Malaysia Flight MH17 shot down in Ukraine. 298 aboard. 7/17/2014 - #3

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In this video, Polish - American journalist Anne Applebaum explains Russia's involvement in Ukraine.

Must-see video for background info . All in English after 15 seconds.


For more info on Anne Applebaum see

This is the best explanation of the situation I have seen and heard.

Please this videa by Anne Applebaum. It is in English after 15 seconds.

Thanks ZaZara. :cat:

No, she speaks for herself in English with Dutch subtitles (correct me if I'm wrong ZaZara)

Please, watch the video and decide for yourself.... :seeya:

ETA: ZaZara's OP was very clear - the video switches to English after the first 15 seconds. If you click the link, you'd never guess that, because the entire page is NOT in English. HTH. :)

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I'm referring to the bolded part of text quoted which clearly states "Russian Invasion"

No one ever claimed that the Russian Government was giving orders, so this is old news ... but where did the missile come from?

Thanks for posting. I'm glad I watched this.
I've been struggling to make any sense of this whole disaster & this has helped!!

I would think the simplest explanation would be "intent". One was for personal gain. The other was for recovery. What is worse? Having reporters try and retrieve valuables to keep them from being looted or having a loved one's cell phone show up on ebay as a phone recovered from this disaster going to the highest bidder. JMO

I think, if it was my family member/friend, & there was doubt that I would never receive any belongings back ( or even a body ), I would be grateful to any journalist, who attempted to get any personal belongings from my loved ones back to me.
I think, if it was my family member/friend, & there was doubt that I would never receive any belongings back ( or even a body ), I would be grateful to any journalist, who attempted to get any personal belongings from my loved ones back to me.

Me, too. times-a-million.
but that's just me.
Nine News Australia &#8207;@9NewsAUS 3h

RAAF plane on its way to the Netherlands where it will pick up the Australian victims of the #MH17 disaster. #9News
I have wondered about those first 38 victims that were taken to a morgue. Were they returned with the rest of the victims that were returned? Why were those 38 singled out to be taken to the morgue? I suspect that these victims may have had obvious shrapnel wounds that still contained shrapnel. Remember the reports about the rebels doing 'autopsies'.

If one of my loved ones was a victim and I knew joe blow rebels did their autopsy I would be suicidal!
I have a feeling whoever is responsible for these mass murders will get away with it and it will open the door to more like this. Do we really have to live in a world like this?!
Whilst Australian’s are still in shock and families are grieving over the recent Malaysia Airlines Flight MH17 tragedy there are sadly scammers out there.

SCAMwatch has advised that scammers have set up false Facebook profiles for Australian victims of the tragedy in an attempt to make money from people interested in finding out more about this international tragedy.

Scum, the lowest.......:gaah:
Wonder whose fingerprints are on the trigger of the BUK?
Partial transcript of Anne Applebaum's statements:

"Some months ago, the Russians invaded eastern Ukraine. They did so in a very unorthodox manner. They didn't send their tanks, they didn't send big weapons, instead, they sent groups of mercenaries who came in and organized local thugs and criminals and a few others to take over government buildings, airports, any signs of authority. The point of this exercise was to undermine the authority of the Ukrainian government in eastern Ukraine and to create a kind of zone of lawlessness and a zone of chaos. Once they managed to do that, they then began funneling heavy weapons into the area and they've stepped up doing this in recent weeks. They've been sending tanks, they sent APCs, they sent heavy machine guns, and they also began sending anti-aircraft weapons."

She goes on to say:

"The people who've been leading the so-called separatist movement in eastern Ukraine are actually trained Russian operatives. So the leaders of the so-called Donetsk Republic are actually people employed by Russia in other contexts in other places. They've worked in Chechnya, they've worked in Afghanistan, one of them was a former leader of the Latvian KGB who fought against Latvian independence in 1991. So these are people who are known to the Russian government... They aren't random people."

Much more at link above. If Ms. Applebaum's information is accurate, it illustrates a damning picture of the Kremlin's involvement in the conflict in eastern Ukraine.
Did the recovery of bodies stop? More than 100 still not recovered? This is well beyond sickening!
I would think the simplest explanation would be "intent". One was for personal gain. The other was for recovery. What is worse? Having reporters try and retrieve valuables to keep them from being looted or having a loved one's cell phone show up on ebay as a phone recovered from this disaster going to the highest bidder. JMO

I have just read this; I can already see that looters would have "souvenirs" for future fortune.
I was thinking of impoverished people looting for personal gain. I had not thought that far into the future, but the above post is right.
There is much more to be made by auction on ebay, and it could go on for decades into the future.
Did the recovery of bodies stop? More than 100 still not recovered? This is well beyond sickening!

Who knows what reports to believe. Some say all are there and I have also heard that there are some still in the fields. And also that there is no one guarding the area, all the separatists have left. So, who knows. jmo
Yes, that is what I was wondering .. why were they singled out .. perhaps it was simply because they were more visible than the others, but yes I wonder ..

Perhaps those bodies were located in one area, and that particular morgue could only take that many bodies at one time. The strategy for dealing with the bodies may have changed as time went on. At first they waited to see if international help was coming, but of course getting assistance in to the area safety was a logistical nightmare and they didn't come. So then the plan may have been to remove the bodies to every mortuary or suitable location they could find. If they were going to use this approach, they would have to ensure all bodies were accounted for when traveling, were stored safely and appropriately, were not tampered with, could be seen by investigators arriving in the area, organising transport for them to leave the country etc. That sounds like an extremely difficult job and I would think the plan would not be acceptable to the nations who want the bodies back.
So then the plan changed to moving most of the bodies together.

That is all speculation and one possible explanation, but I would expect that everything about the investigation would have been fluid and fast changing.
Did the recovery of bodies stop? More than 100 still not recovered? This is well beyond sickening!

I am wondering if some bodies landed further away or in an area, field that has not been searched...????
Who knows what reports to believe. Some say all are there and I have also heard that there are some still in the fields. And also that there is no one guarding the area, all the separatists have left. So, who knows. jmo

That sums it up really well. Basically, you get a completely different picture of what has happened/is happening there, depending on what person or outlet you're getting your information from. Opinion is so vastly different I feel like I can't believe anything I read at all. Nothing is clear, few FACTS have emerged so far. Absolutely crazy situation made worse by the hysteria which seems to have taken over many media outlets!
That sums it up really well. Basically, you get a completely different picture of what has happened/is happening there, depending on what person or outlet you're getting your information from. Opinion is so vastly different I feel like I can't believe anything I read at all. Nothing is clear, few FACTS have emerged so far. Absolutely crazy situation made worse by the hysteria which seems to have taken over many media outlets!

That's because we have no 'boots on the ground.' The boots that are there belong to?? Men who have no idea of what a trained military force is? Who don't even wear the same combat gear? Who wear a combo of do-rags, sports caps, & military caps? You can't tell the players without a program.
That sums it up really well. Basically, you get a completely different picture of what has happened/is happening there, depending on what person or outlet you're getting your information from. Opinion is so vastly different I feel like I can't believe anything I read at all. Nothing is clear, few FACTS have emerged so far. Absolutely crazy situation made worse by the hysteria which seems to have taken over many media outlets!

What is the point in lying. We were told two or three days ago that all the bodies had been found except twelve or so. We don't know anything really. Now I just heard that only 50 bodies will arrive tomorrow. I half way think the delay has been so that they can plan and make arrangements for this ceremony they are going to do. I certainly hope not. jmo
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