Malaysia airlines plane may have crashed 239 people on board #16

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But WHY do you put an airliner intentionally where it won't be found again? :dunno:

To create utter chaos for a government you deem as being corrupt and you despise, and to get the worlds attention focused on said government and the trumped up charge against the opposition leader, who can not run in a by-election because of the charge........this is exactly what has happened. And the relations between china and Malaysia were very tense before this, now they are worse.

LIke I have said on here a couple of times.....I will not blame the pilot until (and if) they find the black box, I really don't like to.......however as a sleuther he can not be ruled out as a main suspect, pure and simple, like it or not.....

IF he did this, I think he did it not out of evil intention, but seeing himself as a hero for his nation trying to get rid of a corrupt government.

There is a theory that at some point he contacted an official and told them he had the plane and would take it down where they wouldn't find it if the charges against Anwar weren't dropped and he was allowed to run in the by-election....remember if Anwar was able to run, it was predicted he would win and become prime minister....

This info could be what the Malaysian government is hiding........there is something we haven't heard........

and re the airports in the indian ocean being on his simulator....maybe this is where he was going to land if they agreed to his demands....

Just thinking out aloud, but I have always thought this had politics behind it, especially when I read he had been to the court case hours beforehand...

If not him, I am convinced it wasn't mechanical error and was intentional....
OK, so I've lifted this from another forum. It may or may not have any basis, just another theory maybe? The link is in Chinese, can anyone help with translation??

"The Chinese-language news item linked below refers to reports by the Hong Kong based Oriental Daily. The gist of that report is that after disabling other communications, Captain Zaharie Shah negotiated with the Malaysian government for the release of opposition politician Anwar Ibrahim over several hours. The negotiations failed, and the plane ultimately crashed when its fuel ran out.

COMMENT: It is important to be aware of and to consider this theory. However, one also needs to be EXTREMELY CAUTIOUS - the theory conveniently tars Malaysian opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim with connection to a spectacular act of terrorism. More importantly, this theory disposes of ongoing concerns that MH370 might have been brought down by jihadist terrorists.

The current U.S. administration along with Malaysia and China are all very keen NOT to have the incident linked with international jihadist terrorism.

This "kidnap/confer/crash" theory would explain the Malaysian government's apparent attempts to mislead SAR efforts and to hide its own radar information during the first few days following the disappearance of MH370"傳機長劫機挺安華-談判破裂油盡墜海?instance=bc_bull_left1
Can anyone who knows the answers to these please help me out here?:tyou:

1. Do we know that he practiced anything unusual or suspicious on his flight simulator?
Have we heard that he practiced flying out into the Indian Ocean and crashing?
A PILOT practicing FLYING is not at all suspicious to me. :twocents:

2. I have recently seen this "deleted 5 days before" stuff, but I can't find where it originated from.
Data was deleted on FEBRUARY 3rd... 5 WEEKS before and I wonder if the media has gotten confused?
Do we have a new statement saying that things were also deleted on MARCH 3rd?

3. Can you please provide a link that says it was not the co-pilot who spoke?
I have only seen the official statement at a press conference that it was the co-pilot communicating with ATC.

4. Can you please provide a link where it says that "All right good night" was not typical for the co-pilot?
I mean someone who knows this specific pilot saying that is not how he would communicate.
All I have seen is sterotyping that typical Asian pilots are supposedly more formal than that. :twocents:

4. I'm not going all the way back through this thread to find it, but there was a recent post-in this thread which stated his normal signout was "Copy that", not "allright goodnight".
Is a search going to be done? I guess it's early Wednesday, Australian time. Thanks
respectfully snipped...IF he did this, I think he did it not out of evil intention, but seeing himself as a hero for his nation trying to get rid of a corrupt government.

There is a theory that at some point he contacted an official and told them he had the plane and would take it down where they wouldn't find it if the charges against Anwar weren't dropped and he was allowed to run in the by-election....remember if Anwar was able to run, it was predicted he would win and become prime minister....

This info could be what the Malaysian government is hiding........there is something we haven't heard........

Hmmm...Another day, another massive conspiracy theory!

