Malaysia airlines plane may have crashed 239 people on board #22

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You'd be better off at the library, 1st floor bathroom NY City. Just trying to help...Bring matches, bleach, and extra flip flops...:D

Just look out for Qwest - ! HA
WARNING ALERT - CNN reports Prime Minister of Australia will update reporters in China at 5:30am New York time, 10:30 am UK time, 5:30pm Perth Australia time.
There had better be an airplane near the recorders! I think someone tossed a couple off a boat a couple of weeks later to hide the whole affair. Its just amazing flight recorders end up in a deep part of a deep ocean, that is some pretty amazing flying skills IMO

It is interesting the chinese boat, with folks listening with some ipod ear things hear pings in a super deep part??????

The pingers are set to frequency specific to airplanes.
I am confident that the pings that have been heard are from MH370.
Haha ... I like that! They talk about an announcement by Tony Abbott .. and post a pic of Russell :heartluv:

Im sure we know which one would wear budgie smugglers better :floorlaugh:
Wow. I'm actually enjoy the guests on CNN tonight.

I agree, start back to the basics.

Also, it appears the pinger is travelling North. Does the sea get shallower as you NorthEast?
WARNING ALERT - CNN reports Prime Minister of Australia will update reporters in China at 5:30am New York time, 10:30 am UK time, 5:30pm Perth Australia time.

Well, I cannot stay up to 230am. boo
Me either (passport kids). These guys dont know how to read radar, get times right, etc etc/ THe notion , with all the craziness in the first week that they were able to rule them out in 24 hours.

Heck it took years to find out all the ins and outs of the 9-11 event.

Obviously I feel the same about all the rest of em. That is a lot of folks , from unccoperative China, and other places to "clear" , later, in like four days.

And it certainly isnt likely that a country is going to say yeh they were our terrorists which would result in a mind numbing task in order to clear subversive plans from terrorists.............

and then just the photos - you guys realize those are the only photo I have ever seen of them. Media did nothing much wiht em either after a govt which has clealy shown us how inept it is ....declares "clear" and the world leave it alone?
ok great now you guys are gonna get me going in whole different direction - just like we never landed on the moon............................hold on time for some more heroin!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

But did it really? ;)
BBM ~ Because they are the works to complete their master plan? :dunno:[/QUOTE

Sorry but that is EXACTLY what I think. Once Freescale,cargo came out the beginning no .............I did not think terroriism]
Me either (passport kids). These guys dont know how to read radar, get times right, etc etc/ THe notion , with all the craziness in the first week that they were able to rule them out in 24 hours.

Heck it took years to find out all the ins and outs of the 9-11 event.

Obviously I feel the same about all the rest of em. That is a lot of folks , from unccoperative China, and other places to "clear" , later, in like four days.

And it certainly isnt likely that a country is going to say yeh they were our terrorists which would result in a mind numbing task in order to clear subversive plans from terrorists.............

and then just the photos - you guys realize those are the only photo I have ever seen of them. Media did nothing much wiht em either after a govt which has clealy shown us how inept it is ....declares "clear" and the world leave it alone?

There is another photo circulating. It is from the night before their flight with the friend who lives in KL.

ETA: i would post it but haven't mastered that yet.
and the world is spending millions and they just keep doing their thing on and on and on
it truly is numbing................

What I find very interesting is the timing of this information which is supposedly coming from Malaysian officials. They know that everyone is pre-occupied with the Australians and Mr. Houston and the search. Mr. Houston makes a press conference almost daily. He has to answer to what is going on in the search.

Who do the Malaysians have to answer to?

They are releasing information....WHERE IS THE PRESS CONFERENCE???

So that journalists can ask them questions?? Such as, where are you getting this information that it was at 4,000 feet? How did you verifty that it was the pilots's voice? Why did you say earlier it was the co-pilot, then changed it, and now have changed it again?

What exactly was your country's response in the immediate minutes and hours after you knew 370 was missing?

What jets did you scramble?

Where did these jets search?

When did you scramble them?

What information exactly led you to scrambling the jets?

Oh if I was a family member I would be fuming right now.

It is very obvious that Malaysia is trying to "slip things in" without ever having to be held accountabe or answer anyone's questions.

Makes me downright furious right now.

RE eard. ATC probably has a random generator to get the codes to give him - but they don't want those codes to be available to whoever is watching out for planes, because that makes them worthless - they have to be secret so that only the pilot will know when they tell him. I'm not sure if they only end up doing it manually if there is a problem and the military can't verify the plane is squawking correctly and not trying to hide itself.</SPAN>

The spooky thing is this is what Free Scale was working on :

Currently, the majority of flight crews receive verbal route instructions from an ATC prior to taxiing. The pilot then repeats that transmission back to the ATC to ensure that they have the correct information.
However, an aircraft equipped with a Data Comma receiver obtains that same route information digitally, and the pilot confirms by pressing a button in the cockpit. The instructions are then loaded directly into the aircraft's onboard computer system in seconds, significantly cutting down on the minute’s pilots waste sitting on the runway burning fuel before takeoff.

