Marc Klaas Wants To Know What You Think. Please Participate

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
Casey had thought about killing Caylee many times to spite her mother. Especially if CA had every threatened custody suit. "If you try to take her away, you'll regret it." The fight on 6/15 sent Casey over the edge and she either smothered Caylee or punched her to cause internal bleeding. I lean towards the former because I believe it happened in the Anthony home, that night, with GA and CA home and unaware. a "quiet death."

I think George is honestly mistaken about what day he saw KC and Caylee leave with the backpacks. That could have happened on the 9th when KC took off to "bond" with Caylee. (I don't think the bonding went as well as planned, because Caylee prob always asked for CA.)

I think they all know the truth down deep, but CA will never admit it. I think GA will, and I think that hearing about the heart on the duct tape sent him over the edge INTO a reality in which he no longer wished to live.

ETA: I feel sorry for Cindy, I really do. But her behavior is odd and delusional. I thought Caylee's memorial was beautiful, but I had to stifle a bullsh$$t when Cindy said she was overjoyed when Casey came to her and said she was PG. I don't think I know anyone who would be overjoyed at finding out that their immature, unmaried 19yo daughter was pg and didn't know who the father was...or wouldnt tell. I do think Cindy truly believes this now, because she in hindsight, Caylee really was the light of her life...even though she was also the "best mistake" KC ever made.

I think Lee did his own investigation and probably didn't turn over evidence to LE as soon as he should have because he either didn't realize it was evidence or wanted to investigate further. Thus the possible obstruction charges. I think he knows Casey did it. He was looking for proof otherwise (for his own wishful thinking and to appease KC) and didn't find it.

I have listened to the CMA thing several times. I think parts of it were meant for KC and some for Caylee. He could use code to KC to tell her to come clean, and his emotion for Caylee was obvious.

Im' guessing KC will never confess. I think she's a borderline personality, not a sociopath. I do think she has some emotions, but they are centered entirely around her. Her old friends said she changed. Something happened to her.

If she does confess, it will be to an accident. In 30 years she may have the capability of being mature enough to show remorse....or like Darlie, she may just stick with her same, tired, story.

And honestly, i do think it's possible that Lee is the father. I hope that's ok to say in this thread. It's an unthinkable thing, brother/sister incest, but I know a couple of families in which it happened consentually.
I wasn't planning to log in and post tonight but this opportunity was too good to pass up.

My opinions, based on the evidence that we have seen so far leads me to believe:

1. KC killed Caylee in a fit of rage on the night of June 15 or early morning June 16.
2. KC had possibly taken her anger at her family, especially CA, on Caylee before. This may or may not have been suspected by CA and GA.
3. GA lied about seeing KC and Caylee around 1pm June 16. He did exactly the same thing that KC does when she lies, he gave way too much detail for a day that was described by him as a day like any other day. Besides that, who can live in a household with an active 2 year old and only see/hear them when they are on their way out of the door?
4. CA, GA, and LA knew before this incident that she did not have a job, was stealing from various and sundry people including her grandparents and parents, and that she was a powder keg waiting for some one to strike a match.
5. CA, GA, and LA have all possibly tampered with evidence, obstructed justice, and lied in an attempt to cover up her crime.
6. LA knows more than he has admitted.
7. It is possible that KC was planning on offing CA and GA at some point. There was no way that CA and GA were going to split up and give her the house. She made plans with AH for her to move into the house. She was seriously considering making this happen, when she had the fight with CA and killed Caylee.
8. KC has absolutely no conscience at all. She not only killed her child and never looked back but left a supposedly very good friend virtually homeless and stole every penny that she without so much as a backward glance.
9. KC did not have real friends. She had groups of victims that she used physically, emotionally, and monetarily and when she felt that someone in the group was getting close to figuring out why everyone's money and possessions were missing she would move to the next group.
10. CA has the same problems that KC has, minus the theft, and taught her daughter the behavior that we see today. Lying is not a crime.
11. I do not believe that GA's suicide attempt was an actual attempt. I am not exactly sure what the benefits of a fake attempt would be at this time, but it could have been to further delay the memorial, to distract the public while Caylee was cremated, to try to avoid having to give a depo in the ZFG suit, or to try to avoid having to testify at KC's trial later on.
12. I have to agree with others that LA is completely strange as well. I can't quite pin him down. He definitely thinks that he is smarter than the average bear but in truth is not. I believe that he knows a lot more about KC and her job, partying, etc that he has said. I believe that he could have erased things from KC's laptop before turning it over and may have known exactly where KC was before CA actually found her.
13. I am suspicious of JB and can not understand his seeming associations with disreputable characters (i.e. TB). I don't see how they can afford the Dream Team that has been assembled in her defense but JB should step down and let someone with more experience and knowledge take over.
14. This is kind of out of place and should have been at the top but, I think that when KC left the house the night of the 15th after the fight, she was furious with CA and Caylee was upset from all the screaming and fighting and would not quit down. KC starts rummaging around in her trunk looking for something, anything to get her to shut up and found the duct tape. It is possible that she bound her somehow and then to stop the crying, wrapped the duct tape around her head. Slapping the heart sticker on the tape over her mouth while telling her "Here's your effing sticker, now shut the F up."

