Found Deceased MD - David Gipson Smith, 28, Howard County, 6 Aug 2017

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Sometimes parents don't know the whole story. I don't think it is anything sinister. I think they are trying to convey clarity, grasping at anything they can to help them find their baby. I am married to an addict. He is in recovery 5 years now. His mother was very involved in his life and she didn't know the truth about a lot of things. He could have said whatever to keep them from worrying. We need to focus on finding him and not blaming the family for their missteps in an unimaginable situation.

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Thank you for sharing this. If I may....I don't blame this family for anything, they did a wonderful job trying to get David on track again....I don't have to remind you, this is not an easy have to clear your hart a lot of times to be able to do this, as you probably know...and even if you don't have an addiction you will keep specifics away from your parents....everybody does...not making them worried or bother them with your problems...(sorry....sometimes it's so hard to express in English, when your native language is Dutch, but I'm full of love..saying this)
I do not think anyone is blaming the parents for anything. I can only speak for myself... I am just wondering if they have info that could be pertinent without realizing it. I agree with what was said that they are giving more bits and pieces as they become more desperate. But, definitely not blaming the family for a thing.
Just an insight...if you have an addiction to one drug, you can NOT do any "mind altering" substance. Not to share to much of my personal life, but I am a recovering alcoholic..been sober for seven years...If David was a heroin addict, and he drank alcohol, it was only a matter of time before he went back to heroin. As someone said before, he was setting up different "stories" to get away from his parents because he wanted to use. Relapse happens in your mind way before you actually use, drink, etc...moo
Just an insight...if you have an addiction to one drug, you can NOT do any "mind altering" substance. Not to share to much of my personal life, but I am a recovering alcoholic..been sober for seven years...If David was a heroin addict, and he drank alcohol, it was only a matter of time before he went back to heroin. As someone said before, he was setting up different "stories" to get away from his parents because he wanted to use. Relapse happens in your mind way before you actually use, drink, etc...moo

I can vouch for this. A good friend of mine was in recovery from PCP for 15 years (before I knew her) we had been friends for years, but she never went to a bar w me or anything. One night, she wanted to. I was ignorant about recovery. I didn't know you couldn't even drink. She chose to come w me. She drank. I swear within 2 months she was taking meth. She got arrested and went to jail. I felt terrible. She later was in recovery again thankfully.

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Prayers to the family. Terrible scenario.

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I do not think anyone is blaming the parents for anything. I can only speak for myself... I am just wondering if they have info that could be pertinent without realizing it. I agree with what was said that they are giving more bits and pieces as they become more desperate. But, definitely not blaming the family for a thing.

Exactly. No bashing. Just stating that the more minor details the earlier in the investigation is important.
My apologies in advance if this has already been discussed. And this is mostly due to the fact that English is my second language, but according to David's mom:

"He had 2 small suitcases, and 4 shoeboxes for his shoes (he keeps all of his shoes at home in boxes)." (BBM)

Is it safe to assume he took the shoes, not just the boxes (I'm sorry ... I know this is a silly question, but I wanted to make sure)? Or did his parents find the shoes without boxes at home? And if they didn't, have the shoes been located, and if so, where (e.g., still in his car, in the womens' possession, or yet someone else's)? I also find it somewhat interesting that the parents know how many boxes/pairs of shoes David took. Maybe they were checking his closet on a regular basis to make sure he wasn't hiding any drugs in there ... :(.

I am wondering because one theory I can think of is that David was intending to sell the shoes for drugs or for cash to buy drugs with ... :(. In any case, it may be worthwhile for LE to try to locate the shoes (no easy task, I'm sure). Or maybe if the parents or friends have pictures of these shoes, they can post them on the FB page (or at least descriptions).

I also think it would be helpful to have a VI with this case in particular. I don't believe I have seen any posts from David's friends or family, other than his mom, on the FB page, either. It would be nice to get someone else's perspective, IMO.

Missed your post completely.....very good questions!!!! There is of course the article from LE....another perspective...not very much appreciated by the family (mom's reaction on it) which I can understand completely...........
I am also going along with the heroin relapse. He had already had several relapses on alcohol so heroin wasn't far behind. As a recovering addict myself, the relapse happens long before you pick up the drug.
I am also going along with the heroin relapse. He had already had several relapses on alcohol so heroin wasn't far behind. As a recovering addict myself, the relapse happens long before you pick up the drug.

So in his mind...he was already planning this?? I'm going to do it...but my parents must not know...making up a story..making my parenst happy by saying I'm moving out? Get away from parents controlling eyes.....Yes probably.....
David....where are you? What happened to you....maybe you where loosing the bright site....what did you do to yourself, what did people do to you.....? I really think something happened on his date with girl 2.......he has to be way she drove him to some property.....with noting
I hate for this post to be buried but there is no news. David's mom posted on David's FB page a couple of days ago that said nothing new.
I hate for this post to be buried but there is no news. David's mom posted on David's FB page a couple of days ago that said nothing new.

Any news in the LE investigation? What about girl 2 and uncle? Their story doesn't add up...even a baby can understand that.
Any news in the LE investigation? What about girl 2 and uncle? Their story doesn't add up...even a baby can understand that.

The only thing I have seen is that the mother posted that the girls have not been named. The name of one is circulating but no other info.
Not a lot of new information. David's mom posted on her FB that the PI (I am assuming they hired one) believes he walked away.
Not a lot of new information. David's mom posted on her FB that the PI (I am assuming they hired one) believes he walked away.

Wonder what makes he or she think that...still the strange story of girl 2 bringing him to "a" property stands out...his car left behind...IMO she must know more...either she knew of his plans and helped to disappear or something more sinister is going on...
He could be embarrassed and not wanting to face his family. He could have walked away and is living homeless. Some addicts just do that.

I find the two girls very suspicious! But, I would like to believe that he has just walked away. I am hoping for a good outcome with this story. Maybe this is the week!

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