Malaysia Flight MH17 shot down in Ukraine. 298 aboard. 7/17/2014 - #3

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Maybe they are still waiting to see some actual proof ??

It goes much deeper than that, Little Jedi. And there is lots of MSM about it. There are economic relationships that are under threat should some European countries get involved, which will hurt their own economies and jobs.

It is very much like us going in to bat for the countries on which we rely for oil supply, or remaining silent about their atrocities.

Here is a sample, if you are interested ....

- Last year, Germany took more than 40 billion cubic metres of gas from Russia out of a total of 127 billion exported to the whole of Western Europe, and the Italians took 26 billion.
- The trade has been two-way. Germany exported 36 billion euros worth of goods to Russia last year.
- The problem is that Angela Merkel knows that the Berlin-Moscow relationship is one that she destabilises at Germany’s peril.

- The French only have small reliance on Russian gas, but they have an increasing dependence on Russia’s belligerent defence ministry to keep their armaments industry going.
- The Kremlin has bought two Mistral-class helicopter-carrier assault ships for deployment in the Black Sea — from where they could be used for attacks on Ukraine and, indeed, on any aircraft in danger of straying into Ukrainian airspace.
- The deal guarantees 1,000 French jobs over the next four years in the otherwise run-down dockyard town of St Nazaire — vital for a country whose economy is a basket-case.
'Russia invades Crimea to 'protect its Black Sea naval fleet' as Ukraine tensions soar.'

Tension in the Crimea grew tonight as the Russian government finally confirmed it had sent soldiers into the troubled region.

Ukraine’s interim leadership denounced the “armed *intervention” on its *southern territory – a key strategic area where Russia’s Black Sea naval fleet is still based.

Moscow insisted its soldiers were on a mission to “protect Black Sea Fleet’s positions”.

Its foreign ministry also said in a statement that its troop movements were “in full accordance with the foundation Russian-Ukrainian *agreement on the Black Sea fleet”.

Excellent article. It was written back in February 2014, and clearly documents the events that (IMO) directly contributed to the tragedy of #MH17. Here are a few more snips that stood out (to me):

Moscow insisted its soldiers were on a mission to “protect Black Sea Fleet’s positions”.


Reports claimed 2,000 Russian soldiers had landed in the region, while armed militia carrying Russian flags earlier seized the international airport near the Crimean capital Simferopol and a *military base close to Sevastopol.


Ukraine’s acting president Oleksandr Turchynov accused Russia of trying to provoke Kiev into “armed conflict”.

Tensions have flared between the two countries since Ukraine’s pro-Russia president Viktor *Yanukoych was ousted by pro-West protesters.

Russian president Vladimir Putin is said to have 150,000 troops, fighter jets and tanks on exercises close to the Ukrainian border.

The Crimea has been fought over and changed hands several times in history, but Russia has been the dominant power for the past 200 years.

It was transferred to the Ukraine from Moscow in 1954 while it was part of the USSR.
It is legally part of the Ukraine but is mostly populated by Russians.


A Downing Street statement said the two leaders (Cameron & Putin) “agreed that the free and fair elections that the interim *government has pledged to hold are the best way to secure a *positive future for Ukraine in which all Ukrainian people are represented”.[/i]

The PM also “emphasised that all countries should respect the territorial integrity and sovereignty of Ukraine”.

Putin is said to have agreed and stressed military exercises in the area had been planned before the current situation.

The Foreign Office advised against all travel to the Crimean peninsula and urged UK citizens in the troublespot to leave.

It said in a statement: “The level of risk to British nationals has become unacceptably high.”


This article further confirms the picture painted in the video interview with Anne Applebaum. IMVHO, the stage was set months ago, and the global community has been existing on the precipice of disaster especially those requiring travel near active conflict zones. :moo:

As a Ukrainian stated in the VICENews video I posted upthread, (paraphrasing), the people of Ukraine have been crying out about this for months, and no one listened/they were not heard.

#MH17 ensures everyone will listen/they will be heard (forgive me, but I cannot bear to watch the video again to transcribe his quote. My apologies if my memory is lacking, but I hope I'm making sense..

JMO, but what a terribly high price for innocent civilians to pay. Hindsight is 20/20, and in this circumstance, it is brutally necessary (and beyond painful) to acknowledge. :moo: :twocents:

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Poem by Dutch columnist Theodor Holman

Asher ben Avraham ‏@Benavra :

On Tuesday, 22 July 2014, the Dutch writer and poet Theodor Holman published his daily column in the Dutch newspaper Het Parool. This time he wrote an impressive poem about the immense emotional impact the shooting down of passenger flight MH117 in Ukraine and subsequent death of all passengers and crew had on him.

