Malaysia airlines plane may have crashed 239 people on board #18

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The best thing to so far come out of this is that Passengers, EVEN after 9/11 are not vetted enough. Who cares, you are going on an airplane with me I at least want to know your journey through life doesn't have a diversion to endanger equipment and life.

Passport checks need to be more thorough and better training, as for that security video of the Pilots. They was nowhere near checked, I get checked more for going into a low profile Central London Bar/Club. Shocking!!

I also agree with passport checks. Please do not forget where this plane started and it's route. Not the same standards involved, not the same mind sets. Perhaps civilian flights will change with more security.......:(
Personally, there is actually so many locations this aircraft could have gone.

The mystery of flight MH370 is unlikely to be solved, is one that scares me. Unlike Air France 447, which had many clues. This is a wild goose chase, and Aviation doesn't like this because not knowing is not good for our industry.

I keep thinking that it took 3 days to find the engine of the plane that crashed into the Hudson and they knew where that was! There are so many unknowns here and while I understand the frustration I just don't think that some people have ANY idea of the magnitude of the search area or the issues surrounding the process of actually picking up some wreckage.

THE search for Malaysia Airlines MH370 is set to launch with renewed vigour this morning after promising sightings yesterday.

China’s state news agency Xinhua reported yesterday that a Chinese military plane, Ilyushin IL-76, had spotted three floating objects of white, red and orange colours respectively, from an altitude of 300 metres.

It is hoped a Chinese search vessel will be in a position to recover the debris this morning.
Also in the link above:

The Malaysian minister vowed to continue the search for “possible survivors”.

(IMO this is wrong. It is impossible for anyone to have survived and they have already said that everyone died).
There is only one way I can think of that a fire could be to blame.
I am not taking the way points or altitude changes as positive facts, but they could fit in here too.

Fire breaks out and pilots turn back towards an airport.
Programming auto pilot just in case if they are not successful.

Pilots also ascend quickly to try and put out the fire in the thinner air.
Oxygen masks are not grabbed in time and people lose consciousness from ascent and smoke.

The fire IS put out
by ascending but not before it does damage.
Fire takes out communication and some other things.
Fire does not damage auto pilot or the plane enough to crash it.

Pilots are rendered unconscious as well and lose consciousness.
Plane flies on auto pilot until it runs out of fuel.
The pilots resetting the auto pilot saves many lives because the plane crashes into the ocean. :twocents:

That's what I hope happened. Minimal awareness for the passengers and no guilt of the pilots.
I have studied several "fire on the plane" crashes and I know they generally crash quickly...

However, have we ever seen one where they put the fire out and continued to fly longer?
I don't really think these is a case to compare this theory with... :dunno:
They have scooped up debris. It is on their deck. All these experts can't distinguish between some coke cans, clorox bottles,fisthing poles. Is it like parts of jumbo jetliners are floating or in the Indian ocean.

Its obserd . They want to be careful fine say our folks, not confirmed say they pulled out what looks like a jetliner flap part,,,,,a seat cushion, baggage, drivers liscs whatever

the notion that we have to wait for a ship to sail back in for experts to figure out if it is ocean crap or a part of a jumbo jetliner that the world believes might have crash landed in that area

silly I hate it when I get ocean junk confused with a jetliner dont you?


i feel better now TY!

I would rather them take extra time and conclusively confirm using tests than jump the gun and possibly cause heartache to families who are already suffering in an unimaginable way.
Just a thought........If everyone was dead within two hours or so, wouldn't the recorder have that (voice record) since there would be no voice recording thereafter? I may have misunderstood, but I thought I read that the voice recorder is a "loop" so that only the last two hours are heard because all the earlier talk was recorded over. ?? JMO
I keep thinking that it took 3 days to find the engine of the plane that crashed into the Hudson and they knew where that was! There are so many unknowns here and while I understand the frustration I just don't think that some people have ANY idea of the magnitude of the search area or the issues surrounding the process of actually picking up some wreckage.

While there are many frustrations in the search for MH370, it IS a daunting task with investigators and expert searchers relying solely on satellite images, radar, etc. Without that technology no one would have a clue where this plane went down. This isn't TW800 either where there were many eyewitnesses and rescue and civilian boats were in the waters off Long Island within minutes.


Also in the link above:

The Malaysian minister vowed to continue the search for “possible survivors”.

(IMO this is wrong. It is impossible for anyone to have survived and they have already said that everyone died).

Quite contradictory, even if the purpose may be to pacify some families by giving them a glimmer of hope...the statement has already been made that all perished.

