Found Deceased Malaysia - Nora Quoirin, 15, from UK, special needs, missing on vacation, Seremban, 4 Aug 2019 #5

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"Oct 18, 2015
On this week's Crime Watch Raw, we feature the mysterious case of the seven missing Orang Asli children who disappeared for 46 days in the jungles of Gua Musang. We also follow up on two of them who survived and currently recovering from the traumatic experience."

Very interesting video on the 2 out of the 7 jungle survivors, thanks for sharing this with us. I was keen on finding out about what happened to them, and found this article. It also says that children were running away, hiding from the SAR team as they were so horrified.

The runaway children Malaysia failed to save
Nora Quoirin could not have reached the ravine where her body was discovered by herself, a member of the Malaysian search team said last night.

The volunteer said the barefoot 15-year-old, who had suffered physical and mental disabilities since birth, would have found it impossible to cross the arduous jungle terrain.

Displaying intimate knowledge of the area surrounding the remote Lata Berembun waterfall where Nora’s naked body was found on Tuesday, the volunteer described treacherous gradients and dense vegetation surrounding the scene.

His testimony generates yet more doubts over the police theory that Nora reached the site alone after wandering off from her family’s holiday chalet in the dead of night.

I struggled to walk. The path is difficult even for an able-bodied person.

‘Dense vegetation snags your feet. The average gradient of the slopes where Nora was found range from 20 to 40 per cent. You have to cross two reasonably deep streams to reach the area where she was found.

The terrain by the stream is very slippery. The roots and rocks are wet. My boots were destroyed by the end and Nora was barefoot. I can’t imagine how she could have walked to the place where she was found.’
Malaysian search team expert claims it is 'impossible' Nora Quoirin reached the waterfall herself | Daily Mail Online
No we can't state as fact one way or the other. I so wish the government would release information, it would clear up alot of mystery. And we all know mystery creates the desire for answers. Human nature, we can't help it.

I know the local searchers did everything ask of them by the police. The negativism will not end without answers. Folks will make make up their own answers.

We love a puzzle but only if we have all the pieces.

My heart goes out the the local community.

I think you read (and thanked) my post with information that LE DID follow up on the river sighting? :) Do you not believe them?

Malaysia - Nora Quoirin, 15, from UK, special needs, missing on vacation, Seremban, 4 Aug 2019 #5
Sorry man, i've mostly been listening to you and Shadenrya and i've been trying to divert media attention here. Must be horrible to see your country accused.

@Shadyren @Kubirai @Nadal

I am so sorry you are having to defend folks you know in your heart are good people. It's like someone talking bad about your family.

You three and others have clearly expressed and demonstrated the love of the local people.
Without you, we would not be able to see the other side of this sad situation.

The press has not covered or portray the other side of this story. It is unfair and I know your heart is heavy.

This is not the fault of the locals, nor yours!!! I lived a nightmare of a family murdered locally. NO leads NONE, the media portrayed us as a bunch of dumb, hillbilly hicks, with incompetent police. Friends from around the country called me, I was so ashamed and spent hours defending my good little town.

It damaged our community publicly and divided our citizens. No matter how much we begged, called the local Chief of Police, our elected officials, NO one could get the COP to speak out. He sealed all information and evidence. They never found the killed, no information was released and the community outraged. Every year national media covers the story on the anniversary and we relive the nightmare.

Please, try and understand, as posters we want and seek answers. I am and others are grateful for your input. We mean no harm when we ask for proof, it's what we do. I know you don't have the answers, if you did Nora would be home.

I respect you and your country. I'm just mad as heck at the outcome.


For me, its the fact the government refused to acknowledge abduction as an option.

I've mostly seen the denial of abduction, when family is involved, in the disappearance. An arrest, usually follows. Just saying from my experience here.

Please, feel free to chime in with your thoughts....


An abduction by definition is the “illegal removal of someone by force or deception.” Apparently LE found no evidence of abduction. Beyond that, I’m afraid my thoughts would violate TOS.
Very interesting video on the 2 out of the 7 jungle survivors, thanks for sharing this with us. I was keen on finding out about what happened to them, and found this article. It also says that children were running away, hiding from the SAR team as they were so horrified.

