Marc Klaas Wants To Know What You Think. Please Participate

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Sep 13, 2003
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Hi Everyone,

Marc Klaas is very interested in your thoughts on Caylee's case. What do you think?

I would appreciate if everyone would participate. Just tell us your opinion of the case. Marc appreciates how much you all know about the case and respects what you have to say.

I'll start.

-Lee Anthony creeped me out with the C.M.A. stuff.
-Casey is guilty
-Cindy, Casey and Lee will never admit it.
-George is the only one who really will admit the truth someday.

I don't know if it was premeditated or if it was an accident.

This is an extremely dysfunctional family and I agree with LP, we will be shocked at just how dysfunctional when more comes out at trial.
Can we please keep this constructive please? Please?
Casey killed her child out of spite.
Both George and Cindy are enablers who have hampered efforts to give Caylee justice.
LE has done a tremendous job so far in dotting i's and crossing t's.
LA has an "unusual" way of communicating with his sister.
People like Yuri, Tim Miller, etc. are extremely patient - much more so than I.
Just what I need!

1. I think that Lee has cooperated with LE, and will ultimately be the only NORMAL Anthony! I think he went behind the family's back to find the truth. And when he said "I'll never forget the promise I made to you", he meant that he told Casey he would find who did this..
2. I think that CMA stands for the iron on letters that were found with the remains. This being the reason Lee said CMA at the service, trying to let his sister know he knew, and she needed to come clean.
3. I think that Lee was talking directly to Casey because the laptop screen was facing the audience.
4. I do think that this happened during a rage, and that it was aimed at Cindy and her control over Casey and CAylee.
5. I think that George and Lee have kept things from Cindy because she is the one to ultimately defend Casey to the end.
6. I think that George and Cindy's universe was Caylee.
7. I do not think they did anything to hide evidence, or purposely lie to the authorities.
8. I feel like they are friends with KFN, only because they were the ones who reached out and helped them, and because of that they feel that they mustn't let their past get in the way of what they did for them.
9. I could write a book on Casey, but honestly feel that she killed her daughter because her mom went a little too far pissing her off.
10. By far, I feel that the one person who truly come into this with the only intention of doing the right thing, and finding Caylee, is Tim Miller and TES!
Hi Everyone,

Marc Klaas is very interested in your thoughts on Caylee's case. What do you think?

I would appreciate if everyone would participate. Just tell us your opinion of the case. Marc appreciates how much you all know about the case and respects what you have to say.

I'll start.

-Lee Anthony creeped me out with the C.M.A. stuff.
-Casey is guilty
-Cindy, Casey and Lee will never admit it.
-George is the only one who really will admit the truth someday.

I don't know if it was premeditated or if it was an accident.

This is an extremely dysfunctional family and I agree with LP, we will be shocked at just how dysfunctional when more comes out at trial.

I'm in the same boat with Tricia on all counts.
The Anthony family is more dysfunctional than any I've ever seen.
I first believed Caylee's death was an accident, but i now believe that Caey murdered her in a fit of rage toards her and towards Cindy.
I think Cindy is so guilt filled she will never ever admit that her daughter is the killer.
George knows that Casey killed Caylee. He wants to help Cindy realize this fact, but he's half scared of her. Their marriage will end, and George will 'feel more alive' than he's ever felt in his life.
Casey is guilty, and only Casey. She had no accomplice.
Cindy, Lee and Casey seems to be so angry and so hate-filled. I don't see that in George.
I think we've only seen just the tip of the iceberg as far as evidence. There's a whole lot more to come.
I don't know what to say about Lee. I think he is just plain weird.
Caylee's death was not an accident and she died by Casey's hands because as she put it "i'm a spiteful bit&$
There is so much dysfunction in that family its hard to say much about them without writting a novel.

They all know Casey did it but they are not willing to accept it.
Cindy because it would mean she does not have a perfect family
George because Cindy won't let him
Lee??? some misguided sense of loyalty
I got it Jbean.

easy. Instead of saying, "The Anthony's make me sick they are lying jerks...blah blah blay...."

You say, "The Anthony's make me angry. They have lied. They are disfunctional....." and so on.

