Malaysia airlines plane may have crashed 239 people on board #13

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I think it's wonderful how certain countries who have nothing to do with this are sending planes and ships like Japan
From the China spotting. I just think , all along it should be just logical that your sat sees something , in this context , that you get coordinates and GO!

If one lost their keys at the beach would they say I will go look next week?

It is just flat out stupid, and or game . In the world , geopolitical lets make it look like we are particpating

OR they know where it landed, know its intentions , are bargaining, freaking out, getting thier family members and friends elsewhere!

Whatever ,

but anyone looking for anything LOST starts immediatly

Same thing if you left your keys back at a store would you depart to go find them in half a month!!!!

Sorry, obserdity is the ONLY word that comes to mind.......

AND from the beginning officials, media here at WS (!) the notion that it could only be the pilots or mechanical. This is very baffling in light of 911

Most of them killed transpnders first thing but they were all not suppossed to be in the cockpit why espsecially in these BIZAIRE mystery where instrusion is so so out of many folks belief

Why is that? Is that denial, pilots or decomp or fire rarely on the list is instrsion, landed, Act 2 coming (hey the word hijacking is thrown all over the media so if demands were like money that would be reported.

How many kidnappings where the victim is told not to contact authorities and they do immed

Unless in this situation the demands/threats/proof of having a bad "thing" in their possession

Yes, these kind of notions emerging in the first 4-5 days reaching----after half a month with no develpment warrents looking out of the box nor am I sugguesting that a purple alian in a bright green spaceship has then..

I am saying as world conflict escalates daily the notion that this is terrorism, and once one crosses over to that beleif , on must conclude that some terrorist act "should occur"

Just based on history !!....
I think it's wonderful how certain countries who have nothing to do with this are sending planes and ships like Japan

I do too. Even countries that can't really afford to help are helping. Regardless the garbled up mess, it is amazing to be able to observe this moment in history. One World United! (Okay, I'm getting sappy and teary eyed with hope.)
I agree it's odd but at this moment isn't it a moot point?

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The Iranians photos with the same legs are not so much a moot, IMO. It just adds more mystery to the mystery.
I dont understand that photoshopping thing at all, but I have trouble seeing it as sinister - it's so poorly done that I have to believe it was some sort of mistake. Not a photocopy mistake, but maybe when they were isolating and examining the still shots from the video, they moved some things around weirdly on a computer program.

I have to agree. After travelled around SE Asia, the way they do stuff is not the way we would do it. There is alot of manual things still being done, as opposed to using better resources. ie: Steely's artwork :floorlaugh:

I am surprised they were able to even get the photos.
I have to agree. After travelled around SE Asia, the way they do stuff is not the way we would do it. There is alot of manual things still being done, as opposed to using better resources. ie: Steely's artwork :floorlaugh:

I am surprised they were able to even the photos.

I agree. I remember a report earlier in the investigation about passports in Thailand and how merchants there who took passports as collateral would have to travel across town/another town to find a copy machine.
Humor me here...
Why would you commit a felony and risk getting caught, bringing a shoe bomb and then not use it? :dunno:

We don't know that a "shoe bomb" wasn't used to gain access to the cockpit?. Maybe he did not have a shoe bomb but maybe a gun or a knife, hence the chopped photos?
Since when did traveling with stolen documents place you above suspicion?

Since there is usually an ulterior motive when stealing one's identity. :twocents:

I'd be more than angry if I found out my passport was sold on the black market.

It is incredible how doomed the flight and search is.
The stolen passports, the lack of security measures, the change in path, the delay in getting info, simulator suspicions, last communication, the satellite finds, the weather, losing the object, new satellite find, and now...a CYCLONE?! What else can happen? I am afraid to even ask. My heart breaks for the families and i pray for the safety of the search teams.
"Saturday's search for the missing Malaysia Airlines plane included the area shown in new Chinese satellite images in which a large floating object can be seen, but nothing was found, the Australian Maritime Safety Authority said." :(

Email from CNN Breaking News march 22, 11:02am EDT...

