Malaysia airlines plane may have crashed 239 people on board #24

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What follows is a fact review based on main stream media reports since March 8.No theory, speculation or notions herein.

Hold on give me a minute I am going through Volume One of misinformation by the MAL govt. Oh, here it is page 2451 Vol One!

This is how this fib played out:

On Monday Malaysia’s civil aviation chief Azharuddin Abdul Rahman told a press conference that five passengers checked in for the flight but didn’t end up boarding the plane.

He then stated that their baggage was removed from the plane, in accordance with strict regulations.

It was then reported the bags never existed in the first place

Then the passengers never made it to the check-in desk.

Then were only four people — not five — who missed flight MH370.
Then they did This statement is in reference to the many queries on the alleged five passengers who checked-in but did not board MH370 on 8 March 2014 from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing despite having valid tickets to travel

Then they stated this Malaysia Airlines wishes to clarify that there were four passengers who had valid booking to travel on flight MH370, not 4 8 March 2014, but did not show up to check-in for the flight.

Then they threw in our passengers did not check in for the flight
Then this came the passenger claims he and his companion Rory were booked on the plane but were held up for personal reasons.

Then they said this can’t be confirmed

Then tweets appeared that indicated they missed the flight-the date of the tweet time zone stuff I assume?
[FONT=&quot]@Cylithria lighting up your notifications babydoll. I am ok. Missed our flight. I am safe Ria. Email, text, tweet so I know you see this[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]9:01 PM - 7 Mar 2014 ??????????????????????????????????????????????????[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]I am glad I was able to find one piece that summarized all this, one of many, lie as you go, see if the media will challenge whatever you trial balloon, and if there is no follow-up, move on , say nothing more, and move on to the next fabrication.[/FONT]

Then we had the Vietnamese asked another plane in the area that was heading to Japan to contact MH370 and were told the Japan-bound plane reported back to the Vietnamese controllers that when it reached MH370 only a “buzz signal” came back, but no voices.
We were then told that the “no” voices were muffled.

Then this gem, which 72 days has different meaning: “The search for the missing jetliner is focusing on two widely separated quadrants, one in the Malacca Straits off the west coast of Malaysia and the other hundreds of miles away in the northern Bay of Bengal, a U.S. official said today”. Reported March 14.

Poof two months later Bay of Bengal appears again. Then nothing.

Then we had this 'The focus on those areas is based on sharing of data by Malaysia and the U.S. Then the US seemed to vanish completely , in any and all context in an everlasting manner- not one peep from the NTSB who MAL is eagerly looking forward to working with to solve this “mystery”.

The electronic handshake was first described as :” crude when it comes to location data”. It went from crude, to “satellites that had been pinged by the missing airliner in the hopes that those contacts might aid in plotting the plane's final position.” This crude data then becomes the entire answer to the entire issue.

Then Immersed describes the “information was shared with SITA”,whom we never hear one word about ever again. Had no clue looked em up, SITA is a multinational information technology company specializing in providing IT and telecommunication services to the air transport industry.......

  • ! The company provides its services to around 450 members and 2,800 customers worldwide—this amounts to over 90% of the world's airline business. There tasked to monitor [FONT=&quot]Airport operations, including airport management, safety and security, and passenger processing, Aircraft operations, including operational communications, e-Aircraft services (for [ame=""]Electronic flight bag - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia[/ame]), and in-flight communications ,Baggage operations Cargo operations, Transportation security, including border management.[/FONT]
  • They took in 1.57 billion in 2012. My only conclusion here must be they are good at the above-mentioned tasks. $1.57 billion.
Then Immersat proclaims “controllers know where an aircraft is at all times.". The” know where an aircraft is at all times , goes never used technology before. Knowing where aircraft are is not anything new.

We then go from “investigators do not know what happened to the jetliner despite a week of intense searching” to our solemn declaration all about ending in the Indian Ocean. Without using any words like, crashed, exploded, plummeted into the Indian Ocean in an inferno. But yes, the Indian ocean…

You have cancer but I did not look at your blood work, x-rays or bone marrow – just I said so!

How we got there, to this day, with zero wreckage in the very specific area identified remains, well it just is, cause MAL, with its long history of accuracy say so. Period?

We had the “bad pilots who are evil which persists for some time, but then with no explanation whatsoever our pilots become invisible without any explanation whatsoever as to how they went from possibly nefarious to , well, a non-issue.

We had the quickest “clearing” of 239 people, from all different countries, with total confusion about what their names are ( if you’re not sure its Mark, Marc, Marq how on earth can you clear anyone?)

. ……..I vote a Mark Smith, could indeed by a different person than Marc Smith who, in all liklihiid is a totally different person than Marq Smith. oh well! Open for suggestions on this one!

