Malaysia Flight MH17 shot down in Ukraine. 298 aboard. 7/17/2014 - #3

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Well said.......

Emotional MH17 Crash Speech By Netherlands Delegate to UN: via @YouTube

You can't and apart from that let's face it, this has happened before a number of times and nobody has ever been prosecuted. Perhaps that is right .. Perhaps the focus should be on making commercial flights safer and avoiding active war zones with these kinds of weapons. Considering the number of planes the rebels had shot out of the sky leading up to this eastern Ukraine should have been declared a no fly zone.

This whole affair reminds me of the sinking of the Lusitania.
Dutch NOS journaal:

Train has arrived in Charkov. Here the body will be inspected briefly and put into coffins (*). A Hercules Cargo Carriers is already waiting at the airport.

De trein met slachtoffers van de vliegramp in Oekraïne is aangekomen in Charkov. De koelwagons vertrokken vanochtend vroeg uit Donetsk, in het gebied dat wordt beheerst door de rebellen en reed enkele uren later veilig gebied binnen. Charkov is in handen van de regering.

De lichamen worden uit de trein gehaald en door een groep van twintig internationale experts, onder wie Nederlanders, onderzocht.

Daarna gaan de lichamen naar het vliegveld. Daar staat een Hercules-vliegtuig van de Nederlandse luchtmacht klaar, waarmee de slachtoffers naar Nederland worden gevlogen voor identificatie.

Het is nog niet bekend naar welk Nederlands vliegveld de lichamen gaan en hoe laat ze daar verwacht worden.

De afgelopen dagen hebben de koelwagons met lichamen op het station van Torez gestaan, dicht bij de rampplek. De Nederlandse regering heeft er vaak bij de rebellen en de Russische president Poetin op aangedrongen om de lichamen snel vrij te geven.


The train carrying victims of the air disaster in Ukraine has arrived in Kharkov. The wagon left early this morning from Donetsk, in the area that is controlled by the rebels and drove a few hours later into the safe area. Kharkov is in the hands of the Government.

The bodies are being taken off the train and will be examined by a group of twenty international experts, including Dutch.

After that the bodies will be transported to the airport. There a Hercules plane of the Dutch air force awaits them, in which the victims will be flown Netherlands for identification.

It is not yet known to which Dutch airport bodies will go and what time they are expected to be there.
The past days, the wagon with bodies stood waiting on the railwaysation of Torez, close to the crash site. The Dutch Government has frequently urged that the rebels and president Putin of Russia to release the bodies quickly.

(*) The info about the coffins is not mentioned in this item, it was mentioned on the live news.

Oleksander Kharchenko, spokesman for the state committee on the crash, said "we will do our best" to send the bodies to the Netherlands on Tuesday

Thank goodness ... things are starting to seem a little more in control now. At least where the victims are concerned.
"The Red Cross has made a confidential legal assessment that Ukraine is officially in a war, Western diplomats and officials say, opening the door to possible war crimes prosecutions, including over the downing of Malaysia Airlines MH-17.

"Clearly it's an international conflict and therefore this is most probably a war crime," one Western diplomat in Geneva told Reuters.

The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) is the guardian of the Geneva Conventions setting down the rules of war, and as such is considered a reference in the United Nations deciding when violence has evolved into an armed conflict."
Press Conference Dutch PM Mark Rutte


Mr Abbott was alarmed that the Russian-backed rebels appeared to be bringing heavy equipment into the MH17 debris field, saying the site looked “more like a building demolition than a forensic investigation”.

“After the crime comes the cover-up. What we have seen is evidence tampering on an industrial scale and obviously that has to stop,” Mr Abbott said in Canberra.

