MD - Father beaten to death defending his son, 14, Anne Arundel County, May 2023 *arrest*

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per article linked above: a fellow student told the 14 year old that he had stolen $30 from the 14 year old's girlfriend?

How does this fit into the "honor sub culture?"
I can only think of two possible ways:

A. There maybe a different side to the "Who took what from whom first and why" claim. In the end, one can be both a victim on one occasion and tell a spun story on another occasion. I dont have any idea if that occurred or not.

B. Alot of honor sub cultures tend to stack the deck when settling honor disputes. Very few of the romanticized western duels were one on one fights against a prepared opponent. The Hatfield and McCoy feud featured alot deaths where the victims were both out numbered and ambushed.

I have a feeling that a good number of samurai duels were sake fueled ambush slashings- not sublime encounters after a tea ceremony. Hawaiian surfer beat downs tend to occur when the honor enforcers have a distinct advantage. Middle Eastern honor killings? Plenty of female victims. Likely armed males engaged in shaming conduct get the benefits of the doubts.
There are tragedies on tragedies in this case:

Son going to school and someone saying they stole money from his.
Son takes money back and hits kid.
Near lunch time 20 kids in a bathroom to video and watch fight (a common thing today).
Son gets hit on head.
After school, son is again in fight with kid. A brawl ensues with many kids fighting and son trying to get away.
Son makes it home.
3 kids and 2 adults show up at the home.
Mr. Wright is beaten so badly that he will die a few minutes later.

Schools have cameras and security. How did the school not know of a fight that occurred in the bathroom? I get that the son didn't want another suspension but when a fight is many against one there is talk/actions that someone had to pick up on? When you have a middle school student with a knot on the head, how can that go unnoticed? Too many questions.

Tragedies--- at the school and on the way home and outside of the place where you are supposed to feel safe.

Just insane.

Athletes were involved, maybe?

In 1975, when I had just started junior high, I dropped a pop fly in a gym class softball game, and one of my teammates spent the next 3 years making repeated attempts on my life. TPTB, including my parents, knew about it, and the most common response was, "Well, if you hadn't dropped that ball........." We're both female, BTW.
I can only think of two possible ways:

A. There maybe a different side to the "Who took what from whom first and why" claim. In the end, one can be both a victim on one occasion and tell a spun story on another occasion. I dont have any idea if that occurred or not.

B. Alot of honor sub cultures tend to stack the deck when settling honor disputes. Very few of the romanticized western duels were one on one fights against a prepared opponent. The Hatfield and McCoy feud featured alot deaths where the victims were both out numbered and ambushed.

I have a feeling that a good number of samurai duels sake fueled ambush slashings- not sublime ecncouters after a tea ceremony. Hawaiian surfer beat downs tend to occur when the honor enforcers have a distinct advantage. Middle Eastern honor killings? Plenty of female victims. Likely armed males engaged in shaming conduct get the benefits of the doubts.

I have worked at schools with a fair amount of gang culture and honor culture. Usually, the beefs will be claimed to have started by the other side/person with no acknowledgement of where it all first started--everyone justifies their actions based on the actions of the "other" with the ganging up or singling out as the preferred method to settle the beef, that is almost always never settled.
Schools have cameras and security. How did the school not know of a fight that occurred in the bathroom?
Bathrooms could well be a selected meeting place for fights due to the lack of security cameras.

My children go to a uhmm...." challenging school" in a challenging district. This past years, our district briefly led the state in Fetanayl over doses .

Fights there can occur very quickly and quickly subside. Those involved can either be uninjured, or clean themselves up. Likewise, for many reasons, they can be reluctant to report they had been involved in a fight. Both fighters and witnesses can deny that a fight ever occurred.

Though security camera footage of unusual congregations of students can be noted, schools do not have the human resources to monitor security cameras "Las Vegas Casino" style.

My guess is that the staff would probably have found out about a "flash fight" in a bathroom, but it may have taken a few days to piece it all together past the denials, half truths, and "prove its".
I have worked at schools with a fair amount of gang culture and honor culture. Usually, the beefs will be claimed to have started by the other side/person with no acknowledgement of where it all first started--everyone justifies their actions based on the actions of the "other" with the ganging up or singling out as the preferred method to settle the beef, that is almost always never settled.
I think you could well be right. The "I took this from them" incident could well be one part of chain of events stretching back to a murky staring point that every one has forgotten.

As a side note, the sub culture that probably closest resembles that Baltimore based sub culture that I suspect all involved maybe a part of is probably Boston's "Southie" sub culture.

