MD MD - Annie McCann, 16, Baltimore, 31 Oct 2008

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I actually knew Annie and from what I heard from people closer to the family than I, the police were uncooperative fairly early on in the case so reading the last few posts doesn't surprise me at all. It saddens me that her family still doesn't have any answers.
Two days before her body was found next to a trash bin in Southeast Baltimore, Annie McCann drank a cappuccino with extra whipped cream at a Little Italy pastry shop. She asked to try a cannoli and got a free sample.

A waitress at Vaccaro's recalled seeing the 16-year-old girl, describing her as "friendly and polite," a teenager who "seemed nice." Annie was with an older woman, and the two sat at table No. 8 for about 40 minutes.,0,6864121.story
I came across a blogger who has commented on Annie's case. She actually drank a larger bottle of Bactine to prove it wouldn't kill you. I'm a bit puzzled as to why she went to such lengths as both Michael Baden and the manufacturer stated that the amount of lidocaine in that bottle of Bactine couldn't have killed her.

Did we ever come across the information that she had met/was meeting with a priest?

It sounds like her parents were way too sheltering, i wouldn't be surprised if Annie led a double life to get away from it.
The mother said she got Annie the bottle of Bactine for her newly pierced ears. Jeez, she is how old and just got her ears pierced?? I'm assuming her parents wouldn't let her get them pierced up until then.
Her bedroom still was full of stuffed animals, looked like a little girl's room. It sounds like her parents weren't allowing her to "grow up" properly.
Maybe that was why she was so introverted, due to her parents.
It's very likely the sketch of the girl she was seen with was a friend, and somehow Annie was living a double life, secret to her parents as they wouldn't approve of it.
It's all very sad..

This is an old, old post. However, I just have to say that I was over 21 before I got my ears pierced and I think my daughter was 14. Neither of us were into wearing earrings and it had nothing to do with my parents not allowing it. Have a niece who is a little OCD, got hers pierced as a young teen, let them close up because she felt they weren't straight and didn't get them pierced again until she was well over 16. So all kinds of possibilities why Annie just got her ears pierced.

Although my daughter didn't have a lot of stuffed animals, I know a lot of other girls who did and held onto them beyond the age of 16. So I'm not seeing this as a sign of being sheltered. Sad that we sometimes interpret nice, close-knit families as being too sheltered, not being allowed to grow up.

I would like to see the focus on the fact that the manufacturer said there was not enough lidocaine in the bottle to kill her! IMO the people charged with stealing the car know more. Baltimore police have failed Annie.

As the McCann's put it, "The state has no right to abort our effort at a Christian burial by carelessly losing our Annie's brain and heart -- her very essence." To make matters worse they still can't find out if Annie was raped. The Baltimore police say they must get that information from the medical examiner's office. The M.E. then refers them back to the police. Catch 22 Baltimore style.

More at link.

BALTIMORE (AP) — Sen. Chuck Grassley of Iowa has taken up an interest in the case of a teenage girl from northern Virginia whose body was found next to a dumpster in Baltimore in 2008.

The Republican senator on Monday released letters he sent last week to the Baltimore Police Department and FBI with a series of questions about their investigation into the November 2008 death of Annie McCann.

The mystifying death of 16-year-old Annie McCann in 2008, found in a Baltimore housing project far from her Fairfax County home, has always been accompanied by the mystifying investigation of the Baltimore Police Department. The police concluded that Annie committed suicide by drinking the antiseptic Bactine, a vile-tasting substance that numerous experts, including the manufacturer Bayer, have said could not have killed her at the amounts found in her body.

For more than seven years Annie’s parents have fought ferociously for a fuller explanation, and now they have a powerful ally: Sen. Charles Grassley (R-Iowa), the chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee. Grassley on Monday released letters he sent last week to the Baltimore police, the FBI and Bayer asking some of the many unanswered questions surrounding Annie’s death. Grassley’s letters in another Fairfax County case, the 2013 police shooting of John Geer, led to a judge’s order that forced police to finally provide information to Geer’s family in January 2015 about who shot Geer and why.

The discovery of Annie’s body near a dumpster at the Perkins Home apartments in Baltimore, at 3 a.m. on Nov. 2, 2008, was the shocking end to a life lived almost totally in the Alexandria area of Fairfax County, where Annie was a well-liked junior at West Potomac High School. The Baltimore police said there were no obvious signs of trauma, though Annie’s parents Daniel McCann and Mary Jane Malinchak-McCann have since learned otherwise. With no “signs of foul play,” the Maryland chief medical examiner turned to toxicology and ruled that Annie had ingested a fatal amount of lidocaine, one of the active ingredients in Bactine. She had a bottle to spray on her recently pierced ears, her parents said.