There is much more but it has already been said by others here.

Thanks, Marc, for all that you do.
I would like to know what Marc Klaas thinks of this case too. I hope he writes in here and lets us all know what he believes happened in this case and his assessment of the Anthony's.

I too would love to get his insight.
1. Caylee's death was not an accident. This is nonnegotiable with me. Casey would have used the accident explanation months ago to reduce charges if it had been at all possible to convince LE of such. She would never be so self-sacrificing to allow herself to sit in jail for this long and for long into the future if this was an accident--she's way too selfish and narcissistic for that. Why would she? Self-sacrifice and Ms. Anthony are strangers.

2. Cindy has always used the excuse "But Casey loved that child!!" to explain away murder accusations against Casey, yet how many women/mothers have we seen throughout recent history who claim to love their children--and others have vouched for that--yet they murdered them? Sadly, it happens. Casey killed Caylee out of spite, revenge against her parents for putting pressure on her to be a responsible adult, and a burning desire for freedom from motherhood and to regain the joy of her almost-lost youth.

3. Cindy's behavior is based on guilt. Guilt that she raised a daughter capable of killing her beloved granddaughter, guilt that so many of her own bad personality traits are found in Casey, guilt that she and George were not strong enough parents to put their foot down concerning Casey's long history of outrageous behavior, guilt that Cindy waited 31 days to go in search of her daughter and granddaughter, thinking perhaps she could have prevented the murder; guilt about making the 911 call; even guilt that she continues to support Casey even though she knows Casey is a murderer ... the guilt list goes on and on.

4. The Anthonys need to stop treating Casey with kid gloves, stop being afraid of her, and face her head-on, telling her they KNOW she killed Caylee and that she needs to admit it. They need to do this for their own sake.

5. Casey will never, never, ever confess to anyone; not to her parents, not to JB, not to LE. NEVER. It's not about anyone else's pain or feelings. It's all about Casey. And she believes by not confessing she is preserving her own future and personal interests.

6. Lee's CMA speech was strictly for Caylee, not for Casey. His anger? He has accepted that Casey killed his niece and he is now an extremely angry guy ready to implode/explode. He's going to need long-term therapy to get through this one. I fear for him and hope the arrival of his and Mallory's baby will help him survive.

7. J. Baez is in this for himself and his future, and perhaps for what he sees as the "special relationship" he has with his client. He is clueless about how to handle a case of this size and magnitude, and unless L. Baden or another experienced attorney takes over, he will make a complete and utter buffoon of himself at trial. He's already making a complete and utter buffoon of himself pretrial.

8. Casey will be found guilty of Murder One. Not one doubt about this.
I would like to know what Marc Klaas thinks of this case too. I hope he writes in here and lets us all know what he believes happened in this case and his assessment of the Anthony's.

He said his opinion in part here

MARC KLAAS, PRESIDENT, FOUNDER OF THE KLAASKIDS FOUNDATION: Well, these people are unbelievably dramatic. And they seem to be able to manufacture drama where none should otherwise exist.

I think it`s great that the family is reaching out to this girl. But the reality is that none of this would have occurred had Casey not murdered her daughter. And I think my observation is that her narcissism is at such a level that she`s really nothing more than a poorly trained psychopath who doesn`t understand that she should mimic back the kinds of emotions that she thinks people would want to hear.

