Malaysia airlines plane may have crashed 239 people on board #13

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Rush Limbaugh just read a report supposedly leaked that some kind of cargo which was on this jetliner had come from The Maersk; the ship which was being guarded by the two retired Navy SEALS who were found dead under suspicious circumstances. It said that there is suspicion that the scene was staged to appear to be heroin overdose but they were murdered to get access to that cargo. The cargo was later transferred off of the ship to another secure location to await transport to the flight which eventually disappeared.

I don't have a link since I just heard it on the radio. MOO


I remember hearing about the heroin thing, I thought it was a very strange story and sounded very suspicious.


Omg what if this true?

The Navy seals story with the heroin was just too bizarre for me to take at face-value.


While the black boxes are designed to withstand depths of 20,000 feet (3.8 miles) and may work in even deeper water, the range of the pings is a mile, according to manuals from Honeywell International (HON) Inc., the maker of the equipment. That may make the signals difficult to pick up even if an underwater microphone is over the correct location.

Thanks Chilly. I've been wondering about the distance since this began.

One mile. :sigh:

Someone on morning news said they really are not designed for underwater pings anyway.

Adding to my uneducated list of improvements for commercial airline aircraft.
OMG I still can't wrap my head around that.

Where did RL get that information??
Rush Limbaugh just read a report supposedly leaked that some kind of cargo which was on this jetliner had come from The Maersk; the ship which was being guarded by the two retired Navy SEALS who were found dead under suspicious circumstances. It said that there is suspicion that the scene was staged to appear to be heroin overdose but they were murdered to get access to that cargo. The cargo was later transferred off of the ship to another secure location to await transport to the flight which eventually disappeared.

I don't have a link since I just heard it on the radio. MOO

Found something:

Another theory emerged on Tuesday raises the major allegation ever after the plane went missing that the US played behind the incident and diverted it to a highly secretive naval base, Diego Garcia, to protect a 'suspicious cargo' on board.

A final intriguing theory emerged in the fringes of the Russian media over the weekend. According to this theory, the United States was responsible for remotely hijacking the plane and flying it as a drone. The reason for the hijacking would have been a mysterious cargo shipped from the Seychelles to Malaysia and intended for Beijing.

The theory says a mysterious cargo arrived in the Seychelles delivered by the US-flagged Maersk Alabama, and that two men, possibly Navy Seals, were present with the cargo until they both mysteriously died days later. Allegedly, the plane could have been hidden on an American base in the Indian Ocean, the island of Diego Garcia.

The Russian media claims this information was leaked to them by Russian intelligence officials.

I am curious as to why Malaysia would wish to use Kazakhstan as a staging point for further operations....(regarding the missing plane)...

This seems like a intriguing geopolitical strategy IMO....

But it's implications are not clear to me...

Thoughts anyone?


Seems slightly off the beaten path.
Some quotes regarding satellite imagery from press conference:

RCC Australia received an expert assessment for that satellite imagery this morning the 20th of March the images were captured by satellite they may not be related to the aircraft.

the assessment of these images were provided by the Australian Geo Spatial Intelligence Organization (AGO) as a possible indication of debris south of the search area that has been the focus of the southern search operation since Monday the 17th of March.

The image is in the vicinity of the search area defined and search in the past two days….further images are expected after commercial satellites were redirected to take higher resolutions of the areas of interest. These will be provided in due course.

Question- 00:39:25: What kind of satellite spotted the debris in the first place? And whose satellites was it?

***Air Commodore John McGarry***

00:39:31- Unable to advise on that…I simply do not know.

Question-00:39:35- You mentioned further satellite imagery, when do you expect to receive that?

00:39:37- Well, AGO will continue to provide all possible support to this operation. The ability to re-task assets, our commercial and others to enable us to focus here on an area to support this search will become a priority, but I’m unable to give you any advice on when additional imagery might even hold any other clues.