Like "Southies" the Baltimore bunch also featured a distinct local accent and an undying love for Baltimore Orioles regalia instead of Red Sox / Patriots. I not lived in the area in decades. I don't know if the accent still exists and thought that the sub culture had died out.
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Bathrooms could well be a selected meeting place for fights due to the lack of security cameras.

My children go to a uhmm...." challenging school" in a challenging district. This past years, our district briefly led the state in Fetanayl over doses .

Fights there can occur very quickly and quickly subside. Those involved can either be uninjured, or clean themselves up. Likewise, for many reasons, they can be reluctant to report they had been involved in a fight. Both fighters and witnesses can deny that a fight ever occurred.

Though security camera footage of unusual congregations of students can be noted, schools do not have the human resources to monitor security cameras "Las Vegas Casino" style.

My guess is that the staff would probably have found out about a "flash fight" in a bathroom, but it may have taken a few days to piece it all together past the denials, half truths, and "prove its".

All true. In urban settings like where I am, resource officers are on the look out at any passing time. If they see kids going in and no one coming out, they radio and get other officers on the move to that spot as it is usually a sign that something might be happening.

It seems a little crazy that we can be having this conversation like it is talking about the approach to weather.
I am really curious as to why no arrests have been made...

Christopher son got into a fight Monday, was suspended, returned, and got into a fight again in the bathroom, then the situation walking home about the money, and then later that's when the adults showed up. Could there be more to the story they are trying to work out? I saw one article where his Significant other claimed he didn't throw any punches but then a newer article AFTER the video was released showed him clearly throwing the first punch. Maybe more history?
I am really curious as to why no arrests have been made...

Christopher son got into a fight Monday, was suspended, returned, and got into a fight again in the bathroom, then the situation walking home about the money, and then later that's when the adults showed up. Could there be more to the story they are trying to work out? I saw one article where his Significant other claimed he didn't throw any punches but then a newer article AFTER the video was released showed him clearly throwing the first punch. Maybe more history?

Could be taking it to a grand jury to decide what to charge? Not sure how Maryland works but we have seen a number of cases that seem to move exceedingly slow. JMHO
thank you @Yuletide, I searched your text and found the link I thin you are referring to. Extremely disappointing to say the least. There should be active warrants for all involved in this senseless murder JMO

Tuesday, May 30, 2023
Bill Vanko, WBAL NewsRadio 1090 and FM 101.5
Anne Arundel County police have denied a report that claimed arrest warrants have been obtained for several people in the death of a father in Brooklyn Park.
The spokeswoman said the investigation is complicated and that police are looking at every angle.
AACOPD denies report of arrest warrants issued in death of Brooklyn Park father
I so agree
I am really curious as to why no arrests have been made...

Christopher son got into a fight Monday, was suspended, returned, and got into a fight again in the bathroom, then the situation walking home about the money, and then later that's when the adults showed up. Could there be more to the story they are trying to work out? I saw one article where his Significant other claimed he didn't throw any punches but then a newer article AFTER the video was released showed him clearly throwing the first punch. Maybe more history?
The “first punch” in this scenario is unimportant in my humble opinion. More on my radar is 2 adults that led three kids to a private home, trespassed, and threatened a 14 year old. A person will protect their domain, therefore, in my opinion, the first punch was thrown by the two adults that trespassed . Just my opinion
I am really curious as to why no arrests have been made...

Christopher son got into a fight Monday, was suspended, returned, and got into a fight again in the bathroom, then the situation walking home about the money, and then later that's when the adults showed up. Could there be more to the story they are trying to work out? I saw one article where his Significant other claimed he didn't throw any punches but then a newer article AFTER the video was released showed him clearly throwing the first punch. Maybe more history?
I'm wondering if the father may not have been as innocent as the stories have made him out to be. I realize that's pure speculation on my part.
The “first punch” in this scenario is unimportant in my humble opinion. More on my radar is 2 adults that led three kids to a private home, trespassed, and threatened a 14 year old. A person will protect their domain, therefore, in my opinion, the first punch was thrown by the two adults that trespassed . Just my opinion
the first punch wasn’t really my concern either more so that she knew that he did indeed throw a punch but said he didn’t at all. It just makes me wonder what other misinformation that could have been made to possibly slow down an arrest?
the first punch wasn’t really my concern either more so that she knew that he did indeed throw a punch but said he didn’t at all. It just makes me wonder what other misinformation that could have been made to possibly slow down an arrest?
I agree. The bottom line is that the fights at school seem out of control and the two adults that drove kids to that residence should have called police and not taken matters into their own hands.
Just happened upon this case. The details are really confusing since it seems there were several incidents leading up to this