So in other words, she just allows herself and her lawyers allow her to just basically dismiss the rest of the world, center the universe around her, which creates just an abhorrent portrait of what this woman is, and unfortunately what she was capable of doing.
14. This is kind of out of place and should have been at the top but, I think that when KC left the house the night of the 15th after the fight, she was furious with CA and Caylee was upset from all the screaming and fighting and would not quit down. KC starts rummaging around in her trunk looking for something, anything to get her to shut up and found the duct tape. It is possible that she bound her somehow and then to stop the crying, wrapped the duct tape around her head. Slapping the heart sticker on the tape over her mouth while telling her "Here's your effing sticker, now shut the F up."

I think this is probably the best description of how Caylee died.
I believe Casey murdered Caylee, probably in a rage. I suspect rage and walking on eggshells to prevent rage is a constant thread within this family.

I believe we'll find that Casey's disturbing, perhaps even criminal, behavior has been going on for years and that the family's only reaction was to cover for her and help her avoid consequences.

I believe Cindy has been lying from the start and that what has been excused as denial is mostly cover up. I think she has also pressured George to cover for Casey but he balked at that at minimum in the grand jury session.

I think it's a shame that Marc Klaas wasn't in charge of the search for Caylee.
CA & KC. Escalating Ego's still escalating as the stakes increase. Who will crack first?

KC issues her first ever press release the day before the memorial, with barbs.

CA professes her love of KC and desire to embrace at the memorial, but with pointed barbs.

The power struggle continues. KC spitefully killed Caylee. KC's silence is cruelly torturing the A family. KC is mentally ill but not insane.

This is not a game KC. Who is the next victim? LA?

CA :truce: KC.
I hardly know where to begin:
GEORGE: I really think he has been kept in the dark about a lot of the events that happened BEFORE and AFTER Caylee was murdered.
I think he goes along with whatever Cindy says because it makes his life bearable as long as he doesn't protest too much.
I think he now knows at least some of the truth concerning what happened to Caylee.

I think she has covered for Casey for so long that she really cannot stop herself.
I think she has known the truth about Caylee's death (although maybe not the how) for a long time, much longer than we realize.
I think she has the same personality as Casey as far as it's ok to lie as long as it serves the purpose.
I think she had made Caylee her priority for a long time and that told Casey that she was not #1 anymore.
I think she will never admit no matter what comes out in evidence that she knows that Casey murdered Caylee.
I think if she had not covered for Casey the day she stole money from her grandmother that things would not have turned out like they did at least as early as they did.

Lee's strangeness has bothered me for a long time.
I cannot understand the connection that he and Casey have.
I think his speech of CMA was directed totally to Casey, that he will stand behind her no matter what.
I think he has known the truth that Casey killed Caylee for a long time, maybe just not the how.
I think that somehow he has helped in the coverup. Whether he did something or he just knew something I don't know.

I think she had been planning on doing something to Caylee for quite a while.
I think that June 15th set her plan in motion but maybe not the original plan.
I think the fight between her and her mother made her realize that she was losing the battle of being #1 and that she might lose Caylee to Cindy which would have cost her a place to live and to be humiliated by her mother taking Caylee from her and disgacing her in front of her friends.
I think she left the night of the 15th and that's when Caylee was murdered, not the 16th.
I think she had planned on using the kidnapping as a way to make herself look like the victim and garner attention.
I think she snapped at the thought of her mother getting Caylee and she almost felt like she would show her mother who was boss.
I think in a fit of rage, she killed Caylee and panicked and kept the body hidden for days because she had no plan.
She tossed her body when she realized the smell was becoming unbearable and could no longer wait.
I think she left her car at Amscot with her purse in full view hoping someone would steal her car and that would fit in the plan that someone took her car with Caylee inside.
I don't think she thought that her mother would come looking for her, find her and force her to go with her.
I don't think she had any intentions on telling her mother that Caylee was gone until her mother kept threatening to call the police.
I think the one more day plea to her mother would have resulted with her taking off and hiding out so her mother would not find her.
I don't think Casey has the ability to tell the truth. She will continue with the lies no matter what evidence proves her guilty.
I think she still imagines that she is all important and that she is the main character in her story of lies and everyone is there to protect her. She even thinks that although she is in jail, she is there for protection and that everyone worries about her.
I think she never wanted Caylee to replace her in her parents eyes and killing Caylee was just a means to keep that from happening.
I think she molds herself to whomever she is with, to be exactly what they want. With Baez, she sees him as her savior and she has become an apprentice lawyer who is there to help him when he needs her. She has turned her affection to him, being what she feels he wants her to be.

