Malaysia airlines plane may have crashed 239 people on board #6

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Trying to catch up, been at the ER all mornng with Daughter. (Why did I stay up till 3 am for nothing? ) Smacking myself.

Did they do another PC after the one at 1-2 am est? And did they answer questions this time>? TYIA.
Has anyone heard anymore information in the media regarding the pilots mental health or recent behaviour? I'm sure I read there was something in the pilots past (perhaps a long time ago) but nothing more. No reports of recent family problems or bereavement or anything.

I keep thinking back to pilot suicide. People either kill themselves actively or passively. If you kill yourself by crashing your car, you can either manoover the car to make yourself crash or put your foot on he accelerator, sit back and allow the car to veer off on its own path.

The co-pilot makes the second approach less probable. They'd never allow the pilot to just fly against instruction and run out of fuel. That is, unless the co-pilot was locked out.

I will be good to get an idea of whether authorities are focusing on the pilot or passenger take over.

Edit: Oh and the pilot would have to have felt the need to turn off the transponders (which is why I doubt this senario).
Trying to catch up, been at the ER all mornng with Daughter. (Why did I stay up till 3 am for nothing? ) Smacking myself.

Did they do another PC after the one at 1-2 am est? And did they answer questions this time>? TYIA.

Hope your daughter is ok Deb.
This is a very detailed and informative article that explains some of the technology and how they were able to determine the change of course and the continual satellite 'pings' of the aircraft for some seven hours after the last confirmed contact:

From this link:

"Satellite transmission data analyzed by U.S. investigators showed that the Malaysian Airline (MAS) System Bhd. jet’s probable last known position was in a zone about 1,000 miles west of Perth, said a person in U.S. government who is familiar with the readings. A possible if less likely track goes from the tip of Indonesia toward Kazakhstan to northern Thailand."
IMO, Malaysia thinks they are in charge. Also IMO, The US and China are the ones in charge. I think they both know a lot. And neither one will show their hand as they don't want anyone to know the extent of their spying capabilities.

Christ, none of this seems real to me. It's playing out like a spy novel.
The writers and producers in Hollywood are already salivating over this one. It is exactly like a spy novel and action movie plot.

You are right about who is in charge, too. It is like a high stakes poker game with the countries trying not to give up their "tell". Too bad hundreds of lives hang in the balance while they play out their hands.
Trying to catch up, been at the ER all mornng with Daughter. (Why did I stay up till 3 am for nothing? ) Smacking myself.

Did they do another PC after the one at 1-2 am est? And did they answer questions this time>? TYIA.
Hope your daughter gets better soon.

I believe they cancelled the latest presser, but not certain of the original time it was scheduled.
This is a very detailed and informative article that explains some of the technology and how they were able to determine the change of course and the continual satellite 'pings' of the aircraft for some seven hours after the last confirmed contact:

Also from this link:

"Investigators largely discount the northeasterly track because the nations along that route have robust air-defense radar systems, and no evidence has turned up that the rogue plane flew into that airspace, according to a person familiar with the probe who spoke on condition of not being named because of the sensitivity of the information."
I just want to say that all of you wading into Tomnod and all the Tech info available simply, Rock!!!

I would be lost if you guys didn't take the time to explain all the confusing info in this case.
The pilot built a flight simulator in his home that can be seen in a video of his. Might not be anything in and of itself, although i don't know any pilots that built those at home.
Going up to 45k feet would mess with cabin pressure and knock the cabin passengers out. If there was a fire, then the o2 masks wouldn't deploy, otherwise it sounds like they would. But then the autopilot would descend to 10k feet before the 5 minutes of cabin 02 ran out.
The pilots have different 02 up front that lasts for 30 minutes.
It sounds unheard of that a plane this size would disappear without leaving a trace in the water.
Seems like too many redundant systems were manually turned off.
I think this plane went somewhere intentionally.
If something went according to plan, we will find out eventually. If it did not go according to plan, we may never know.
ITA. This seems to be a very well planned action & they would have had a place to land lined up ahead of time.

This is why I'm dubious that the plane came down in the Indian Ocean due to lack of fuel - surely if the hijackers have enough experience and skills to continue flying for 7+ hours without detection, they'd have known exactly how much fuel they had and where this could take them
Ty so much. She's been sick since June with phantom gall bladder pains. Gall bladder was out 5 years ago and nobody can figure it out. While they were doing ultrasound I asked the technician if she could track down the missing plane! lol
If you blow this up you can see that this object has defined corners. It looks square or rectangular. What is underneath it. I'm glad you tagged this again because boats are usually not square.
The back of boats are often squared off, but clearly the front of that one is tapered to a point. Shadows in the water and waves make odd shapes and play with the way things are perceived visually from above. Also the direction of the boat is a factor.
IMO, Malaysia thinks they are in charge. Also IMO, The US and China are the ones in charge. I think they both know a lot. And neither one will show their hand as they don't want anyone to know the extent of their spying capabilities.

Christ, none of this seems real to me. It's playing out like a spy novel.

Oh, very good points.

And what about India/Pakistan? Someone can't tell me they wouldn't have caught the plane in their air space. Someone else also mentioned this about China.

