Manorville Bodies: A Second Killer? Latest Remains found 02/17/2012

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Well, since you "spiced up" what I said with some of your own ingredients, it has now some lack of logic. I never said it would be necessarily preservation by freezing, I mentioned "preservation", freezing was only one possible example. So I ask you politely, not to mingle in what I said, your own stuff because then we are on the level of that "banker receipt" that lately went viral.
When it comes to the article, you linked, I had to blink a little. You noticed, that the author of that article refers to the situation much earlier, before the other body parts were even found? He ust copied from old archive articles there. He writes for example also, that JT's head would be missing, so no dentals. Well, we know they found that piece in the meantime.
Moreover, you may noticed, we miss of both women still some parts? The collections are not complete yet.
And I referred to the state of remains with little bones (children, hands, ankles, basically every body part with SMALL BONES ...) The point is, if an ankle, or a hand, or a knee or whatever, lays out there for years, first the remains will deteriorate through several stages till they are fully skeletized. After that, when also the sinew material is gone, the bones have no connection anymore. So if, and that's a big if already, the animals of the neighborhood (in the water, makes that crabs and fishes) didn't feed on it years before, latest at this point, the remains are spread out by weather (storms), animals and sometimes even trees growing right through them. All you can find after this point are long bones, skulls and if you have good climatic conditions, maybe some ribs and vertebrae.
So ... technically, nothing here is negated. It would be negated, if you could find anything, indicating, there were no small bones, but then, how would have one found a hand in the first place?
And another question: We know plastic can survive in nature for at least fifty years, but what do you think, how long can a plastic bag remain closed in the very same nature, if there is some tasty food for the local wildlife in it?

Can we agree, that you read at least the articles before you link them as arguments for whatever? It would make my life so much easier. JD6 (partially) was found by hunters. JT was found in a very remote location, her torso sitting on a pile of sticks (which establishes staging). Now, what are the odds in an area that big, that one is placed in an extreme remote local area (which was also regular dog walking path and had near to it the local wild trash disposal site, so it wasn't that remote at all) and one was found by hunters on their way to their blinds (meaning, also a way, that had some kind of regular traffic, unless you assume of course, hunters build everytime they go to the forest new blinds).
The other point is why staging. Staging doesn't serve the mere shock effect. That was in fact your theory, not mine. Staging serves as statement. The mutilation of the tattoo (without removing it), the placement of JT's torso on a pile of sticks, the parking of the trash bags with body parts right in the way of local (and regular) hunters, how many clues would you need?
On the other hand, I can't get right now this grin out of my face. You are aware, that the article you link all the time also includes the statement, they believe now in two serial killers? And that over the whole texts, you linked, not less than three different descriptions for how and where JT was found are included. She was, if I add your "sources" together dropped nude in a plastic bag without plastic bag remote from the next street right at the main road, sitting on a pile of sticks looking like she was just dropped out of a car. Hummm ... aside of the absolute physical impossibility for any physical body to be at the same time at different place ... can those writers make up their mind? And can you, before you use those articles as prove for whatever, read them an look where are the contradictions in them? My time is a bit limited and it's a waste of time, to show things to you you could have seen if you would have read the article completely.
I don't know, how you jump now to landscaper ... but then, at least that isn't entirely impossible.
So, after ignoring the contradictions in the articles you posted, ignoring three details, that tell us details about his behavior and a hefty misunderstanding about the reasons of staging, you displayed, you have proven nothing.

Uhhh, you assume, you assume more, then in the third sentence you take your own assumptions as fact, and that's it. Now you are at the conclusion (based on all of your assumptions), dismembering doesn't play another role as forensic countermeasure (thus ignoring all we had just above about staging, for example a torso on a pile of sticks, but that's only one point). Therefore, you conclude, it's possible he could have changed his MO.
Someone, who dismembers bodies has one, two or all three needs out of a selection of three reasons:

- forensic countermeasure
Since there was no concealment for the torsos, even not the one with the tattoo, we can dismiss this.