I know there is a lot more damning evidence that will come out that continues to prove she murdered her child so that she could be free of the burden that she never wanted to start with.
She also found a way to keep her parents from turning their love for Caylee back to her. I don't think she has any feelings for anyone but herself and it does not bother her one bit that her little girl is gone forever or that she killed her. She is incapable of any feelings toward anyone and considers herself to be all important. She really believes that she is the victim, that she was driven to do what she did.

I think this family has been very disfunctional for a very long time. She used Caylee as a bargaining chip. Either do what I say or else. Her ability to steal and lie never causes her any problem whatsoever. To blantently lie to the police proved that.

I don't think she loses any sleep at night because the murdered her child, maybe just a bit because people are not looking at her as the victim and being nice to her. If she were ever released from jail she would continue her life as if nothing happened and she would be carefree to go on her way with no pain that her little girl was gone.

Mr Klaas, you are the perfect picture of a father who is haunted by the loss of your child. That's why you can't understand why not one of the Anthonys came forward willing to provide a polygragh so the attention could go toward finding Caylee. Because you could not keep quiet knowing what they were doing was wrong, you became the enemy. I only wish they could have brought forward the grace you have shown for being there and trying to help. Some people are beyond help and I think this is one family that will go to the end of the earth to cover up and disregard anything that will prove their daughter is a murderer, no matter what. You would have went to the end of the earth to save your daughter...they will go to the end of the earth to cover up for theirs. I think in their's not what they DO that's what they DIDN'T do that matters.

Thank you Marc for asking for our input. I agree with many of the posters tonight. I'd like to add that somewhere along the way Caylee seemed to be forgotten- by the family in their denial, by the media in their sensationalism, and by every wretched character who crawled out of the woodwork seeking personal gain. It took 31 days for this child to be reported missing. Not one person in the family looked for that child even though they knew what their daughter was capable of. Mind say the least. I'm proud to be a part of WS, a group IMO that's committed to being Caylee's voice. Bless you for all that you do.
Justice for Caylee!

PS- please encourage those whom you know that have the power to effect change to seriously look at the organizations that have injected themselves in this case. Thank you.
I think Casey was a problem since high school. I think she did not graduate because she was in re-hab. I think drug abuse is in the family history. All part of what they try to cover up . That is why Cindy has to have so much control. Casey cleaned up and tried to stay away from the old druggies. She went to work at Universal. Casey could not stay away from her old crowd. I think the Anthonys kinda of know who the father is but is is not a nice guy. So they never wanted him involved. Casey tried to straighten up with Jesse. Casey was playing them all and she was back into her drugs. She has been lying and stealing for a long time. She has burned so many brain cells,she can't tell what is true anymore. I think she was strung out and killed Caylee in a rage to hurt Cindy and have the final control over Caylee. Casey used Caylee to keep herself in that house. Cindy only put up with her for Caylee sake. I think she forgot she killed her and left her in the trunk. Until she realized Caylee wasn't with her parents. Then the stories begin about the nanny to her friends. I think Cindy was calling everyone and asking if they had seen Caylee. That is why Casey told her friends not to speak to Cindy. Cindy and George have been dealing with this for a long time. The friends from fusion are not Caseys drug friends, they are all laying low. There is much more to Caseys lifestyle then we know here. The family secrets are really bad and I think they are all afraid all the dirt will come out.
I think Casey was a problem since high school. I think she did not graduate because she was in re-hab. I think drug abuse is in the family history. All part of what they try to cover up . That is why Cindy has to have so much control. Casey cleaned up and tried to stay away from the old druggies. She went to work at Universal. Casey could not stay away from her old crowd. I think the Anthonys kinda of know who the father is but is is not a nice guy. So they never wanted him involved. Casey tried to straighten up with Jesse. Casey was playing them all and she was back into her drugs. She has been lying and stealing for a long time. She has burned so many brain cells,she can't tell what is true anymore. I think she was strung out and killed Caylee in a rage to hurt Cindy and have the final control over Caylee. Casey used Caylee to keep herself in that house. Cindy only put up with her for Caylee sake. I think she forgot she killed her and left her in the trunk. Until she realized Caylee wasn't with her parents. Then the stories begin about the nanny to her friends. I think Cindy was calling everyone and asking if they had seen Caylee. That is why Casey told her friends not to speak to Cindy. Cindy and George have been dealing with this for a long time. The friends from fusion are not Caseys drug friends, they are all laying low. There is much more to Caseys lifestyle then we know here. The family secrets are really bad and I think they are all afraid all the dirt will come out.

