Malaysia Flight MH17 shot down in Ukraine. 298 aboard. 7/17/2014 - #3

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Putin better cooperate, if he wants to attend G20 in Australia.

"Charge d'Affaires Mr Nozdrev also said Russian President Vladimir Putin still wanted to come to Australia for the G20 in November.
And he has lashed Ukraine for stopping a Dutch-Australian police force from reaching the crash site for three days, blaming Kiev's escalating attacks on Russian-backed rebel forces.
Mr Nozdrev said Russia had backed the UN resolution agreed to on July 21, which called for ''full, thorough and independent international investigation'', but now it appeared Ukraine had a ''different agenda'' as he stressed Russian sympathy with the Australians who lost family and friends"

Read more:

Who would have imagined that the investigators have still not been able to reach the location of the crash?
This is an open source investigation, it is amazing what can be done when people put things together.

The Daily Beast reported a week (!) ago:

MH17 Is the World’s First Open-Source Air Crash Investigation
Without access to the site, reporters, social media, and governments put together pieces of the puzzle. Try as they did, there’s no way the rebels could conceal what happened.

As U.S. intelligence officials briefed reporters on the downing of Malaysia Flight 17 over Ukraine they were reflecting a striking fact: This air crash investigation is being conducted by an entirely new method—detailed scrutiny by journalists, social media and open-sourced intelligence from national agencies.

It almost seems that an “official” investigation will be redundant. To an extent never seen before, a combination of on-the-ground reporting, instant social media coverage, military intelligence and expert analysis is providing a remarkably complete forensic picture of what happened.

It is precisely because the wreckage of the Boeing 777 fell into a lawless land where the immediate normal quarantining of a crash site was not possible that an investigation “by any other possible means” has been put together, spontaneously and driven by a collective will to protect the truth.


I haven't had much time to follow what's been going on... Hitting thanks wasn't enough for grabbing the link to bring over! WOW!
" WASHINGTON -- The accusations that Russia bears the blame for the downing of a Malaysia Airlines plane by a surface-to-air missile over eastern Ukraine nearly two weeks ago leaves a key question still hanging: Will the already-troubled investigation produce any definitive word on who should be declared the responsible party?

The answer has very practical implications beyond the geopolitics of Ukraine’s future as a united country and Russia’s relationship to the Western world. It also will determine whether the survivors of the 298 dead aboard the plane will receive compensation for their loss – and from whom"

Read more here:

RTL-Nieuws reports:


OSCE observers will attempt to find a route that will get them to the wreckage in eastern Ukraine tomorrow. They will do this together with a number of Dutch who are in Donetsk.

Talks about the investgation will go on 'all night' with the separatists in the area but also with in Kiev. The leader of the OSCE in Donetsk, the Swiss Alexander Hug has said this.

To our knowledge the Dutch forensic experts in Donetsk will not join with the OSCE scouts. The Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) was attempting to reach the crash site today. According to Hug, who was with the observers, they took a new route. At a checkpoint of the rebels, they were stopped and they saw some wounded men, probably separatiststs. They then decided to return to their hotel in Donetsk. "The safety situation made ​​the decision for us," says Hug says.

Ukrainian sources announced today that the pro-Russian rebels had left landmines on the roads to the disaster area. Hug could not confirm that. "We have been on the lookout in recent days, but we have not observed that there were landmines. So it's speculation. But if there are indeed landmines, measures must be taken," said the Swiss.


RTL-Nieuws reports:


Many belonings of passengers from disaster flight MH17 are stored in a morgue in the rebel stronghold Donetsk, according to Julie Bishop, the Australian Minister for Foreign Affairs.

"The Australian Federal Police is assisting the coordination of a mission to retrieve the property from the morgue in Donetsk and bring it to The Netherlands," Bishop said. "We know how important this is for family members and friends of the deceased. So this is part of our humanitarian mission."

The Dutch repatriation mission has not yet received confirmation of the various locations where the possessions ofthe victims of the plane crash in Ukraine are stored, says mission chief Pieter-Jaap Aalbersberg.

In or near the town of Torez a railway carriage with personal belongings of the victims is rumoured to be waiting.

