Mary Kennedy 52 found dead Estranged from Robert F Kennedy

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...and the housekeeper would now have to tell the court that Mary—who’d already been arrested twice for DUIs since Bobby had filed for divorce in May 2010—was drinking again.


...she looked so ill that the worried housekeeper skipped church to stay with her. Monday was no better, nor Tuesday, and the housekeeper had a feeling that something bad was about to happen. Two weeks prior, Mary had asked the housekeeper’s husband to buy a rope, which she said she needed for a sofa she was making.


The three of them [Bobby, the housekeeper and her husband] searched further, until they entered the barn and found a harrowing sight. Mary was as neat as Bobby was sloppy, and she had tied a beautiful knot at the end of the rope, attached it to a rafter, and hanged herself. The housekeeper fell to the ground in a fetal position and stayed there for several hours.

In a word: BULL. Stop the spin.

The autopsy report states that Bobby and the housekeeper (doubling as court-ordered visitation supervisor) were NOT the first to discover Mary hanging.

IMO, add fiction writer to "Kennedy historian."
If all this is correct Mary's family should be making noise.
How dare they exhume her body NO permission, no notification to her family, no forms....
Then they put it someplace her family does not even know or approve?

Where was Robert when he called Shannon White to come and search for his estranged wife? It was a weekday so why wasn’t he at work?

Robert removed his children from their mother and withheld financial support from Mary according to documents filed by Mary’s lawyers. In the Affidavit Robert said Mary cannot contact him unless it’s to do with their children, but yet Robert admits he was in contact with Mary the day before she was found dead and the domestic incident reports said the police usually went to the Bedford estate to settle arguments after 9 pm, which is after Mary was last seen. None of the children were living with their mother when Mary died. In the past when the police did an intervention at the Bedford Estate, the children were living there.

Twenty-four hours after Mary was last seen Robert knew Mary needed to be rescued. Maybe he had a gut feeling that something was wrong with his wife because according to him, “he knew her better than anyone else” and he was simply following up on his hunch when he called Shannon. However I believe Robert called Shannon first because she is an ordained minister and he knew his wife was deceased.

A missing person’s report can be filed with the Police after 24 hours but Robert skipped this step and assembled his own search and rescue team. The police weren’t contacted until Mary was found. Since Shannon was Mary’s spiritual adviser for 5 weeks, I would have guessed she or an estate employee would have contacted Robert but that’s not what happened.

Shannon White said she didn’t expect to see Mary dead so either Mary was not suicidal or Shannon didn’t realize that she was contemplating suicide.

We don’t know what time Mary died but Robert didn’t bother to check his wife’s vital signs after she was discovered hanging in the barn so I think Robert knew she hung herself and he arranged it so Shannon and the caretaker would find her.

Ms. White, an ordained Presbyterian minister said, "He knew," of his reaction, but she declined to elaborate.
Ms. White and Mary Kennedy were friends for 19 years and it isn’t clear whether she attended Mary’s funeral.

When his wife was found, Robert said 'We need to call the police” but we don’t know who actually did because the records have not been released. Mary’s body was hanging when the police arrived and by the sounds of it, Robert didn’t lay a hand on Mary before they came.

It sure sounds to me like the couple had an argument Tuesday evening but this time it ended tragically because the children weren’t home and the police weren’t called to intervene.

None of RFK’s children were seated next to him at his nephew’s wedding in Hyannisport.
Sounds like typical Kennedy carp to me. Funny that she reported Ambien as something she probably took. Again who the heck takes Ambien in the MORNING!!!! That is NOT a drug you should drive on. But she isn't the only Kennedy who did that.

Seems like alcohol, drugs, refusing to take responsibility for their actions and lying are Kennedy family traditions. They truly feel they are above the law and that shouldn't be held accountable for their wrongdoings.

Now if she really did have a seizure then she should take note of the following laws about driving and seizures in New York

•You must be seizure free for one year.

• A person is disqualified from driving a commercial motor vehicle if that person has a medical history of epilepsy, has a current clinical diagnosis of epilepsy or is taking antiseizure medication.

• Doctors are not required to report epilepsy.