- ritualistic behavior
Typically, this kind of mere ritualistic behavior is concentrated rather on heads and hands than on bodies. Read Jeffrey Dahmer up as an example. Since the non-hidden parts were the torsos, not the heads, we can dismiss that.

- A high degree off sadism.
This includes often to start the dismemberment of the victims antemortem, but not exclusively because the dismembering also can serve as means to extend the destruction of a person beyond death. As we have seen in other cases with high end sadists, postmortem mutilation also happens occasionally.

So well, we know, he didn't care too much about forensic countermeasures. He parked at least two torsos in places where they had to be found. Maybe not the next hour, but soon. He did so in the era of DNA testing. So, by all means, there goes your idea of mere forensic counter measure. That's on the Dormer level. Saying, the perp is law enforcement because he made phone calls of less than three minutes as forensic countermeasure - in the era of electronic phone tracking which works mostly in the millisecond range, but only after all papers are filled out (which then takes a lot longer than 3 minutes).

That's a very complex way to say "I don't care for what I dn't understand". Which at least explains, why the time to catch a serial killer for the FBI has almost doubled since the end nineties.
So, what you're basically saying is, you don't see it, so it's too complex to be considered? Seriously? Politeness would refrain me to make such a statement about you, even I admit to feel occasionally the urge. But this time, you did it yourself, so no way to stop from declaring publicly your limited capacities.

YOUR conclusion is based on your assumption from your paragraphs 2. to 4. You had not only to ignore even the content of the articles you linked, to come to those "conclusions", I have also, for the umpteenth repeat of this loop explained, where you are wrong and for what reasons. Forensic countermeasure by putting the torsos out in the open, yeah, right!
Furthermore, you ignored any mentioning of other behavioral indicators like kill speed, stability of signature, reactive behavior, different victimology, different comfort zones and his little break times, he took. Well, technically, you have ignored everything, that doesn't support your theory of the SK is a duck (sorry, I still can't come over THAT logic glitch in your former posts)
However, this has been amusing, but I lack the time to continue this discussion style in all eternity. Therefore I suggest, you work your angle, I work mine and as usual, in like 15-20 years, when they finally catch one of them (as we learned from your link, they tend to ignore what they don't understand), the one, who was wrong pays the other one a beer.

I see here that Mr Brendt is having quite a few sly digs at Inspctrgadet which I think is totally un-called for, Just because you both have different opinions that does not make one right & the other wrong, for all we know we could all be heading down the wrong track! None of us knows for sure whether all these deaths are connected etc & thats why were on this website to voice our OWN opinions & not end up making petty digs at others just because we belive our own theory is right, then theirs must be wrong.

I have enjoyed reading both Mr Brendt & Inspctrgadet posts, even though theres bits I dont agree with, but its now starting to leave a bad taste in my mouth when the pettiness creeps in! Cant we agree to disagree lol :truce:
How about: Wanted or needed to kill the mother. Had to kill child too keep mother from being missed. Mother would have had to be someone with no relatives to miss her. Perhaps someone from a foreign country? SK probably would have had more information on her than the other victims. I think TS is right--there was a personal connection between SK and victim. Maybe he instinctively and illogically separated the mother and child to indicate the child was different, not meant to be killed.

Hi Redbird :)

Just wanted to throw something in the mix, been on my mind... Shannan Gilbert had a tattoo of a red & black scorpion on her back, shoulder/lower neck area if I'm remembering correctly. A scorpion is a trademark of multiple hookers that have disease, not saying she did only stating a fact (it signifies HIV+ in some Asian countries)...BUT it's also the mark of a gang, an organization's trademark of property and/or family. The Red Scorpions are linked with the Russian Mafia - big in NYC, DC, MA, etc - with having several branches. They have a HUGE interest in prostitution & trafficking worldwide. You do not cross them, period...

