Marc Klaas Wants To Know What You Think. Please Participate

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I can sum it up by saying 31 Days.

In my opinion, the A fam knew from the very beginning (not July 15th) and have helped to cover up a horrendous crime.

Caylee deserves justice. Orange County Sheriff's Office (OCSO), the FBI, and various agencies will see she receives it.
Hi Everyone,

Marc Klaas is very interested in your thoughts on Caylee's case. What do you think?

I would appreciate if everyone would participate. Just tell us your opinion of the case. Marc appreciates how much you all know about the case and respects what you have to say.

I'll start.

-Lee Anthony creeped me out with the C.M.A. stuff.
-Casey is guilty
-Cindy, Casey and Lee will never admit it.
-George is the only one who really will admit the truth someday.

I don't know if it was premeditated or if it was an accident.

This is an extremely dysfunctional family and I agree with LP, we will be shocked at just how dysfunctional when more comes out at trial.

I agree with you, but I do think it was premeditated rage murder.
The whole family creeps me out, I never knew such dyfunction existed! IMO
1. Caylee was the Anthony's center, their world and the love of their lives, she was their sunshine

2. Casey planed to kill Caylee because she felt trapped by being a parent

3. Casey had a big fight with CA that put her over the top and she killed Caylee

4. LE-police-FBI has done a wonderful job

5. The Anthony's knew from the start that something happened to Caylee after they picked up the car

6. Casey lied to the LE-police-FBI because she is hiding more then just the murder of Caylee

7. There is some secret between Lee and Casey

8. CA went into denial to protect Casey and because it was to painful to believe the truth

9. GA wanted to protect his wife emotionally, so he went along with CA ideas

10. The Anthony's are being used by others for profit off of Caylee

11. The Defense team going public, on TV and giving interviews about the case is wrong (even though I like hearing all the gossip) I feel its wrong

12. The Defense (JB) has been inappropriate with Casey, Hugging her, spending long hours and daily visits, trying to sneak in a bracelet, pushing the jail to take in a lap top, sale pictures of Caylee to fund the defense, the way JB acts in the court room with Casey the looks, the touching, it really offends me

13. Casey brought pain and hardship to family, friends and strangers

14. The country has fallen in love with Caylee

15. There was a lot of wonderful volunteers and organizations-like TES that tried to find Caylee, it opened my mind and heart to these organizations

16. Caylee brought me to W/S and I have found friends with big hearts here and have learned a lot about my self and others

You have read my mind! This is everything that I think.
I am very bothered by the behavior of Cindy and George who claimed Caylee was missing and still alive but never once used the media to encourage or beg those who had her to release her.
Everything they did was a contridiction to what they were saying - refusing to give searchers something of Caylee's for the dogs to sniff; the hairbush incident. Changing the trunk odor story from "smells like a dead body" to rotting pizza in the Florida heat.
Appearing on Larry King Live, an international tv show, and lying about the evidence and denying their previous statements about the case.
I believe Casey killed her daughter by accident but could not call 911 because she overdosed Caylee on cloroform.
Casey first hid the body in the backyard then prepared it and dumped it near her home including things that would point back to the Nanny.
I think Lee did an investigation of his own using codes he and his sister traded during their jail visits. And, he knew where the body was dropped and planned to have someone uncover it.
-Casey murdered Caylee, either in anger or premeditated, but either way, she did it
-Casey was never a good mother to Caylee, so that's a myth
-Casey is a Narcissist who wanted to be the center of attention
-Casey seems to have arrested development, too
-I still don't quite know who Caylee's father is

-Casey felt jealous and resentful of Caylee, and probably abused her
-The Anthonys are still in denial and act as if this is a dream
-I don't blame either Cindy or George, but I wonder what Lee knows
-I think both Cindy and George will always regret that they never went through the process of getting custody of Caylee

-Caylee died, she was put in the car, and Casey dumped her by the road
-The body was never moved from another location