Regardless of who is initially at fault or mostly at fault, I'm wondering what happened to physical fights being 1-on-1? It's cowardly to outnumber someone or have only one person using a weapon or object.
Just happened upon this case. The details are really confusing since it seems there were several incidents leading up to this

Regardless of who is initially at fault or mostly at fault, I'm wondering what happened to physical fights being 1-on-1? It's cowardly to outnumber someone or have only one person using a weapon or object.
I watched the video yesterday and its hard to tell fully but it looks like the Victim only Faught one person one on one. He was slammed on his head/neck in the very beginning and the fight was definitely over at that point, but the attacker did keep hitting him with what looked like regular punches but the video is so grainy I cannot tell if he had something in his hands. It looks like the victim first swings then backs up, the two guys start walking towards him, not sure if they both hit him at first, but when the bodies sort of break up, there is two fights going on, the deceased, with another male in a black shirt, and another fight which looked like 2 on 1 on the sidewalk. I am thinking that fight was his oldest son that I read in one article he ran out when the arguing started. I am not defending the attackers at all BTW. I don't want it to come off as that. Even if their intent was not to kill the man, he still did. But supposedly the victim's family has it all on the ring camera, they know who the attackers were, so why still no arrests?
I watched the video yesterday and its hard to tell fully but it looks like the Victim only Faught one person one on one. He was slammed on his head/neck in the very beginning and the fight was definitely over at that point, but the attacker did keep hitting him with what looked like regular punches but the video is so grainy I cannot tell if he had something in his hands. It looks like the victim first swings then backs up, the two guys start walking towards him, not sure if they both hit him at first, but when the bodies sort of break up, there is two fights going on, the deceased, with another male in a black shirt, and another fight which looked like 2 on 1 on the sidewalk. I am thinking that fight was his oldest son that I read in one article he ran out when the arguing started. I am not defending the attackers at all BTW. I don't want it to come off as that. Even if their intent was not to kill the man, he still did. But supposedly the victim's family has it all on the ring camera, they know who the attackers were, so why still no arrests?
Oh OK I thought the son said one of the men definitely retrieved something from the car and that mom "confirmed" that object was used as well. I haven't seen the video- knowing one person died, I kind of didn't want to watch it, but just reading all the info including the incidents at school, is somewhat confusing to piece together
I watched the video yesterday and its hard to tell fully but it looks like the Victim only Faught one person one on one. He was slammed on his head/neck in the very beginning and the fight was definitely over at that point, but the attacker did keep hitting him with what looked like regular punches but the video is so grainy I cannot tell if he had something in his hands. It looks like the victim first swings then backs up, the two guys start walking towards him, not sure if they both hit him at first, but when the bodies sort of break up, there is two fights going on, the deceased, with another male in a black shirt, and another fight which looked like 2 on 1 on the sidewalk. I am thinking that fight was his oldest son that I read in one article he ran out when the arguing started. I am not defending the attackers at all BTW. I don't want it to come off as that. Even if their intent was not to kill the man, he still did. But supposedly the victim's family has it all on the ring camera, they know who the attackers were, so why still no arrests?
The man in the balck shirt that body slammed Chris delivered 5-6 unanswered punches to the victims head after he was down and not moving. In addition, if you watch the video to the end, the hatch of the vehicle they arrived in is opened and something is placed inside before they close the hatch and drive away
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Oh OK I thought the son said one of the men definitely retrieved something from the car and that mom "confirmed" that object was used as well. I haven't seen the video- knowing one person died, I kind of didn't want to watch it, but just reading all the info including the incidents at school, is somewhat confusing to piece together
It is very hard to piece together for myself too. I did see someone open the trunk of the car at the end of the video and it looked like he put something in there. But I have read two different statements from the Fiancé. One where she said they hit him with something and one where she said she thought they hit him with something otherwise what could do the damage that it did? But keep in mind these are from the daily mail so I don't take those to be completely accurate. I might try to watch actual interviews today. I am wondering if the attackers are hiding and that is why there has been no arrest. I am going to hope they feel like they know where they are which is why they have not released names to the public yet.
I have worked at schools with a fair amount of gang culture and honor culture. Usually, the beefs will be claimed to have started by the other side/person with no acknowledgement of where it all first started--everyone justifies their actions based on the actions of the "other" with the ganging up or singling out as the preferred method to settle the beef, that is almost always never settled.
Regardless of the culture that may or may not have informed this murder, it's still murder. Where are the protests for justice for this man and his family?! The DA's slow-rolling or a possible complete lack of response is utterly abhorrent. MOO

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