Make your opinion an opinion and not an insult.
1. I believe Cindy is a disappointed and bitter woman who has a tremendous inferiority complex and overcompensates for the family failures at success and importance. Through these actions she had created a very dysfunctional home. Casey and Lee are the end results of her attempt to control. I feel George, Casey and Lee have some very deep psychological issues.
2. I believe Casey was so frustrated with the controlling Cindy that she either killed Caylee in a fit of rage, or she accidentally overdosed her resulting her death.
Never having been made to pay the consequence for any of her mistakes, she decideded she could cover it up and it would disappear. Momma would make it go away.
She didn't count on Momma turning her in to the cops. She tried lying to them the way she had lied to her parents - didn't work and here we sit.
3. I believe the entire family must suspect that Caylee died at the hands of her mother and following Cindy's lead they are attempting to hide it from the outside world. They all need serious professional help.
4. I believe the only way they can ever begin to start anew is to come clean and stop trying to portray the all american family. I don't know if they understand how to tell the truth. This tragedy is the result of 20+ years of being conditioned by a deeply disturbed woman.
5. Casey needs to confess, tell the truth, go to prison. After years of counseling, maybe the rest of them can live some sort of meaningful existence.
The above is my opinion only.
Hi Everyone,

Marc Klaas is very interested in your thoughts on Caylee's case. What do you think?

I would appreciate if everyone would participate. Just tell us your opinion of the case. Marc appreciates how much you all know about the case and respects what you have to say.

I'll start.

-Lee Anthony creeped me out with the C.M.A. stuff.
-Casey is guilty
-Cindy, Casey and Lee will never admit it.
-George is the only one who really will admit the truth someday.

I don't know if it was premeditated or if it was an accident.

This is an extremely dysfunctional family and I agree with LP, we will be shocked at just how dysfunctional when more comes out at trial.

I'm just going to quote Tricia because that pretty well sums it up for me. Except for the accidental part. I think she smothered her to death on purpose.
Casey killed her child out of spite.
Both George and Cindy are enablers who have hampered efforts to give Caylee justice.
LE has done a tremendous job so far in dotting i's and crossing t's.
LA has an "unusual" way of communicating with his sister.
People like Yuri, Tim Miller, etc. are extremely patient - much more so than I.

I think KC killed Caylee, either out of spite or while she was in a rage. I don't think the family had anything to do with the crime itself or covered up the 'actual' aftermath in any way. I think they hindered rather than helped OCSO, but I don't think they did anything criminal. I think Lee is on the edge of a breakdown himself, from the few clips I saw of the service. I doubt KC will ever confess, but the rest of the Anthonys MAY admit the truth at some point.

I think when the trial happens, the dueling experts for each side are going to cancel each other out with the jury. the jury is not going to understand half of what each one says, decide to ignore both sides when it comes to the experts, and will make their decision on the evidence they can see and hear and understand. Which, in my opinion, means that KC will be convicted.

One thing I am positive about - I NEVER want to have to live through what the Anthonys have lived through these past 8 months.
-casey meant to kill caylee at the time she did it, and had no remorse about it afterwards, but she is too inchoate to truly plan anything, there is no unified agency to her being, no real casey, she made a swift decision and carried it out;
-her family are extremely codependent and have been gaslighted by her for years and can't think clearly about any matters relating to her, all they hear is white noise and they reel around trying to make sense of the impossible;
-lee tries to rescue everyone and, like all people pleasers, pleases no one;
-her parents view her as disabled in a way and are able to make allowances for her behaviour due to this. also, their unconditional love for her, which is being tested to the hilt, makes it impossible for them to understand she did not love caylee at all, or them, or herself;
-casey has always known in her heart that she is a total screw up, and that this day would come, she sullenly recognizes her destiny.
Hi Everyone,

Marc Klaas is very interested in your thoughts on Caylee's case. What do you think?

I would appreciate if everyone would participate. Just tell us your opinion of the case. Marc appreciates how much you all know about the case and respects what you have to say.

I'll start.

-Lee Anthony creeped me out with the C.M.A. stuff.
-Casey is guilty
-Cindy, Casey and Lee will never admit it.
-George is the only one who really will admit the truth someday.

I don't know if it was premeditated or if it was an accident.

This is an extremely dysfunctional family and I agree with LP, we will be shocked at just how dysfunctional when more comes out at trial.

I think it was premeditated, the searches on the computer prove it. I think the motive was the fact she hated having a child, the child was in the way of her slutty life style, she is so selfish she didn't want to share the child with Cindy/George, so she killed her.