So this made me think of the baby being separated from her mother. What about if the mother was gang owned & got pregnant by a John (somebody outside of the family)? If that's the case, her boss would kill her, as well as her child, and dispose of them separately so as to keep them apart forever to show others not to do the same. Loved ones usually like to be buried with family, or at least in the same cemetery. If this woman crossed mafioso, even kept her child a secret, she would have her baby taken from her, possibly be forced to watch her baby's death if she didn't have permission to have it in the first place, then be killed & dumped away from her child.

My eyes are still on the doctor but I wonder if somebody's working hand in hand with another. The Russian Mafia has been rumored to infiltrate le. Just sayin'... Might be farfetched but could explain the separation of mother & child. It could also explain the wrapping of the child, bc the child would have been a forced sacrifice, a punishment to the mother but an innocent victim still.
I see here that Mr Brendt is having quite a few sly digs at Inspctrgadet which I think is totally un-called for, Just because you both have different opinions that does not make one right & the other wrong, for all we know we could all be heading down the wrong track! None of us knows for sure whether all these deaths are connected etc & thats why were on this website to voice our OWN opinions & not end up making petty digs at others just because we belive our own theory is right, then theirs must be wrong.

I have enjoyed reading both Mr Brendt & Inspctrgadet posts, even though theres bits I dont agree with, but its now starting to leave a bad taste in my mouth when the pettiness creeps in! Cant we agree to disagree lol :truce:

Personally, I react just a little nasty if someone puts words in my mouth. I know, it's a nasty habit, but trust me, I find it hard to break.
Otherwise, I made the beer bet suggestion as usually in those cases.
Personally, I react just a little nasty if someone puts words in my mouth. I know, it's a nasty habit, but trust me, I find it hard to break.
Otherwise, I made the beer bet suggestion as usually in those cases.

Fascinating posts btw Mr.Brendt, Ure always a good read.
Since the most recent skeletal remains found at Manorville were said to be very old and even had a tree growing through them, it seemed like a good time to find out when Upton became a controlled/maintained Wildlife Preserve. Guess What, it happened in 2000. The initial funding: "The Energy Department will provide the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service $200,000 a year, over a five-year period, for land management activities and research in the Upton Ecological and Research Reserve."

In 2000, the DOE, approved 530 Acres of the Brookhaven National Laboratory property to be used as the Upton Ecological and Research Reserve. The US Fish & Wildlife Service was funded and appointed as the agency to maintain the land and develop research programs.

"Plans to permanently preserve a unique Pine Barrens ecosystem, providing a home to more than 220 species of plants and 162 species of mammals, birds, reptiles and amphibians, were announced today by Secretary of Energy Bill Richardson in Upton, New York. Under an agreement with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Secretary Richardson dedicated the Upton Ecological and Research Reserve

Time to see who (what ranger/rangers) was/were specifically employed by US F&WS between 2000-2003 to maintain the area. This was approved in 2000 and funding allocated but did the Manorville killer lose his killing field to those who were charged with maintaining the sanctuary or did an employee of US F&WS see this as a great opportunity for privacy?

"Secretary Richardson also outlined plans to increase the environmental cleanup budget at Brookhaven National Laboratory from $22 million in FY 2000 to $35 million in FY 2001 and beyond, and accelerate the schedule for completing cleanup from 2006 to 2004."

It seems that plans to expedite this process moved the projected date from 2006 to 2004. The four bodies found in Manorville, prior to this latest find were all dumped between 2000 and 2003.
Hi Redbird :)

Just wanted to throw something in the mix, been on my mind... Shannan Gilbert had a tattoo of a red & black scorpion on her back, shoulder/lower neck area if I'm remembering correctly. A scorpion is a trademark of multiple hookers that have disease, not saying she did only stating a fact (it signifies HIV+ in some Asian countries)...BUT it's also the mark of a gang, an organization's trademark of property and/or family. The Red Scorpions are linked with the Russian Mafia - big in NYC, DC, MA, etc - with having several branches. They have a HUGE interest in prostitution & trafficking worldwide. You do not cross them, period...