ZaZara, I nominate you Indian Red. It's a term in New Orleans used for the Big Chief of the Mardi Gras Indians. 'Adventures in translations.' As the Cajuns say for something great (et vous, Zweib, southAussie, Kimi) aaaaiiiiyyyyeeee!!!

A thousand thanks is not enough. You bring it right to my door, when all of the other MSM have relegated to minor story, you carry the cane of the Zulu. You are amazing, sha, all of you, C'est tres bonne.
ZaZara, I nominate you Indian Red. It's a term in New Orleans used for the Big Chief of the Mardi Gras Indians. 'Adventures in translations.' As the Cajuns say for something great (et vous, Zweib, southAussie, Kimi) aaaaiiiiyyyyeeee!!!

A thousand thanks is not enough. You bring it right to my door, when all of the other MSM have relegated to minor story, you carry the cane of the Zulu. You are amazing, sha, all of you, C'est tres bonne.

Well it is bedtime here, Donamena. I'll carry my cane of the Zulu ... don't know if I'll be able to sleep after this laudatio ....

I want this story to be told, and above all, I want my country's voice to be heard. The real voice.
The verbiage that comes out of these on-line translators is unbelievable. Don't ever trust them. They do not know the difference between Dog Bites Man and Man Bites Dog.
That is why I am translating my a... <snip> delicate behind off - although the sad fact remains that one gets broader in the hips the longer one sits at a desk.
But all for the good cause.
And I'm very glad that it is appreciated.

~ owls howling in the background ~

Well it is bedtime here, Donamena. I'll carry my cane of the Zulu ... don't know if I'll be able to sleep after this laudatio ....

I want this story to be told, and above all, I want my country's voice to be heard. The real voice.
The verbiage that comes out of these on-line translators is unbelievable. Don't ever trust them. They do not know the difference between Dog Bites Man and Man Bites Dog.
That is why I am translating my a... <snip> delicate behind off - although the sad fact remains that one gets broader in the hips the longer one sits at a desk.
But all for the good cause.
And I'm very glad that it is appreciated.

~ owls howling in the background ~


Hound dogs howling here, chasing down hoodoos. Sleep well, darlin. You have earned it & the voice of your people is given its honor here. Goed that right?
Hound dogs howling here, chasing down hoodoos. Sleep well, darlin. You have earned it & the voice of your people is given its honor here. Goed that right?


... as long as it is a steak and you like it that way :floorlaugh: :floorlaugh: :floorlaugh:
Before I stopped eating red meat, I liked it so rare I just wanted them to talk dirty to the cow.
That's before I became enlightened. It's all because of that elephant who was mal-treated. I can't eat mammalian ' vlees' is that correct? Damn that Internet!!!
Buenas noches, mija..let angels take you to your rest.

Journalist Max Seddon reports:

max seddon &#8207;@maxseddon 3 u

Why did Russian soldier @Sotkin_Sanya post to Instagram from inside Ukraine? And what's he doing with a BUK launcher?

"A Russian soldier has posted pictures to Instagram that show him operating military equipment inside Ukraine, including manning a missile launcher system of the type used to shoot down Malaysia Airlines Flight 17."

Take a look at those pictures!

max seddon @maxseddon
The idiotic Russian military selfie is becoming something of an epidemic, in fact:

GlobalVoices has more on the Russian Military Selfie

The Russian website has produced an excellent roundup of the mounting photographic evidence of Russia's military presence at the border with Ukraine&#8212;all culled from Vkontakte accounts belonging to Grigoryev and his comrades. TJournal reporters found other posts mentioning Ukraine, and discovered that one of Grigoryev's VK friends even published a map of their route, which began in the town of Ordzhonikidzevskaya in Ingushetia (a region of the Russian North Caucasus) and ended in the village of Pokrovske, in the Rostov region, on the border with Ukraine.



RTL-Niews reports


At the location where the Malaysia Airlines plane crashed in Ukraine two weeks ago, up to 80 bodies might not have been recovered, according to Australian FM Julie Bishop.

