Manorville Bodies: A Second Killer? Latest Remains found 02/17/2012

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Gary Ridgeway believed he was doing the world a favor by getting rid of prostitutes, he thought he'd be thanked for his efforts to rid the world of sin. LISK calling MB's sister sound like that, like he had a religious motive for doing what he did.

Would he be like Ridgeway inasmuch as he would use those services, then hate that he needed them, and blame the girls for his weakness so he tried to "repent" by killing them??
How can he not be well versed, hes killed 4 sex workers in three years. and if you subscribe to the single killer theory which I'm leaning towards, you can add two possibly five more over the last 1-1.5 decades, you don't actually think these lets just say four for the sake of this argument, prostitutes were the only ones he has ever hired do you? the simple fact that he's offered just the right incintive for them to let down their guard (leaving their phones behind) in at least two cases that we know of tells me that he is at the least familiar but more probably well versed in the game.

also his looks didn't come to mind with my comment above, although its a intresting theory and should be factored in. my thoughts were just as mysterymom pointed out. these are prostitutes, going somewhere away from prying eyes to exchange sex for money is what they do and they do it willingly.

Ted Bundy was a handsome man, yet still used a ruse to lure his victims in.
If this guy found one place that sells these cell phones that had no visible camera's it's plausible he went back. Likely? No. But there is still that possibility.

Well, if he would go for the same dealer all the time, the phones could be traced back to that dealer and if it's a street dealer, again well, they don't have so many customers coming in all few months to get a new cell phone. Then LISK wouldn't be the first SK falling for that mistake. Provided, someone looks into that and doesn't decide, there is no need to ...

I think it's foolish to rule anything out without hard factual evidence. I don't think there was a driver involved. That would complicate the situation. Offering to pick the women up would be a lot easier.

What if he had no influence? JB for example had also no influence about SG hiring MP for that trip.

I am not even agreeing that it is a homicidal john. I think this case is way more complex than merely a stalker or a homicidal john. So if he is stalking MB in the Bronx how does he get her? The Bronx like Manhattan is crowded. If he lures her there has to be a reason he is able to lure her.

I have here a shelf with files. Kind of SKs all over the world. I have 12 year old boys, abducted between to cloth stands in a mall during sales days. I have adult women disappearing on the only concerts with 50,000 people there. I have gorls disappearing on a well lit stretch of pavement between the place of her boyfriend and her own, which was about 300 yards down the road. I have kids snatched in the one minute, their mothers looked the other way in parks with fifty other mothers watching. Snipers along major interstates shooting people while right behind them passed ab. 2000 cars an hour. I have a guy in my files, who carried bodies in big suitcases through hotel lobbies. I assume, you heard of Dahmer. The idea, that crowds bring any form of security is ridiculous to start with. Because everyone can blend in, everyone cares only for what he came for. Nothing is more anonymous than a big crowd, the bigger the better. All that is needed then is one quiet spot. A restroom, a corner, one bigger car in a parking lot, take your pick. A place like for example Times Square offers literally thousand such spots. Not that I say, LISK abducted anybody there, that is only an example.
How does one get a girl coming home late at night in the Bronx? You could park with a van somewhere near to the entrance of the building where she lives. Wait till she comes home, sliding door open, sand sack over the head, in and drive off. Takes what? 20 seconds? And the best thing is, nobody notices anything, it's late, it's dark and your own van gives you cover from most angles.
Another variant is, pull her in one of those deeper lying entrances, those basement apartment thingies (I don't know the right term). A little shot of Ket, maybe mixed with any LSD derivate ... you can lead her a mile over the walkways and everybody will only assume, she is sick and therefore give you room to maneuver her through the crowd. No problem to lead her around, set her in a car and drive off.
Or another ... wait, I think, you don't want to know all variants to that theme. That would be like a dozen posts.

For either the homicidal john or stalker you still need a crime scene or kill zone. If we are to follow the typical SK behavior it would most likely be about 20 miles or more from the dump site.