The poem is called Ik ben de rouwrand, de woede, de afschuw en nog zo veel meer. This translates in English as I am the black border, the anger and so many more.

This poem deserves to be read by the international public. With kind permission of the author I translated this poem into English. I present his poem now on the National Day of Mourning in The Netherlands which has been declared by the Dutch government.



I am the black border, the anger and so many more

I am the peasant who saw bodies falling out of the sky.

And I, I got two corpses on my roof.

I am the body that fell down in sunflowers.

And I am a rebel, what do you mean I made a mistake?

I am a missile, I wish I knew how to be ashamed.

I am a soldier, a friend of him over there, we are not to blame.

I am their enemy, but I know nothing.

I am president, I express sympathy.

I am president as well and I express sympathy too.

I am a diplomat, you can phone the president now.

I have come to collect the dead. Why can’t I?

I am Death. I think I’ll carry on.

I want to bring home the dead. Why can’t I?

I am an officer – count all my stripes – and I tell you: stop!

I am the train, I’ll wait a while.

I am the engine driver, I never carried freight bizarre as this.

I am a sunflower and I rest broken.

I am the landscape and they have hurt me.

I am the airplane or a dead bird, whatever you want.

I am the telephone; they don’t listen here.

I am a garbage bag. What on earth was it they put in me here?

I am a little pole with a patch of white cotton.

I am a cuddly bear. I am a booklet.

I am a shoe, she is a purse and he is a T-shirt.

I am the consultation, I offer you all cooperation.

I am prime minister, where are my velvet gloves?

I am the lie, I am doing well today, again.

I am pathologist, I would like to get in.

I am a freedom fighter, so you must do as I tell you.

I am a black box.

I am the future; where do I store the talents wasted?

I am the talent wasted, I weep the loudest of all.

I am the black border, I am sorry.

I am disgust, I feel big and strong.

I am anger, just as big and strong.

I am a teardrop – but much more than that.

I am grief – but much more than that.

I am looking for a word, words, a meaning.



ZaZara, thank you for translating this poignant, heartbreaking poem. I greatly appreciate all of your translation efforts so very much. :tyou:

To take the time and effort to contact the poet in order to bring these words here goes above and beyond. Perhaps it is the lack of sleep from the nightmares, but things like this restore my faith in humanity. Today, as a nation and the world mourns, that renewal is sorely needed. :loveyou:


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While I'm here folks...a reminder to please stay on topic and leave out the snark thanks.

It's simply not necessary in such a sad and tragic case.
Second plane has departed from Charkov

EINDHOVEN - Het tweede vliegtuig met lichamen van slachtoffers van de vliegtuigcrash van vorige week, is vertrokken naar Eindhoven. Het Australische militaire vliegtuig, met aan boord 24 kisten, is rond half een (Nederlandse tijd) vertrokken vanaf het internationale vliegveld van Charkov.


EINDHOVEN - The second plane with bodies of victims of last week's plane crash last week, has departed for Eindhoven. The Australian military plane, carrying 24 crates, has left at around 12.30 hrs (Dutch time) from the international airport of Kharkov.


The coffins on both flights will be transported together to Hollandsche Rading / Hilversum.
40 hearses will carry the remains in one file, accompanied by 20 motorcyclists of the Dutch police.
The A2 and A27 highways will be closed for traffic temporarily.

ZaZara, thank you for translating this poignant, heartbreaking poem. I greatly appreciate all of your translation efforts so very much. :tyou:

To take the time and effort to contact the poet in order to bring these words here goes above and beyond. Perhaps it is the lack of sleep from the nightmares, but things like this restore my faith in humanity. Today, as a nation and the world mourns, that renewal is sorely needed. :loveyou:


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That is not my translation! I just posted it.
Oops! I thought I was clear about the author's name and the name of the translator.
The poem was written by Theodor Holman and translated by Asher ben Avraham.
If you are on twitter, I invite you to thank them both directly:

I hope it is all right to post this. They both want to share this poem with the world and I hope the world will let them know their voice was heard.
And the wheels of war keep turning ... :(

Fergal Keane @fergalkeane47 • 6m
#Donetsk Two Ukranian military planes shot down Govt confirms.

Fergal Keane @fergalkeane47 • 6m
#Donetsk Checking location of downed planes.
'Russia invades Crimea to 'protect its Black Sea naval fleet' as Ukraine tensions soar.'

Tension in the Crimea grew tonight as the Russian government finally confirmed it had sent soldiers into the troubled region.

Ukraine’s interim leadership denounced the “armed *intervention” on its *southern territory – a key strategic area where Russia’s Black Sea naval fleet is still based.

Moscow insisted its soldiers were on a mission to “protect Black Sea Fleet’s positions”.