The international research team, including 30 Dutch, have been attempting to reach the disaster area for days now. So far, various attempts have failed because it is too dangerous. Alledgedly, pro-Russian rebels have laid landmines on the roads leading to the disaster of flight MH17. "If these reports are correct, that would be downright awful," says Bishop.

Because not all the bodies have been recovered yet, the experts are unwavering in their determination to get access to the area, says Bishop. The FM is worried that Russia is actively trying to disrupt access to the disaster area "We have a team in place, we have experts who are ready to start their work, and we can not get to the place."

Meanwhile, 227 boxes with remains of the victims of the plane crash have been brought to The Netherlands. In Hilversum, the remains are identified. A total of 298 people were killed, including 195 Dutch.

Must-hear Soundcloud with FM Bishop included at the link:

There is a full scale war going on .... On the ground, it is so complex. It is fast moving, it's ever changing. There are many forces at play, Ukranian forces, multiple separatists groups and Russia.


Mohd Najib Tun Razak &#8207;@NajibRazak 17 min.

I have arrived in Amsterdam to discuss w/ my Dutch counterpart PM Mark Rutte on #MH17.



RTL-Nieuws reports:

Ukraine suspends attacks on the separatists in the east of the country for one day to allow the investigators at the scene to do their job.

This is reported by the Ukrainian Crisis Center.

"We have decided not to carry out any military operations on this day of rest," army spokesman Oleksij Dmitrasjkivski said. However, the government army reserves the right to defend themselves against attacks from separatists.

OSCE scouts have left once again this morning on their way to the disaster area. They explore a new route to the area.

Now Russia wants another (2nd) UN Resolution to be passed before they allow access to the site! This one to allow armed teams access to the site.
Julie Bishop is furious, and says that they are just delaying and delaying.

But Foreign Affairs Minister Julie Bishop has fired back, describing Russia's claims as "an attempt to distract attention away from the role Russia has played, at the very least, in creating the circumstances that led to the shooting down of MH17".

"There is no need for a second resolution at this stage as UN resolution 2166 is clear in its terms - we won't support any Russian attempt to create the grounds for any overt breach of Ukrainian territory in east Ukraine. We are still implementing the terms of 2166,'' she said from Kiev.

"We are looking for Russia's support to influence the separatists so we can access the site through a humanitarian corridor to enable us time to get to the site and get back again.

Russian Market @russian_market · 20 min


Dutch magazine Elsevier @Elsevier :
Team #OVSE is, na veel oponthoud, eindelijk aangekomen bij brokstukken #MH17:

Team # OSCE, after much delay, finally arrived at debris # MH17:


Julie Bishop &#8207;@JulieBishopMP 26m

Great news as Dutch-Aussie advance-party of experts have just made it on to #MH17 crash site. At last work begins to bring our people home.




The OSCE team with Dutch and Australian experts have reached the location of disaster in Ukraine. That was confirmed by the Dutch Crisis Center. The convoy left early this morning from Donetsk and drove to the area with a big detour.

The last few days several attempts had been made to reach the crash site, but they failed because of the increasing insecurity in the region.

This morning it was decided to take a different route. This route passed through that area in the hands of the Ukrainian government army. :


The OSCE first explores the situation, on a subsequent visit, the team will be focused on searching the crash site.


The investigators will search for possible bodies among the wreckage of the crashed Boeing. If that's the case, the remains will be flown to The Netherlands. They will also search for personal belongings of the victims.

According to the Australian FM Julie Bishop, there are rumors that some 80 bodies have been left behind at the location.

As well as approval for armed guards to be sent in (as per drsleuth's video above) to protect the investigators, Ukraine govt approval has also been given to send in cadaver dogs.

AUSTRALIA has won approval to send elite armed officers to protect investigative teams in their efforts to scour the Malaysia Airlines crash site for human remains after the recalled Ukrainian parliament passed special legislation.

Announcing that cadaver sniffer dogs had also been permitted to join the recovery mission, Foreign Minister Julie Bishop tweeted from Kiev: &#8220;Ukraine Rada votes &#8234;#MH17 Netherlands-Australia investigation 324 in favour. Thank you Ukraine.&#8221;
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