I think Lee Anthony will come to realize she is guilty because he always quizzed her, at one point Casey said she didn't want to talk with Lee because he asked too many questions.

I think deep down the Anthony's now she is guilty...

I just wish the prosecutor will seek the death penalty.
George is the most honest one in the family. I think CA & LA keep him in the dark about a lot of things. When LA was doing the CMA thing, GA was looking at the laptop with a confused expression while CA was smiling her approval.
CA will never admit KC's guilty
Think that KC intentionally killed Caylee. She fantasized about it before but acted on it after the fight with CA
While I take what LP says with a grain of salt, he sometimes gives insight that I would not have thought about.
Love WS, they educate me.
Yes I agree...lots of dysfunction, but I live in a glass house so...
Agree that Casey killed for spite AND to facilitate what in her small mind, sees as "the beautiful life."
George knows the truth and is the first one to start the stages of grief and in the end will be able to face it and ultimately try to survive it with as much dignity as he can muster.
Cindy has always been the driving force in her family and that is all I will say about her. I just won't judge, I can never feature walking in her shoes.
Lee, well something has always kind of hinted to me that he is playing both sides of the field, being a sleuth in his own right and trying to appear to be an alli to his sis, maybe to lull her into a sence of trust. I could be wrong.
And what Trisha said about the world being shocked, (LP's comment early on in this case)....I am still waiting patiently and do still think there is alot of truth to the comment, not just bluster on LP's part.
I think:

Casey planned to kill Caylee in order to be free to be with Tony and to travel with friends, etc., but she put it off until Cindy angered her that night. I think she killed Caylee with chloroform and/or smothered her.

Both George and Cindy have tampered with evidence and/or lied, not to cover up for Casey but because they truly can't admit to themselves that she killed Caylee. I believe they loved Caylee with all their hearts.

Cindy is controlling, manipulative, and narcissistic.
George is vulnerable and too trusting.
Lee is not to be trusted and sees the world as "us against them."

Tim Miller is above reproach.
Larry Padilla is a good guy at heart and has Cindy pegged.
I still go back an forth wondering if it was an accident or premeditated. I thought Lee was involved, but now am on the fence on this after his words on Tuesday. He had me in tears and his grief and pain was very apparent. I think Cindy and George have lived with Casey's lies for so long, they will pretty much believe anything she says.
The following are simply opinions and speculation, not in any way fact, no matter out taking them out of context may sound.

  1. Caylee was murdered, even if it was an unintended overdose, that is still murder.
  2. Casey's actions after Caylee went missing indicate sociopathic personality.
  3. Deeply dysfunctional family. Cindy is a control freak. George is weak and ineffectual. Lee and Casey have an oddly close relationship.
  4. I think Lee erased things from Casey's computer, sent the fake employer emails and tried to influence Casey's friends not to tell LE things.
  5. I think Cindy told her mother Shirley not to tell LE about Casey stealing from the grandparent's account.
  6. Casey lives in the current 10 minutes, meaning she tells whatever lie will get her out of the current situation even though it will quickly and easily be proven a lie. She just wants to move on to the next fun thing. For this reason, among others, NO ONE should try to make sense of any of her actions. They don't make sense, but you will certainly hear her attorney saying "why would she do that, it doesn't make sense. Someone else did it to frame her."
  7. I think the Anthonys, perhaps for their own sanity, convinced themselves that Caylee drowned and Casey just got scared and covered it up. They can forgive her for this and have.
  8. Baez is using the case for his own advancement.
  9. The Anthonys have always felt this was a family matter and if they wanted to forgive Casey that she shouldn't be prosecuted and the public should believe whatever tale they tell.
  10. The Anthonys do not have the credibility to start a foundation to help missing kids and their families. They are tainted. Creating a foundation (in October) before they even knew she was dead (they claim) is bizarre.

Edited to add: Padilla is an opportunist for the limelight, maybe not all bad, but an opportunist. Tim Miller is a hero, perhaps with some problems, but he makes his life and Laura's count for something in this world, something good, just as you do, Marc. You both found your ways to work in your child's honor, but neither of you is a perfect human being. Those don't exist.
By the way, Hi Marc! You are a hero to all who have ever had a missing/exploited child and an inspiration to me.
Your courage and grace always has me amazed. God love you, man!:blowkiss:

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