Malaysia airlines plane may have crashed 239 people on board #2

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CNBCWorld ‏@CNBCWorld 1m
"Not confirmed that the aircraft turned back, that's something that puzzled us as well": Malaysia's civil aviation head on #CNBC on #MH370

CNBCWorld ‏@CNBCWorld 34s
Malaysia's head of civil aviation on #CNBC: Satellite images have not been conclusive
Good evening all WS'ers!

Any news? I have been so busy and have not seen any "breaking news" except one of the stolen passport holders may have been of Iranian descent? Italians look very much like Iranians/Persians; I dated one for 7 years and alot people thought he was Italian.

Nope. No new news.
Yes, and the other one was black. At least according to authorities.
From the above link posted by ElleElle: "the aircraft may have been landed safely by terrorists/hijackers to later be used as a ‘weapon of mass destruction’ with passengers and crew now being held as hostages."

I have also thought of this as being a possibility.
Nope. No new news.
Yes, and the other one was black. At least according to authorities.

I'm beginning to wonder now if the stolen passports etc.. has absolutely nothing to do with the MIA plane and 239 souls.

Perhaps it was struck down by military? On purpose or accident?
From the above link posted by ElleElle: "the aircraft may have been landed safely by terrorists/hijackers to later be used as a ‘weapon of mass destruction’ with passengers and crew now being held as hostages."

I have also thought of this as being a possibility.

ilovepierre - from same link:

"the plane could have been intercepted by a visiting alien UFO or transported to another world via an outer space wormhole." :ufo: :abduction:
Is there such a thing as heat seeking drones that could be sent into the jungles?
The video at that same link also explains my theory that the the plane may have landed safely. It could have landed at one of the airstrips/airports left over from the Vietnam War. Or it was crashed there.

So many sites are going with the UFO/worm hole theory, simply because there is no trace of this plane. Obviously, that isn't what happened, but it sure does make for interesting conversation.
The guy who made that video seems to specialize in creating videos that claim that almost everything is a hoax or false flag. He did a few about Sandy Hook. You can google his nick and find dozens of his creations.

He also has one of my favorite wacky conspiracy theories:

(Among other articles, the site maintains that Adolf Hitler and Walt Disney were both pseudo-persons portrayed by Kermit Roosevelt, son of U.S. president Theodore Roosevelt.)


Ok, so this is "Lost"... the passengers phones ringing... creepy.

From that article:
New York Daily News reports that other theories suggest that the 100-ton Boeing 777 carrying 239 people simply disintegrated in the air at 35 000 feet, possibly due to an explosion.

I don't feel like "simply disintegrated" is the right term for talking about the loss of 239 people.

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All, this guy is a plonker clearly - has really missed a vital bit of information. Aircraft that went missing was 9M-MRO, the video of the flight path moving odd was the day's after scheduled flight 9M-MRQ. FR24 hasn't edited it's data, data anomalies happen from time to time.

9M-MRQ operated the 08th flight whereas 9M-MRO operated the missing flight on the 7th. Hope that clears everything up.

hehehehe yes clear as mud

can you post on that guy's youtube channel though so he stops spreading misinformation?

China deploys 10 satellites as ‘unprecedented mystery’ over missing MH370 deepens

China has deployed 10 high-resolution satellites to sweep and survey the South China Sea to find leads that could help locate the missing Malaysia Airlines flight MH370, the Times of India reported.
Quoting the People's Liberation Army, the newspaper reported that China's Xi'an Satellite Monitor and Control Centre has launched an emergency response for the search and adjusted up to 10 high-resolution satellites to locate the missing plane.
While I never rented a motorbike, every hotel I stayed at in Vietnam required me to leave my passport at the front desk for the duration of my stay. I hated it. Think about all the passports sitting in every hotel in Vietnam....who knows how secure they are? And that is only one example.