Its foreign ministry also said in a statement that its troop movements were “in full accordance with the foundation Russian-Ukrainian *agreement on the Black Sea fleet”.


Hardly an "Invasion" !

Russian citizens, troops threatened in Ukraine, need armed forces&#8217; protection

Russian President Vladimir Putin has requested the use of Russian military forces in Ukraine to settle the situation there.

Putin&#8217;s request was filed after the Chairman of the Federation Council, Valentina Matvienko, said that in order to &#8220;protect the people&#8221; ....

She particularly referred to the crisis in the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, where Russians make the majority of the population.

The developments follow an appeal by the Prime Minister of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, Sergey Aksyonov, who requested that Russia to help cope with the crisis and ensure &#8220;peace and calm&#8221; in the region.

"I submit a proposal on using the armed forces of the Russian Federation on the territory of Ukraine until the normalization of the socio-political situation in the that country.&#8221;

The Russian leader held detailed phone discussions on &#8220;various aspects of the extraordinary situation in Ukraine" with US President Barack Obama
"The first flight is due to arrive in Eindhoven at 16:00 local time (14:00 GMT) and will be met by members of the Dutch royal family and Prime Minister Rutte.

Churches around the Netherlands will ring their bells for five minutes before the planes land."

Thank you Netherlands, for the great love and respect you are showing to all of our victims at this very sad time.

ETA: Planes touching down in about 2 hours, if my Timebie lookup is correct.
It goes much deeper than that, Little Jedi. And there is lots of MSM about it. There are economic relationships that are under threat should some European countries get involved, which will hurt their own economies and jobs.

It is very much like us going in to bat for the countries on which we rely for oil supply, or remaining silent about their atrocities.

Here is a sample, if you are interested ....

Thank you ^^
but ...

I am fully aware of the European aspect, I live here !

so I'm pretty well "educated" regarding the on-going situation in Ukraine.
Thank you ^^
but ...

I am fully aware of the European aspect, I live here !

so I'm pretty well "educated" regarding the on-going situation in Ukraine.


(I thought you lived in a Galaxy far, far away .... joke :) )
I am so angry, so heartbroken at this. I remember the rebels boasting at shooting down a military plane and the conversation (which was *authenticated by the US,* as per CNN) where they talked about discovering it was a civilian plane as if it was just another make of plane, no remorse, no grief, no sadness they had done it, just nothing.

And then France decides to go ahead and reward Russia by sending them millions of dollars in equipment, the Mistral affair. They should be ashamed of themselves.

I am still in shock i think. That anyone believes business should go on as usual with people who armed these thugs.


Russia denies involvement in MH17 downing

Vorobyeva said a photograph of a BUK missile system and an alleged phone conversation between rebels circulated on social networking sites are not real and have been proven to be fake.

"Thus, we are not going to play the game which our Western counterparts are doing, which is blaming and accusing someone without any actual proof," she said, adding that Russia has consistently been calling for a thorough investigation into who was responsible.

&#8220;Yes, I can confirm that it is a fake. It has been analysed by experts (where) the audio recordings are from a different time period (where) pieces of conversation recorded even before 17th July.

It is fake,&#8221; she said, adding the indicator is a billboard in the area which allegedly had the words &#8220;controlled by the armed forces of Kiev&#8221;.
Day of National Mourning in The Netherlands

Live report (in Dutch)

1200 relatives are expected at Eindhoven Airport.

Relatives will be shielded from view and press.

Representatives of countries affected arriving at Eindhoven Airport.

Ceremony expected to start at 15.45 hrs (GMT +1)
Ugh! This outright arguing on CNN!!!! The audio has been messing up for days. I want to learn. I know NOTHING.
All my life politics has just meant more than one tick.
I never cared. I should have and although it took almost a half a century, I am trying to keep it straight.
Geez. Is today the day for this? I dunno, I thought it was about the victims today.

All posts are MOO

Onder wrakstukken op de plek van de vliegramp in Oekraïne liggen nog 16 lichamen, meldt het Russische persbureau Itar-Tass.

Het persbureau baseert zich op een verklaring van een groep separatisten die zich de 'Volksrepubliek Donetsk' noemt.

De doden zouden liggen onder wrakstukken van de romp van de Boeing van Malaysia Airlines. De lichamen worden weggehaald en naar een trein met koelwagons gebracht in Torez, aldus de verklaring.


Under debris at the site of the air disaster in Ukraine 16 more bodies have been found, the Russian news agency Itar-Tass reports.

The news agency relies on a statement by a group of separatists who call themselves are the ' people's Republic of Donetsk '.

The dead alledgedly lie beneath wreckage of the fuselage of the Boeing of Malaysia Airlines. The bodies are taken away and brought to a train with cool wagons in Torez, the statement said.

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