, but it may change!

Sorry again, i hope this ramble makes sense & hope someone is able to answer my queries or even just say they get where i'm thinking & possibly agree.

Happy Saturday sleuthers!

Thanks for posting, Mumma!

wish I could answer your questions!

I understand them... But totally an confused as you are!:scared:

All of these countries have shown that their superior technology has proved that it is not as good as it is supposed to be.

Their ability to address news conferences with correct information is lacking. I have never seen so many retractions to what's been put out as fact.

Now a Chinese plane landed at the wrong airport. Where were our traffic controllers?

What were they doing allowing a strange plane to land at thieir airport?

What is wrong with China's navigational skills? With all of this technology in planes, why didn't they put it on auto pilot and just let the plane take them there? JMOO

I just think what's happening is just a prime example of how of world has changed.

Big corporations filling their pockets just underpay, overwork employees (and/or outsource)

Some of these jobs place themselves or others lives on the line.

It is so sad, I hope once this is done, air travel changes for the better. And, I don't mean confiscated a tweezer left in a make-up bag or not able to bring a bottle of water on the plane. :facepalm:
Miley, which map are you referring to? I have been searching, but haven't seen one with all the hourly arcs, except the journalist version (guess) posted previously above. But it doesn't show a 3:11 arc. Where do you see this pls? TIA!

He doesn't actually mark the 3:11 ping but you can imagine where if falls using the 2:11 or 4:11 ping marks.

The map is just good reference for sorting out the pings and understanding why they are searching both northern and southern areas.
I also see why the "terrain masking" is a consideration for the northern path.


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Here's what I think:

The mom was in Germany and the 2 Iranians planned their escape from Iran to get to Europe. I don't blame them.

They know they can fly to Malaysia on their Iranian passports. There are not many countries that allow Iranian passports without a visa.

They found an underground stolen passport operation in KL, and paid $10,000 each for a European passport to get to Europe. I am certain whoever operates this underground stolen passport operation has many clients. Kind of like a drug dealer. I believe the 2 Iranians met at this point.

Now, this is where it gets hazy. Did someone convince them to do something else, besides escape to Europe?

IMO, the Iranians may be involved, but just accomplices to what could of happened if in fact MH370 was hijacked.

there's a part of me that wonders if this whole story about these boys is a ruse....the "they wanted to escape Iran and mama is waiting" makes them more sympathetic, but it is all fishy to me
He doesn't actually mark the 3:11 ping but you can imagine where if falls using the 2:11 or 4:11 ping marks.

The map is just good reference for sorting out the pings and understanding why they are searching both northern and southern areas.
I also see why the "terrain masking" is a consideration for the northern path.

But the southern path indicated does not traverse Indonesia.

At 2:15am, the last Thai and Malay military radar blip showed MH-370 leaving the Malacca Strait on a northwest heading toward the Andaman Sea.

The flight path on that published map shows the potential southern turn out at sea far off the Indonesian coast.

If Slate/CNN are right and the southern path should have shown up on Indonesian military radar, it seems like it should have passed much closer to Indonesia than the map indicates.
"If you were in charge of finding this plane, what would you be doing right now?"


Source: CNN
Get back on track everyone. I overlooked the off topic posts last night, I am not overlooking them this morning.
Curious as to why it takes so long to report something sighted in a satellite pic? At this point search teams may as well go sit on the edge of Antartica and wait for debris to wash up.
Why are there two possible flight paths? I understand they are pings from an aircraft received by a satellite. The reality is the airplane can only go ONE way! It either went north or went south, but not both routes! Can the brains that know it all not disclose this one simple answer? :banghead:
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