The runaway children Malaysia failed to save
There is something very puzzling about this tragic story. The police and army had been searching a vast area using sniffer dogs and helicopters, yet the children were less than 2km from the school. So why did it take so long to find them?

One reason is that the search operation did not begin immediately when the children's trail was fresh. Instead the police came to the village late at night to search a number of homes, apparently suspecting the parents of hiding their children.

Norieen's mother, Midah, says the police and officials from JAKOA, (Jabatan Kemajuan Orang Asli) the government agency for the Orang Asli, "treated the families like criminals".

Remarkably, when the search and rescue operation began in earnest, Ika's father and other villagers were told they were not allowed to take part.

"They sent in soldiers used to hunting down enemies and smugglers," says Colin Nicholas from the Centre for Orang Asli Concerns, a lobby group for Malaysia's indigenous people.

"If you really put yourself into the mind of a child and you see a bunch of guys looking for you in military fatigues and armed with machine guns - are you going to shout out, 'I'm here'? Of course not! Those kids were obviously running away."

I think Nora may also have hidden from search teams out of fear.

This story gives a glimpse of the difficult lives of Orang Asli indigenous people, who are still forced to send kids to far away residential schools.

There are two villages in this area, and if there were any hints of abduction, the police could have harassed everyone.
Fortunately, some staff members and guests looked around the property, and local police brought in dogs. Her scent was picked up outdoors.

There is essentially zero percent chance of her walking out by herself at night, unless she had a known sleepwalking habit. If she did walk out on her own, it was probably after 6AM dawn light.

We also don’t know that her scent was laid down when she went missing. She and her family could have explored the grounds a little when they arrived.
Essentially zero percent chance that she went outside by herself, when it was still dark outside.

If that is ludicrous, consider others claiming she simply would not go outside by herself, even when it was not dark.

What facts back this zero percent chance you state?
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Nothing is impossible when faced with a life or death situation. I wouldn’t doubt Nora’s ability to do amazing things that defy her abilities and what anyone ever thought she was capable of. I know it will be extremely hard for her family to accept, but my hope is they take comfort in the fact that no evidence of assault was found and she died in an area she loved, by a waterfall. Not to diminish the pain and agony of knowing she was alone, hungry, scared, hurting for possibly a week. But to think she was abducted and murdered is a harder reality to accept for me. Nora was a strong, determined young lady and she proved that in life and in her death.
Nora Quoirin could not have reached the ravine where her body was discovered by herself, a member of the Malaysian search team said last night.

The volunteer said the barefoot 15-year-old, who had suffered physical and mental disabilities since birth, would have found it impossible to cross the arduous jungle terrain.

Displaying intimate knowledge of the area surrounding the remote Lata Berembun waterfall where Nora’s naked body was found on Tuesday, the volunteer described treacherous gradients and dense vegetation surrounding the scene.

His testimony generates yet more doubts over the police theory that Nora reached the site alone after wandering off from her family’s holiday chalet in the dead of night.

I struggled to walk. The path is difficult even for an able-bodied person.

‘Dense vegetation snags your feet. The average gradient of the slopes where Nora was found range from 20 to 40 per cent. You have to cross two reasonably deep streams to reach the area where she was found.

The terrain by the stream is very slippery. The roots and rocks are wet. My boots were destroyed by the end and Nora was barefoot. I can’t imagine how she could have walked to the place where she was found.’
Malaysian search team expert claims it is 'impossible' Nora Quoirin reached the waterfall herself | Daily Mail Online

Someone who is lost and wandering will have no choice but to try to get around in the terrain, no matter how difficult it is - it's the only option. It's not impossible when it's literally the only choice someone might have when lost and in need of water, and she was found there near the water.

I don't understand people saying there's no way she could get around in the jungle considering her disabilities. Once someone becomes lost, which actually can happen very very easily in these sorts of areas, it's natural to wander around trying to find your way back and/or wander around in search of food and water. It's not suspicious that she was found near water, it's the result of a very basic human instinct

Nora Quoirin could not have reached the ravine where her body was discovered by herself, a member of the Malaysian search team said last night.

The volunteer said the barefoot 15-year-old, who had suffered physical and mental disabilities since birth, would have found it impossible to cross the arduous jungle terrain.