-The creepiest detail for me is the heart sticker on the duct tape
-The second-creepiest detail are the toys in the bag and scattered around the crime scene
-The duct tape is evidence for premeditation, although it may have been some sort of weird punishment if Caylee was making noise
-I still don't understand why Cindy might have switched DNA on the hairbrush
-The Anthonys may have destroyed evidence because they are both clean-freaks, vacuuming the car and washing all the clothes before the police could see them - not sure if that was intentional or habit
-I don't understand why the police have had to search the Anthony's house so many times, and I hope they finally got all the evidence they needed
-I'm not sure about how or why the chloroform was used, although I trust the Body Farm if they said it was in the car trunk
I believe that Casey murdered Caylee because she was tired of the responsibility of being a mother and Caylee cramped her style. It's hard to party and sleep around while dragging a 2 yr old along. I think that Caylee had reached an age where Casey couldn't just hand her a bottle and put her down to sleep. She was an active little girl and Casey may have resented the attention that Caylee received from others including her own parents. I don't believe Casey feels any remorse for what she did. She is to self absorbed. I also believe Casey is a sociopath and a narssistic personality. She will take and never give anything back. I think she has her attorney totally snowed as she pours on the charm around him. He is in for a surprise. Even stealing from her grandparents didn't shame Casey. She has ripped off all of her friends and felt entitled. She believes that she will walk out of the courthouse after the trial.

I believe that George has known that Caylee was dead and who did it every since he opened the trunk of the car and smelled the smell of death. I think he has kept quiet for Cindy's benefit. I think that this taken its toll on George and hence his suicide ideation and need to "think things through." I believe that Caylee was the light of George's life and the one person who made his life worth while. George is on the right track now and he will survive with the help of his pastor and his faith in the Lord. George was the most honest with LE and the FBI. I think he wanted to tell them everything he knows but was afraid for repercusions from Cindy. I believe George was totally honest at the Grand Jury. I also think that George has gone along with Cindy because he is afraid of what the truth will do to her.

I don't think that Cindy is ready to come out of denial yet. I have no doubt that she loved Caylee with all of her heart but she is so used to enabling her daughter and it won't stop yet. I think Cindy and Casey have a love/hate relationship. I think that Cindy is a very strong personality which has created problems within the family. I think that Cindy sees the world the way she wants it to be...not the way it is.

Lee...I can't figure out this guy. I know he was feeling a lot of pain at the memorial service. I don't know if his message was for Caylee or Casey. It was very strange but I can see it being said for either Caylee or Casey. We haven't seen enough of Lee to really get a take on him. I have the feeling that Lee knows Casey is guilty of murdering little Caylee but he still loves his sister.
I think Caylee was caught in a tug of war between Cindy and Casey. They both have very strong personalities and want things their own way. Cindy was very possessive of Caylee, but yet wanted Casey to step up and take responsibility. Casey from what I can tell is so incredibly narcissistic that she only really cares for herself. It's all about her. How can someone like that take care of a child? I also think Casey lives in a world that she makes up in her mind for the most part. I don't know if we will ever find out exactly what happened, but I think it was the result of Cindy and Casey's volatile relationship. I have followed this case from the beginning and I knew when Casey was first arrested back in mid-July that Caylee was no longer alive just by the way Casey was acting. I know this case has profoundly affected me and I will never forget Caylee. When I look at the night sky I find the brightest star and think of her. So many people that never met Caylee love her so much. Her spirit is amazing and timeless.
This is probably not what he's looking for but all I can say is I do NOT understand this case nor do I know who to trust/believe is 100% innocent and pure at heart (to use CA's words!)

I feel like George is the one who is bearing the brunt of this because he is the one who is real. CA is a control freak and majorly disfunctional, has had many issues with casey over the years. I think Casey was born sociopathic...however a mother like Cindy, while she does not cause this, aggravates it. Maybe CA acts like she does *because* of Casey's behavior, or maybe casey is the way she is because of Cindy.

What came first, the chicken or the egg?

