Malaysia airlines plane may have crashed 239 people on board #20

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The only thing I can think is - we know how Malaysia likes to quadruple-check/verify everything. I just feel like,

1. China delayed telling anyone b/c first it had to run it through the Chinese government.
2. China went back-and-forth with its ship to verify its account.
3. Chinese ship was told to go back next day and re-check to make sure it wasn't coming from other ships.
4. Chinese ship re-checks next day.
4. China then told Malaysia.
5. Malaysia fiddled around with the news, b/c they had to check everything out first, before telling Australians. So they "checked it," however they did that. Probably going back and forth with the Chinese.
6. Malaysia finally tells Australia.
7. Now Australia has to go back directly to the Chinese to get the original information from th Chinese.

And I can see how that could cause a couple-day (or longer) delay..............sigh.

****Editing to add information that China had to double-check the ping sound to rule out coming from other ships.

It must really have been difficult for Australia to let these Chinese ships come and search their waters. Kudos to Australia, they went above and beyond. Think about - you have let another country, not a certain ally, come into your waters and search around with who-knows-what kind of secret spy capabiilities built into their military ships.

Kudos to Australia.

I seem to remember hearing Angus Houston mention the Chinese ship on its way to join the search and that it did have pinger listening ability. Now maybe it was another speaker with Angus, and I specifically remember the speaker sounding as if he had trouble pronouncing the name of the ship.
Is it possible the Chinese did their own calculations off of what was available and was searching based on that? Just thinking.
“It cannot be confirmed that the pulse signal detected by the Haixun 01 is related to a black box from MH370,” the news service quoted the center as saying. False alerts can be triggered by sea life, including whales, or by noise from ships.

The Chinese vessel, Haixun 01, was searching about 1,020 miles northwest of Perth, Australia, on Saturday when it picked up the pulse signal, Xinhua reported.

On Saturday, 10 military planes, 3 civilian jets and 11 ships were scheduled to search an area about 1,050 miles northwest of Perth, and the signal reported by the Chinese ship appeared to come from that area, according to coordinates provided by Xinhua.

The 37.5 kHz signal pulse detected by the Chinese ship’s black box detector ...

This is another first I'm hearing that the Chinese had their own black box detector.



Two ships — one British, one Australian — equipped with devices able to detect transmissions from a plane’s flight data recorder began searching underwater Friday along a 150-mile track where investigators believe it’s most likely the plane entered the water, Australian authorities said. One of the devices was lent by the U.S. military.,0,1253191.story#ixzz2y1x6eB4P

I tend to take articles from with a grain of salt.
Sometimes I think the poor experts listen to the questions posed by CNN reporters and generally think, "You're asking this for real?'re babbling a fair bit...i mean you're adorable in your excitability and're that naive/misinformed?"
It must bae challeNging to answer some of the more redundant questions...
Oh my...

Still hoping this is it...
The 37.5 kHz signal pulse detected by the Chinese ship’s black box detector ...

This is another first I'm hearing that the Chinese had their own black box detector.



Two ships — one British, one Australian — equipped with devices able to detect transmissions from a plane’s flight data recorder began searching underwater Friday along a 150-mile track where investigators believe it’s most likely the plane entered the water, Australian authorities said. One of the devices was lent by the U.S. military.,0,1253191.story#ixzz2y1x6eB4P

I tend to take articles from with a grain of salt.

agreed in regards to the Examiner and try to check with a few other msm sources. yet there are times I find when 1 or 2 outlets publish something they all tend to run the same info not long afterwards, without any real fact checking..more like repeating what the first media outlets report. IMO :twocents:

yet, I have also read, from another media source, that the Chinese ship had a pinger locator on board
will go look for that link and post it too....

I believe most if the information is originating from Chinese State controlled news agency


A Chinese vessel equipped with a so-called black-box detector on Saturday picked up a pulse signal in the designated search area of the southern Indian Ocean, according to the official Xinhua News Agency. Xinhua said China's Haixun 01 patrol ship "discovered a pulse signal" with a frequency of 37.5 kilohertz at around 25 degrees south latitude and 101 degrees east longitude.

"I hate to say at this point that anything is a significant announcement. We've been down so many blind paths and wrong alleys and everything in the search and what's been reported that I don't want to be overly hopeful," Planey told CBC News, speaking from Alexandria, Va.

"It would be truly incredible luck to blindly stumble across the ping from the black box, with no other debris having been located, with no other clues that this could be from that missing Malaysian aircraft," he said.

"The reality is, the frequency that they have detected is the same frequency that is used in almost all emergency locator pingers and in a number of other sea-going devices. So it could be attached to another random piece of equipment that has fallen off of a cargo ship," Planey said."

"It would be truly incredible luck to blindly stumble across the ping from the black box, with no other debris having been located, with no other clues that this could be from that missing Malaysian aircraft," he said.

"The reality is, the frequency that they have detected is the same frequency that is used in almost all emergency locator pingers and in a number of other sea-going devices. So it could be attached to another random piece of equipment that has fallen off of a cargo ship," Planey said."

the Chinese also found white objects:

“The characteristics reported are consistent with the aircraft black box,” adding that a number of white objects were sited about 56 miles (90 kilometers) away. Angus Houston, the chief coordinator of Australia’s Joint Agency Coordination Centre, said in a prepared statement.
A Chinese military aircraft searching for the missing Malaysian jetliner spotted white floating objects in the remote southern Indian Ocean west of here Saturday, Chinese military sources said.

The crew of a Chinese Ilyushin IL-76 plane spotted numerous white floating objects in about 20 minutes starting from 11:05 a.m. local time (0305 GMT) and took pictures of them.

The Chinese plane took off at 06:04 local time Saturday morning (2204 GMT Friday) and reached the search area some 2,700 km off the coast of Perth at 09:55 a.m. local time (0155 GMT).

The findings have been reported to Australia's Joint Agency Coordination Center (JACC), which is coordinating the massive multinational search.
A Chinese vessel equipped with a so-called black-box detector on Saturday picked up a pulse signal in the designated search area of the southern Indian Ocean, according to the official Xinhua News Agency.


I think there is a little bit of difference between the one used by the chinese and the one that may be used by the usa. jmo
Timing makes sense. I think:banghead:
"Thinking of re-directing assets to verify". This is baffling.
If they don't trust the Chinese SAR...then why are they even there?

The part about "we are considering moving assets" has been bugging me all morning.

Listening to CNN while I clean (this whole thing has been WAY to distracting!) this occurred to me:

Perhaps the Official Search plan leadership has taken their best, well-educated guess on how to spend the remaining 24-72 hours of pinger life and this area is not part of it. So now they have a dilemma: should they abandon their best guess and chase this? Or stay their course, because time is of the essence, in case it is less-than-founded evidence.

With this possibility in mind, it makes complete sense to me they are hoping for more specifics from China before committing. But they may have to make their choice for the Sunday search before hearing more.
The Benthos locator being used by the Chinese in the photo is an American product. Ironically, I wouldn't be surprised if the Americans were using one "Made in China".
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