Malaysia airlines plane may have crashed 239 people on board #8

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Which pilot? I thought the captain was the political fanatic and co pilot was just a play boy type.

Captain Shah is a mild-mannered and caring social and political activist who raises money for the poor

His friend Stephen Chong, a fellow supporter of the Malaysian People's Justice Party [PKR] opposition group, said they had met as 'social activists', raising money for the country's underprivileged by organising fundraising cycle rides. "During the election he was flying most of the time but whenever he was home, he would help out with environmental events," he said.

Co pilot
Mr Shah's co-pilot, 27-year-old Fariq Hamid, the son of a high-ranking civil servant, seems an equally unlikely terrorist. The son of a high-ranking civil servant in Selangor, he joined Malaysia Airlines in 2007 and had only just started co-piloting the Boeing 777.

Mr Hamid was also pictured with the CNN correspondent Richard Quest in his cockpit, when the journalist visited flight MH370 when he was training. Mr Quest watched him land the plane and described it on television as "textbook perfect".

Older article to qoute from . I am posting however because I think it is an important statement.
The implication is that at least two people had collaborated to change the course of flight MH370 and make it and its crew and passengers disappear.
I posted last night type his name in You Tube lets say hes super smart and technical and good with his hands if your icebreaker is broken he has a video how to repair it !

LOL, that means absolutely nothing. There are lots of smart people in the world, they probably walk around you every day. It doesn't mean a whole lot. I know people who have built their own flight simulator, I know people who have simulated shooting ranges. All made and designed themselves.
Frankly, I think Malaysia knows more than what is being told.
Steven Daglas ‏@sdaglas 12m

Malaysia deploying a massive "dive vessel" & a "dredger" of the sort used to recover airplane parts near spot of last #MH370 radar contact

Steven Daglas ‏@sdaglas 20m

The Malaysian "dredger" ship now joining the "dive vessel" is a "Trailing Suction Hopper Dredge". #MH370

Steven Daglas ‏@sdaglas 22m

Very odd. Malaysian "dive vessel" is now being joined by a "dredger" named Inai Selasih. Similar names. Same owner?

Yes. I believe I read it a while ago in the commission report, which I never finished. I don't know how many pages I got through, but it was in there somewhere, IIRC.

I need to go back and read some more, b/c I have forgotten a lot of it by now. I just remember there was some piece of information that was vital to getting into the right people's hands in the CIA, but was never brought to the higher-ups attention. Or, it was brought to them but not acted upon. IIRC.
Speaking of which... is there a pc today, anyone know?
I do not know if this was posted already.

If MH370 crashed in southern Indian Ocean it wouldn't be seen or heard

The southern Indian Ocean, where investigators suspect missing Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370 may have come down, is one place where a commercial airliner can crash without a ship spotting it, a radar plotting it or even a satellite picking it up.

The empty expanse of water is one of the most remote places in the world and also one of the deepest, posing potentially enormous challenges for the international search effort focusing on the area, one of several possible crash sites.

If Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 crashed into the Indian Ocean, it could up to 4 miles down. That is deeper than Air France Flight 447, Titanic, or Bismarck! It is also vast, which would be more difficult to find. At least AF447 debris was found, unlike MH370.
I don't see why it is huge? One of the pilots in this thread has already said he has a simulator. Derryn, are you are terrorist?

I don't know what you mean by a real one? but his didn't really look much more than a couple of monitors put together.

What he has is much more than an Xbox or game simulator. Look at the separate foot pedals, the separate thrust levers, all the supporting hardware, and those nice monitors. This is not your run of the mill simulator you can just buy at Best Buy. This is no doubt an elaborate system he had.
Why would it ping cell phone towers??? Its a plane, not a mobile phone.

Ok, my words are not correctly chosen.

I mean, I believe the cell phones were able to connect to cell phone towers.

I have read reports of reports of people making calls 33000 feet in the air.

I cannot find any concrete evidence that cell phones do not work on planes.
Is it possible to empty the cargo hold without depressurising the plane? I've just read an unconfirmed report of luggage in the straights of Malacca and wondered if they could drop stuff into the ocean to make it look like it crashed there so that they'd be busy looking in that area and not looking at other areas that the plane could be. Therefore diverting attention and taking them off guard when they 'use the plane for other purposes'?

Does that even make any sense?
A trained pilot who instructs via other pilots on the simulator. We have every right to be concerned. Unless the manifest proves no trained pilots have a seat, then we know one of the pilots is involved. The one who trains on the simulator also approves recruits.

Speaking of living it up, most missions are covert and well executed. I recall one of the 9/11 terrorists, was living with his expectant wife, appearing as all was normal. He kissed her goodbye. He loved her. He winced bc he loved his mission more. He knew he would die. But he kissed her goodbye.

Wealth. Osama Bin Laden was extremely wealthy. Notice how he chose to live as a radical scheming nomad with an arsenal following him. The terrorists are still out there even though OBL may be dead.

I still believe this may be a nuclear related incident w/ Israel, the primary target.

Flight MH370 with 239 passengers (did some disembark the plane?) will be recognizable forever as the most historic plane mystery of my lifetime.