ETA: Article now posted on CNN:
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia (CNN) -- China announced that it has satellite images of a large object floating in the search area for the missing Malaysia Airlines plane, but Australian-led search teams found no sign of it Saturday.

In these you can see a line where they added the legs on the younger guy. I think some poor soul just thought they both needed legs, so added them. ;)

As you can see, they even started to mix up the writing above the pics.

"A" was starting to be written on the left side, then scratched out.

It is incredible how doomed the flight and search is.
The stolen passports, the lack of security measures, the change in path, the delay in getting info, simulator suspicions, last communication, the satellite finds, the weather, losing the object, new satellite find, and now...a CYCLONE?! What else can happen? I am afraid to even ask. My heart breaks for the families and i pray for the safety of the search teams.

You can scratch simulator suspicions off your list. It was found this morning that there was nothing suspicious about the deleted logs.
I get the feeling that those potential flight paths (purple dash-line corridors) are only journalist estimates.

The southern path doesn't pass that close to Indonesia, so why would CNN/Slate say it should have registered on Indonesian military radar?

And the northern path heads through the heart of India, while CNN/Slate said it crossed the coast at Burma, Bangaladesh or India.

Color me puzzled!

Yes, hourly pings plotted in the graphic are from a journalist's standpoint. His path leads to the two areas being searched in the north and south.

From what I can tell, if you look closer at 2:11 and 3:11, southern path passes right over Indonesia.

the northern path over Myanmar (Burma), Bangaladesh, India may need to be shifted right a little but I can see how the pings could still fit.

All of these countries have shown that their superior technology has proved that it is not as good as it is supposed to be.

Their ability to address news conferences with correct information is lacking. I have never seen so many retractions to what's been put out as fact.

Now a Chinese plane landed at the wrong airport. Where were our traffic controllers?

What were they doing allowing a strange plane to land at thieir airport?

What is wrong with China's navigational skills? With all of this technology in planes, why didn't they put it on auto pilot and just let the plane take them there? JMOO
No - A friend of mine is a flight attendant with Qantas, last I heard she was on the 747-400's... She, like all flight attendants, underwent a fairly intensive course and training for her work, which included everything from serving customers to getting 300 people off a plane in less than 3minutes.

The training that covers this is very intense you might be surprised to hear. They spend a number of days at a special training facility that has a mock aircraft cabin and all safety equipment (slides, life jackets etc) that they need to know how to use and manage for maximum best results when the chips are down.

Next time your flying, if your sitting opposite an attendant, use those awkward few minutes of takeoff and landing where they are sitting facing you just waiting for the polite small tallk (It's hard to pretend they aren't there lol) asking them about the training they go through... its pretty full on!

However, flight training is not part of this and unless they have learnt to fly for their own enjoyment in their own time on their own coin, then they are no more qualified to fly a plane than the 5yrold kid who's been kicking your seat from behind the whole flight...

They can however move 300 people through a couple of small doors in less than 3 minutes... which is impressive in itself haha

BBM ~ :eek: No wonder why FA's are always tired and haggard. FA was always my dream job. Fly the skies.... sigh.
Why is information about possible debris sightings only released just before nightfall when they can't really search?

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The Iranians photos with the same legs are not so much a moot, IMO. It just adds more mystery to the mystery.

I saw this debunked in another forum.

It was a photocopier mishap that caused both legs to be the same. You can actually see the crease (white) from the copy being made.

Police then had to explain what had gone on — an honest clerical error where a police staff member had placed one on top of the other during photocopying.
“It was not done with malice or to mislead,’’ police spokeswoman Asst Commissioner Asmawati Ahmad said.
All of these countries have shown that their superior technology has proved that it is not as good as it is supposed to be.

Their ability to address news conferences with correct information is lacking. I have never seen so many retractions to what's been put out as fact.

Now a Chinese plane landed at the wrong airport. Where were our traffic controllers?

What were they doing allowing a strange plane to land at thieir airport?

What is wrong with China's navigational skills? With all of this technology in planes, why didn't they put it on auto pilot and just let the plane take them there? JMOO

I agree. The entire story, from soup to nuts, is baffling. :banghead:
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