Reports have claimed 777s are equipped with a cockpit satellite phone. But it's not clear if it would work with comms disabled (transponder/ACARS off).

Problem: any use of MH-370's sat phone would definitely have been traced by now.

Maybe Shah could have brought his own separate satellite phone onboard?

The theory feels like a long shot, because any means of communicating to anyone off the plane would have been heard by others -- or traced.
Is a search going to be done? I guess it's early Wednesday, Australian time. Thanks

THE search and recovery operation for Malaysia Airlines flight MH370 will be a race against time today, with ships and planes attempting to locate debris before an expected deterioration in the weather.

Six military aircraft, five civil aircraft and five ships will take part in today’s search, after new satellite images released yesterday found about 122 objects floating in the southern Indian Ocean.
Is a search going to be done? I guess it's early Wednesday, Australian time. Thanks

Search and recovery operation for Malaysia Airlines aircraft: Update 20

The search and recovery operation for Malaysia Airlines flight MH370 continues today, with six military
aircraft, five civil aircraft and five ships in the Australian Search and Rescue Region.

HMAS Success remains in the search area about 2500 kilometres south-west of Perth and was joined by
four Chinese ships – Xue Long, Kuulunshan, Haikon and Qiandaohu – in the search area.

Two Royal Australian Air Force P3 Orions, a Japanese Gulfstream jet, a US Navy P8 Poseidon and a
Japanese P3 Orion will fly sorties throughout the day.

Five civil aircraft will fly to the search area.

Three objects were spotted on Wednesday by two aircraft but were not able to be relocated despite
several passes. They were unrelated to the credible satellite imagery provided to AMSA.

Positions in the satellite information released by Malaysia Remote Sensing Agency on March 26 were
within Wednesday’s search area.

Weather in the search area is expected to deteriorate later today.
They wouldn't, that's my whole point.
People seem to think the pilot flew the plane over to intentionally crash it into the ocean.
Yet they find his flight simulator to be suspicious as well.

I just can't think of anything he would do on the simulator that would be suspicious.
Unless he practiced crashing it into the ocean.

If he practiced landings, that is irrelevant to flying it into the ocean.
Does that make more sense now?

On the same topic...

A pilot with simulator equipment at home? Not suspicious at all IMO. Pilots love that kind of stuff. They eat it up and love to share it with friends, kids and grandkids. What would a highly experienced heavy captain need to practice?! He could make that airplane do whatever he wanted with his eyes closed, IMO.

Upthread the phrase, "alright, good night" was mentioned again. Totally normal phraseology for that point in the flight (departing airspace). I would expect that the Vietnamese controller would have been about to greet them with "Good evening Malaysian 370..." and then proceeded with instructions. Far from airports, exchanges of brief pleasantries like that would be typical.
There is plenty of evidence that points to him, even that he planned it. This was mass murder-suicide. We don't know what was going on with him mentally between his political setbacks and his marriage breaking up. We do know he practiced on his flight simulator and deleted data just 5 days beforehand. We know the left turn was reprogrammed into the flight. We know someone in the cockpit said "Good Night" which wasn't standard lingo for the copilot. We know the transponders were purposely turned off. This was deliberate, and the most likely suspect is Shah! To me he is evil.

Transponders could have been turned off by a mechanical failure. It hasn't been confirmed 100% that the transponders and ACARS were deliberately shut off. That was reported by the media and Malaysian officials. And we know the Malaysians haven't been straightforward with anyone since day 1.

The "Alrght, good night" sign off was not out of the ordinary. Many aviation experts have commented on this, saying this is standard lingo and that we shouldn't read into it too much.

Data (whether games, logs, other data) was actually deleted in early February. I can't recall if it was the 3rd or the 5th, but I wasn't five days prior to the plane's disappearance. Deletions aren't suspicious to me, either. He could have deleted the logs to free up space on the computers. Those files take up a lot of space and slow things down. As far as the pilot having a simulator, there's nothing nefarious about it. There are a few posters in this thread who have simulators, and I don't suspect them of any criminal activities. In fact, Shah's simulator isn't even as high tech as this other poster's. Shah's simulation programs can be downloaded for free by any one. FSX and FSX-9 were the programs he had, and those are Internet downloads. Anyone, anywhere could download the same programs as him.