I could have sworn reading in the past that some terrorists have partied and had a good time before their missions since they were doing their believed righteous deeds and going to die. Maybe not. I never even knew that airplanes had oxygen and were pressurized while flying. Everyone says it's safe, but no way am I ever putting my life into someone's hands in that way.
If and that is a big if, the passengers are still alive, I can't see them releasing them before they undertake the next part of the plan. The "hostages" would give the game away if released and show their hand as to where the plane is. They could be holed out in a desert compound. Ransom could be the next step but not before they do whatever they are going to do with the plane. Juat another thought that has come to me. Having lots of ridiculous thoughts. But who knows? Maybe not so ridiculous. JMOO
So, it COULD disintegrate? Or at least a fair bit of it? Enough that most of what is left could scatter and wouldn't be identifiable as a wreckage from the air?

Depends what it impacts below - I guess the best reference would be the SilkAir Pilot Suicide Crash - it impacted a swamp/river at over the speed of sound and there was very little evidence a plane had even been there. If it wasn't for local villagers reporting it, they probably wouldn't have even known where it was.
Even if there is, there won't be any new information. There haven't been any statements from the un-un's today.

Hishammuddin Hussein ‏@HishammuddinH2O 2h
Appreciate it @*advertiser censored* - Aust been very cooperative n helpful : esp both P3 Orion. Continue 2 pray 4 Pasengers/Crew n family.

He did say Australia has been very coop and helpful! But yes, no official statements yet though it is still early there.
My previous post not withstanding - if the aircraft hit water, or broke up in mid air due to overspeed, then there would definately be floating debris... seat cushions, tyres, trays, lifejackets, luggage - heaps of things would float and therefore it would be pretty easily to find one would think...
Another thought re the pilot. I think the Malaysian government would like to throw him under the bus as this is putting the spotlight on their corrupt government with him being supportive of the opposition. JMOO

Oh yeah, good point.

Maybe they will change it after this, which involves some of their own citizens.

My vote - it is the Uighur terrorist grp in China

Chinese see Uighur hand in Malaysian plane mystery

an ugly suspicion has taken roots in China that it could be the handiwork of Uighur terrorists.

Over two-thirds of the passengers in the missing plane were Chinese.

But China, just recovering from a savage attack by Uighurs at a train station in Kunming, (6 days before the plane vansihed about 10 of em went into a rail station, hacked 30 folks to death and injured another 130 --there real pissed at the Chinese this month)

The passenger 84 the one with his name blurred out first manifest released hs is Uighur

Uighur Gang

The occurrence of violence as a form of political resistance in China has been attributed to government policies restricting the practice of religion and political expression, particularly in the Xinjiang region.

These forces are seen by Beijing as inter-connected threats to social stability and national security

There a pretty nasty violent grp:

July 2011Kashgar, Xinjiang
2011 Kashgar attacks
At least 18 people died in a series of alleged terrorist attacks in the city of Kashgar. According to state-run media accounts, the violence began when two Uyghur men hijacked a truck, ran it into a crowded street, and started stabbing people, killing six.[71] The attack ended when the assailants were overpowered by the crowd, which killed one attacker. On the second day, state-run media reported that a "group of armed terrorists" stormed a restaurant, killed the owner and a waiter, and set it ablaze. They then proceeded to indiscriminately kill four more civilians.[72] Armed clashes then reportedly ensured, ending with police capturing or killing the attackers.[73] The Turkistan Islamic Party later claimed responsibility for the attack.[12] One of the suspects appeared in a TIP video training in Pakistan.[74]

29 June 2012Xinjiang
Tianjin Airlines Flight GS7554
Chinese official media reported that six men attempted to hijack Tianjin Airlines flight GS7554 from Hotan to Urumqi, Xinjiang. The men reportedly sought to gain access to cockpit ten minutes after takeoff, but were stopped by passengers and crew. A spokesperson for the Xinjiang government said the men were ethnic Uyghurs.[75] Xinhua reported at least 10 passengers and crew were injured when six hijackers tried to take control of the aircraft.[76] The World Uyghur Congress contested the official account of events, claiming instead that a dispute over seating broke out between Uyghurs and ethnic Han. The WUC suggested the event was being used as a pretext to "reinforce repression" in Xinjiang.[77]

24 April 2013Xinjiang
2013 Xinjiang ethnic clashes
It was an incident of ethnic clash that took place between Muslim Uighur and Han Chinese community.As reported by BBC[78] nearly 21 people were killed in the incident including 15 police officers.

26 June 2013Lukqun, Xinjiang
At least 35 people were killed in clashes between ethnic Uyghurs and police in the deadliest altercation in the region since 2009. Chinese official media reported that a group of 17 knife-wielding Uyghur men attacked a police station and government building. Chinese authorities pronounced the event a terrorist attack, and blamed separatists and overseas forces for fomenting tensions.[79] The World Uyghur Congress blamed the event on “continued suppression and provocation” by Chinese authorities in the region.[80] Foreign media outlets were prevented from visiting the area to investigate.[81]

28 October 2013Tiananmen Square, Beijing
2013 Tiananmen Square attack
A fiery car blaze at Tiananmen Square that killed five and injured dozens was a premeditated terrorist attack, Chinese police said on Wednesday after making five arrests in connection with the case.

1 March 2014Kunming, Yunnan
Kunming station massacre
An unidentified group of knife-wielding men and women attacked people at the Kunming Railway Station

Terrorism in China - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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