Agreed, to the need for a kill site as much as to the distance estimation.

LISK told MB's sister he was going to watch her rot. To me this means he could (not does) pass by her quickly if he felt the urge. To watch would imply more than one or two visits. It says to me he is more than like on LI, possibly works in the city and got more comfortable choosing someone closer to his home turf like ALC.

Well, a drive-by revisitable trophy yard definitively talks about a killer doing drive-by revisits. The point missing here is, he had parked their four victims, not just one. So when he revisited, he didn't revisit one victim but the whole collection. This is more trophy behavior than regular reliving behavior.
And when it comes to ALC, she was in the position to serve as well customers in the city as on the islands of LI. So exaclty ALC is the one, that actually tells us nothing about the location of the killer's kill site. The longer ways for MBB and MB and the shorter one for MW tell us much more if you look at the geographical profile.

Whether by stalking or simply being a john. Could be a rundown warehouse on LI or a nice suburbia area. What about you where do you believe the crime scene would be? The city or LI or beach. I think the beach is too close to home.

Forget the beach. He doesn't live at or near the beach. The shortest distance, any cluster building SK had between his home and his nearest cluster was Dean Corll with 17 miles. Of course, now someone will yell "Moooontoooooyaaaa" and I will cry, because actually, Montoya was never hard linked to the West Mesa murders. And for the trivia department, the longest distance record is shared by Ted Bundy and Robert Hanson. 124 miles. But Hanson cheated, he used a plane. So, bottom line, not beach. Or, if beach, more than 17 miles up or down the beach.
Hunting ground in NYC with one stunt in LI but on a victim that lived at least half of the time in NYC. Drop site along Gilgo. Irregular clustered timeline (all murders happened in summer), burlap, knowledge of the area without being involved in local chitchat. So, lets look for some kind of workshop in the outskirts of NY or northern parts of LI, not far from one of the interstates leading out of NYC direction to the sea ... wait, that is exactly the same profile I wrote in 2010.

You are correct about at what price. I had to go back and watch that segment. It's possible she could have been stalked then. It was even stated by DS that one john called her and told her he was stalking her. But if she was meeting a regular did she meet him? Was he the last one to see her? Why does ALC go with the LISK? It's unlikely all four women were forced into the killers hands. So how does he lure them? With money? With a badge? Many questions remain unanswered.

If someone stalked ALC, lets say for two weeks or longer, he could have just snatched her when she returned from that John. From any John. Or from a grocery, a psycho therapeut or church, as long as it was late at night. The risk would be higher than in the Bronx, because due to less crowding, a foreign vehicle is more prone to pull attention, but not by much. Otherwise, it'S more or less the same situation as with MB.
You put here the finger on one of the bigger sore points in the homicidal John theory. How doies he lure them, money, badge, whatever. There has to be always a lure and the homicidal John has to make an offer, has to have contact. Which makes him prone to be seen by witnesses. The stalker on the other had, he doesn't need direct contact till the moment, he strikes.

I completely agree with his preaching to MB's sister is of a more religious driven subject matter than your traditional my mom was a prostitute so I hate them and want to kill them.

Most SKs killing prostitutes don't hate them. They don't care, they don't love them, and they don't consider them as valuable as human beings (but then most psychopaths have no high opinion over the rest of mankind anyway), but they usually don't hate them. Prostitutes are available. Available to fulfill a need, live out an urge, especially the street working kind offers easy access by taking the need to start a conversation from the killer. In a way, prostitutes are victims of convenient for every serial killer type that isn't too picky. Take Volker Eckert as an example. He was a hair fetishist. All he needed were women with long hair. The easiest to find were prostitutes with long hair. And that was all.

Made me even contemplate a man in a religious position that could be responsible. Sorry you've had these discussions before I'm new here and I think it's good to refresh peoples minds with the details. One can only wonder if someone didn't leak the calls to MB's sister if he would have tried it with MW or ALC.