John Young, Emergency Response Division General Manager, Australian Maritime Safety Authority

0:31:51 Australian maritime authority, assistance from Australian defense force, NZ, and Us navy
0:32:10 has received sat imagery of objects possibly related
0:32:22 received expert assess this morning
0:32:29 images captured by sat, may not be related to aircraft

0:33:08 sats are being redirected to take hi-res images of area

I have got to say - that RAAF officer who was fielding media questions during this conference needs a kick in the *advertiser censored* and then go back to officer training for media and press training pronto.

He contradicted the obviously agreed upon brief of information and spin the team of them were collectively trying to present and first question up, he was looking round for re-assurance on one of the questions that he should have been prepared would without a doubt be put to him... it wasn't even a complex one.

*shakes head*

Those answers are somewhat telling and quite obviously not exactly "the whole truth and nothing but the truth" to anyone who looks at them with a second glance though aren't they
In 2012, France's BEA air crash investigation agency recommended in its report on the Air France disaster that the battery life on locator beacons be increased to 90 days. Although this has been backed by global regulators, it will not become mandatory until towards the end of the decade.
Why is it I am tracking my husband on my I phone but we can't find this 777. Airlines are operating in the dark ages!
Found something:

Another theory emerged on Tuesday raises the major allegation ever after the plane went missing that the US played behind the incident and diverted it to a highly secretive naval base, Diego Garcia, to protect a 'suspicious cargo' on board.

A final intriguing theory emerged in the fringes of the Russian media over the weekend. According to this theory, the United States was responsible for remotely hijacking the plane and flying it as a drone. The reason for the hijacking would have been a mysterious cargo shipped from the Seychelles to Malaysia and intended for Beijing.

The theory says a mysterious cargo arrived in the Seychelles delivered by the US-flagged Maersk Alabama, and that two men, possibly Navy Seals, were present with the cargo until they both mysteriously died days later. Allegedly, the plane could have been hidden on an American base in the Indian Ocean, the island of Diego Garcia.

The Russian media claims this information was leaked to them by Russian intelligence officials.

I don't think I buy that theory, but it certainly would make a great movie plot!
Thanks Chilly. I've been wondering about the distance since this began.

One mile. :sigh:

Someone on morning news said they really are not designed for underwater pings anyway.

Adding to my uneducated list of improvements for commercial airline aircraft.

I believe the only purpose of the pings from the black box is to find the black box among the wreckage, it's not intended to help locate a missing aircraft.
Rush Limbaugh just read a report supposedly leaked that some kind of cargo which was on this jetliner had come from The Maersk; the ship which was being guarded by the two retired Navy SEALS who were found dead under suspicious circumstances. It said that there is suspicion that the scene was staged to appear to be heroin overdose but they were murdered to get access to that cargo. The cargo was later transferred off of the ship to another secure location to await transport to the flight which eventually disappeared.

I don't have a link since I just heard it on the radio. MOO


No way... I'm going to have to find this broadcast, because, wow.
I believe the only purpose of the pings from the black box is to find the black box among the wreckage, it's not intended to help locate a missing aircraft.

I realize that, but one mile is not thousands of miles to the bottom of the ocean. That is my simple minded thinking on this. Heck, I'm ready to make all aircraft (other than military) non-nature colors for ease of finding, so my list is irrelevant, except in my mind. Lol.
Found something:

Another theory emerged on Tuesday raises the major allegation ever after the plane went missing that the US played behind the incident and diverted it to a highly secretive naval base, Diego Garcia, to protect a 'suspicious cargo' on board.

A final intriguing theory emerged in the fringes of the Russian media over the weekend. According to this theory, the United States was responsible for remotely hijacking the plane and flying it as a drone. The reason for the hijacking would have been a mysterious cargo shipped from the Seychelles to Malaysia and intended for Beijing.

The theory says a mysterious cargo arrived in the Seychelles delivered by the US-flagged Maersk Alabama, and that two men, possibly Navy Seals, were present with the cargo until they both mysteriously died days later. Allegedly, the plane could have been hidden on an American base in the Indian Ocean, the island of Diego Garcia.

The Russian media claims this information was leaked to them by Russian intelligence officials.

I am not ruling out anything at this point.

There is just too much mystery and something like this would actually fit in some ways. There just seems to be so much secrecy about the whole thing.