I am sure Casey did it. I think it was directly because of the fight with Cindy. I am NOT sure what happened...I guess she just snapped with spite, or wanted to get away and accidentally killed Caylee by drugging her or something....I don't know what intent was. But her actions since were reprehensible.

If casey was not a sociopath, and she had admitted the truth right from the beginning she probably could have achieved some level of sympathy had she expressed any feelings such as how bad she felt at the way CA took over Caylee etc. NO EXCUSE, but it would be better than what she currently comes across as.

My thoughts on this case can be summed up in one phrase: I just don't understand these people!!! I think George is the best. Lee is shady to me...CA is controlling and unsympathetic. All of them have not handled this the way I feel would be upright.

Poor Caylee.
I have no idea how Caylee died and I do not know who killed her.. Chances are it was Casey but I do not have enough information to be 100% sure.

What information DO you have that suggests who killed her, based on what we know and do not know? Who else is your suspect and why?
My opinion: The Anthony family is creepy and severly dysfunctional.......When I attempted to watch the memorial for precious Caylee, I had to shut it off.....I felt sick to my stomach, and creeped out for the rest of the day...
I believe Caylee left this world on the 16th. I believe there is/was a dyfunctional power struggle between Casey and Cindy...and Cindy pushed Casey too far verbally and physically..I believe Caylee was hollering for Cindy and Casey lost it. After Caylee's birth, I picture Cindy taking over motherly duties that should have been Casey's to learn and nurture. In other words Cindy took over "mothering" Caylee for Casey because she believed she was better at it than Casey. I believe it started out insidiously therefore Casey was left unaware as Cindy presented it as a gift she was offering to her "mothering skills 101." Once Casey caught on, it was too late for her, as Caylee had bonded with Cindy. Therefore, Casey used Caylee to get what she could from Cindy. Cindy taught Casey how to treat Caylee like an object instead of a human being. A pawn to get her way, then they were both happy creepy people....
I cannot let go of the 31 days......How emotionally attached was Cindy to Caylee??? Or was it what she could buy for her that made her better than Casey at "taking care of Caylee?? I believe Cindy knew Casey did it (I cannot even say it.) And she also knows why.. There sick mind games that they play on one another that got out of hand..As I cannot put logic into there behaviors it won't work..
George also knew after all he is a seasoned law person..Lee, what to say about Lee. I think he is headed for a break down of some sort as more becomes exposed about Lee..
I had to stop following this case so much, as they kept leaving Caylee out of the picture. I can only surmise that it is the "guilt," but it is too late for that as precious Caylee is now in Heaven too soon.............
This crime happened becasuse of the dysfunction of this family.

Has functional Borderline Personality Disorder and has held Casey, Lee, George and Caylee hostage with this disorder directly effecting how the entire family interacts with each other and the ‘outside’ world. This has caused or has major influenced on the behavior of every family member and is the root cause for the murder of Caylee but not the reason that Caylee was murdered.

He has been verbally chastised by not only Cindy but Casey and Lee and over time has been stripped of his sense of self worth causing him to do whatever everybody wants hoping for any sign that he ‘did good’ and may be needed. He became weak and no longer played a role in any parenting nor as provider of means to the family. It was only the freely given love of a small child who had not yet been turned against him that gave him some sense of purpose in life and the remnants of deep buried sense of being needed.

Has never learned appropriate emotional bonding with his father because his mother would not allow it. The controlling nature of Cindy and the mixing of 'normal' roles in the household lead him to have an unhealthy view of the love he has for his sister while at the same time has a deep seeded disdain for his father. He placates to his mother now that he is an adult but under pressure has returned to his previous status of being the peacekeeper between warring factions and a source of a surrogate strong male figure to Cindy. Lee can no longer play the many roles he needs to satisfy both Cindy and Casey although he will continue to try. We saw the effects of this at the memorial service.