“Annie drank Bactine,” Baltimore homicide Maj. Terrence McLarney told The Post in 2009. “It’s just a poison. People drink poison. It’s true we can’t find another one with Bactine. When they decide to kill themselves, they use what is there. The point is, she poisoned herself.”

Renowned pathologist Michael Baden told The Post that Annie would have had to drink five or six bottles of Bactine to ingest the amount of lidocaine found in her system. A Bayer Corp. representative told the family the same thing. Other experts have said even trying to drink Bactine is nearly impossible, and would leave burns or noticeable internal damage, which Annie didn’t have.

And then there is Annie’s body. Her fingers were heavily wrinkled, “like she had been in water,” said Diana Downey, manager of Demaine Funeral Home in Alexandria which received Annie’s body after the autopsy. “She was in a shower or bathtub to take away evidence.” The McCanns repeatedly requested the rape kit that had been done on their daughter at the autopsy, but the Baltimore Police have refused to provide it for more than seven years

Last year, the McCanns purchased autopsy photos from the medical examiner which they hadn’t previously seen. There they saw what appears to be a cigarette burn above Annie’s left eye, described in the autopsy report as “an old abrasion.” Then on Annie’s lower leg, the McCanns spotted what appeared to be “a stylized capital letter ‘J’ on Annie’s left ankle,” they wrote in a recent online post about the case, “followed by a stylized banner, or another letter, perhaps a capital ‘D,’ distorted around the natural curve of Annie’s ankle. But there’s nothing natural about that ‘J’ or ‘JD.’ Anyone can plainly see — it’s man-made. Not livid and red. Clear and white. It looks like a tag or a pre-brand, commonly used by human traffickers.”

Then last November, Downey from the funeral home wrote a long letter to Grassley. “Our staff at the funeral home always believed that Annie was raped (sodomized) and beaten,” Downey wrote, based on an examination of her body. The McCanns continued to request the rape kit from the police, and were denied.

Grassley’s letter to Baltimore Police Commissioner Kevin Davis asks how the police investigated and confirmed the science behind a Bactine-related overdose, whether the police gave Annie’s rape kit results to the FBI, and why the police have withheld the rape kit from the McCanns for seven years. The senator’s letter to the FBI, citing his committee’s oversight of the Justice Department, requests non-redacted copies of all records related to the FBI’s involvement in the case. Grassley asked Bayer for their findings on the lethality of lidocaine in Bactine and the company’s communications with Baltimore police.

The mystifying death of 16-year-old Annie McCann in 2008, found in a Baltimore housing project far from her Fairfax County home, has always been accompanied by the mystifying investigation of the Baltimore Police Department. The police concluded that Annie committed suicide by drinking the antiseptic Bactine, a vile-tasting substance that numerous experts, including the manufacturer Bayer, have said could not have killed her at the amounts found in her body.

For more than seven years Annie’s parents have fought ferociously for a fuller explanation, and now they have a powerful ally: Sen. Charles Grassley (R-Iowa), the chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee. Grassley on Monday released letters he sent last week to the Baltimore police, the FBI and Bayer asking some of the many unanswered questions surrounding Annie’s death. Grassley’s letters in another Fairfax County case, the 2013 police shooting of John Geer, led to a judge’s order that forced police to finally provide information to Geer’s family in January 2015 about who shot Geer and why.

The discovery of Annie’s body near a dumpster at the Perkins Home apartments in Baltimore, at 3 a.m. on Nov. 2, 2008, was the shocking end to a life lived almost totally in the Alexandria area of Fairfax County, where Annie was a well-liked junior at West Potomac High School. The Baltimore police said there were no obvious signs of trauma, though Annie’s parents Daniel McCann and Mary Jane Malinchak-McCann have since learned otherwise. With no “signs of foul play,” the Maryland chief medical examiner turned to toxicology and ruled that Annie had ingested a fatal amount of lidocaine, one of the active ingredients in Bactine. She had a bottle to spray on her recently pierced ears, her parents said.

“Annie drank Bactine,” Baltimore homicide Maj. Terrence McLarney told The Post in 2009. “It’s just a poison. People drink poison. It’s true we can’t find another one with Bactine. When they decide to kill themselves, they use what is there. The point is, she poisoned herself.”