Its a very scary thought to think that maybe some sort of nuclear cargo could have been on board rather than "batteries". If it was a hijacking of some sort, then nuclear cargo could have been a reason that plane was targeted. I cant see the US doing it remotely though due to danger involved in that, but not ruling out that it was hijacked for the cargo.

Very interesting.
Rush Limbaugh just read a report supposedly leaked that some kind of cargo which was on this jetliner had come from The Maersk; the ship which was being guarded by the two retired Navy SEALS who were found dead under suspicious circumstances. It said that there is suspicion that the scene was staged to appear to be heroin overdose but they were murdered to get access to that cargo. The cargo was later transferred off of the ship to another secure location to await transport to the flight which eventually disappeared.

I don't have a link since I just heard it on the radio. MOO

Did Rush report it as some loony theory or was he taking it seriously? In the past week,he has been making fun of all the theories,so if he was setiously reporting it,he must feel there is something to it.
I wonder if the climb to 45K was a result of skuttle in cocpit. Makes sense if you were trying to knock someone off their feet you would pull back to off center the person. Sudden increase in alt.

The Boeing 777-has a maximum altitude, or Service Ceiling, of around 43,100

An aviator would not push it forward (overspeed risks) -- and the person would fall on you! Pull up person would slam backwards.

The air at that altitude is to thin to support the aircraft in the air , and will stall.

So......... what has been reported as a "dive" might actually be a stall and subsequent recovery at 23K.
on CNN they said during the victims' family conference with officials, one family member asked of possibility that plane was shot down by some country's military after entering its radar?

They reported the Malaysian officials gave "carefully worded answer" and said that at this time, there was no evidence that any country shot down the plane aftering entering military radar.

SO it seems like they did think about that and investigate the possibiity.

I have also pondered this.
Ok... that was a long 24hrs! (I was in the naughty corner for being a little cheeky last night in thread :(...)

In celebration of my release from websleuths jail, I have another "option" that I would like to add to the "opinion polls"...

Not at all my personal belief and just another interesting spin on it...

The aircraft suffered a catastrophic event which resulted in crew incapacity either over time or rapidly. Attempted a diversion to alternate and succumbed (for reasons yet unknown and hard to explain) before a safe recovery of the aircraft was completed - Malaysia was aware of the emergency event on board and sent up a fast jet escort to make a visual assessment of the aircraft and attempt to communicate with passengers or crew. This was *before* the aircraft made a change of course on a heading that tracked toward an approach that was familiar to the pilot in command (which he may have trained on his home simulator for just such emergency's) and the intercept heading for the fast jet was quickly changed - the pilot throwing the Su-30 into full military power with augment as he turned the jet around (which was what the NZ oil rig worker may have seen... possibly)... upon form up with the Malaysian Airlines 777, the lack of radio communication and a distinct lack of life via either visual signal or otherwise indicated to the SU-30 crew that there was no conscious or able person on board the stricken jet who would likely recover (maybe they knew a little of what had happened and realized it was a rapid and major loss of life event on board) - so they were instructed to maintain escort with the plane until it flew over the Malaysian Peninsula and out to sea, where it would no longer pose a threat to any lives on the ground.

Instructions would have been to shoot the 777 down should it change course without communication toward a populated area or should it begin to descend out of control toward populated space.

The jet flew past the alternate airport and its required entry's to a successful approach - and continued out to sea (as was seen by Malaysian Lilitary radar who were already well aware of the ghost planes tragic story) - where the chaos and disbelief of what had occurred quickly resulted in a total $shitstorm of incompetence and disorganisation by a shambles government that was simply not capable of dealing with the complex and high profile event, which might have been a real 1 in a million that no one could ever have otherwise forseen as realistically occuring.

They then proceeded to bury their heads in the sand and hope it all went away.

The End.

No fact or inside info in this - just me typing up an enthusiastic return to the forums.

This makes sense to me. I had it going down sooner but whatever, i think this is what happened. Either after 2 hours or 6. jmo
I am still pondering Africa, but pretty sure they would not have enough fuel to make it, as the arc would pass through central Africa.
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