I know we are not supposed to make this a regular thread commenting on others posts but I have to say that I don't know about the drug stuff but I do agree that there are many family secrets that they are trying to keep covered up and that is why they behave the way that they do. A way that seems completely alien to most of us who feel that there is no skeleton in our closets that would keep us from telling the truth and doing anything to find our missing grandchild.

And that is the part that I just can't understand. If you are so convinced that your daughter is innocent and you really believed that Caylee had been kidnapped, why would you not, at the very least, use all the air time to plead with the kidnapper for her safe return. They never once did that and that says a lot about what they felt/thought/knew.
I hardly know where to begin:
GEORGE: I really think he has been kept in the dark about a lot of the events that happened BEFORE and AFTER Caylee was murdered.
I think he goes along with whatever Cindy says because it makes his life bearable as long as he doesn't protest too much.
I think he now knows at least some of the truth concerning what happened to Caylee.

I think she has covered for Casey for so long that she really cannot stop herself.
I think she has known the truth about Caylee's death (although maybe not the how) for a long time, much longer than we realize.
I think she has the same personality as Casey as far as it's ok to lie as long as it serves the purpose.
I think she had made Caylee her priority for a long time and that told Casey that she was not #1 anymore.
I think she will never admit no matter what comes out in evidence that she knows that Casey murdered Caylee.
I think if she had not covered for Casey the day she stole money from her grandmother that things would not have turned out like they did at least as early as they did.

Lee's strangeness has bothered me for a long time.
I cannot understand the connection that he and Casey have.
I think his speech of CMA was directed totally to Casey, that he will stand behind her no matter what.
I think he has known the truth that Casey killed Caylee for a long time, maybe just not the how.
I think that somehow he has helped in the coverup. Whether he did something or he just knew something I don't know.

I think she had been planning on doing something to Caylee for quite a while.
I think that June 15th set her plan in motion but maybe not the original plan.
I think the fight between her and her mother made her realize that she was losing the battle of being #1 and that she might lose Caylee to Cindy which would have cost her a place to live and to be humiliated by her mother taking Caylee from her and disgacing her in front of her friends.
I think she left the night of the 15th and that's when Caylee was murdered, not the 16th.
I think she had planned on using the kidnapping as a way to make herself look like the victim and garner attention.
I think she snapped at the thought of her mother getting Caylee and she almost felt like she would show her mother who was boss.
I think in a fit of rage, she killed Caylee and panicked and kept the body hidden for days because she had no plan.
She tossed her body when she realized the smell was becoming unbearable and could no longer wait.
I think she left her car at Amscot with her purse in full view hoping someone would steal her car and that would fit in the plan that someone took her car with Caylee inside.
I don't think she thought that her mother would come looking for her, find her and force her to go with her.
I don't think she had any intentions on telling her mother that Caylee was gone until her mother kept threatening to call the police.
I think the one more day plea to her mother would have resulted with her taking off and hiding out so her mother would not find her.
I don't think Casey has the ability to tell the truth. She will continue with the lies no matter what evidence proves her guilty.
I think she still imagines that she is all important and that she is the main character in her story of lies and everyone is there to protect her. She even thinks that although she is in jail, she is there for protection and that everyone worries about her.
I think she never wanted Caylee to replace her in her parents eyes and killing Caylee was just a means to keep that from happening.
I think she molds herself to whomever she is with, to be exactly what they want. With Baez, she sees him as her savior and she has become an apprentice lawyer who is there to help him when he needs her. She has turned her affection to him, being what she feels he wants her to be.

I know there is a lot more damning evidence that will come out that continues to prove she murdered her child so that she could be free of the burden that she never wanted to start with.
She also found a way to keep her parents from turning their love for Caylee back to her. I don't think she has any feelings for anyone but herself and it does not bother her one bit that her little girl is gone forever or that she killed her. She is incapable of any feelings toward anyone and considers herself to be all important. She really believes that she is the victim, that she was driven to do what she did.