The second phase of the Data Comma program will deploy Controller Pilot Data Link Communications (CPDLC) to En Route ATC centers, giving controllers even more connection to the aircraft's flight deck with the digital transfer of communications, validation and assignment of altitudes, revised route information and issuance of altimeters, according to Geyer.

"Certain tasks that are currently only able to be achieved by the radar controller via voice will now be shared among the sector team. This will allow the radar controller time to run a more efficient sector. The ability to send route information that is in a loadable format to the flight deck will not only reduce the time it takes to input the data, but will also reduce input errors that occur," Geyer added. –

ok great now you guys are gonna get me going in whole different direction - just like we never landed on the moon............................hold on time for some more heroin!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !

Originally Posted by ilovepierre View Post
But did it really?

My opinions only, no facts here:

I had the pleasure decades ago of hearing a semi-private talk (a few dozen in the audience) from one of the lunar astronauts. From his story and his personally-presented pictures (some of the moon ones were quite funny), I firmly believe that the US landed people on the moon. And trust me here, this is something I know about.

But as for MH 370........., see my next post.

Prime Minister Tony Abbott says he is confident new signals detected by the navy come from the MH370 black box.

The prime minister delivered a speech in China, following unconfirmed reports the black box had been found.

"We are confident that we have the position of the black box flight recorder to within a couple of kilometres," he said.

Earlier today Mr Abbott revealed positive signs in the search for the missing flight.
"It's been very much narrowed down because we've now had a series of detections, some for quite a long period of time," he told reporters in Beijing today.

"Nevertheless, we're getting to the stage where the signal from what we are very confident is the black box is starting to fade.

"We are hoping to get as much information as we can before the signal finally expires."

My opinions only, no facts here:

With the Australian Prime Minister’s comments today (Apr. 10, US time, a day later down under), it is beginning to sound like the discovery of MH 370 is fairly certain, according to some, but not all authorities and commentators. But, as an empirical scientist, I keep scratching my head about the contradictions outlined below (note that these contradictions may simply be the result of errors in news reporting and/or errors regarding my interpretations of hard data).

The initial detection of pings by the ship Ocean Shield was said to be from when the TPL-25 (“Towed Pinger Locator”) sensor was being towed at less than 1000 feet depth (the sensor was later lowered to a much greater depth, read below). But let us look at this initial contact with the pings. The Ocean Shield was towing a U.S.-developed sensor, the TPL-25. According to a site, the TPL-25 can be lowered to depths of as much as 20,000 feet, but can only detect a signal from a distance of ONE MILE from its source (this may be a nautical mile? = 1.15 American miles). So, if the TPL-25 was initially being towed at ~1000 feet depth, how did it detect a signal emitted from the bottom of the ocean (~14,800 feet deep at this location) far beyond its claimed detection range?

Let us carry this logic further. After the initial detection, the TPL-25 was lowered from ~1000 feet to 4600 feet. This lowering of the TPL-25 involves a very wide turn of the ship and a pass back over the initial ping detection site. Note that even at the new 4600 foot depth, the TPL-25 is still theoretically beyond its designed detection range (14,800 – 4,600 = 10,200 feet = way over 1 American mile or 1 nautical mile). The answer to this conundrum could be that very ideal conditions exist in this part of the southern Indian Ocean. Although it may be a myth, it is claimed that under very ideal conditions, pings from a black box can be detected 3 miles (American or nautical?) from their source. BUT REMEMBER, after the TPL-25 was lowered to 4600 feet, the ping signal was detected continuously for more than two hours. The TPL-25 is typically towed at a speed of 3 to 5 knots (3.5 to 5.8 miles per hour). This implies that the TPL-25 was towed a lateral distance of 7 to 11.6 miles at 4600 feet depth while continuously detecting the pings from ~14,800 feet. Based upon this information, we have to accept that the TPL-25 can detect a ping signal from a source MORE than 3 miles distant and more than three times its engineered capability. It has been stated widely in the press that the TPL-25 can detect a black box from 2 nautical miles (2.3 miles) or American miles; this disagrees with the official data sheets and is still considerably less than 3 American miles and does not discredit my observations above.

Not including the very earliest detection of pings by a Chinese ship, and after four confirmed contacts with pings (the most recent fifth one has been dismissed by authorities), the official search area is still inexplicably large (+800 square miles). With four confirmed ping contacts and assuming a maximum detection range of 1 to ~3 miles from the ping source, triangulation (or “quadulation”) of the signal source should have narrowed the source location very, very greatly. In my opinion only, we should be narrowed down to a small fraction of the present search area.

I don’t know what the overall answers are. But for now, I will accept that the TPL-25 sensor can detect black box signals from more than 3 times greater than its claimed engineered capability. However, in the slim chance that nothing is found on the ocean bottom at the reported ping locations, I will weigh in with an explanation in the future. If the authorities find the plane near-to the present search location, my greatest compliments are extended to all involved in the search.
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