• Exceptions may be granted by the DMV’s Medical Review Board. Periodic medical updates are required after licensing if determined by the DMV.

• DMV appeal of license denial must be filed within 30 days

Now of course, being a Kennedy, these laws won't apply to her. No doubt there will be a special loophole that allows her to keep driving.

I will say that I did go thru a period in my life when I suffered with mysterious passing out, seizure like episodes. I voluntarily gave up driving during that time and haven't had one in almost 4 years. Luckily my late fiance was a first responder so he had no problems dealing with them and he could sometimes even predict them and tell me to go lay down.

But I seriously doubt she had a seizure. Just sounds like more Kennedy CYA carp. The fact that they have a family historian is amusing to say the least. maybe if they would just tell the truth, they wouldn't have to have someone to rewrite their history.
Sounds like typical Kennedy carp to me. Funny that she reported Ambien as something she probably took. Again who the heck takes Ambien in the MORNING!!!! That is NOT a drug you should drive on. But she isn't the only Kennedy who did that.

Seems like alcohol, drugs, refusing to take responsibility for their actions and lying are Kennedy family traditions. They truly feel they are above the law and that shouldn't be held accountable for their wrongdoings.

Now if she really did have a seizure then she should take note of the following laws about driving and seizures in New York

•You must be seizure free for one year.

• A person is disqualified from driving a commercial motor vehicle if that person has a medical history of epilepsy, has a current clinical diagnosis of epilepsy or is taking antiseizure medication.

• Doctors are not required to report epilepsy.

• Exceptions may be granted by the DMV’s Medical Review Board. Periodic medical updates are required after licensing if determined by the DMV.

• DMV appeal of license denial must be filed within 30 days

Now of course, being a Kennedy, these laws won't apply to her. No doubt there will be a special loophole that allows her to keep driving.

I will say that I did go thru a period in my life when I suffered with mysterious passing out, seizure like episodes. I voluntarily gave up driving during that time and haven't had one in almost 4 years. Luckily my late fiance was a first responder so he had no problems dealing with them and he could sometimes even predict them and tell me to go lay down.

But I seriously doubt she had a seizure. Just sounds like more Kennedy CYA carp. The fact that they have a family historian is amusing to say the least. maybe if they would just tell the truth, they wouldn't have to have someone to rewrite their history.

I never heard of the drug Ambien.

Zolpidem (sold under the brand names Ambien, Ambien CR, Stilnox, and Sublinox) is a prescription medication used for the treatment of insomnia, as well as some brain disorders.

Residual 'hangover' effects, such as sleepiness and impaired psychomotor and cognitive function, after nighttime administration may persist into the next day, which may impair the ability of users to drive safely and increase risks of falls and hip fractures.

It is a short-acting nonbenzodiazepine hypnotic of the imidazopyridine class [2] that potentiates gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA), an inhibitory neurotransmitter, by binding to GABAA receptors at the same location as benzodiazepines.[3] It works quickly (usually within 15minutes) and has a short half-life (two to three hours).

Zolpidem has not adequately demonstrated effectiveness in maintaining sleep (unless delivered in a controlled-release form); however, it is effective in initiating sleep.[4] Its hypnotic effects are similar to those of the benzodiazepine class of drugs.

As an anticonvulsant and muscle relaxant, the drug's effects aren't evident until dosages 10 and 20 times those required for sedation, respectively, are reached. For that reason, zolpidem has never been approved for either muscle relaxation or seizure prevention. Such drastically increased doses are also more inclined to induce one or more of the drug's adverse side effects, including hallucinations and amnesia.
There is evidence that zolpidem can rouse patients from a persistent vegetative state.

Zolpidem 10 mg is effective in treating insomnia when used intermittently no fewer than three and no more than five pills per week for a period of 12 weeks.[28] The 15-mg zolpidem dosage provided no clinical advantage over the 10-mg zolpidem dosage.

Alcohol has cross tolerance with GABAA receptor positive modulators such as the benzodiazepines and the nonbenzodiazepine drugs. For this reason, alcoholics or recovering alcoholics may be at increased risk of physical dependency on zolpidem. Also, alcoholics and drug abusers may be at increased risk of abusing and or becoming psychologically dependent on zolpidem. It should be avoided in those with a history of alcoholism, drug misuse, physical dependency, or psychological dependency on sedative-hypnotic drugs. Zolpidem has rarely been associated with drug-seeking behavior, the risk of which is amplified in patients with a history of drug or alcohol abuse.