Not a man in a religious position. Reverends of all congregations are basically more ritualistic thinking. A killing reverend (and please, that is only an example) would more likely implement more ritual also in the dump site. So this one was once a regular church visitor, grew probably up with religion, but also other influences. Religion, or more an abstract part of it about lifestyle is justification but not primary motive.
The phone calls are such a story. The first thing, that makes it look like a maneuver is that he called the pimp as well. The second thing is the way, he pretended to be drunk. No drunk can lead any phone talk that precise to lead people to a certain wrong impression. So the more interesting point from my point of view is the why. The phone calls are not part of his ritual, not part of his signature, or he wouldn't have stopped with the later victims. And that tells me, he had a reason. Maybe he thought, he had pulled already attention. I mean, the degree of usage disability LE showed was hard to predict, also for him. So it is possible, he thought, he had pulled attention and that would make that call a counter measure. Talk, give them the wrong impression. That's so high organized SK101 and since 150 years, the gullible fall for it over and over again. LE forgets, that most higher IQ SKs (average to high IQs) tend to study other serial killers much more in depth than LE ever does and with a different degree of insight.
Okay, I had those discussion before here and I was pretty bad mobbed for saying all GB4 had connections to NYC and SG wasn't a LISK victim. So you refreshed some old grudge without knowing. Sorry, if I was a little aggressive in that, I didn't realize, you missed the really wild times here.

I think it is plausible that he stalked them. But in order to stalk he has to have had contact. Otherwise you merely have an ad for a pro and unless in that ad they give out their location how do you know where to look?

He doesn't need direct contact, that's the beauty in the stalker theory. He can see a face he likes for example near or in one of the hotels in 46th street. Those hotels are used all the time by internet escorts, so all he has to do is to look for the face in the ad section of maximal 5 websites. Extended search functions like in Google, help a lot as well.
Craigslist had till about 2 years ago no security worth the name. You could download scripts to autohack the adult section from everywhere in the internet.But access to those accounts give you location, the real email address, credit card numbers. All not a problem for someone, who showed much more technical understanding already with his cell phone stunts. And if you have those pieces of data, it's not a problem to get the rest of the information and your victim will never know ... till you strike.
Or you play it vice versa. You see a nice face in an internet ad. Instead of contacting the girl, you just use such a script on her ad, et voilá, there you are. No need for direct contact.
I think and have always thought that the Manorville connection might be horses. The latest Manorville male found in 2012 which was dumped over 5 years prior was found on North Street at Wading River. Hidden Pond Stables is in the precise Location, 20 North Street at Wading River Road. Anyone think there is a connection?
This John Doe suffers from " Spondylolysis of 5th lumbar vertebral body" and "Healed fracture of the right fibula (lower extremity)". Spinal problems seem to be a common factor among the unidentified Manorville males. There is one male who had severe scoliosis and a steel rod in his back, while another I remember reading had spina bifida. John Doe 2000 (dumped with Jane Doe) had surgical staples in his jaw. The "Healed fracture of the right fibula (lower extremity)" sounds like it is in a similar location to Jane Doe FI's surgical scars on her shins. It sounds like the victims are coming from some type of place that deals with spinal or shin injuries. What type of place could this be? Where could victims with spinal and shin problems/injuries/surgeries disappear from and not be reported missing? Think. Can anyone think of a place like this? Is there some type of charity surgical or rehab center that provides treatment to homeless or immigrants? This begs another question. Can illegal immigrants be reported missing? No one has been able to answer this question. Can anyone find some type of center on Long Island or NYC that matches this description?
Illegals can be reported missing. There families might be reluctant to do so.
Lindsay, you also mentioned victims wearing bathing suits in the cools months. Rehab sometimes involves getting in a pool.
Yes that sounds a strong possibility. Shouldn't be impossible to compile a list of the Rehab's with swimming pools on Long Island.
Yes that sounds a strong possibility. Shouldn't be impossible to compile a list of the Rehab's with swimming pools on Long Island.
Theres several indoor pools on the Island. There not connected to rehab though. My father use to go to the one in Eisenhower Park.
This John Doe suffers from " Spondylolysis of 5th lumbar vertebral body" and "Healed fracture of the right fibula (lower extremity)". Spinal problems seem to be a common factor among the unidentified Manorville males. There is one male who had severe scoliosis and a steel rod in his back, while another I remember reading had spina bifida. John Doe 2000 (dumped with Jane Doe) had surgical staples in his jaw. The "Healed fracture of the right fibula (lower extremity)" sounds like it is in a similar location to Jane Doe FI's surgical scars on her shins. It sounds like the victims are coming from some type of place that deals with spinal or shin injuries. What type of place could this be? Where could victims with spinal and shin problems/injuries/surgeries disappear from and not be reported missing? Think. Can anyone think of a place like this? Is there some type of charity surgical or rehab center that provides treatment to homeless or immigrants? This begs another question. Can illegal immigrants be reported missing? No one has been able to answer this question. Can anyone find some type of center on Long Island or NYC that matches this description?