So this made me think of the baby being separated from her mother. What about if the mother was gang owned & got pregnant by a John (somebody outside of the family)? If that's the case, her boss would kill her, as well as her child, and dispose of them separately so as to keep them apart forever to show others not to do the same. Loved ones usually like to be buried with family, or at least in the same cemetery. If this woman crossed mafioso, even kept her child a secret, she would have her baby taken from her, possibly be forced to watch her baby's death if she didn't have permission to have it in the first place, then be killed & dumped away from her child.

My eyes are still on the doctor but I wonder if somebody's working hand in hand with another. The Russian Mafia has been rumored to infiltrate le. Just sayin'... Might be farfetched but could explain the separation of mother & child. It could also explain the wrapping of the child, bc the child would have been a forced sacrifice, a punishment to the mother but an innocent victim still.

shannan's birthday falls under the horoscope of scorpio.
that is why she had that tatoo
not for any "gang" related worthiness.

she was ALL scorpio.
I am digging deep into the Archives to bring some old articles about the Manor Butcher for all to read. I promise not to post entire articles to keep in line with the copyright rules.

Stay tuned...
I am digging deep into the Archives to bring some old articles about the Manor Butcher for all to read. I promise not to post entire articles to keep in line with the copyright rules.

Stay tuned...

ohhhh no
makes me think of that movie
gangs of new york
and one guy was the butcher.

Bill "The Butcher" Cutting (Daniel Day-Lewis)

he was a true person -
and its very upsetting to know
that manorville had a butcher.
Starting with the 1980's, I found this victim that was never mentioned before;

Source: Skeleton Discovered: [EAST END Edition]
Newsday [Long Island, N.Y] 30 Aug 1988: 22.

The Suffolk medical examiner's office is trying to identify a skeleton found by an East End farmer last weekend. Riverhead Town police said the farmer first spotted some clothing before he discovered the bones near his farm in a wooded area just east of Wading River-Manorville Road.

Not much more info listed there about this.
This person's body was wrapped in a plastic bag and dumped in Manorville in 1989...

SOURCE: Police: Love Triangle In Manorville Murder: [NASSAU AND SUFFOLK Edition]
By Dan Fagin. Newsday [Long Island, N.Y] 13 Mar 1989: 03.

uffolk police said yesterday that they believe a lovers' triangle may be the motive for the murder of Robert Rock, 51, who was found in a plastic bag with his throat slashed last week along a Manorville roadside.

Rock had been arrested at least three times in the past year for violating an order of protection that had been obtained by his ex-girlfriend, police said yesterday. The girlfriend and her current boyfriend, who was arrested Jan. 9 after allegedly punching Rock, are the prime suspects in Rock's murder, said Det. Sgt. William Pepper of the Suffolk Homicide Squad.

"It's a triangle situation," Pepper said. "We have two definite suspects in the murder. We're still gathering the evidence, but we expect an arrest or an indictment later this week."

Police would not identify the two suspects, nor would their lawyer, Floyd Sarisohn of Commack.

In an interview yesterday, Sarisohn said he called police shortly after the then-unidentified body was discovered March 1 and suggested that it might be Rock. He said he called police after talking to "a number of people," including the two suspects he represents. Police later confirmed Rock's identity through fingerprints. No identification was found on him, and all his teeth were missing when he was discovered by an off-duty police officer...
Not a murder, but an example of how a pattern is developing here for Manorville being a dumping grounds...

SOURCE: Suspect in Go-Cart Death Surrenders to Fla. Police: [NASSAU AND SUFFOLK Edition]
By Patrick Brasley. Newsday [Long Island, N.Y] 25 Nov 1989: 06.

A Mastic Beach man, wanted for the hit-and-run death of a 13-year-old boy who was riding his motorized go-cart last Saturday near his Shirley home, has turned himself in to Florida authorities, Suffolk County police reported yesterday.