Over time Casey has learned to dissociate herself from her own emotions because the only ones she was allowed to have where Cindy’s. Eventually she learned the only things that showed that she had a worth was with bad behavior. Each time she was ‘bad’ she got less of a reaction until she upped the level of bad behavior. Eventually over time escalating to criminal behavior to get even larger show of emotion that equaled a larger feeling of self worth. At some point a mental line was crossed. She stopped associating self worth with cause and effect. Her conscious state changed.

Caylee. An Innocent child. A victim.

I believe that Casey fantasized about killing Caylee long before she did. There were some thoughts of a plan but nothing specific. She acted alone in the killing. At some point Cindy and Lee have been made privy to information or have come across information and have directly helped Casey in obstructing LE after the fact. Their behavior is because of this obstruction. George has known all along that Caylee was dead but only by his gut instincts and despite his fears of that attempted to help LE early on. He could not hold up to Cindy’s control over him and fell in lock step with the behaviors of his wife. I am undecided at this time if George had any role in obstructing Justice.

They Anthony’s say they are united as a Family. Dysfunctional families have a perverse sense of loyalty to each other. In the end it is this perverse loyalty that usually destroys each of them one by one. In my humble opinion, George has the best chance to break away from the dysfunctional hold, survive and regain some normalcy in his life.

Only time will tell.

LE has had a difficult job and has done well with what they were handed 31 days out. The defense team is in this for glory and fame and to me that should also be considered a crime. Leonard P. is a man I wouldn’t want hunting me down. He is smart, relentless and is not afraid of swatting that hive despite the fact that he may get stung a few times.
TES is wonderful and this country needs a branch in every state for fast response to search for the missing. I have nothing nice to say about KidFinders.

My fear since the Anthony case is that others may view the sudden ‘fame’ due to all of the media attention and the idea of collecting direct donations as a reason to harm other children.

After this case it is apparent to me that each and every person, child or adult who goes missing needs to have an advocate who speaks for them and them only. The lost and missing have no real voice. Too often they become just one of many others that have disappeared and are slowly forgotten.
LE is reactionary and has the function of catching the perpetrators of crime. They do their best to continue to locate the victims but with so few and so many victims they have to move on to the next crime. Prosecutors uphold the law once a perpetrator has been caught to insure justice is served but so many cases never get that far and become old and cold with no one brought to punishment. Having an advocate to be a voice for them their name and face will stay with us. We will continue to hear them speak. This way the victim can never be silenced.

Here's what I think...

There's no doubt in my mind that KC is guilty.

I think she's a psychopath, and doesn't care about anyone but herself. No mother would remain silent if their child went missing. I bet we'd still have no clue that Caylee was missing and murdered if Cindy hadn't have received that notice from the tow yard and gone looking for Casey. Casey NEVER reported her child missing. Cindy did. ANd if Casey cared for her family, she wouldn't be putting them through this. She would have come clean a long time ago. To see them in this much pain and agony does nothing to Casey. It doesn't affect her. She doesn't care about anything but herself.

I used to think Caylee's death might have been an accident, but the duck tape changed my mind completely. I know she meant to harm Caylee.

KC will NEVER admit to any part of Caylee's death.

I think the Anthony's put the "FUNC" in DYSFUNCTION.

I think Cindy, George and Lee ALL know the truth, but will do anything to "save" KC. I think a lot of their "denial" is an ACT. Nobody could possibly be that blind. JMO

Also, I am infuriated that KC has such high profile attorney's working her case. It is her right to have counsel, but few people can afford or get the representation she is recieving - and it's not costing her a dime. In this day and age, I firmly believe that an innocent verdict CAN BE BOUGHT, and her Scheme Dream Team is just the team who can get her off. It really disgusts me that all these high profile defense attorney's jump on the band wagon to defend an obvious murderer. I can assure you that some of these people working for the defense would agree privately that KC is guilty, but in the name of justice (and the DESIRE to have their name attached to a high profile case) they're going to defend her all the way. It DISGUSTS me.
First off.. I would like to send Mark my condolences for the loss of his beautiful little Polly. Also would like to tell him that I view him as a hero.. and admire him very much.