What about a pain clinic ? This would attract people with legitimate injuries and people with addiction issues.
Yes that's certainly possible. There are photos of some of the male victims teeth on namus. If you look at the photo of the teeth they are totally ****ed up. Then look at the sketch of Wolf Hill Road man his teeth are SUPER ****ed up. And Asian male's teeth? Way ****ed up? And I've seen reports that asian males teeth were ripped out so I don't know. But I am pretty confident that the males are methadone users from a methadone clinic. Methadone really rots out your teeth. I don't think it's meth because meth is very rare in NY. Pretty sure its Methadone. When you look at 33 Leahy st, where the 15 year old was dumped across the st from the school in a sump with a blanket ligature still around his neck, this is right down the street from Phoenix house:

"No matter what your stage of recovery, our Brentwood Campus is home to dedicated programs that meet you where you are and help you gain freedom from drug or alcohol abuse.
The following Phoenix House programs are located on the grounds of our Brentwood, New York Campus:
The Brentwood Community Residence is a transitional residential facility for adult male clients who have completed substance abuse treatment but are not yet prepared for independent living. Our counselors and staff members provide essential support services and help them resolve outstanding clinical issues and remedy social and vocational obstacles to long-term recovery. We also admit referrals from other community-based treatment providers. Appropriate clients must be in need of housing that is conducive to their recovery.
Our Outpatient Programs for adults and adolescents struggling with alcohol or drug addiction provide individual, group, and family counseling; medical assessment; psychiatric evaluation; and case management. Accurate assessment of client needs and comprehensive individualized treatment planning are program priorities. The Impaired Driver Program offers NY State licensed and approved services provided by experienced licensed and certified staff. Services include short and long-term treatment, individual and group counseling, and assessments required by various agencies such as criminal justice, employers, and the courts.
- See more at:"

I'll bet that kid is from Phoenix house and possibly the other males as well
I don't think it's meth because meth is very rare in NY.
Snipped by me.
As the mother of a Long Island meth addict please rethink your statement. While meth might not be as easily accessible as other drugs it is out there.
There is another rehab on Crooked Hill called Outreach. It's an adolescent residential facility. Kids walk away from there, it happens. The 15yo might have been reported missing by his local PD.
Snipped by me.
As the mother of a Long Island meth addict please rethink your statement. While meth might not be as easily accessible as other drugs it is out there.
There is another rehab on Crooked Hill called Outreach. It's an adolescent residential facility. Kids walk away from there, it happens. The 15yo might have been reported missing by his local PD.

Thank you for the info on Crooked Hill! Meth is still no where near as common as drugs like Heroin and Coke. Don't forget these murders go back 15 years. In my experience, the only place meth is common is in the gay community in NYC. It's just not a drug that is popular in the NY metro area. It's certainly possible that these victims are gay meth users, but i think it's more likely they are on methadone maintenance

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