I think this family has been very disfunctional for a very long time. She used Caylee as a bargaining chip. Either do what I say or else. Her ability to steal and lie never causes her any problem whatsoever. To blantently lie to the police proved that.

I don't think she loses any sleep at night because the murdered her child, maybe just a bit because people are not looking at her as the victim and being nice to her. If she were ever released from jail she would continue her life as if nothing happened and she would be carefree to go on her way with no pain that her little girl was gone.

Mr Klaas, you are the perfect picture of a father who is haunted by the loss of your child. That's why you can't understand why not one of the Anthonys came forward willing to provide a polygragh so the attention could go toward finding Caylee. Because you could not keep quiet knowing what they were doing was wrong, you became the enemy. I only wish they could have brought forward the grace you have shown for being there and trying to help. Some people are beyond help and I think this is one family that will go to the end of the earth to cover up and disregard anything that will prove their daughter is a murderer, no matter what. You would have went to the end of the earth to save your daughter...they will go to the end of the earth to cover up for theirs. I think in their's not what they DO that's what they DIDN'T do that matters.


My humble opinions are:

1. KC did in fact kill poor little Caylee because she was very angry at CA on June 15.

2. KC wanted her freedom to be a party girl & Caylee was beginning to tell on KC.

3. CA really regrets getting LE involved, and she is feeling a lot of guilt.

4. CA will do everything in her power to enable KC and protect her "perfect family" dream.

5. GA played CA & KC against each other. His suggestive comments to KC at the jail visits were evidence of this.

6. GA did love Caylee very much and his other 2 girls knew it. He was caught in the cross fire.

7. LA & KC were much to close. The trial will hopefully provide the DNA results to that fact.

8. LA is just strange & was over the top with his coded messages to C.M.A.

9. This is one extremely dysfunctional family & everyone uses each other in strangely diabolical ways.

10. Caylee's sad death was the result! May she rest in peace.
♣ Casey is a sociopath and has no feelings for anyone other than her own self.
♣ Casey was jealous of Caylee and treated Caylee one way in front of others and another way when they were alone...a scary and silent way when they were alone.
♣ Casey hates her father.
♣ Casey will lie about any situation to make herself appear as the victim.
♣ Casey is not a very good actress and it is unbelievable that her parents allowed her charade of having a job to continue unchallenged for so many years without intervening in some manner.
♣ Casey is selfish and self absorbed and thinks the camera is focused on only HER at all times.
♣ Casey sees her own self as the victim in all of this and has likely convinced herself that many of her lies are the truth.
♣ Casey killed Caylee intentionally on the late night of the 15th of June or the early morning of the 16th of June after she left the house.
♣ Casey had a lot of boyfriends in a very short amount of time.
♣ Casey likes to be the center of attention and likes to portray herself as charitable and compassionate, when in fact those traits are foreign territory to her and she does not feel the appropriate emotions that should be felt if one were in fact charitable and compassionate. She pretends what she wants people to believe about her and never FEELS it.
♣ The media attention has made Casey feel important and she likes that.
♣ Casey had been using SOMETHING on Caylee for some time before she killed her to get her to go to sleep: baby medicine, xnaex, chloroform, who knows? Casey does.
♣ There was too large of a gap of time between when the car was discovered by the Anthony family and when the police were called in. They had the car before what 2:00 pm? They had Casey by 7:00 pm, and LE was not called until sometime between 9 and 11 pm. That is quite a span of time to have a car that smelled of human decomposition and NO interaction with the police. That SHOULD have been call number ONE, before they ever even tried to find Casey. This is a big red flag to me.
♣ There is something freaky about the way Lee used the initials CMA. He and his sister speak in code for no good reason and so I assume that he was speaking in code to HER some of the time when he used those initials. Who knows? Lee does.
♣ The Anthony family has not been honest with LE and have with-held and tampered with evidence.
♣ Whatever Casey bought at JCP on Cindy's card is going to play a big role in this case.
♣ Casey's friend Annie KNOWS something.
♣ The tattoo she got was a memorial for the beautiful life she was now going to enjoy after Caylee was gone and she was FREE!
♣ Casey toted Caylee around in the trunk of her car for days.
♣ The entire Anthony family have collectively and individually told a ton of lies both publicly and to LE.
♣ The Anthony family was in "trouble" long before this spotlight fell upon their lives-financial, marital, and interfamilial-they had BIG troubles before WE ever came on the scene so we, the public/media are not entirely to blame for their "meltdown". They were headed there already, this just shoved them there with the quickness.
♣ Casey will never admit that she harmed Caylee intentionally.
♣ SOMEONE in the Anthony family will get a book deal out of this entire fiasco and SOMEONE will profit from Caylee's death before it is all said and done.
♣ I have never seen any case with as many twists and turns as this one and doubt I ever will again and am thankful for that! lol
♣ Just when you think you have seen it all, they_________ just fill in the blank with some outlandish thing and it has probably happened in this case.
♣ Leonard Padilla is not a bad guy, and not as he has often been portrayed. He is a hard and tough Texan bounty hunter but he has a heart.
♣ Contradictions are the rule here in this case and not the exception.
♣ Casey will be found guilty and will spend the remainder of her existence having her "beautiful life" behind bars if justic prevails.
♣ Casey could have and did have it ALL and she threw it away and wasted it ALL for what? ALL for nothing!
I have no idea how Caylee died and I do not know who killed her.. Chances are it was Casey but I do not have enough information to be 100% sure.
KC is guilty of premeditated murder of Caylee. (She is a narcassistic- pathological liar). And all the evidence points to KC and ONLY KC. I believe Caylee died in the trunk of KC's car by cholorform while KC partied after the argument with her parents over the theft of money. Then KC made up the whole Nanny story by somehow getting the real ZG's information.

