Manorville Bodies: A Second Killer? Latest Remains found 02/17/2012

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Wrapped in a bed sheet, and then a plastic bag ...... that doesn't sound like the SK we are looking for, IMHO. It does go to show you that the Manorville area hasn't been searched very thoroughly, however. :banghead:
I wonder what kind of trees were growing through the remains and how tall they were?
and believed to have been there for at least 5 years
as there is a small tree growing thru the skeleton.

what is dont understand is
According to the Trafficking Victims Protection Act anyone who is in commercial sex due to force, fraud or coercion is a victim of trafficking- anyone who is recruits, harbors, transports, obtains or maintains a person who is forced or coerced into commercial sex is in violation of the Trafficking Victims Protection Act. If a person dies due to the trafficking, everyone involved in the trafficking scheme is responsible for her death and faces criminal and civil penalties.

So - considering SG was living with AD - and he was called her BF but most of the time the BF is really a "pimp" and AD admitted on A&E special that he broke her jaw..(he claims SG hit him and he slugged her back and oops - broke her jaw) but....a "pimp" beats the girls make sure they are fear based.......

so IF (and i say in capital letters) IF AD was her "pimp" and NOT her real BF - and he BEAT her to make sure she was fear based and not to leave the business - then she WAS trafficked.

What threw me - was - in the A&E special - AD looked in the camera and SAID "I AM NOT HER PIMP" (i almost fell off my chair) only because...i'm very green and new to black market things. so - for a person to say IM NOT HER PIMP - when he was not ASKED that question - makes me feel "he who protesteth" (spelling)

Why can't AD be arrested...and held accountable...according to this Trafficking Victims Protection Act????

and I mean - like IMMEDIATELY arrested??? Does anyone know? He admitted he broke her jaw......that is NOT a slug - back - at her - that is a beating.
I am not a deer hunter etc .but even I havecome across animal bones in garbage bags near hunter access roads in eastern Long Island. I think this site has made people more aware of what hunters and other people come across as they walk or hunt. In my case the bones seemed way too small , like perhaps a raccoon . Hope this leads somewhere even if it is not the LISK. To kind out whatever happened to this most recent victim of a killer.
Wow. Scary. No one has noticed so many people gone missing and they are all buried or left dead in Manorville? Just read the article. Amazing. I hope someone sends a plane over to find the missing and gets onto this.
I wonder what kind of trees were growing through the remains and how tall they were?

The NY TIMES link above said it was: ' . . a foot-high blueberry bush growing through it'.

I must say that touched me, thinking how this person might have in death been touched by Provident care and given this ever bearing bush to mark their life and final resting place. ;}
if the killer wanted to go 300 feet in from the road, how far is that ? about 1/2 block?

you would use the bag and blanket to protect the trunk of the car or floor of vehicle, and also to drag the body to the site.

this is super creepy, but is anyone suprised?
The NY TIMES link above said it was: ' . . a foot-high blueberry bush growing through it'.

I must say that touched me, thinking how this person might have in death been touched by Provident care and given this ever bearing bush to mark their life and final resting place. ;}

It appears that there are many sorts of blueberry bushes. Here is sort of a generic bush.....

"Plant two- to three-year old plants that are 12 to 36 inches tall"
if the killer wanted to go 300 feet in from the road, how far is that ? about 1/2 block?

you would use the bag and blanket to protect the trunk of the car or floor of vehicle, and also to drag the body to the site.

this is super creepy, but is anyone suprised?

Dead bodies are awful heavy. So, 300ft off the road smells to me like SUV (and a real one, not just a fashionwise faked one) or an ATV.
It appears that there are many sorts of blueberry bushes. Here is sort of a generic bush.....

"Plant two- to three-year old plants that are 12 to 36 inches tall"

Yes, We grow allot of Blueberries in Oregon and in most of the developed fields the bushes are about 3' high. Really a beautiful bush, small shiny leaves that are a bit thick. Thinking too these bushes are fertilized and watered well which would make them healthier than a wild bush. I could see a blueberry bush growing several years in the wild being a foot or so high. And who knows when the seed blew in?
The NY TIMES link above said it was: ' . . a foot-high blueberry bush growing through it'.

I must say that touched me, thinking how this person might have in death been touched by Provident care and given this ever bearing bush to mark their life and final resting place. ;}

Thanks scandi! I guess I didn't read my own link very well.

Btw, that's a very beautiful thought about the blueberry bush and Provident care!
Some bodies being found under thorny bushy areas remind me of bodies being found on Gilgo beach where there is poison ivy growing all over. I don't see why, perhaps, an aging serial killer wouldn't change his MO a bit. I was trying to read and find out if the head and hands were wrapped in anything, which would sort of be the same MO. If some of the bodies have been there 15 years then the killer could be up to age 60 instead of age 20-40. Also, the NY times site linked on another page said that the Asian male found on the beach was dressed in female clothing. He could have been a male prostitute and have met the same murderer as the women.
CNN quotes the man who found the body...

"It looked like it was wrapped in like bed sheets and then put in a plastic bag and duct taped around tight, and I guess over the time the plastic deteriorated ... and the sheets kind of decomposed," he told CNN affiliate News 12 Long Island.

Is there a connection between the Gilgo four being wrapped in burlap and this new body being wrapped in "sheets"? Wonder if this is the same guy. Guess we'll have to wait for further info.
Wrapped in a bed sheet, and then a plastic bag ...... that doesn't sound like the SK we are looking for, IMHO. It does go to show you that the Manorville area hasn't been searched very thoroughly, however. :banghead:

That was my first thought.....they need to do a thorough search. I think that there probably is more than one killer. Mostly because the pine barrens are right off the expressway and seem to be an obvious place to dump a body.

But, I also think the SK could be using both sites. There is the changing MO theory that we have discussed....which is possible. Actually, probable. A SK usually doesn't stop at 4. Unless it's a traveling SK and there are bodies elsewhere, or bodies on LI, not found yet. Which is also probable. Whether they are related or not.

I know SK's prey on prostitutes, but there are an awful lot of prostitutes involved here. I am thinking some of these bodies not wrapped in burlap may be the same killer.

I'm kind of processing out loud....thanks for listening. :seeya:

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