We all remember tasty fruit to a class 9, the most dangerous classification to Lithium. I have no issue asking for help with math(!) , did so , and according to the numbers the items weighed around 35 lbs. EACH.,,,,, totally based on the manifest THEY released.

Even I know if you x items, that weigh x pounds you get the weight of an item. It was in metrics or something.

What went unnoticed, several weeks later several statements that went back to the proclamation that the batteries were for cell phones and laptops ( the TV show “Land of The Giants” ended quite a few decade ago!).

In the spirit of global cooperation they added seat locations to the manifest. In the context of MAL 370 ,if you can’t find the machine, who cares what was printed on their boarding passes. Useless "in the interest of transparacy' “additional” info.

For weeks, Free scale was referred to as Motorola name change, which is like saying they manufactured (in terms of perception) they went from model T to Bentleys when the truth, clearly outlined on their own website, is this outfit are one of the most sophisticated chip makers on the planet.

There is a difference, and just like the fruit and batteries the need to present one “extreme” when the truth is on the other end of spectrum in its entity.

I took a cookie when I robbed the US Treasury ………………..

This pattern was used for Maldives, the oil rig, the fire extinguisher, the pings, the initial Viet report that they were getting signals from ELT off their cost (this one only lasted about 3 news cycles if I recall correctly,- cause to me, this was significant and kept trying to follow that angle. At that point I just thought it was a crash- so I knew the ELT’s would be huge . Poof not another word to this day.

Any you know what, at this point, for democratic nations worldwide, at the end of the day, the real problem with this is the media. In democratic society Freedom of Speech is nice and all but its true organs were solely about having a check and balance revolving totally around the public’s right to know, right to challenge leaders and have in place a methodoly to keep corruption, deception , and abuse of power by those in power over the masses who don’t……………….

Sad and scary reality …. The “people” are powerless………. c

Hat so agree follwoing up on:.

-The photo of the 2 guys with same legs
-The rumor of the passengers that did not want to board
-The way they would not tell hardly anything to the families of any real facts about anything, like the cargo, etc.
-The way they seemed hesitant to agree the plane turned left
-The whole demeanor of their spokespersons just comes across as if they are hiding something.
It would seem, that when this much BS and pseudo science are prevalent, there is a much larger issue at risk, much more so than the subject in everyone else's focus(the plane).
What follows is a fact review based on main stream media reports since March 8.No theory, speculation or notions herein.

...snipped for space...

Thanks for the summary. It really is amazing isnt it.

It sure seems like purposeful miscommunication. Nobody can be that bad at handling a crisis, can they.

MH370: Australia Seems Conspiring to Hide Something, Random Letter Sparks Questions on Au’s Security Radar

could not understand why MH370 was never detected by Australian system. "If the FPDA recognised air defence picture was operating - and it appears from Malaysian media claims that it was - then Australian defence force personnel would have been able to see that same data at the same time"


Missing Malaysia Airlines plane: Scientists question methods and the politics of the MH370 search

UNDERWATER scientists have labelled the search for MH370 a “debacle” and say Prime Minister Tony Abbott was playing politics when he prematurely announced the black box pingers had been found.
I been thinking more about this incident & I think the authorities should do a passenger list comparison between this Etihad flight & MH370. Perhaps the passenger with the death wish had a life insurance politcy worth millions for the surviving family ?

For those that haven't read the related articles, there was a couple of fires set on this one plane, then the plane landed & was checked & after the second take off, there were a couple more fires (5 fires were set in total on this flight).

So it is definite that there was a person in the Indian Ocean area trying to harm a plane they were on.
12 passengers were detained for more thorough questioning but the crime came to no solution & they were all released a couple days later. When the fire attack didn't work, the desparate culprit may have graduated to attempting a more sophisticated plan on MH370 ?

There are too many co-incidences:
- just a couple week apart
- Indian Ocean area
- unusual suicide by commercial airliner

Hmmmm....very interesting!
I wonder if there's anyway we can see a passenger manifest from those other flights. I doubt the authorities will take it upon themselves to do it....or even put 2+2 together.
Just heard on CNN tv that they have confirmed that Inmarsat has sent the raw handshake data to the data owner, Malaysia Airlines & now we are awaiting how & when MAS want to present it to the public.
Just heard on CNN tv that they have confirmed that Inmarsat has sent the raw handshake data to the data owner, Malaysia Airlines & now we are awaiting how & when MAS want to present it to the public.

[FONT=&quot]Here are the mainstream links from which the following facts were located:[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot][/FONT] [FONT=&quot][/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]……..and the hits just keep coming! Don’t forget Australia’s Pine Gap which is Americas most sophisticated radar tracking system in its network. Combine the two and WOW EY ![/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]Its actually fascinating stuff![/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Pine Gap: Australia's most secretive location[/FONT]

  • [FONT=&quot]Pine Gap is a satellite tracking station [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Desert secrets:[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Since 1970, the US and Australia have eavesdropped on the rest of the world from Pine Gap....