1. I think Casey fantasized in her mind about getting rid of Caylee for a long time prior. At first, maybe just as a fantasy, but I believe she turned the idea over in her mind again and again, how to commit such an act.. etc..

2. I believe that her desire to get rid of Caylee increased once she hooked up with the "new" group of friends.. and starting wanting to hang out and party all the time instead of spending one second with her child.

3. I believe Casey 's agenda had a bit of the Susan Smith aspect to it.. in that once she learned that TonE didnt want her to bring Caylee around, and IIRC, further went on to tell her he didnt want female children but only male children should he ever chose to become a parent. Whereas a NORMAL mother would see that as a flimsy excuse designed to keep from having the relationship become serious, from a man just not interested in HER (Casey) .. her ego didnt want to accept that.. but instead she took it at face value, and turned her hostility and anger towards Caylee.

4. Apparently Cindy had been pushing Casey to be more pro-active in caring for Caylee, and requiring her to be more responsible, something that totally didnt fit into Casey's "new lifestyle". Again, instead of owning up to it .. or even coming clean and telling Cindy she didnt want to be responsible... I believe she again deflected anger at Cindy towards Caylee.

5. The "fight" that occured on Fathers Day between Casey and Cindy was the breaking point, I believe.. when Casey felt she was backed up against a wall.. and she was NOT going to be able to just pawn Caylee off on her parents whenever she needed... this was her breaking point.. when she decided to implement all the fantasies about doing away with little Caylee. I suspect after the fight, Casey took off with Caylee, and little Caylee was probably upset, crying for Grandma.. and Casey carried out the horrible plans she had researched and fantasized about.

6. Casey is a very disorganized criminal/killer.. she only thinks in the moment.. tells whatever lies she needs to get her out of the immediate situation, and just figures she will cross whatever bridges when and if she gets to them.

7. I personally think that all of Casey's immediate family knew from the time the 911 call was placed ( if not even before then) that Casey had indeed harmed Caylee. I think they chose to try to convince themselves that their daughter couldnt be so evil.. while all the time knowing in the back of their mind it was probable.

8. Casey IS their daughter/sister, so I understand why they love her and support her.. and prefer to live in denial than to have to face the cold hard facts.

9, I think George is the MOST honest of everyone.. and has been under HUGE pressure to act and "believe" a certain way from Cindy. I believed he has been in constant inner turmoil from the beginning.. between his love for Casey and what is moral and right.

10. Lee Anthony's C M A eulogy creeped me out, as well... He sets my hinky meter way off.

11. The entire family is beyond disfunctional.. and I, too, believe Leonard Padilla's statement about we will hear things about just how disfunctional that will shock us.

12. It may not be very Christian of me.. but I hope they put the death penalty back on the table for Casey... Ive said many times before.. Casey can adjust and deal with life without parole.. because the ONLY thing she cares about is herself. and even with LWOP, she still has the only thing she cares about. The ONLY thing that is going to truly get to her is if she has to sit in death row knowing her eventual outcome.

I could go on and on.. but I'll stop.
Here are my thoughts on this case and before I start I would like to go ahead and appologise for the long post....

1. I feel that KC and CA have lived the last 20+ years in a tit for tat lifesyle..They knew how to push each other buttons and did so regularly...

2. I also feel that on a daily basis CA pushed KC that she was not a good mom, that Caylee was a mistake, That KC would never amount to anything..And I know from personal experience that this can be very disturbing to a young woman who is trying in her own eyes to do the best that she can...I in no way am making excuses for the fact that this young mother killed her child...

3. I do feel that KC killed Caylee in a fit of rage on the evening of June 15th or the early morning hours of June 16th, I do not beleive that GA saw KC and Caylee leave the house the morning of the 16th ( I find it very odd that 31 days later GA would be able to recite what each were wearing and carrying with them when they left)

4. I feel that GA has been the whipping boy for both CA and KC for the whole time that he has been married to CA and for that reason he is afraid to diviluge what he really knows if it will come back that CA will find out (I feel that the GJ was told things by GA that were one of the main reasons KC was indicted)

5. I also think that the stress that is being put on CA & GA will not bode well for this marriage and if the cracks start showing before trial I think there is a good chance that GA will blow the lid off of this case when he is called to tesitfy.

