Malaysia airlines plane may have crashed 239 people on board #6

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The last words heard "alright, good night" are unusual in that the two systems, ACAR and transponder, had already been turned off. So the timing of events means the words are out of place and suspect.

Talking about this now on CNN.

I had missed this!! It's morning here and I'm still catching up in posts. If this is the case, ignore my last post!
If the plane was allegedly still flying 7 hours after it dropped off radar that is way after the time it was supposed to land and this was the redeye which means there were *most likely* people who had business on board and if they thought they would be late there would be a stink meaning people turning on cell phones or using the in flight phones that are on most planes. Do we know if the in-flight phones were also disabled? On a plane this size there is also a large staff in the passenger area.. not just the cockpit..

This entire thing is just so absolutely strange

From what we know this plane was not equipped with WIFI, nor inflight phones and cellphones would not work since they could not connect to a cell tower on the ground.

If the passengers didn't know what was going on during the flight, it was night time afterall, I would definitely say that by the time their destination arrival time passed and they were still flying that suspicions would have arisen..

A crew and over 200 passengers had to be subdued somehow..
A satellite picked up the pings from the plane's ACARS system. From the angle and signal strength of the pings experts were able to deduce the distance of the plane from the receiving satellite. But the pings can't indicate the plane's precise location. In the abstract the plane could be anywhere on a circle equidistant from the ping's mileage to the satellite. BUT locations on the circle outside the plane's fuel range can be eliminated. Eliminated too are areas with strong primary radar coverage (the gap over Malaysia), as the plane would have been seen.

So we can know that the plane was airborne somewhere on the northern or southern arcs indicated at 8:11am Malaysian time with limited fuel remaining. After that, it was not heard from again.

Thank you so much for this explanation. I get it now.
yeah. This event has made me go back over events on each of the flights involved with 9/11. It seems the hijackers did not turn off transponders so atc knew where they were and when they tried to broadcast to the passengers on the plane each of them accidentally communicated with atc. But even with these mistakes the authorities and military were alerted but the planes still mostly hit their targets. so maybe, if these are hijackers, they learned from al-quada's mistakes? all that info is available on wikipedia.

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bbm~ yes.
I think at least one pilot being a suspect in this is likely.

The last two people in charge of the flight and would probably have the knowledge base to make so many unorthodox, yet successful maneuvers is probably a pilot with years upon years of solid experience of flying commercial aircraft.

This seems to shine a strong spotlight on at least the elder pilot.
I wish someone would find Jim Thompson, founder of the famous silk company in Thailand, too. In 1967, he disappeared on Easter Sunday from the Cameron Highlands in Malaysia. No one ever saw him again.

After I read the book about his life, I couldn't stop thinking about what happened to him. I believe this was my first case pre WS! Then I recalled how I devoured Nancy Drew books as a kid.

BBM Interesting story, I'd never heard of him!
Need a screen capture. The link just makes you start at tomnod and click through all the begin stuff.

Even if you gave a screen cap, I could not help, but, maybe someone here can advise.

I just clicked on really shiny or really large thinking debris. :blushing:

The pic I attached is a screen capture, but I edited it to add the circle of what I was pointing out.
I will attach it again with tinypic-


BTW- I have noticed when someone links to tomrod if you click the very center tile you will get which one you are being directed to. Also, look at the link info, the last 5-6 digits are the tile number, which shows up in the dialogue box on the left (tells you what number tile you are looking at).
taking control of all the people on that plane would take a large number of people.. not just some cockpit takeover. They would have to somehow subdue all the passengers and take all their electronic devices. :twocents: just my thoughts here

There was a discussion earlier, about a potential way to instantly subdue ALL of the passengers. When the plane elevated to 45000 feet, the passengers would need their air masks. Those masks could have been tampered with, which would potentially disable and then kill all of the passengers.
I believe it. Even my dad said that passengers traveling on stolen passports are not uncommon. That's something I keep having to remind myself of, that just because we increased airport security after 9/11, doesn't mean that other countries did.

Do you think things will change over there now, security-wise?

No,I don't think things will change in a lot of areas. A lot of money rests on things not changing. I mean more than we can comprehend in a single flight. The people on board may not be all that is there, and it may not take a lot of space for the cargo. Drug moving is huge, among other things.
From what we know this plane was not equipped with WIFI, nor inflight phones and cellphones would not work since they could not connect to a cell tower on the ground.

If the passengers didn't know what was going on during the flight, it was night time afterall, I would definitely say that by the time their destination arrival time passed and they were still flying that suspicions would have arisen..

A crew and over 200 passengers had to be subdued somehow..

Yes, and the typical pattern that the staff persues (drinks, snacks, etc) would also have been disrupted.. plus usually staff are not new and know the shifts and turns of a "normal" flight (re: the altitude change alone should have at least alerted the head steward).. I have a friend that is a flight attendant and she told me she would know right away if the course was off on her normal flights that she attends on. (thank you for the info on the wifi and phones)
I think at least one pilot being a suspect in this is likely.

