Maricopa Jane Doe 1999 Thread #2

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OK, this might be kind of long- here is that list with names, working links (I hope) and a little info I added.
Not sure who has been ruled out yet, but I'll try to check the old thread for that. Any info on who has been ruled out would be great! I know a few people have been in contact about possible matches with LE and might have more info on that:)
If I have time this evening I may try to search for new possible matches posted since August & put their info up. But here is a working version of the "possibles" list from Angie for now.

Heather Lindsay Silver
Jaycee Lee Duggard
Kristy Jean Rogers
Ekaterina Shcherbakova
**Hannah Marie Zaccaglani
has Brown eyes
Michaela Garecht
Amber Jean Swartz-Garcia
**Linda Rose Grimm-
would have been 37 in 1999
**Alice Georgievna Muromtseva
find link? Russian girl missing from Moscow
Makenzie Rae Newman
**Tammi Jean Campbell
Campbell went missing June 1999?
Kellie Benavidez
Kimberly Anne Riley
Dail Boxley Dinwiddie
**Paula Louise Merchant
Brown eyes
Amy Sue Pagnac
Jessica Lee Cain
**Morgan Anne Munson
missing since unknown date?

The ones with asterisks are ones I don't think are matches for reasons listed, or I need to find more info to add.
Alice Muromtseva
Region: Moscow
Date of the generation: 01.01.1983
Age at missing: 12-13 years
Height: 160 cm
Hair: light-light-brown, to the arms.
Special signs: the indicating finger of right hand is shortened.
Dressed: jacket is cloth of the black color, jeans are signal orange colors, boots on the thick sole with height on the ankle of black color
Yet another post from me:)
I think Ekaterina Shcherbakova was ruled out by LE (post 310-old thread), maybe also Melissa Lee Brannen?

Here is what I think is a full list of all the other possible matches posted since August. Feel free to add or correct any of my info:)

Susana Elizabeth Diaz Loquay

Margaret Isabel Sandige

Katharine Christine Baskin

Coral Pearl Hall

Jessica Click Hill

Jennifer Rae Perry

Tracy Pickett

Brandy Lynn Meyers

**Tracie Denise Vicent
Hazel Eyes?/born 1968?

**Crystal Lynn Ortega
brown eyes

**April Dawn Pennington
hazel eyes?

**Casey Rose Bohun
brown eyes?

**Jolene Riendeau
missing April 1999?

**Stephanie Leigh Lennartz
clubfoot surgery-scars on both feet?

**Melissa Lee Brannen
Possibly ruled out by LE?? unsure
Thank you put a lot of time into this. I will look at each link myself, too.
this case continues to tug at me...I can't help but believe that this case hinges on the witnesses and what we don't know that might be held back by the coroner....
Says in her report that she has green eyes.
I think they have a pretty good case linking her to someone who is most likely a serial killer.
I would think this list of possibles could be narrowed down a lot by maricopa ME. A lot of them have distinctive scars on knees etc....they have been receptive to tips in the past and very responsive. Why not send the ones with distinctive charecteristics and at least get them ruled in or out? Just a thought....or on the flip side, we can email the coroner and ask if jane doe had any scarring on her knees etc....
OK- it looks like a lot of the possibles that have been brought up before can be ruled out pretty easily. Thanks for the posts! The ones at the top are ones that (IMO) could still possibly be a match for Jane Doe, then the maybes, then the ones that I think are probably definitely not her. Let me know if any look like they're in the wrong category-some might need to be moved.
Maybe once this is looked through a little more one of us could send the list in to LE in case they all haven't been ruled out yet?

Heather Lindsay Silver
Jaycee Lee Duggard
Kristy Jean Rogers
Amber Jean Swartz-Garcia
Makenzie Rae Newman
Kellie Benavidez
Susana Elizabeth Diaz Loquay
Margaret Isabel Sandige
Katharine Christine Baskin
Jennifer Rae Perry
Brandy Lynn Meyers hLang=en_US
Alice Georgievna Muromtseva
Region: Moscow
Date of the generation: 01.01.1983
Age at missing: 12-13 years
Height: 160 cm
Hair: light-light-brown, to the arms.
Special signs: the indicating finger of right hand is shortened.
Dressed: jacket is cloth of the black color, jeans are signal orange colors, boots on the thick sole with height on the ankle of black color
Amy Sue Pagnac
but doesn't look like her?
Coral Pearl Hall

Michaela Garecht
serial killer suspects?
Jessica Click Hill
only 11-12 yrs old?
Stephanie Leigh Lennartz
clubfoot surgery-scars on both feet?
Morgan Anne Munson
missing since unknown date-probably 2003
Jessica Lee Cain
possible suspects-serial killer(s)?