I don't know why people consider his support of the opposition party as bad. He was supporting a leader who believes in democracy. He wasn't supporting some rogue group or terrorist affiliation. The party he was in support if is actually better than the party in power right now.

This is just my :twocents:
4. I'm not going all the way back through this thread to find it, but there was a recent post-in this thread which stated his normal signout was "Copy that", not "allright goodnight".

No, there was someone who latched on to the detail that with the exception of the final transmission, the rest of his communication contained “copy that” on all transmissions. That poster couldn’t fathom that he didn’t use “copy that” on his final transmission and insisted that it was proof that something nefarious was happening - despite the fact that numerous posters with aviation experience told that poster that the final transmission wasn’t out of the ordinary at all.

4. I'm not going all the way back through this thread to find it, but there was a recent post-in this thread which stated his normal signout was "Copy that", not "allright goodnight".

It wasn't Shah that communicated with the ATC, though. It was the co-pilot. Different pilot, different sign off.
If it was suicide, we will never get 100% evidence, most likely. But I do think, given what an awful accusation it is to make, we should try and see if they can recover anything and rule out any other scenarios before stating his guilt as fact. There are certain things I would hate to jump to conclusions on, especially when it makes no difference now.


It's strange to me that IF the pilot was responsible & was trying to make a point, he failed to make that point because he didn't let anyone know what he was angry about. The Egyptian pilot who intentionally crashed his plane went down screaming "I leave it to God" or some such statement to that effect. We know the why of 9/11.........the terrorists hated America. Intentionally crashing a plane into the ocean doesn't make any sense unless a reason was given. If the pilot was angry at his government, why not crash into a densely populated area & cause maximum casualties? At this point, nothing really makes sense to me.
4. I'm not going all the way back through this thread to find it, but there was a recent post-in this thread which stated his normal signout was "Copy that", not "allright goodnight".

"Copy that" or reading back ATC instructions (literally repeating back instructions with your call sign) is how you respond when given instructions by ATC.

Saying something like "allright, good night" would be a typical pleasantry that you would say after you are finished communicating with a controller and departing his or her airspace.
4. I'm not going all the way back through this thread to find it, but there was a recent post-in this thread which stated his normal signout was "Copy that", not "allright goodnight".

So the CO-pilot typically said "copy that" and instead the CO-pilot said "all right good night."
Because of that it causes suspicion on the PILOT?
I think I need a drink to follow this... :dunno:

(The statement in a press conference specifically said the CO-pilot was the one communication with ATC.)
"Copy that" or reading back ATC instructions (literally repeating back instructions with your call sign) is how you respond when given instructions by ATC.

Saying something like "allright, good night" would be a typical pleasantry that you would say after you are finished communicating with a controller and departing his or her airspace.

This was my thought... you don't say "copy that" if you are not copying something. :dunno:
So the CO-pilot typically said "copy that" and instead the CO-pilot said "all right good night."
Because of that it causes suspicion on the PILOT?
I think I need a drink to follow this... :dunno:

(The statement in a press conference specifically said the CO-pilot was the one communication with ATC.)

I don't know why people keep saying it was the PILOT when it's been confirmed that it was the CO-PILOT that was communicating with ATC. Either way, there was nothing out of the ordinary about the sign off.
I don't know why people keep saying it was the PILOT when it's been confirmed that it was the CO-PILOT that was communicating with ATC. Either way, there was nothing out of the ordinary about the sign off.

That's why I'm asking for links, because it's totally possible I missed something. :seeya:
This was my thought... you don't say "copy that" if you are not copying something. :dunno:

Yes that is right. :) You need instructions to copy.

I won't read anything into the radio chatter. Some pilots are all business when they fly. No non-essential words. Some are chatty. Some are smooth talkers on the radio. Some are nervous Nellies and sound choppy and abrupt. And some are different day to day.
Where this post falls is random.....

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