Malaysia airlines plane may have crashed 239 people on board #20

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Timing makes sense. I think:banghead:
"Thinking of re-directing assets to verify". This is baffling.
If they don't trust the Chinese SAR...then why are they even there?

It appears as though those are international waters and anyone can be there.
If it is, then it brings up why Australia or the US didn't detected it. You would think with all the technology down there, as well as *cough* Pine Gap *cough*, that they would have detected the plane.

Yes, it's all befuddling (is that the same as perplexing?).

Nothing makes sense.

I am beginning to become more and more skeptical of this latest "breaking news," the more I think about it.

I would assume US, UK, and even Malaysia would have asked Australia about what they did or did not see on their radar.

IF Australia did see it on its radar, wouldn't they have a much better idea of where the plane actually went down?

And what about Indonesia - the plane on the Southern arc HAD to pass over Indonesia. I read this yesterday on Jeff Wise's blog. He said that he found out (I'm assuming from Inmarsat?), that the signal distance from the plane to the satellite never got shorter (from the ping from 370 outside of Igari waypoint). He has a graphic of it up on his website. It shows that because of this, the plane could not have gone anywhere inside that first arc. It shows that the plane had to fly over that northwest part of Indonesia.

My understanding is that all the participating countries are reporting to the Joint Agency EXCEPT China, which reports to Beijing, which then reports to the joint agency.

They just confirmed this on CNN now.
Well surely the families will not be happy by this delay, which is by their own government. And now Australia cannot get a hold of the Chinese ship which originally made the find.

That is coming from their own government. I do think this entire investigation would have been even more chaotic/confusing/disjointed/secretive had this all been under China's control.

The 37.5 kHz signal pulse detected by the Chinese ship’s black box detector ...

This is another first I'm hearing that the Chinese had their own black box detector.



Two ships — one British, one Australian — equipped with devices able to detect transmissions from a plane’s flight data recorder began searching underwater Friday along a 150-mile track where investigators believe it’s most likely the plane entered the water, Australian authorities said. One of the devices was lent by the U.S. military.,0,1253191.story#ixzz2y1x6eB4P
China's Liberation Daily reported that three people on board had heard the signals, which were not recorded as they came suddenly.

Seriously..... not recording what they hear. I am not buying it. It's my opinion it's a tactic to keep looking. jmo idk
A Chinese reporter aboard the Haixun 01 said the crew had relayed its findings to the authorities in Perth coordinating the search. Australian Defense Minister David Johnston told Australia's ABC News that he had not received word of the Chinese findings and urged caution.

"This is not the first time we have had something that has turned out to be very disappointing," he said late Saturday. "I'm just going to wait for … my team to come forward with something that's positive because this is a very, very difficult task."

Asked about the Chinese report, a spokesman from the command center in Perth said by phone late Saturday: "We can't verify this information at this point in time.",0,1253191.story#ixzz2y1wVSTSv
On Saturday, Australian officials coordinating operations from Perth said 10 military planes, three civil jets and 11 ships were participating in the search over an area of about 84,000 square miles.

It was not immediately clear whether China’s patrol ship Haixun 01 was counted among those 11 ships, and Australian search coordinators have made no mention that any Chinese vessel participating in the search was equipped with a black-box pinger detector. Photos carried by Chinese press showed Chinese searchers in a small vessel lowered from the Haixun using a hand-held commercial pinger detector.

The command center spokesman would not discuss why Australian officials had made no mention that a Chinese ship also carried a pinger detector.,0,1253191.story#ixzz2y1xZRCOm

Here are some pictures of the Chinese with their own black box pinger detector:


On Thursday, when we waited all day for BIG news, there was also a mention of a ship headed to a specific location. There was never an update on that. I wonder if this is related.

"A British Royal Navy survey ship, HMS Echo, will be conducting a specific search on Friday, a spokesperson for the Australian Defence Force told CNN."

OMG what if that "big news" was actually supposed to be THIS ping news??????? OMGGGGGGGG.

That would make a lot of sense. This actually is BIIIGGG news.

Maybe it has take a couple of days to verify/double-check/communicate between the countries (china, malaysia, and australia)?

Maybe Australia was going to hold the presser to announce it (kinda like they did with the satellite debris images), but then Malaysia asked them not to before they were able to double-check/verify everything?

That's why the BIG news ended up being small news?

Who knows for how long all of this has played out behind the scenes?

We are just getting word of it now.
China's Liberation Daily reported that three people on board had heard the signals, which were not recorded as they came suddenly.