6. After JB came on the scene and then after MN quit I think that JB has been the handler of getting council for the A' family as well as for Lee and I find it very odd that the PI working with the family also has ties to the Defense, And for this reason I think that is why when all the presser are held or the attorneys appear on a show they all sound like they are basically saying the same things even though they are defending seperate clients...I think that JB is basically in control of the whole family even though he is only representing KC..

My theory on this mess is this...KC premeditated and killed Caylee, wrapped her body and dumped it close to the home..
I think the way that she was able to get ZFG information is that she was using CA laptop during the daytime and sitting in her car at apartments complexes and stealing internet services during the day..I think on June 17th she was sitting at Sawgrass and she just dumb lucked she linked to the Apt Managers information that had been typed in from the card that was filled out about ZFG and from that point on if she was caught this was a person and a place that she could say had Caylee...I in no way think that this was her master plan..
I think the master plan was to abandon her car at Amscott and leave her purse inside thinking that when it was found with her personal items inside and the smell of decomp in the trunk it would look like something had happened to both her and Caylee..she then planned on getting the guy from California that she was talking to, to have him pay for her a plane ticket to California and possible use an alias to fly out there...then once she was that far away from Florida she could resume her beautiful life and her family back in Florida would have no idea what had happened to either of them..

I also think that what we have seen this week with KC making a statement about the public memorial is just another tit for tat move between KC and CA, And I think there will be many more of these before trial..

I also feel that LE has done a supurb job on this invesigation, I am not saying that there may not be mistakes along the way, but from the very beginnin this has been a monster of a case for them to work with..

I would like to say to Mark Klass that you are a wonderful human being and I am sorry for what you had to go thru with your daughter Polly, but she did not die in vain as you have work endlessly for others and I am sure your daughter is very proud of you as well as the general public is sure to be..

Caylee was an innocent victim of Casey's self-centered lifestyle. The family dynamics were such that the decision was easy for her to make and her child who she perceived as Cindy's claim was to be taken away as nothing more than the largest leverage Cindy had over Casey.
The evidence will show that Casey was the last and only person who was with Caylee the day the toddler was killed, that she in fact killed her and then hid her little body.
Lee will do all he can to free his sister and that is the promise. It doesn't matter to him or for that matter to Cindy and George whether she is guilty. They want her absolved and free.
Caylee is gone and their rationale is simple as it has always been toward this woman-child: "What's done is done and we want our family to be together," in the hopes the children will grow up some day at least to the point the parents have.
The picture is ugly and gross. It frightens people all over because many wonder if they could possibly be of the same mindset since human beings share many traits, hence the interest level. But they should not worry because it is not true there is any real connection to Casey and her family's behavior that produces a hateful, spiteful and homicidal woman-child such as Casey. There are very few Caseys in our world.
Casey Anthony murdered her own daughter - intentionally.

The Anthony family are the poster family for DYSFUNCTIONAL FAMILIES!
I think that:
Casey is a pathalogical liar and a selfish self-absorbed spoilt brat;
Caylee met her end at the hands of her mother;
Caylee never had any little friends her own age;
Caylee grew up with a camera stuck in her face 90% of the time;
CA & GA enabled and placated KC at every opportunity;
CA is a control freak;
GA has a kind heart;
The whole family know who was responsible for Caylee's murder;
Caylee died because 'out of the mouth of babes' enraged and threatened Casey;
LA is hiding something;
LP,TM and you, Mark, are heroes;
OCSO is hard working and trustworthy;
Caylee will have justice in the end.
Casey Anthony is a Sociopath, Caylee was no longer an asset to Casey, because she had become old enough to communicate about what was happening to her, and what Casey was doing. Casey's only security was in her lies, and other people believing them! Without THAT, she didn't know how to navigate life. IMHO:boohoo:

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