Renowned pathologist Michael Baden told The Post that Annie would have had to drink five or six bottles of Bactine to ingest the amount of lidocaine found in her system. A Bayer Corp. representative told the family the same thing. Other experts have said even trying to drink Bactine is nearly impossible, and would leave burns or noticeable internal damage, which Annie didn’t have.

And then there is Annie’s body. Her fingers were heavily wrinkled, “like she had been in water,” said Diana Downey, manager of Demaine Funeral Home in Alexandria which received Annie’s body after the autopsy. “She was in a shower or bathtub to take away evidence.” The McCanns repeatedly requested the rape kit that had been done on their daughter at the autopsy, but the Baltimore Police have refused to provide it for more than seven years

Last year, the McCanns purchased autopsy photos from the medical examiner which they hadn’t previously seen. There they saw what appears to be a cigarette burn above Annie’s left eye, described in the autopsy report as “an old abrasion.” Then on Annie’s lower leg, the McCanns spotted what appeared to be “a stylized capital letter ‘J’ on Annie’s left ankle,” they wrote in a recent online post about the case, “followed by a stylized banner, or another letter, perhaps a capital ‘D,’ distorted around the natural curve of Annie’s ankle. But there’s nothing natural about that ‘J’ or ‘JD.’ Anyone can plainly see — it’s man-made. Not livid and red. Clear and white. It looks like a tag or a pre-brand, commonly used by human traffickers.”

Then last November, Downey from the funeral home wrote a long letter to Grassley. “Our staff at the funeral home always believed that Annie was raped (sodomized) and beaten,” Downey wrote, based on an examination of her body. The McCanns continued to request the rape kit from the police, and were denied.

Grassley’s letter to Baltimore Police Commissioner Kevin Davis asks how the police investigated and confirmed the science behind a Bactine-related overdose, whether the police gave Annie’s rape kit results to the FBI, and why the police have withheld the rape kit from the McCanns for seven years. The senator’s letter to the FBI, citing his committee’s oversight of the Justice Department, requests non-redacted copies of all records related to the FBI’s involvement in the case. Grassley asked Bayer for their findings on the lethality of lidocaine in Bactine and the company’s communications with Baltimore police.

Thank-you for posting this! I'm glad the McCann's are getting some support, but I don't feel overly optimistic about what will happen next. How on earth could the parents never have been given the results of the rape kit? Wouldn't that have been standard operating procedure since she was a minor? I have a horrible feeling that maybe the rape kit was lost, along with Annie's computer and her missing organs. I've read there is a huge backlog of rape kits which were never tested across the country. I bet Annie's was never checked. This is unacceptable and so very sad for her family.
How incredibly sad to feel like your child's life and your life (as in peace of mind) is worth nothing to the ME and LEO. They had to buy their daughter's autopsy photos. Really? It makes me so sad for our humanity.
Also from the Washington Post article linked above:

"Baltimore police and the FBI both acknowledged receiving the Grassley letters Monday. The FBI declined to comment further. Baltimore police spokesman T.J. Smith said, “There’s no indication of any type of situation where the young lady was murdered. All the evidence pointed away from murder and any type of sexual assault. We got the letter and we will respond.”

This quote is infuriating. It doesn't sound as if Baltimore police have any intention of looking at the case with fresh eyes or an open mind. They've made up their minds, and that's it.
On Annies' parents website, they have provided more details about what the funeral home staff noticed in regards to the possibility of sexual assault:
*warning, somewhat graphic content*
"In November 2015, we got another horrible shock. In a long letter to Senator Chuck Grassley, pleading that authorities investigate Annie’s murder, the funeral home director for Annie’s funeral noted, “Our staff at the funeral home always believed that Annie was raped (sodomized) and beaten…”

We were stunned. We called the funeral home director. “We know why you believe Annie was beaten, Diana,” we said. “But what makes you say she was sodomized?” We got the answer we half-expected and completely feared. Haltingly, struggling to find the least painful words, Diana said, “Annie’s…rear end…was…really…really…open…”
We called the embalmer, the man who had noted that Annie’s heart and brain had not been returned to her body. Seven years on, the poor man didn’t miss a beat. He still had hideous recall. He shared the funeral home director’s opinion. And he added another detail, an insider’s detail. It seems the “A/V plug” — sometimes used to block leakage of body fluids; the “A” stands for anal — didn’t fit Annie’s rear end, he had to use extra “packing.” He said he sees that only rarely, and then only with extremely elderly decedents.
And then we went back to the medical examiner’s crude photographs. For the first time, we studied our dead daughter’s rear end. And we understood."
Her poor family. Sounds like this case wasn't even bothered with from start to false finish.