Detection in body fluids
Zolpidem may be quantitated in blood or plasma to confirm a diagnosis of poisoning in hospitalized patients, provide evidence in an impaired driving arrest, or to assist in a medicolegal death investigation. Blood or plasma zolpidem concentrations are usually in a range of 30–300 μg/l in persons receiving the drug therapeutically, 100–700 μg/l in those arrested for impaired driving, and 1000–7000 μg/l in victims of acute overdosage. Analytical techniques, in general, involve gas or liquid chromatography.

Perpetrators of sexual assault have used zolpidem on unsuspecting victims.

Special precautions: Driving
Use of zolpidem may impair driving skills with a resultant increased risk of road traffic accidents. This adverse effect is not unique to zolpidem but also occurs with other hypnotic drugs. Caution should be exercised by motor vehicle drivers.

Adverse effects•
• Vomiting & Nausea
• Dizziness
• Anterograde amnesia
• Hallucinations, through all physical senses, of varying intensity[citation needed]
• Delusions[citation needed]
• Altered thought patterns
• Ataxia or poor motor coordination, difficulty maintaining balance[17]
• Euphoria and/or dysphoria
• Increased appetite
• Increased or decreased libido
• Amnesia
• Impaired judgment and reasoning
• Uninhibited extroversion in social or interpersonal settings
• Increased impulsivity
• When stopped, rebound insomnia may occur
• Headaches
• Short-term memory loss
Was Kerry's driver's license suspended after this incident? None of the reports I read said it was.

A Forbes Report speculated that the incident was a case of "sleep driving", — a rare side effect of the sleep aid Ambien that causes users to get out of bed and drive while still asleep with no memory of their actions.

If that's what happened, then Kerry would have been wearing her pajamas.

They did not quote any sources close to Kennedy who could corroborate the speculation.

The New York Daily News reported that Kennedy told police she had taken Ambien, citing an unnamed law enforcement source, who also said she was taken to Northern Westchester Hospital where she consented to a blood test, the results of which are expected in about a week.

Scuiletti, who was suspended by his employer after he didn’t report that Kennedy plowed into him, called Kennedy’s apology “very heartwarming,” and suggested they meet for “coffee and pie.” ]
Ambien found in Kerry Kenndy's blood after crash
New York (CNN)*-- Investigators found a sleeping-aid drug in Kerry Kennedy's blood after a recent car accident, according to court documents.


Moments after the accident occurred, I told police that it was possible that I may have inadvertently taken a sleep aid instead of my daily thyroid medication," Kennedy said in a statement released Wednesday.

At* a court hearing on July 17 in North Castle, New York, Kennedy pleaded not guilty to charges of driving while impaired.At a news conference after her court appearance, Kennedy said a partial seizure was the cause of the accident -- a seizure she said might have been from a previous injury she suffered on the right side of her brain.

My Opinion Only:
'Camelot' must have a fairly large damage control squad. *The precocious 'heirs' and 'heiress' need a full time staff following them with a push broom and dustpan *cleaning up the ____.MOO
OK, so now the story is she mixed her thyroid med up with her Ambien? Are they even shaped the same, the same color? I'm not buying this story....Sorry...I think she took the Ambien and knew she took it, and had to think quickly after the wreck.

O/T....I take Ambien. My husband found me in the kitchen making a complete breakfast. The bacon was fried, and the scrambled eggs were cooking. I have no memory of this. NONE. I guess I had even started cleaning up the mess. LOL So, since I take this drug, all the car keys are locked up, so I can't go for a drive. I have tried other sleep meds, but none work for me as well as Ambien (when it does work, since I have severe insomnia). I have seizures also, but I have just been given medical clearance to drive under the condition that I take my medications. I'm not taking the state up on the nice offer to drive again, because I could NOT live with myself if I had a seizure and hurt someone else.
Embarrassing but true. My ex-husband takes Ambien. On one occasion he was found naked, wandering around a hotel that he was staying at. Someone alerted the staff and he was returned to his room. Now when he and his wife travel they have an alarm on their door so she'll wake if he tries to leave the room again. He does remember some of what he experienced. He said he was looking for his children because he wanted to tell them he loved them.