Ernesto Martinez, 29, of 5 Kings Rd., surrendered yesterday to police in Frostproof and told them he was wanted in New York for the hit-and-run accident, said Det. Sgt. Terrance Hoffman of Suffolk's Fifth Squad.

Suffolk police yesterday for the first time also announced that the car that struck the boy - a 1975 blue Buick Century - had been recovered Monday burning in a wooded area off Halsey Manor Road in Manorville.

Det. Paul Thomas of Suffolk's Fifth Squad said he had talked by telephone yesterday with Martinez, and that the wanted man had admitted his involvement in the accident as well as in the burning of the car. Extradition proceedings to return Martinez to Suffolk were initiated last night.
And now the pattern evolves to show face how Manorville indeed became a preferred dumping grounds for criminals from the city;

SOURCE: 1 Arrested for Dumping Tires: [NASSAU AND SUFFOLK Edition]
By Jim Puzzanghera. STAFF WRITER. Newsday [Long Island, N.Y] 23 Dec 1990: 38.

A Suffolk County park ranger patrolling a hotbed for illegal dumping in the Pine Barrens arrested a Brooklyn man and charged him with dumping about 70 tires in the environmentally sensitive area, police said.

Wallace Dawson, 64, of 2328 W. 8th St., was arrested about 6 p.m. Friday when Ranger Arthur Pendzick discovered him dumping tires from a rental truck on Toppings Path, said Lt. Gary Henke of the Suffok Park Rangers. Dawson allegedly picked up the tires from gas stations in the Coney Island area, charging station owners $10 a tire to dispose of them, Henke said. There were 30 more tires in the truck when Dawson was arrested.

Dawson was charged with two counts of illegal dumping under state law and three counts of illegal dumping under Brookhaven town ordinances. He was arraigned yesterday at First District Court in Hauppauge, and held in Suffolk County Jail in lieu of $300 bail.

Dawson also was charged on an outstanding warrant for illegal dumping, as well as warrants for driving with a suspended license and an undetermined traffic violation, Henke said.

Toppings Path, which runs south of the Long Island Expressway and cuts through miles of isolated Pine Barrens land, is the site of much illegal dumping, including tires, appliances and abandoned vehicles, Henke said. Dawson drove about 1 1/2 miles into the area from the LIE to dump the tires, Henke said.

Park rangers continually transverse the road because it runs between Manorville Hills Nature Preserve and Suffolk Hills Park, both county parks, Henke said...
Here is one that we are familiar with...

SOURCE: LI Hunters Discover Woman's Remains: [NASSAU AND SUFFOLK Edition]
Zachary R. Dowdy. STAFF WRITER. Newsday [Long Island, N.Y] 20 Nov 2000: A06

A trio of hunters searching for game in a Manorville thicket yesterday instead discovered several bags that Suffolk County police believe contained the body parts of a woman who had been the victim of a homicide.

The hunters' dogs found the unidentified woman's partially decomposed body at about 10:30 a.m. as they searched for pheasant in the wooded area, said homicide squad commander Det. Lt. John Gierasch.

The body, which was located about 200 feet off Halsey Manor Road and near a utility right-of-way, had been severed and placed into several large dark-colored garbage bags. The body had no clothing.

"Right now we have some human remains that appear to be that of a white female," Gierasch said, adding that the case is being treated as a homicide although it is too early to tell if the woman was murdered.

He added that both hands and the head of the victim were missing, a fact that may hamper efforts to identify the victim and ultimately locate her assailant.

"It's presumed that (cutting off the hands and head) is done in an effort to thwart identification of the victim," Gierasch said, adding that he was withholding the names of the hunters who made the find.

Details were sketchy yesterday, but Gierasch said the body was likely that of a small woman whose age could not be immediately determined, and that no personal effects were culled from the bags or the scene.

Homicide detectives left the scene shortly after 5 p.m. yesterday after combing the woods for evidence for several hours.

Still, it was unclear yesterday how and whether the victim had been killed, how long the body had been in the woods or how long the victim had been dead...
More on that victim...