Seriously..... not recording what they hear. I am not buying it. It's my opinion it's a tactic to keep looking. jmo idk

... initial signal is yesterday, "Coast Guard 01" round black box search personnel found the boat on the hearing, while three people suspected signal confirms search hear the boat, but the signal is found to listen when very suddenly, was too late to the signal recorded. Today around 16:00 listens to a minute and a half or so of the signal, the current relevance of this signal and MH370 are confirmation. (Newspaper correspondent Zhang Chi Chang)
OMG what if that "big news" was actually supposed to be THIS ping news??????? OMGGGGGGGG.

That would make a lot of sense. This actually is BIIIGGG news.

Maybe it has take a couple of days to verify/double-check/communicate between the countries (china, malaysia, and australia)?

Maybe Australia was going to hold the presser to announce it (kinda like they did with the satellite debris images), but then Malaysia asked them not to before they were able to double-check/verify everything?

That's why the BIG news ended up being small news?

Who knows for how long all of this has played out behind the scenes?

We are just getting word of it now.

You stop that right now!
No getting excited. Not yet! LOL.
OMG what if that "big news" was actually supposed to be THIS ping news??????? OMGGGGGGGG.

That would make a lot of sense. This actually is BIIIGGG news.

Maybe it has take a couple of days to verify/double-check/communicate between the countries (china, malaysia, and australia)?

Maybe Australia was going to hold the presser to announce it (kinda like they did with the satellite debris images), but then Malaysia asked them not to before they were able to double-check/verify everything?

That's why the BIG news ended up being small news?

Who knows for how long all of this has played out behind the scenes?

We are just getting word of it now.

But if Australia knew about it on Thursday, why didn't they send a plane or boat at that time????? I mean, they are not even saying for sure they will send a ship/plane today. Like WTF??
Are these people playing games?! I suspect The Chinese ship is working on orders from China. Maybe it is a good thing that there is at least one entity searching independently and not influenced by the Malaysian government.
On Saturday, Australian officials coordinating operations from Perth said 10 military planes, three civil jets and 11 ships were participating in the search over an area of about 84,000 square miles.

It was not immediately clear whether China’s patrol ship Haixun 01 was counted among those 11 ships, and Australian search coordinators have made no mention that any Chinese vessel participating in the search was equipped with a black-box pinger detector. Photos carried by Chinese press showed Chinese searchers in a small vessel lowered from the Haixun using a hand-held commercial pinger detector.

The command center spokesman would not discuss why Australian officials had made no mention that a Chinese ship also carried a pinger detector.,0,1253191.story#ixzz2y1xZRCOm

Here are some pictures of the Chinese with their own black box pinger detector:



Oh Lord. I am gettting more and more of a bad feeling about all of this latest news.
You stop that right now!
No getting excited. Not yet! LOL.

LOL!! :floorlaugh:

I feel like I'm on a roller-coaster. I was like, yes!, this was the big news, they have been coordinating this, communicating.

And then someone posts a link something like "Australia says we have no idea what's going on and we have heard nothing from the Chinese."

And it's like, THUD.
Could be that was the last minute and a half left left on the pinger battery, considering less than acceptable maintenance and storage of the devices.
But if Australia knew about it on Thursday, why didn't they send a plane or boat at that time????? I mean, they are not even saying for sure they will send a ship/plane today. Like WTF??

Right. That is key here.
I'm not pouring champagne, yet.
Could be that was the last minute and a half left left on the pinger battery, considering less than acceptable maintenance and storage of the devices.

....that would be, yet, another coincidence!
No. No more coincidences. I don't buy it.
Chinese state-run media said Friday that Haixun 01 was in “a new search area north of a 1.15-million-square-kilometer area earlier designated by Australia.” The pings the Haixun 01 detected Saturday were detected once at 3:57 p.m. local time and again around 4:30 p.m., according to a correspondent from the Jiefang (Liberation) Daily aboard the Haixun, according to the reporter aboard the Haixun.

The reporter said a pulse signal was also detected Friday afternoon for 15 minutes but there were other ships in the area and searchers were concerned that the other vessels may have been causing interference, so the crew sought to replicate their findings on Saturday.

The distance between the Haixun 01 and the British and Australian vessels searching along the 150-mile track was not immediately clear Saturday evening.

Meanwhile, a Chinese air force plane flying out of Perth also reported spotting a number of “white floating objects” in the search area Saturday and photographed them, but there was no further detail about what they were.,0,1253191.story#ixzz2y20wdZso

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