Mark Hawkins *Updated*

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Wasn't MH married when he was in the service? This is his picture so chances are this could have been taken by his wife. Unless we have a link we can assume KC did not take this picture. It very well may have been taken before he left for Iraq. jmo

ETA: Maybe he made the comment on his myspace page.
Wasn't MH married when he was in the service? This is his picture so chances are this could have been taken by his wife. Unless we have a link we can assume KC did not take this picture. It very well may have been taken before he left for Iraq. jmo
I never thought ICA took the pic. I always thought someone else did and he just sent it to her.
Thanks for your responses-I feel better knowing somebody else may have had the same dream lol. I'll do another search as well in my limited time here. Heck i even googled it and got "nuthin" :maddening:

Interview with Lee. SA starts asking Lee about all the guys he knows ICA to have dated since high school. Starting on page 24, Lee starts his laundry list of names he knows of. He finishes with TL on page 28, and the the rest as follows:
Q: Other than those names, are you aware of anyone else Casey dated?
A: Shoot. There was one other gentleman around-- back in 2007. I know she went to school with him. I don't remember his name. That might come to me. But there was one other gentleman that she-- she was interested in but he's in--he's either in the Army or the Marines, one or the other, so it wasn't really like she had a boyfriend because of, you know, the long distance and he's never home type of thing. But I know, you know, they either saw or spoke for, you know, a better part of six months, a year or whatever, so, but I can't remember his name right now. It may come to me.

Um...yeah. He is referring to MH. He knows this one better than any of the others I would dare say. He dated MH's wife while they were still married and MH was deployed for crying out loud. Why is he lying about this? Why does he not want to reveal his name?
Hmmmm...... could this be the "He knows what he's done" deal involving Lee? Now you have me thinking about that.......
Because I have not seen this discussed in many of the main threads. And mentioned, never really discussed: if what I am about to bring up is not right, mods please delete my whole post. TIA. :footinmouth:

Isn't it a big deal that MH's wife had an affair with Lee Anthony? Not only that, but had an alleged abortion? (I hate talking about this kind of stuff, if not done correctly can be tacky and insulting to people on all sides. I bring this up because it comes up again and again and now we have a doc from MH, so I apologize for this subject matter).

And here Mark is hanging out with Casey and Caylee? My understanding is that he was divorced from his wife and that he and Casey had been friends since middle school but still?

I guess Mark did not run into Lee? Awkward. :innocent: How did Casey handle any loyalty issues? It is possible I am missing so much to this story or have every detail wrong, so I await correction or post deletion, both of which are fine with me.

Did Mark know his wife was pregnant and that she had an abortion? He was willing to wear a wire, I wonder what he thinks? He has known Casey a long time. I too wish we had heard the wire conversation. That has to be way too: bombshell, I might guess. :dunno: Do we know if and when that document would be available or am I just dreamin'? TIA

Casey may not have taken the pic of MH in the motel, but there were also pics of Casey and Caylee taken at a motel pool. You can see the motel in the background. I wouldn't think it to be too big of a stretch to think Casey may have taken that pic.

Casey may not have taken the pic of MH in the motel, but there were also pics of Casey and Caylee taken at a motel pool. You can see the motel in the background. I wouldn't think it to be too big of a stretch to think Casey may have taken that pic.

And doesn't she have a military issue hat/cap on in one of those pics?
And doesn't she have a military issue hat/cap on in one of those pics?

Are you sure that photo of her isn't from her days as a five-star general in the United States Army, before her true vocation as an events manager called her back to civilian life?
Yeppers, there sure was!


Is this difference in print desert camis vs Army regs?

Is this difference in print desert camis vs Army regs?


Sometimes they issue both prints, my husband has both-His fatigues are the newer digital prints (green, not desert), one of his coats is the old school style like the hat Caylee is wearing.

Don't know if it matters, but if he was sleeping with KC while married and while in the military, and the military has proof, they can launch an investigation-That is a HUGE nono, violates USMCJ. Of course, if Tara was romping around, and because this is years ago now, it might not amount to anything as far as the military is concerned.
I keep wondering if there are more who wore a wire.

Early on, we saw the video of Tony L with Lee in the car.

Just recently we heard about Mark.

I have to wonder if there are others. :waitasec:
Wasn't KC dating BS who is/was also in the military around this time?
I keep wondering if there are more who wore a wire.

Early on, we saw the video of Tony L with Lee in the car.

Just recently we heard about Mark.

I have to wonder if there are others. :waitasec:

You know who I would like to hear wearing a wire? THE Jeff Hopkins . Can you imagine? " Hey Casey,I heard you were telling people..........."
Feb 2007 ICA was dating Brandon Snow (military also), and claims to have had a miscarriage. March 2007 is when she mentioned to friends (forgot who) that she was feeling like she needed to be admitted to a facility, then miraculously she was ok.
Feb 2007 ICA was dating Brandon Snow (military also), and claims to have had a miscarriage. March 2007 is when she mentioned to friends (forgot who) that she was feeling like she needed to be admitted to a facility, then miraculously she was ok.

That was her friend Annie that she told she needed to go away, also Annie who she told about the miscarriage. In one interview Annie gives the date/day of the week that ICA had this "miscarriage" and they don't correspond to the actual calendar days for 2007 - not that the lie is a surprise - but she didn't even try to make it a believable lie - kinda like Zanny and the empty apt / old folks home.
I keep wondering if there are more who wore a wire.

Early on, we saw the video of Tony L with Lee in the car.

Just recently we heard about Mark.

I have to wonder if there are others. :waitasec:

I would love to hear that Annie had worn one during her sleepover at the A home. I know it's just wishful thinking, but a girl can dream. :innocent:
Feb 2007 ICA was dating Brandon Snow (military also), and claims to have had a miscarriage. March 2007 is when she mentioned to friends (forgot who) that she was feeling like she needed to be admitted to a facility, then miraculously she was ok.

Sooooo, any one know how KC knew it was a miscarriage when she didn't even know she was pregnant with Caylee?
Could Lee be speaking of Brandon S? the timeline fits as well...
Casey was supposedly pregnant with Brandon's baby and she miscarried on Valentines Day..

Yeah. Oh the drama and heartbreak. I am highly doubtful of this info as whiney Casey would have been wailing and hospitalized over a miscarriage. It's all bull, IMO. Just like her story to friends that Caylee's real father was ON HIS WAY TO HER BIRTHDAY PARTY and was in a crash and killed. Except the date of his crash was nowhere near Caylee's birthday, which is in August. IIRC he died in June or July, at any rate the poor man probably never had any relationship w/ Casey at all, was plucked from the obits by Casey and used as a pawn, after his death if u can believe it, by Casey. Sick sick sick.

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