That's actually quite odd. I've never heard of a hotel doing that in Sth East Asia, and I've certainly never had to. You kind of need to keep your passport on you in case you need it for things like getting a motorbike etc. Very strange. I think I would have stayed somewhere else.
NO! The 20 employees were NOT from Texas. Yes it was a Texas-based company.

In a news release, Freescale said it had 12 employees from Malaysia and eight from China on the flight.

This was reported earlier.

Freescale Semiconductor, a Texas-based company that plays a role in the performance of every NASCAR Sprint Cup car, announced it had 20 employees on missing Malaysian Airlines Flight MH370.

My understanding is that this semi conductor business manufactures RFID chips, among other things. Based on my reading, and limited knowledge, I think I have a good enough understanding of what RFID tags and chips are and what they can be used for. What I don't know, and please forgive me if this is a lame question, is whether or not RFID's emit some sort of frequency(s) that would interfere with the planes operation and/or communications systems?? Just a thought since even the experts can't tell us what happened to this giant plane that seemingly has vanished....
That's actually quite odd. I've never heard of a hotel doing that in Sth East Asia, and I've certainly never had to. You kind of need to keep your passport on you in case you need it for things like getting a motorbike etc. Very strange. I think I would have stayed somewhere else.

This was in 2009. I stayed in around 10 hotels. Always had to place the passport in a paper envelope, steal it and initial over the sealed flap. Very secure (not)!

I don't recall having to do this in Thailand or Cambodia.
Looking at the tracking sites it appears that the plane was only 6 minutes late departing the airport. Mr. Ali supposedly telephoned her to arrange the purchase, then another Iranian man paid cash for the two tickets.

...ok thanks for clarifying that.... and only 6 minutes, they certainly didn't give them much I have mentioned here before, I have been on a domestic flight in Australia that was nearly an hour late because they were looking for someone who did not board but their luggage was checked in.....

so there are chances that maybe these people were all individually in the shops or similar and didn't get to the boarding in time!!

I am thinking that both the stolen passports were used by Iranians as Mr Ali was Iranian and no doubt probably part of a people smuggling racket...I think it was a joke when they said the other was black.....and I don't think they were terrorists, but illegal immigrants.
It was thought that if it was terrorism the terrorists were from the Uigher (?) group, then they would be Asian.

I am starting to wonder if this is terrorism at all as well.....but what the heck has happened to go off the radar like that?
What I absolutely cannot comprehend is why they have established five different search zones in the Andaman sea off the west coast of Malaysia, when the plane disappeared off the east coast. First the Malaysian authorities claim they have no idea where the plane is and then later when questioned about searching the Andaman sea, claim that there are things they can tell us and things they can't tell us. If you don't know anything, what is there to tell???? How does it help locate the plane if they aren't willing to disclose what they do know??

Seems to me that if they utilized the ships presently in the Andaman sea, to help search in the Gulf of Thailand and the South China sea areas in the general direction where the plane was last known to be, that it would allow them to cover the most important areas that much quicker! It just makes no sense to me!!
From the above link posted by ElleElle: "the aircraft may have been landed safely by terrorists/hijackers to later be used as a ‘weapon of mass destruction’ with passengers and crew now being held as hostages."

I have also thought of this as being a possibility.

I honestly doubt it where could the plane have landed safely with nobody on the outside world noticing? I know this region is not as populated as western countries but they cannot be so remote nobody notices a big 777 plane. I honestly think the plane is at the bottom of the sea in bits many people including myself will be shocked if it isn't. I hope I am wrong and everyone is still alive but it just isn't a credible possibility in my opinion.

I really hope the remains and wreckage are found soon. Can you imagine being the family of the passengers and crew never knowing what happened and where your loved ones are, never having closure or being able to grieve.

If anyone finds out when the next press conference is or when future press conferences are going to be please could post the times here. Myself and many other members would be very grateful for this information so that we can watch the press conferences live. Thank you for your help.
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