Displaying intimate knowledge of the area surrounding the remote Lata Berembun waterfall where Nora’s naked body was found on Tuesday, the volunteer described treacherous gradients and dense vegetation surrounding the scene.

His testimony generates yet more doubts over the police theory that Nora reached the site alone after wandering off from her family’s holiday chalet in the dead of night.

I struggled to walk. The path is difficult even for an able-bodied person.

‘Dense vegetation snags your feet. The average gradient of the slopes where Nora was found range from 20 to 40 per cent. You have to cross two reasonably deep streams to reach the area where she was found.

The terrain by the stream is very slippery. The roots and rocks are wet. My boots were destroyed by the end and Nora was barefoot. I can’t imagine how she could have walked to the place where she was found.’
Malaysian search team expert claims it is 'impossible' Nora Quoirin reached the waterfall herself | Daily Mail Online

Interesting. I still don't think she got there herself either.
I think you read (and thanked) my post with information that LE DID follow up on the river sighting? :) Do you not believe them?

Malaysia - Nora Quoirin, 15, from UK, special needs, missing on vacation, Seremban, 4 Aug 2019 #5

The lack of information has been frustrating to say the least. Yes, they searched the river bank, We've waited days for a response as, its been ask at pressers, they would not answer. What day did they search??? Where??? Did they speak to the person?? You know all the stuff that is usually shared.

Every presser, it is repeated ....lost in the jungle, and no public acknowledgement of other possibilities. No reason given for such close mindlessness. They have never acknowledged her disability or limitations. I've watched all the video, thread 4, the photos, it ain't no way I could make this trek and I'm a avid mountain hiker, and magically appear at the waterfall.

The video of the area is the eye opener. Thanks to the locals who provided.

No disrespect intended .... JMHO.
What facts back this zero percent chance you state?
Essentially zero percent, which could be 0.5% ...

Her parents and grandparent mentioned "never" probably based on their observation that she never ventured outdoors alone in the dark.

I disagreed with the claim that she won't even go to the garden during the daytime, if someone wasn't holding her hand. Her school may know if she did venture outdoors, occasionally.
Nora Quoirin could not have reached the ravine where her body was discovered by herself, a member of the Malaysian search team said last night.

The volunteer said the barefoot 15-year-old, who had suffered physical and mental disabilities since birth, would have found it impossible to cross the arduous jungle terrain.

Displaying intimate knowledge of the area surrounding the remote Lata Berembun waterfall where Nora’s naked body was found on Tuesday, the volunteer described treacherous gradients and dense vegetation surrounding the scene.

His testimony generates yet more doubts over the police theory that Nora reached the site alone after wandering off from her family’s holiday chalet in the dead of night.

I struggled to walk. The path is difficult even for an able-bodied person.

‘Dense vegetation snags your feet. The average gradient of the slopes where Nora was found range from 20 to 40 per cent. You have to cross two reasonably deep streams to reach the area where she was found.

The terrain by the stream is very slippery. The roots and rocks are wet. My boots were destroyed by the end and Nora was barefoot. I can’t imagine how she could have walked to the place where she was found.’
Malaysian search team expert claims it is 'impossible' Nora Quoirin reached the waterfall herself | Daily Mail Online

100% agree!!!
Can we really state as fact that they didn’t follow up on that sighting (if there actually was a sighting)? Also, has the person who supposedly saw this “swimming white woman” come forward publicly? I must have missed it if he did.

You are correct !! We can't say for certain, only the police know. So wish, they would speak up with more information, it might improve the situation,

I copied two sections from your post, to comment about only those points.

Every presser, it is repeated ....lost in the jungle, and no public acknowledgement of other possibilities. No reason given for such close mindlessness. They have never acknowledged her disability or limitations.
Everyone acknowledged that Nora was a special child, with limited mobility and understanding. But she was indeed "lost in the jungle" ...

Imagine the police broke into every village hut to find her, because they accepted that she could never end up in the jungle.

I watched all the video, thread 4, the photos, it ain't no way I could make this trek and I'm a avid mountain hiker, and magically appear at the waterfall.
Nora was found some distance from the waterfall, but yes it still is puzzling how she ended up there.

Just a theory ... she walked out by herself after 6AM and tried to find the waterfall. Then someone found her, and helped her to get there.

Who could that helpful person be?
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