[/FONT][FONT=&quot]-There are at least ten top secret American facilities in Australia with the so called 'Joint defense Space Research Facility' at Pine Gap outside Alice Springs being classified as the most important.[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]-[/FONT][FONT=&quot]other reasons for establishing the base which have never been fully revealed to the Australian government.[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]-not a requirement for the USA to share all information with Australia[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]-No Australians were involved in the construction work[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]-several years on large underground facilities….Long tunnels are laid out in a pattern similar to the spokes of a wheel and extend several miles from the center of the base.[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]-Pine Gap's communication systems are the most sophisticated available (this fact amuses me – what is the core problem re MAL 370 – we lost contact!)[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]-They stay in their self-contained theme park enjoying all the luxuries of home.[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]-So stringent is the security that even personal shopping is undertaken in the USA and everything ordered on a weekly basis,[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]-multibillion dollar operation[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]-fence is patrolled continuously by American guards and members of the Australian Federal Police Force. The American guards live at the base and the Federal Police at Alice Springs.[/FONT]

MH370: Australia Seems Conspiring to Hide Something, Random Letter Sparks Questions on Au’s Security Radar


Missing Malaysia Airlines plane: Scientists question methods and the politics of the MH370 search
Beautifully stated sir or mame!

and scary and if it isn't creeping one out it ought to be IMO!!!


It would seem, that when this much BS and pseudo science are prevalent, there is a much larger issue at risk, much more so than the subject in everyone else's focus(the plane).

and 2Rose

thank you locating (!) the word: “debacle”!!
Earlier post that is it I am officially declaring that the world has gone mad. DONE! so there !

.and the really bizaire thing it seems everyone reboarded the darn plane???

don''t know about any of you all, but if an aircraft I was on kept catching on fire I am seeing a travel agent upon landing at a location that is NOT smoking and/or on fire!!

Just an issue I have with stuff like jet fuel, sparks, smoke, flames, acrid burning smells that kind of stuff ---small quirk of mine

That came out funny!
[FONT=&quot]… and even in the context of the word “conspiracy”, ([/FONT]plot, scheme, plan, machination, ploy, trick, ruse, subterfuge;) [FONT=&quot], it’s not like any of us are talking space ships from Pluto – is very confused. Without any provable facts, nothing anyone else (within reason – Martians, meteorites, UFO’s etc.) locates, from a reliable source cannot be labeled a conspiracy , technically speaking.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Humans need order, comprehension in all aspects of existing – they would have been , from the beginning just saying security issues worldwide we will never discuss MAL 370 again. “no comment” it for a week, the media and the world would have just had to accept it ![/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]All secrets have reasons!
MALAYSIA***Fed up, families demand Hishammuddin step down over MH370 military blunder

MAY 23, 2014

Defence Minister and acting Transport Minister Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Hussein (centre) with other top Malaysian officials involved in the MH370 investigations. Hishammuddin's recent defence of Malaysia's failure to scramble jets upon detecting the missing Malaysia Airlines on March 8 has renewed criticisms of his handling of the crisis. – Reuters pic, May 23, 2014.The families of flight MH370 passengers and crew have derided Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Hussein’s weak defence of military inaction during the early hours of the plane's disappearance, and in a show of anger some have even demanded that he step down as the acting Transport Minister.

Hishammuddin told the Australian Broadcasting Corp in an interview aired on Monday that the Malaysian military had been told to keep an eye on the plane but allowed it to disappear off their radar after considering it to be non-hostile.

His statements have drawn much flak from the families of those on board the ill-fated jetliner, who said he has only fuelled more questions instead of providing answers to the incident.

They also said the statements by Hishammuddin, who is also Defence Minister, smacked of incompetence and that more honest people should be allowed to lead the investigation into the aircraft’s disappearance, instead of covering up the military’s and the government’s flaws.

Indian national Pralhad Shirsath whose wife was a passenger on the plane, questioned how the plane was allowed to pass through Malaysian airspace without any action taken, when the military knew that M370 was missing or in trouble.

“If they have reason to hide information, they should tell us and probably we will try to understand them". – Pralhad Shirsath, husband of passenger on flight MH370.

He said the minister’s statement only showed that it was part of “a plan” to make the plane disappear with some purpose.