The A's have to know she did it but wont admit it in public, because they choose to stick by their daughter because they already lost one family member ie Caylee, and do not want to lose their daughter too.

LA knows more than hes saying but was not involved in harming Caylee.

LE's doing a good job, but IMO their original big mistake was arresting KC too soon and not following her every move before she lawyered up. Because then they would have had even more proof.

KC's lawyer is way in over his head, he was better off going with a mental or accidental death theory. (just an observation).

I sometimes get mad at all the media attenteon, because I am convinced if the story wasnt so public, KC would not have her so called new dream team which could present big problems for the prosecution. But on the other hand, if not for the media attenteon Caylee would not have been found and I am glad she was found.

KC will be found guilty, but I am unsure that they will prove 1st degree murder, nor will she get the death penalty (if proposed) because the jury will pity the family as victims and wont let them lose their daughter too.
When I first heard that little Caylee Anthony was missing, I was glad that her hurting family would have a network of people to lean on and benefit from emotionally as they navigated their devastating circumstances (people such as yourself, John Walsh, Tim Miller and others). Silly me.
Casey murdered Caylee. Caylee was in the way of her having a good time. Casey could have had an easy out by giving Caylee to GA & CA who obviously adored her but refused due to the power Caylee gave her w GA & CA.

George and Cindy are seriously grieving. I feel enormous sympathy for both. I think Cindy has made statements that have alienated the public. I still feel only sympathy because her shoes must be the worst possible to walk in.

I don't know what to think of Lee.

I wish Casey would go ahead and confess.
I think:

Casey planned to kill Caylee in order to be free to be with Tony and to travel with friends, etc., but she put it off until Cindy angered her that night. I think she killed Caylee with chloroform and/or smothered her.

Both George and Cindy have tampered with evidence and/or lied, not to cover up for Casey but because they truly can't admit to themselves that she killed Caylee. I believe they loved Caylee with all their hearts.

Cindy is controlling, manipulative, and narcissistic.
George is vulnerable and too trusting.
Lee is not to be trusted and sees the world as "us against them."

Tim Miller is above reproach.
Larry Padilla is a good guy at heart and has Cindy pegged.

I concur.

The only person in that entire family with a modicum of honesty is George.

Not one of them aided in any searches, other then the ones they dreamed up.

No one attempted to help LE with the investigation was GA in the taped interview, the LE was the enemy to the A's.

THey ridiculed and scorned what the LE was doing to help LE.''

If not for that one phone call that cindy made to 911, about the dead body smell...the a's could have covered this all up and no one would be any the wiser.

I wish for the death penalty for the baby murderer.

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