Found Deceased MD - David Gipson Smith, 28, Howard County, 6 Aug 2017

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I sure believe that even you are an addict causing your loved ones pain just being that, David is/was a kind of sweet guy. Although he could go under the radar for some time, shaking the "control thing" from his family off. Tried so hard to fit in their world and expectations.... but he felt captured...and was fed up with it...I think (JMO) that he would never hurt them so leaving like this, not giving a message for such a long time.... Only reasons to do such....he totally lost it....he is deceased..he is coming back when he has his act together.....
I have been wondering if there are any old abandoned wells in that area. Or old structures that have been torn down over the years that may still have a cellar that can be accessed even if its not easily seen. If he overdosed his body didn't just disappear into thin air. Did David just decide to leave and start over somewhat else? I would think that he needed funds for that. These cases have tons of pieces but none of hem seem to fit. Someone knows something and their not coming forward out of fear. If David is just on the run sooner or later he will show up.
I am inclined to think he hitchhiker because he was dumped off on land with a phone that died and not able to charge, no car and out of food and water. The woman who claimed she would be back next day took days to return. I'm horrified by the callousness of people who dismiss his disappearance as a result of drugs. Those women stranded him there ...they are responsible for whatever happened to him.
I'm local and have been following closely since this started. The fact that the BEGINNING of the story keeps changing makes me wonder if the parents asked him to leave because the discovered he was using again. I know many people have wondered why he wouldn't just "go home" if he found his friend in Maryland was unavailable that weekend. Maybe he couldn't go home.

I'm not sold on the fact that David was left on the property in Woodbine. Woman #2 said her parents didn't want him at their house, but we're to believe it was ok for his car to be there? My parents would have been asking me, "Where's the guy and why is his car still here?" I wonder what story she cooked up to tell them?
The only thing that has me thinking the worse is if he was on a binge right now, how is he paying for it? None of his accounts have been touched? According to what I had read earlier anyway. I cannot see someone drug seeking and knowing there is money available to him not going and getting it.
Hi everyone,

Rumors seem to be flying around this thread like seagulls chasing crackers. Those posts have been removed.

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The only thing that has me thinking the worse is if he was on a binge right now, how is he paying for it? None of his accounts have been touched? According to what I had read earlier anyway. I cannot see someone drug seeking and knowing there is money available to him not going and getting it.

Reconsidering the relapse and going away....could he have stashed cash money somewhere?
My apologies in advance if this has already been discussed. And this is mostly due to the fact that English is my second language, but according to David's mom:

"He had 2 small suitcases, and 4 shoeboxes for his shoes (he keeps all of his shoes at home in boxes)." (BBM)

Is it safe to assume he took the shoes, not just the boxes (I'm sorry ... I know this is a silly question, but I wanted to make sure)? Or did his parents find the shoes without boxes at home? And if they didn't, have the shoes been located, and if so, where (e.g., still in his car, in the womens' possession, or yet someone else's)? I also find it somewhat interesting that the parents know how many boxes/pairs of shoes David took. Maybe they were checking his closet on a regular basis to make sure he wasn't hiding any drugs in there ... :(.

I am wondering because one theory I can think of is that David was intending to sell the shoes for drugs or for cash to buy drugs with ... :(. In any case, it may be worthwhile for LE to try to locate the shoes (no easy task, I'm sure). Or maybe if the parents or friends have pictures of these shoes, they can post them on the FB page (or at least descriptions).

I also think it would be helpful to have a VI with this case in particular. I don't believe I have seen any posts from David's friends or family, other than his mom, on the FB page, either. It would be nice to get someone else's perspective, IMO.

Interesting points you raise.
It would also be good to know how much money David had on him when he left his parents home and if he had money in a bank account that he could access and if so, how much?

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I have another question - let's say for one minute that what girl 2 has said is true. ( I don't think it is but go with me on this)
Where would he have got food and drinks from? He couldn't have gone from Sunday to Wednesday without anything. So where is the nearest store? Has it been checked out to see if he did indeed go there and make a purchase?

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From his phone records are they able to ascertain which mast the messages went to/from in what area? Was the phone ever pinged?
What about residents at neighbouring properties- have they been spoken to and shown a photograph of him ?
Has any forensic evidence been collected from his car ? Has his browser history on phone and/ or computer been looked at regarding the correspondence with girl 2 online prior to the visit ?
Was he still technically employed at the golf club or had he given notice to quit ? Did he have any jobs or interviews for jobs lined up in the area he went to to see if he wanted to live there ? Any CCTV in the area to be checked? Does the car have tracking facility to ascertain if it moved from when he first arrived up until the following Friday ?(even though girl 2 said it was just left parked outside)
Any dog searches done on the land ? Any actual evidence that he had been on the land ?
Who are girl 2's associates?
Obviously some of these questions need to be asked of LE by the family

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Are any of his belongings missing from his car?

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What about LE getting phone records for the two girls mobile phones to ascertain what activity there was on their phones to either each other or associates where many calls are made from the same area to one person in particular at the time that David originally arrived up until the following Friday ?

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The area immediately near the alleged drop site was canvassed during the first weekend search the family did (I was there.) Every weekend that the family and their friends came down they returned to that area. I don't think anybody working/living near there has claimed to have seen David with the exception of one person who said they saw him walking down the road. That was in a news article/family posting. Whether it's a reliable siting or not is debatable.

Most articles stated the property was searched by LE with dogs and various equipment, and locals have confirmed they saw the fire and emergency folks there. I don't think there is much CCTV in the area. There is a liquor store not far from the site (along with a Dunkin, a grocery store, a bank, etc) but it was about a week from the disappearance to LE getting involved, so I am not sure CCTV footage would still be around that long? Not sure.

A few things not mentioned that I would like to know: where was his phone pinging when receiving messages/calls? What kind of access have the parents granted LE to David's personal space and computers/devices? Why would the family remove the car back to NJ if they reasonably thought he would return to it? What do they think David had on his person (phone? wallet? clothes? medication? duffel/backpack) when he left his car?

I'm local so I hear a lot of rumors. On top of my comment earlier that I wonder if the parents told him to leave because they found out he was using (they did not appear to mind alcohol relapses), and were so insistent on texting him and following up that weekend because they were worried/felt guilty. They have also stated that his accounts have not been touched, but I wonder (again, in my "tough love, get out" theory) if part of their telling him to leave was cutting him off from his money.

The feeling of hiding information/guilt hangs heavy over this case, from the parents, based on what I see. I could totally be wrong.

I'm local. There are rumors, of course, but....this case is just a sad mess.
Yeah, we never heard of anything to do with phone pinging or records of any kind. That has to be telling in nature I would imagine.
I can't see a post on 13th September
Can you elaborate please
That post was some time ago. Because it was a post/comment I cannot elaborate. If I remember correctly it may have been deleted all together on that site.
I saw a comment by multiple people on the FB page that a new worker at a Burger King in Ocean City, MD resembles David. I have family there and went to find the comment again but it appears as all have been deleted. Did anyone else catch this? I think it was the 38th Street BK, but wasn't sure.
I saw a comment by multiple people on the FB page that a new worker at a Burger King in Ocean City, MD resembles David. I have family there and went to find the comment again but it appears as all have been deleted. Did anyone else catch this? I think it was the 38th Street BK, but wasn't sure.

I could be wrong but I think that is also posted under the Update on the LE FB page.

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