That is a very good point about, each country doesn't want to show their spy activites.
you know what Belimom, I think you are on to something here. I don't know about another country, but then it has happened....but re the citizen revolt!!!...

OK my new theory is that this has nothing to do with any other countries problems with terrorists but was directed at the Malaysian government itself....

** John51 was saying this way back in the threads....the opposition leader had his acquittal for sodomy overturned the day before!! this plane vanished..and will be sent to jail. .there are reports that this acquittal was done through the governments to get rid of the opposition leader.

** The Captain of the plane was a supporter of the opposition party and fund raised for them.

** Somehow the Malaysian govt knows what has happened or knows it is directed at them, hence the to and froing and refutes etc, to cover up a link to them, as this may really set off a civil revolt and goodness knows what else, but not good for them, especially with other china

** The Uighers are now being set up at the easy scapegoats..

this could be very political and we may never know the real truth...........


Politics was not, should we say, my "strong" point. :blushing: So in layman's terms, can you simply? Is it a known fact the captain fund- raised for the opposition and who is the opposition? :banghead::banghead:

On a happy note, I did fairly well in English. :facepalm:
Trying to catch up, been at the ER all mornng with Daughter. (Why did I stay up till 3 am for nothing? ) Smacking myself.

Did they do another PC after the one at 1-2 am est? And did they answer questions this time>? TYIA.

PM statement:

Retweeted by Jon Ostrower
ReutersAerospaceNews ‏@ReutersAero 2h
Text of PM statement 1 #MH370

Retweeted by Jon Ostrower
ReutersAerospaceNews ‏@ReutersAero 2h
PM text 2 #MH370

Retweeted by Jon Ostrower
ReutersAerospaceNews ‏@ReutersAero 2h
PM text 3 #MH370

The maximum range of the Boeing 777-200ER is 7,725 nautical miles or 14,305 km. It is not clear how much fuel the aircraft was carrying though it would have been enough to reach its scheduled destination, Beijing, a flight of five hours and 50 minutes, plus some reserve.

i read that if it was at a higher (unapproved) altitude, it could have gone much further on the fuel left but it didn't give specifics.
From what I've read a passenger and the professor share the same name. Shoddy reporting led to the media getting carried away and claiming the professor was on the flight. Due to his line of work, that formed into him not just being a passenger, but possibly having something to do with the plane going missing. The media just didn't check its facts.

Also I believe suspicion of this passenger arose from his name being blurred on the flight list, however reports state that when the passenger list was officially released, the name was not blurred. People have just wrapped a story around that passenger based on inaccurate info.

Yes, apparently there was no Uigher electronics professor on board. The passenger was an artist with the same/similar name to the professor.

There was also a Chinese Uighur, Maimaitijiang Abula, on board. The Uighurs, an oppressed Muslim minority from western China, have launched a series of brutal but low-tech terrorist acts in China, including the gruesome train station knifing rampage by masked assailants this month that killed 29 people. But Maimaitijiang is a renowned oil painter, not an employee at a Swedish flight-simulation facility, as Malaysian media earlier reported

Read more:
AA, if I remember right they were Iranian "refugees", both looking to start a new life in Europe. One of them has a mother living in Germany.
I think they had to take a crazy route (and use fake passports) to avoid detection from being sent back to Iran. Has it ever been said how they got to Malaysia in the first place? I know they were visiting another person from Iran while there.

From a story about passengers-
They were both young Iranian men seeking a new life far from home, in Europe.

Eighteen-year-old Pouria Nour Mohammad Mehrdad was hoping to join his mother in Germany - he chose a long and circuitous route from Iran to Kuala Lumpur, to transit through Beijing and onwards to Amsterdam and then Frankfurt.

"His mother was waiting for him," officials said, confirming she had been in touch with the authorities.

Yes, from your link and also the one I posted, it does seem on the surface like they were just wanting to get into Europe for "new" lives.

But also, we don't know the whole story. IF and big IF they are terrorists, it really doens't matter whether the mom was waiting for them in Germany or not. IF and big IF they had a plan, they were going to go through with that plan.

Also, for example, the 911 hijackers, everyone is US who had contact with them described them as nice and quiet poeole. I doubt they would have told this friend anything.

This is just speculation and JMO.
I agree with the poster a few pages back who said there's no way the authorities are just starting to look into the backgrounds of the passengers and crew members. The Malaysians have downplayed everything right from the beginning but they knew something was wrong almost immediately, when control of the plane didn't pass over to VN like it was supposed to. I'm sure there was a scramble at that time to locate and contact the plane. Commercial planes don't just disappear without a trace without human intervention. There are too many monitoring systems in place to prevent anything like that happening, especially since 9/11.

You don't just sit on something like this, a potential threat to national security, for 8 days and then decide to meander over to the pilot's house for a look see. I'd bet a nickel that the background of everyone on the plane, including the babies, has been checked, re-checked, and checked again, and that process started within hours if not minutes of the plane's disappearance.

I just can't believe the Malaysians are the circus clowns they appear to be, and I also believe the US has a lot more control of this situation than we, and maybe even the Malaysian government, are aware of. At least I hope so.
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