Ekaterina Shcherbakova
possibly ruled out??
**Melissa Lee Brannen
Possibly ruled out by LE??
**Tracy Pickett
Brown Eyes
**Tracie Denise Vicent
Hazel Eye/born 1968?
**Crystal Lynn Ortega
Brown Eyes
**April Dawn Pennington
Hazel Eyes
**Casey Rose Bohun
Brown Eyes chLang=en_CA
**Jolene Riendeau
missing April 1999? chLang=en_CA
**Hannah Marie Zaccaglani
Brown Eyes
**Linda Rose Grimm-
Would have been 37yrs in 1999
**Tammi Jean Campbell
Campbell went missing June 1999?
**Dail Boxley Dinwiddie
Brown Eyes
**Paula Louise Merchant
Brown Eyes
Kimberly Anne Riley
blood found in Ohio with her car
Coral Pearl Hall bears a striking resemblance, and I'm intrigued by the notation "may be in Los Angeles area". LA is certainly closer to Maricopa County than Michigan is.
I wish there was more information on Ekaterina Shcherbakova (sorry for the bold, I copied and pasted)
I am in Phoenix, AZ. Please let me know if there is anything I can do to help.

Also, I have some (limited) LE contacts in different cities and I would be glad to make some calls to get info if someone can point me towards the right agency.
I am in Phoenix, AZ. Please let me know if there is anything I can do to help.

Also, I have some (limited) LE contacts in different cities and I would be glad to make some calls to get info if someone can point me towards the right agency.

I would like to know how she got to the hospital? Did somebody drop her off? There have been several posts that state some people took her to the hospital and then disappeared. I find that hard to believe. Why wouldn't the police know who these people were and why wouldn't they have questioned them about what happened to her. It just doesn't make sense to me.
I'm not sure how exactly she got to the hospital, I don't remember anything about them driving her to the hospital though. I guess I just assumed she arrived by ambulance? That is a good question.

They do know who she was in the car with and have questioned them- it was a couple I believe, a man and a woman. They said they met her at I think a gas station/convenience store type of place? And they gave her a ride, and she just jumped out of the car. Its in the other thread somewhere but not sure where, sorry. Try searching for "couple in car" in the old thread? My computers kind of screwy today or I'd do it for you myself.
A spotlight for this beloved case!!!!! Thanks to the mods and let's have at it....
I have come in and out of this case for years. AngieB and Zanko, IIRC, did a great job going through threads not that long ago and figuring out who has been submitted and who not. I was working on submitting her to several TV programs but nothing ever came through.

I'd like to 'spread out' and make threads for possibles, who we know has been submitted, etc.

I'd also like to see what we can find about this in the papers...I will start a thread for media links and also any pics we may have.....any help going through thread #1 and thread #2 discussions to help get this organized would be greatly appreciated!!!!
I would like to know how she got to the hospital? Did somebody drop her off? There have been several posts that state some people took her to the hospital and then disappeared. I find that hard to believe. Why wouldn't the police know who these people were and why wouldn't they have questioned them about what happened to her. It just doesn't make sense to me.

My recollection of the story was that she was taken by ambulance. They people who were in the car with her were the ones who called. What I found compelling about this case was the male of the couple in the car had a record. Because LE won't release their names, we cannot get any information. What would be incredibly useful I would think would be finding out the names of this couple and whether or not they are still together. I would love to know his criminal history as well, not that LE hasn't fully investigated that aspect I am sure. But it would close the loop for me.

LE has stated that they are not satisfied with the couple's version of the events that evening, but that it is not enough for charges. I think if they have split, perhaps one or both might be more inclined to talk if a reporter showed up at their door? I wish we could get media involved....

My other question was what convenience store they picked her up at and if there ever were flyers put up in that area? perhaps she was a frequent patron of the store, so someone would have recalled her. I know it is almost 10 years later now, but you never know....
I am in Phoenix, AZ. Please let me know if there is anything I can do to help.

Also, I have some (limited) LE contacts in different cities and I would be glad to make some calls to get info if someone can point me towards the right agency.

Azlaw, hi!!! LE has been tight lipped about specifics in the case, I assume because they have some hold back information and that they hope to get a conviction some day. Is there a chance that you can ask any of your limited contacts what areas might need to be dug into more deeply that we can help with? For example, we can try and garner media attention and create flyers...would that have value? Were there any other complaints associated with the couple or the guy?
Jinxie reminded me last night of, she came across that....I had forgot about them! She mentioned they are working on getting up a memorial for her and stuff..she sent them a message to let them know we are spotlighting the case and to see what we can offer for help.
<<snipped for length>>
But here is a working version of the "possibles" list from Angie for now.
Great job you guys, all of you are amazing with what you do!!! :clap: :clap: Lorelei - can I copy this post to a new thread where we can have just links and photo comparisons (no discussion). ??
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