On one of the MSM shows (sorry, I don't have a link) but someone mentioned that the two medications (thyroid and Ambien) DO NOT resemble each other. I take a generic thyroid pill and it's small, white, and a sort of small oval.

In my opinion, it's just another Kennedy cover up and she'll continue to take her Ambien as she pleases and drive at any time she pleases with no repercussions.

ETA: I looked up pics of Ambien and there were several of different shapes, sizes and colors. There is actually one that does resemble the thyroid pill I take.
Ambien found in Kerry Kenndy's blood after crash
New York (CNN)*-- Investigators found a sleeping-aid drug in Kerry Kennedy's blood after a recent car accident, according to court documents.


Moments after the accident occurred, I told police that it was possible that I may have inadvertently taken a sleep aid instead of my daily thyroid medication," Kennedy said in a statement released Wednesday.

At* a court hearing on July 17 in North Castle, New York, Kennedy pleaded not guilty to charges of driving while impaired.At a news conference after her court appearance, Kennedy said a partial seizure was the cause of the accident -- a seizure she said might have been from a previous injury she suffered on the right side of her brain.

My Opinion Only:
'Camelot' must have a fairly large damage control squad. *The precocious 'heirs' and 'heiress' need a full time staff following them with a push broom and dustpan *cleaning up the ____.MOO

The judge released Kennedy under her own recognizance and according to the clerk for North Castle Justice Court, her case is adjourned until August 14.

Kerry Kennedy said she takes Ambien once a month but according to the guidelines, Zolpidem 10 mg is effective in treating insomnia when used intermittently no fewer than three and no more than five pills per week for a period of 12 weeks.
Well, well, well, I'd say she is busted! Not that it will mean anything cuz if ypu are a kennedy, you can get away with murder (or bootlegging, or assaulting maternity ward nurses, etc).
I don't buy her story that she "mixed up" the 2 pills. I also don;t buy her doctors story that it was a seizure. I've had seizures and passing out episodes. I KNOW how it goes.

Her doctor didnt see her "seizure" nor did anyone report any seizure like activity. Impaired driving, slurred speech and an inability to pass a field sobriety test, YES! But a "seizure", not likely. They aren't diagnosed that easily nor can a doctor attribute it to an injury from long ago just like that.

Typical Kennedy shenanigans. What a surprise (not).
I guess my thought processing is a little slow today. Could you explain how anything mentioned in this article from May 18 indicates gaslighting?

It seems from this article that Mary's sisters, without prior arrangement, permission, or respect for appropriate boundaries, showed up at the home expecting to be able to rifle through things and remove whatever they wanted. I would have to know more about the family history, but maybe the dynamics in which Mary was raised contributed to her unsuccessful way of handling life in general? I see this as telltale signs of more self-entitlement within the same family.

And I guess I'm a stronger person without drug and alcohol issues, but if my husband was seen at a public event with another woman, especially one that he was KNOWN to have been 'seeing' and he was no longer living with me and maintaining the charade, I would be moving on with my life in another direction at such warp speed it would make his head spin.

It seems Mary was smart enough to make it through school degree programs but wasn't able to maintain a solid balance in her life. I am deeply saddened for her and her family, but the blaming of one person only, the husband who stayed with her through years of her deep mental health issues, doesn't seem fair. And really, as IF his returning to live in that home with her would have resolved all the problems she had? I think not, and the message that would have sent to the children for their OWN life choices.......well, I just hope that now they can all have peace in their lives again.