SOURCE: Autopsy Gives Clues to ID of Woman's Body: [NASSAU AND SUFFOLK Edition]
Luo, Michael. Newsday [Long Island, N.Y] 21 Nov 2000: A26.

An autopsy conducted yesterday on a decapitated woman's body found Sunday in Manorville by a trio of hunters left investigators no closer to learning how she died but yielded some clues that might help identify her, Suffolk police said.

Although no cause of death was determined, detectives are treating the death as a homicide, said Det. Lt. John Gierasch, commander of Suffolk's Homicide Squad.

The hunters' dogs found the woman's partially decomposed body, without her head or hands, inside several layers of garbage bags in a remote wooded area off Halsey Manor Road about 10:30 a.m. Sunday. She was unclothed. Other than the missing head and hands, the body was in one piece, police said.

Doctors estimate the woman was killed between late August and early November, Gierasch said.

The woman is believed to have been white, in her late 20s or early 30s, between 5 feet 3 inches and 5 feet 5 inches tall, weighing 100 to 120 pounds and had medium-brown hair, he said.
And then they find one of the male victims that we still never hear anything else about...

SOURCE: Body Found Just Off LIE: [NASSAU AND SUFFOLK Edition]
McCrummen, Stephanie. Newsday [Long Island, N.Y] 24 Nov 2000: A43

The body of a male was found yesterday afternoon in the woods alongside the Long Island Expressway, near Exit 68, Suffolk County Police said.

The location is not far from the spot where a decapitated woman was found in garbage bags Sunday.

No details were available as to the identity, age or condition of the body, said public information officer Robert Boden.

The body was discovered around 3:30 p.m. about 1 1/2 miles east of Exit 68, which is the exit for the William Floyd Parkway in Shirley.

An autopsy was to be performed, Boden said.

On Sunday, hunters discovered the remains of a woman without head or hands in the woods in a remote wooded area off Halsey Manor Road in Manorville. Police are investigating that case...
And a few years later they find JT's remains in the same area;

SOURCE: Decapitated Body Found in Manorville: [NASSAU AND SUFFOLK Edition]
Jennifer Sinco Kelleher and Dawn MacKeen. STAFF WRITERS. Newsday [Long Island, N.Y] 27 July 2003: A.34.

While walking her dog yesterday through a wooded stretch off Halsey Manor Road in Manorville, a woman discovered the decapitated body of an unidentified woman.

The unclothed body was found lying on a pile of branches near the Long Island Expressway, Suffolk police said. Her hands had been cut off and her body decomposed to the point where even pinpointing her race is difficult. Suffolk police suspect she's Caucasian and are checking missing persons databases for matches.

The purpose of removing the victim's hands was "most likely to prevent us from identifying the victim," said Det. Lt. Jack Fitzpatrick, commanding officer of the Suffolk Homicide Squad.

Police believe the woman was most likely dumped there after she was killed. They don't know how long the body was there...
For the first time, the police consider that they might have a SK on their hands...

SOURCE: Cops Consider Link Between 2 Victims: [ALL EDITIONS]
Zachary R. Dowdy. STAFF WRITER. Newsday [Long Island, N.Y] 29 July 2003: A.67.

Suffolk homicide detectives said yesterday they are exploring the possibility that the deaths of two young women - both found headless and handless only a mile apart in the same patch of Manorville woods - are linked.

On Saturday, an unidentified body was found about 10:45 a.m. by a woman who was walking a dog off Halsey Manor Road. The body, which had several tattoos, was naked and rested on a pile of branches.

In November 2000, hunters stumbled upon a similarly grisly find on the same road: a woman's body with its head and hands sliced off. She still has not been identified, and the case remains unsolved.

"We're aware of the other case and it's certainly something we're looking at," Det. Lt. Jack Fitzpatrick, head of the homicide squad, said yesterday, adding that the cases may be mere coincidences, however striking. "They're similar in the sense that they were in reasonably close geographic proximity and missing hands and heads. Those are clearly similarities, but there is nothing beyond that that links the two cases."