Just a thought........If everyone was dead within two hours or so, wouldn't the recorder have that (voice record) since there would be no voice recording thereafter? I may have misunderstood, but I thought I read that the voice recorder is a "loop" so that only the last two hours are heard because all the earlier talk was recorded over. ?? JMO

from what I have read and learned you are correct
the voice recorder records for 2 hours on a continuous loop and records over the previously recorded voice and sound
so there would only be voice or sound from the final 2 hours of the flight
from what I have read and learned you are correct
the voice recorder records for 2 hours on a continuous loop and records over the previously recorded voice and sound
so there would only be voice or sound from the final 2 hours of the flight

Right. But if there was NO VOICE beyond the first two hours, wouldn't that first two hours remain audible on the recorder? Maybe?? JMO
Quite contradictory, even if the purpose may be to pacify some families by giving them a glimmer of hope...the statement has already been made that all perished.


And, that statement comes from "intelligence" that cannot be made public yet.

I understand the family's not being able to accept death. I really do get it. But, they are gone. The "intelligence" cannot be released yet, and that makes it worse for them.
Right. But if there was NO VOICE beyond the first two hours, wouldn't that first two hours remain audible on the recorder? Maybe?? JMO

Oh, I see what you are saying. That, while the recorder may be on a continuous two hour loop, it is ONLY recording when someone speaks NOT for a straight two hours (whether someone is speaking or not). Maybe.
Right. But if there was NO VOICE beyond the first two hours, wouldn't that first two hours remain audible on the recorder? Maybe?? JMO

I will still pick up ambient noises. The motor, alarms, clicking anything. imo
Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370: Missing Brisbane mother had premonition something would go wrong

Travelling to China with close friends Rodney and Mary Burrows was supposed to be the trip of a lifetime – but in the weeks leading up to the flight MH370 disaster, Cathy Lawton had been plagued by nightmares, her daughters said.

Amanda said: “From about November last year she was going on about how she’s been having all these bad dreams, nightmares, and we’re just like ‘Mum, you’re being silly’.” In fact, Cathy was so nervous in the lead-up to the flight that she was gifted a set of “worry dolls” by a family friend – one of which she took with her on the trip.

“When we went back to the house once, like after we heard the news, we noticed the little pocket of worry dolls sitting next to her bed,” said Amanda said.

“There were three and there were actually four in the pack, so we know the fourth one she’s actually got with her.”

Each of Cathy’s three daughters now carry a doll with them to remind them of their missing mother.
And, that statement comes from "intelligence" that cannot be made public yet.

I understand the family's not being able to accept death. I really do get it. But, they are gone. The "intelligence" cannot be released yet, and that makes it worse for them.

I agree. There is no way to measure grief. I think that worldview and culture largely determine the outward behavior associated with grief. I do feel for the Chinese not more or less for their grief but because I think they have more than the average world citizen DISTRUST of "intelligence". I also think that their being so much more demonstrative in their grief is partly because they are actually able to legitimately protest for maybe the first time in some of their lives. Part of that protest is pent up frustration with their own country, but vented on Malaysia. JMO
Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370: Missing Brisbane mother had premonition something would go wrong


In fact, Cathy was so nervous in the lead-up to the flight that she was gifted a set of “worry dolls” by a family friend – one of which she took with her on the trip.

“When we went back to the house once, like after we heard the news, we noticed the little pocket of worry dolls sitting next to her bed,” said Amanda said. There were three and there were actually four in the pack, so we know the fourth one she’s actually got with her.”

Each of Cathy’s three daughters now carry a doll with them to remind them of their missing mother.

I actually find this really comforting, that there were 4 worry dolls and the 3 daughters have one each and they know that their mum has the 4th. I guess they will draw a a little bit of comfort from it too
The object tangled up in the yellow plastic does look as if it is an airliner pamphlet but they said it was not related to the 777.

It is in the video about sea-junk.

Just saw that on CNN a few minutes ago. One "expert" said it didn't appear to be something laminated, which would rule out the airline 'emergency' card found in seat pockets, yet if it were that, the laminating could have protected the paper. It did seem to have pictures and writing on it. Interesting.

Even if the voice recovering doesn't offer any clues they can still get other information:

* Data is downloaded onto a computer. The flight data recorder carries 25 hours of information, including prior flights within that time span, which can sometimes provide hints about the cause of a mechanical failure on a later flight. The voice recorder has two hours of audio, of the captain and first officer and from a microphone in the cockpit area.

* The data from the flight recorder, which comes as vast streams of binary code, is converted into a useable, time-linked form of hundreds of parameters, like altitude, air speed, pitch and engine thrust, to plot what happened on the airplane. An initial assessment of the data is provided to investigators within 24 hours, but analysis will continue for weeks more.
(It's worth clicking and reading - interesting stuff, I only cut a tiny bit out).
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