I wish Mary's family had intervened more to get Mary the help she so obviously needed when she was still living.
Children do learn much from their parents:
But the most loving thing a father can teach his children is his respect and love for their Mother.
Sure we must learn to move on... and Mary was so in love with him all of her life that JUST MOVE ON was easier said than done.
Do I think he should have been at a public even that gets write up with any woman, I don’t
He knew how fragile Mary was.
Do I think that time may have changed anything maybe not.
As for how smart she was, it has nothing to do with emotional or chemical imbalance.
As for getting Mary more help... It is also easier said than done. They have to be willing. I think her husband should have done that, and she may have listened to him while madly in love.
Then leave if he must when she is stable.
But I don’t know, nobody knows this is a very guarded family.
Shannon White, a caretaker, and Robert Kennedy found Mary, so who contacted Mary&#8217;s sisters and told them their beloved sister was deceased?

Robert wasn&#8217;t living at the Bedford Estate and the couple was embroiled in a bitter divorce so I don&#8217;t think it is inappropriate for Mary&#8217;s sisters to go to their sister&#8217;s home to go through her personal possessions.

If I was separated from my husband, I would expect and depend on my brother and sisters to come and take care of my funeral arrangements, not my estranged husband.

Robert treated Mary as if she was dead long before she took her own life imo so why wouldn&#8217;t her sisters come and take care of her burial? jmo
Do you think Michelle Obama or someone from the White House should have attended Mary&#8217;s funeral?

Mary was a proud supporter of her country and its way of life yet her casket wasn&#8217;t covered with an American flag when it was in the church and no one saluted when her casket was carried from the church into the hearse.

I think firing a canon or something like that at Mary&#8217;s funeral service would have been appropriate.

Mary didn&#8217;t get any attention from the Obama&#8217;s or the Nation and I wonder why?
I guess my thought processing is a little slow today. Could you explain how anything mentioned in this article from May 18 indicates gaslighting?

It seems from this article that Mary's sisters, without prior arrangement, permission, or respect for appropriate boundaries, showed up at the home expecting to be able to rifle through things and remove whatever they wanted. I would have to know more about the family history, but maybe the dynamics in which Mary was raised contributed to her unsuccessful way of handling life in general? I see this as telltale signs of more self-entitlement within the same family.

And I guess I'm a stronger person without drug and alcohol issues, but if my husband was seen at a public event with another woman, especially one that he was KNOWN to have been 'seeing' and he was no longer living with me and maintaining the charade, I would be moving on with my life in another direction at such warp speed it would make his head spin.

It seems Mary was smart enough to make it through school degree programs but wasn't able to maintain a solid balance in her life. I am deeply saddened for her and her family, but the blaming of one person only, the husband who stayed with her through years of her deep mental health issues, doesn't seem fair. And really, as IF his returning to live in that home with her would have resolved all the problems she had? I think not, and the message that would have sent to the children for their OWN life choices.......well, I just hope that now they can all have peace in their lives again.

I wish Mary's family had intervened more to get Mary the help she so obviously needed when she was still living.

Here are the side effects of the drugs Mary had in her system when she died.

&#8220;Mary Richardson Kennedy, 52, had trazodone, venlafaxine and desmethylvenlafaxine in her system when she killed herself in a barn at her family's estate in Bedford, according to the Westchester County Medical Examiner's report.&#8221;

Trazodone is an antidepressant medication used to treat depression but it affects chemicals in the brain that may become unbalanced and cause depression. Trazodone can increase the effects of alcohol which could be dangerous. Trazodone may impair your thinking or reactions. Be careful if you drive or do anything that requires you to be alert.

Venlafaxine is an antidepressant in a group of drugs called selective serotonin and norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors (SSNRIs). Venlafaxine affects chemicals in the brain that may become unbalanced and cause depression.

Desmethylvenlafaxine (Pristiq), an antidepressant, is being targeted as the first non-hormonal based treatment for menopause.[1]The most commonly observed adverse reactions in Pristiq- were nausea, dizziness, insomnia, hyperhidrosis, constipation, somnolence, decreased appetite, priapism, night terrors, anxiety, nausea and suicidal ideation. Desvenlafaxine - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Mary Kennedy's full autopsy report was not released to the public. The autopsy reports for Micheal Jackson and Anna Nicole Smith were complete because they included the full results of their internal and external examination. The autopsy report that was released to the public for Mary Kennedy only confirms the cause of death and that she had drugs in her system.

There is a big difference between Mary Kennedy's autopsy report and MJ's and Anna Nicole's.

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