Police believe both bodies were taken to the locations. In the older case, the body had been cut into parts and placed in several bags; the body found Saturday was intact, except for the head and hands, police said.

Police believe the body found Saturday was that of a woman who was white or Hispanic, between 5 feet and 5 feet, 5 inches tall, weighing 110 to 125 pounds, said Fitzpatrick. She had a tattoo on the right side of her back, likely the wing of an angel or bird. The body also had a purple-and-silver decal on at least one of the toes.
And shortly after JT's body was found, the body of the second male victim (who we also NEVER hear anything about) was found;

SOURCE: Decomposing Body Found in Manorville: [NASSAU AND SUFFOLK Edition]
Bruchey, Samuel. Newsday [Long Island, N.Y] 11 Nov 2003: A20.

A decomposing body was discovered yesterday afternoon in a wooded area south of the Long Island Expressway in Manorville, Suffolk police said.

Several hunters came upon the body about 12:15 p.m. off a dirt path several hundred yards from the expressway, between Exits 70 and 71, and called authorities, police said.

The body was partly covered in leaves and brush and was barely distinguishable, police said. It was not immediately clear whether it was that of a man or woman. No cause of death has been determined.

The remains were taken to the Suffolk County medical examiner's office in Hauppauge.

In the past three years, three other bodies have been discovered within miles of the one found yesterday. There is no evidence to link any of the cases, other than the general area in which they were found, police said.

In July 2002, the headless body of a woman was found a mile and a half west of yesterday's discovery, off Halsey Manor Road. That body had a tattoo of a heart with wings. Police have not been able to make a positive identification, or determine how she died.

In November 2000, the bodies of a man and a woman were found separately in the woods between Exits 68 and 69 of the expressway. The man's body was intact. The woman's had no head or hands, police said. How she died has not been determined. Neither has been identified.

Of the three, only the man's death has been ruled a homicide, police said...
This article about the cases leaves us with more questions than answers (for instance, how do they not rule decapitated bodies as being homicides???)

SOURCE: Still Seeking Clues on Decomposed Body: [NASSAU AND SUFFOLK Edition]
Samuel Bruchey. STAFF WRITER. Newsday [Long Island, N.Y] 12 Nov 2003: A29.

Preliminary tests conducted on the decomposed body found in Manorville Monday show the skeleton to be intact, with a head and hands, but have yet to yield a gender, positive identification, or cause of death, Suffolk police said yesterday.

And, although the grisly find marks the fourth time in three years police have pulled human remains from the same wooded three- mile stretch south of the Long Island Expressway, no evidence connects the cases, Homicide Commander Det. Lt. Jack Fitzpatrick said.

"I would be speculating if I made that connection," Fitzpatrick said at a news conference at police headquarters in Yaphank yesterday. "At this point, the gender is still unknown, the cause of death is unknown. This could be a hiker who dropped dead of a heart attack. It could be a lot of things."

None of the three bodies recovered previously - a man and woman, both found in November 2000, and a second woman discovered in July - has been identified. Only the man's case has been ruled a homicide. However, Fitzpatrick wouldn't say how the man died.

Police and medical experts have been unable to determine how the other two women died, so police haven't been able to rule either a homicide. Both were decapitated, however, had their hands removed, were naked and decomposing badly, Fitzpatrick said.

Both were white or Hispanic, and petite - no taller than 5 feet, 5 inches tall, and weighing up to no more than 125 pounds.

The first was found in November 2000, severed and stuffed inside several large bags. Police believe the woman had been dead several weeks before police found her body near Halsey Manor Road. The second woman also was found off Halsey Manor Road, about a mile away from the first. Her body appeared dumped there, about a week before it was discovered by police, Fitzpatrick said.

Police returned to the woods yesterday to search the area where the latest body was found. It was discovered by a man, who, out of fear, waited about 10 days before calling police.

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