The last two people in charge of the flight and would probably have the knowledge base to make so many unorthodox, yet successful maneuvers is probably a pilot with years upon years of solid experience of flying commercial aircraft.

This seems to shine a strong spotlight on at least the elder pilot.

Think it may be time to look at all flight crew members.
The pic I attached is a screen capture, but I edited it to add the circle of what I was pointing out.
I will attach it again with tinypic-


BTW- I have noticed when someone links to tomrod if you click the very center tile you will get which one you are being directed to. Also, look at the link info, the last 5-6 digits are the tile number, which shows up in the dialogue box on the left (tells you what number tile you are looking at).

I can make out what you are describing but to me it looks like cloud
The pic I attached is a screen capture, but I edited it to add the circle of what I was pointing out.
I will attach it again with tinypic-


BTW- I have noticed when someone links to tomrod if you click the very center tile you will get which one you are being directed to. Also, look at the link info, the last 5-6 digits are the tile number, which shows up in the dialogue box on the left (tells you what number tile you are looking at).

I see what you are! Don't know if it is a plane, but you got a ghosty shadow - and some danged good eyes!
" U.S. aviation safety experts say the shutdown of communications systems makes it clear the missing Malaysia Airlines jet was taken over by someone who knew how the plane worked.

To turn off the transponder, someone in the cockpit would have to turn a knob with multiple selections to the "off" position while pressing down at the same time, said John Goglia, a former member of the U.S. National Transportation Safety Board. That's something a pilot would know, but it could also be learned by someone who researched the plane on the Internet, he said.

The Aircraft Communications Addressing and Reporting System (ACARS) has two aspects, Goglia said. The information part of the system was shut down, but not the transmission part. In most planes, the information section can be shut down by hitting cockpit switches in sequence in order to get to a computer screen where an option must be selected using a keypad, said Goglia, an expert on aircraft maintenance.

That's also something a pilot would know how to do, but that could also be discovered through research, he said.

But to turn off the other transmission portion of the ACARS, it would be necessary to go to an electronics bay beneath the cockpit. That's something a pilot wouldn't normally know how to do, Goglia said. The Malaysia plane's ACARS transmitter continued to send out blips that were recorded by satellite once an hour for four to five hours after the transponder was turned off. The blips don't contain any messages or data, but the satellite can tell in a very broad way what region the blips are coming from."

Read more:

Regarding the third part, the pilot is known as an 'aviation geek' ... it sounds like something he would know.
Having seen photos of him with two women and a journalist in the cockpit, it makes me curious if the co-pilot allowed the hijacker(s) into the cockpit, without knowing their intentions?



Yes! Has anyone sleuthed the flight crew?

I briefly scanned over the passenger manifest and I noticed a 30-something year old passenger with the same surname as a member of the flight crew.
There was a discussion earlier, about a potential way to instantly subdue ALL of the passengers. When the plane elevated to 45000 feet, the passengers would need their air masks. Those masks could have been tampered with, which would potentially disable and then kill all of the passengers.

I missed that.. thank you!

so at 45,000 the decompression in the cabin does not "work"? most likely the pressure alone would knock them out I suppose if that is the case.

The drop to 23k then was most likely their way of evading pings.

wonder if they checked out the fuel people/questioned them to see if the plane had more fuel than was initially reported. First reports said they could only fly for six hours on what they had heavy.
This would explain the stories of the passenger's phones ringing and not answering. :(

I am sure whoever took possession of MH370 has crashed it.

The hold up is the governments etc getting prepared because once we all know air travel is not monitored and how easy it is to do, people are not going to be happy. Especially the victim's loved ones.

I guess the security placed after 9/11 did not happen all over the world. :twocents:

We have to remember that safety and security regulations are different in every country.

After 9/11 some other countries may have adopted what the US put in place in regards to national safety and security but we should not expect all countries to follow suit.

Are there other countries in the world that have Pre-Clearance Inspection and Immigration facilities in foreign country's other than the US? None that I know of.
Yes! Has anyone sleuthed the flight crew?

I briefly scanned over the passenger manifest and I noticed a 30-something year old passenger with the same surname as a member of the flight crew.

we don't do that here :nono: just fyi
Have I been looking at this stuff too long?
Does anyone else see a vague shape of a plane (front half, wings and nose)?

I circled it-
View attachment 41917

I keep thinking if it is deep maybe that is why just a shadow of it, more or less....then again I think I am getting wonky from looking at 4 different Tomnod grids :crazy:

:giggle: Tell me I am losing it and need to take a break, PLEASE! :please:

Yes, I see it
But my eyes are searching for a plane and I want to see it. could that be it?
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