“A multinational police force, or a multinational force of some kind, is not something that can be just summonsed up in a matter of a few hours, but obviously there does need to be security at this site."
Press Conference Dutch PM Mark Rutte



How is that possible? The train left at 7, the black boxes weren't handed over to Malaysia until 11. What is going on there?
Press Conference Dutch PM Mark Rutte


This morning after 0400 hrs I received a message from the leader of the CT that the train had reached the Ukraine territory.
The train arrived in Charkov 11.30 hrs.
Our first priority is to bring them all back.
In Charkov the first preparations for later identification will take place.
The bodies will be flown to Eindhoven Airport (*)
Tomorrow the first plane is expected there.
Transport will go on untill all remains have arrived.
This will happen step by step.
Once the remains arrive in Eindhoven, they will be transported to Korporaal van Oudheusden Kazerne (Barracks) in Hilversum.
After identification the families wil be informed first.
The whole procedure of identification can be completed quickly, but it may also take more time.

Our next priority is to establish the cause of the crash.
The Netherlands are in charge of the investigation.
We will give our utmost attention to finding the victims that are still left behind and their posessions.
The black boxes of the aircraft were on the train that arrived in Charkov.

UN have agreed on a motion that supports the priorities of the Dutch government
EU conference is ongoing in Brussels : The Netherlans demand justice and united action. Russia must do more to diminish unrest in Eastrn Ukraine.
All options are open: financial, economical, political.

(All mistakes mine)
(* Eindhoven: as I expected)
The train stopped overnight in the contested city of Donetsk but left around 3 a.m., the Ukrainian emergency services ministry said.
How is that possible? The train left at 7, the black boxes weren't handed over to Malaysia until 11. What is going on there?

There is this statement that the train's departure was delayed ... :dunno:

"The train carrying both the bodies of the victims and the “black box” flight recorders has arrived in the Ukrainian city of Kharkiv.
The departure was delayed by last-minute wrangling over the handover of the black boxes, which had originally been scheduled for 9.00pm local time last night (7.00pm UK time)."

Australische en Nederlandse militaire transportvliegtuigen voor terugkeer slachtoffers

Nieuwsbericht | 22-07-2014 | 13:10

C-130 Hercules transportvliegtuigen van de Koninklijke Luchtmacht en een Australische Boeing C-17 Globemaster transportvliegtuig vormen de komende dagen een luchtbrug tussen Eindhoven en Charkov. De toestellen brengen alle stoffelijke resten van de omgekomen vliegtuigpassagiers naar Nederland. Het Australische vrachtvliegtuig arriveerde hiervoor vanochtend op de Vliegbasis Eindhoven.

Nadat de vliegtuigen vanuit Charkov op Eindhoven zijn gearriveerd, gaan de stoffelijke overschotten naar de Korporaal van Oudheusdenkazerne in Hollandsche Rading voor identificatie. Aan het Landelijk Team Forensisch Onderzoek (LTFO) dat aan de identificatie van de lichamen werkt, zijn meerdere specialisten van Defensie toegevoegd.

Bij de ramp met vlucht MH17 van Malaysia Airlines verloren bijna 300 passagiers en bemanningsleden het leven, onder wie 193 Nederlanders, maar ook 37 Australiërs. Australië stuurt consulaire medewerkers, identificatiespecialisten, forensische experts en onderzoekers op het gebied van de vliegveiligheid naar Nederland en Oekraïne.


Australian and Dutch military transport aircraft to return victims

News release | 22-07-2014 | 13: 10

C-130 Hercules transport aircraft of the Royal Air Force and an Australian Boeing C-17 Globemaster transport aircraft will form in the coming days an air bridge between Eindhoven and Kharkiv. The carriers will bring all remains of the killed passengers to The Netherlands. With this aim, the Australian cargo plane arrived this morning at Eindhoven Airport.

Once the aircrafts arrive from Kharkiv at Eindhoven, the remains will go to the Corporal of Oudheusdenkazerne in Hollandsche Rading (*) for identification. Several specialists of Defense have been commissioned to the National Team Forensics (LTFO) that will work on the identification of the bodies.

In the disaster with flight MH17 of Malaysia Airlines nearly 300 passengers and crew members lost their lives, including 193 Dutch, and also 37 Australians. Australia sends consular staff, identification specialists, forensic experts and researchers in the field of flight safety to The Netherlands and Ukraine.

(* Hollandsche Rading is a village near Hilversum)
Korporaal van Oudheusden Kazerne in Hollandsche Rading / Hilversum, The Netherlands, where the identification of the remains will take place

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