Okay, so nobody has asked me why I wrote that was MM's
second mistake
. His first mistake?"
I could be a wise *advertiser censored* and say, "Taking MS as a client was his first mistake"... but that is not it. His first mistake
in my opinion (and this part was very, very important to me) in front of jury that is 75% women was the disrespect an ire he directed towards Kimberly Van Waus. Beginning at 29:04 of this video, when MM
misunderstood the amount of her training on blood patterns, he immediately (and snidely IMO) started,
"Didn't you swear to tell the truth....blah, blah, blah." I was greatly offended by his aggressive tactic to intimidate an educated, confident, well spoken and beautiful female professional. (He needs to remember this case is about a bald headed man beating an educated, confident, well spoken and beautiful female professional to death!) Even worse, he
NEVER EVEN OFFERED AN APOLOGY(!!!), when she calmly told him the transcript of her depo, should have been two separate sentences. Of course she was the ultimate professional and calm on the stand.... I am
probably close in age to the majority of the jurors. MM, at that moment
IMO, came across as a bully to many of the jurors.