“Mr Transport Minister said, ‘If you're not going to shoot it down, what's the point of sending it up?’
PlayStation-crazy Hishammuddin Hussein's interview with an Australian TV network showed how embarrassingly inept he is as Defence Minster.
PlayStation-crazy Defence Minister Hishammuddin Hussein thinks that RMAF jets sent to investigate an unidentified aircraft must fire missiles and shoot it down. He must realise that the defence of Malaysian airspace is not like playing ‘Grand Theft Auto’.
It is bad enough having to suffer an inept Cabinet. We do not need trigger-happy ministers to start a war because of their stupidity.Hishammuddin’s performance, in the interview with ABC’s Four Corners programme, was embarrassing. He wasn’t just evasive, he was reckless and negligent.

He misunderstands his role as Defence Minister. On the night Malaysian Airlines Flight MH370 disappeared, he justified the failure of the RMAF to scramble a fighter jet to investigate because the blip on the radar was “…not deemed a hostile object.”

He said, “If you’re not going to shoot it down, what’s the point of sending it (a fighter) up?” The Defence Minister does not need Opposition Leader Anwar Ibrahim or other people to tarnish the reputation of Malaysia. Hishammuddin is doing a splendid job by himself.
ON THE steps of Albert Street’s Uniting Church in the city’s CBD stood three sisters; each still uncertain of what had happened, but content the time had come to say goodbye.

The daughters of Cathy and Bob Lawton – missing, presumed dead after Malaysia Airlines flight MH370 disappeared on March 8 – personally greeted more than 300 mourners at the memorial service for the Springfield Lakes couple yesterday.
there was discussion of AF 447!

Chronology of finding AF 447:
Pretty much from the beginning the media had begun making comparisons to AF 447. resulting, IMO,, in the notion that it took two years of active searching before finding the actual wreckage of flight 447. The media has also given the impression that it took 5 days to find conclusive proof that flight 447 had crashed into an ocean when the timeline is as follows:

=====-1 June 2009 .... after 02:10 UTC it vanished from radar.
====-Within hours on June 2 2009 --…..wreckage and signs of oil, aircraft seat, an orange buoy, a barrel, and "white pieces and electrical conductors were located confirming that the aircraft had indeed crashed into the ocean............
======…-.five days after Flight 447 disappeared, two male bodies, ….a seat, a nylon backpack containing a computer …vaccination card …. leather briefcase containing a boarding pass for the Air France flight had been found on the surface.
=====-On day 6, search crews recovered the Airbus's stablizer
-=========By the ninth day …….. 50 bodies………….had been located
====-Within 25 days …………… 640 items of debris from the aircraft had been located………..

671 days passed since the crash itself and the location of the main wreckage of the aircraft . Of those 671 days the total amount of active sea searching occurred for approximately 80 days…………IMO, Air France was found because it had crashed in the ocean….. it’s a physics thing, stuff floats, stuff sinks ........... laws of gravity ... while the notion , for months, that it makes some sense that life rafts, seat cushions, emergeny slides , paper cups, for some reason just will not be on top of the ocean??

In the Queens AMerican airlines crash the stablizer (tail) floated, in Air France the stablizer floated, in a test flight for A320 the stablizer floated, in TWA 800 metal objects were found floating - stuff that weighs TONS.............

and noone has seen one life vest? (I remember being haunted by seeing safety cards floating - do not remember which crash it was )

A few more pics of heavy items, floating nicely (!), days afterwards in various aviation disasters:
Certainly dispels the notion that lots of large objects don't float !
I became curious about as it relates to his aviation background.: I was unable to find anything in his background related to aviation in any manner. He has a lot of family connections however!
-formerly a lawyer
-appointed as a Minister of Youth and Sport ==== I guess the CEO of the Boy and Girl Scouts!
He was a real charmer:

.....met 100 students at the Malaysian Students Department in London, and said that idle gossip fuelled the perception of a much higher level of street crimes, than in reality.

He said, “Most victims are women. What do women do? They go to the hairdressers… they chit-chat" .......
oblivious to the concerns of the public – men who mysteriously fell off buildings, people who had “sudden death” syndrome during their time in the police lock-up and teenagers who died after being shot by policemen. Great a club scout leader who has kids killed..............................soemthing is really "wrong" here

PlayStation-crazy Hishammuddin Hussein's interview with an Australian TV network showed how embarrassingly inept he is as Defence Minster.
Apparently the new chip from Free-Scale allows for super fast charging of Lithium batteries. The hope here is to change the charging time for electric cars. Imagine electric cars that recharge in 15 minutes! Whoever could do that could change a nations dependence on oil, changing the world The financial windfall of having the capacity I would think would be huge. Li-ion battery charger ICs ... delivering faster and cooler charging to a wide array of applications ... In February 2013, Freescale Semiconductor launched new Kinetis KL02 MCU— ...

It looks like you have confused the Freescale product with the Texas Instruments battery charger.
These products are a year old now. I've heard it said that computer technology advances every 6 months ???
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