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I found this copy of a letter that was written to then Baltimore mayor, Ms. Rawlings Blake in 2014. The writer is also the parent of a murdered child and has been advocating for the McCann's. From the letter:

t"he BCPD has informed me all the cameras which surround Perkins Homes {like an advertisement for "Big Brother is Watching You} were ALL [Out of Order] on November 2, 2008. The night that Annie McCann is purportedly to have driven a brand new white Volvo into the projects [??]. I am very sorry but I must say I do not believe this as this was Halloween weekend; not to mention all of the residents I spoke to told me these cameras are NEVER out. What is being hidden and why? Because this thought process makes absolutely no sense but my research keeps leading me back to the same place and conclusion."

"WE will find out what REALLY happened to ANNIE McCANN! The residents in Perkins Homes told me [quote un quote], "Who ever killed that poor little white child brought her here and left her cause the police are doin' exactly what the murderer knew they'd do. NOTHIN'!"

Mayor Rawlings Blake, you know as well as I that anyone residing in Perkins Homes knows exactly what they are talking about and the residents I was speaking with were not in groups when many told me these exact words.

Interesting commentary wouldn't you say? Annie McCann was murdered and dumped in Perkin's Homes because the BCPD IS KNOWN FOR NOT INVESTIGATING CRIME! WHAT???"

Their was a resurgence of interest in the case in March when Chuck Grassley became involved, but no other updates since then.
This case is truly baffling. My heart hurts for her family, they deserve solid answers.
I can't believe I've never heard of Annie before. What a horrific case.

Annie obviously had problems (depression, possibly anorexia) but so do a lot of teenagers. When I was 16 I fantasized about escaping and sometimes that would take the form of killing myself, sometimes just upping and leaving everything. If I'd been able to drive it's quite possible that in one of my worse moments I would have done what Annie did and just driven off. The fact that Annie had written 'suicide notes' does not automaticaly mean that Annie killed herself. Yet it seems they are being used as a convenience to back-up the notion that she apparently killed herself with her ear piercing antiseptic when she apparently didn't have enough in her to have killed her and had injuries that had been inflicted shortly before her death. I can think of other murder cases where the victims (teenage girls) had previously written 'suicide notes' and this has caused the police to focus on that rather than what actually happened, or for the victims to be somehow blamed for what hapened to them.
I just saw this show on 20/20 last night. At first I believed as the parents did, that it was corrupt police refusing to investigate, but by the end of the show I concluded that these parents just can't accept that she committed suicide. The multiple suicide notes, taking the money and driving her own car, and being spotted in the bakery are what convinced me, and the lack of evidence of a sexual attack. Still seems a bizarre, painful way to kill yourself, but I think there were red flags the parents missed. I've seen this in cases where the parents are very religious, which seems to be the case here. Throwing their money at the case hasn't helped. I'll read the rest of the thread now.
I'd really like to know more about the woman she was spotted with at the bakery. Was she a friend she met? Did she lure her there from her home??
A very troubling case. She does not seem to be the type to run away, however people can and do hide many things! I would be very interested in hearing about what can be found on the computer, did she have 1 in her room? Since she did not have close friends there, did she find friends on-line?
If she was very reserved/shy, it's hard to picture her just taking off on her own.
Why did this have to happen when her mother was away? Was it so she could leave with a car? If her father looked in at 5:30 a.m. he must leave the house very early for work, was there someone in the neighborhood who would know she would be alone in the house after he left? She could have written the note but been forced to do it. Did she have access to much money and was it gone also?
Finding the car 5 blocks away from her body and unlocked sounds to me like whoever left it did not care what would happen to it, maybe they were thinking it would be stolen.
Also, what items of hers are missing, did she pack a bag? A teen-age girl running away would have many things she'd want to take with her and from the sounds of it, she would have taken several pictures of her dog.
I hope this is able to be solved.


There was a backpack with clothes and she took $1,000 cash. I'm not sure if they said they found the money or not.
Jeez. What a cold-hearted analysis! I'm not sure how a - by all accounts well-adjusted - child who commited suicide in a motel room would turn up in a dumpster in the "hood." Do we know the cause of death yet?

It sounds like she died in her car, and the blacks who took her car (Dante somebody & co) dumped her body at the dumpster. It does appear she drove herself to Baltimore. She was spotted in a bakery. Last treat???
Yes, I agree that she met up with some shady people who took advantage of her. The stole her money, her car and her life. She had no clue that this wasn't going to be a fun day with new friends. JMO

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