MD MD - Keith Warren, 19, Silver Spring, 30 Jul 1986

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Well, I for one think the circumstances surrounding this "suicide" is off...especially considering the Grand Wizard of the KKK lived in Rising Sun (Cecil County) MD during the time of this hanging. Also, the White Nationalists used to have a huge following in Silver Spring MD. They also used to hold positions in various uniformed jobs. I wouldn't doubt it if they still do.

Let it be known this isn't hate propaganda. It's fact.
The friends and family sent the information to the general email address given to all the shows listed above. They have not heard back from anyone yet. We will keep trying.

Send them to the NAACP & the ACLU.
I think that's the point, why would they cut it down? The OP stated that the family had Keith's body exhumed and a second autopsy done where large concentrations of lethal chemicals were found. Is this not accurate?

Exactly! Wth would they cut the tree down? When someone hangs theirself from a rafter, do they take the rafter? Jesus it's just so ridiculous. Plus, if they wanted to truly be thorough, then why didn't they take the surrounding top layer of grass & soil as well?
The National Ku Klux Klan Museum is right down the street (or used to be) from Aspen Hill in Silver Spring, MD - according to google maps. I'm surprised they really have a museum. How is that legal?

Anyway, I'm truly wondering about this case now & seriously have to wonder if a hateful supremacist group was involved...

I wonder if he was submerged in a well before the hanging...
Or could he have been force fed a degreaser?

I wonder if his kidneys & liver were biopsied & saved, or did the TCE high concentration come from brain matter?
So many good points and questions Jersey! I hope this family gets some answers.
Holy Jesus in Heaven. I'm reading Mary Couey's (formerly Warren) notes. I'm literally just started reading through this & already think the le botched this on purpose. Sorry, just being honest. In this PDF, first page of the entire thing, Mary tells about a girl that said a suicide happened in the basement of a house, then paramedics get there & a man says the body's actually in the woods, after the man says the body's in the woods is when the young lady says she discovered it while walking her dog & provides no explanation as to why she initially said it happened in the basement. An address is given. Here's a snip of it but I'd suggest reading all 9 pages of the PDF. I'm thoroughly disgusted! My gish, no wonder this family won't let it go - I wouldn't either! Not in a million years!

Thursday, July 31, 1986

Paramedics at the nearby Fire and Rescue station received a call from a girl who claimed a suicide had been committed in the basement of the house from which she was calling. The address is 14655 Tynewick Drive, Silver Spring, Maryland.

Rescue personnel arrived on the scene with paramedic Dallas Lipp in charge. Three people, including Mr. Chip Wynn who resided in the house, were seated at the kitchen table. A young lady named Claudia "Michelle" Lawson, who was Mr. Wynn's girlfriend, was also present. It was Ms. Lawson who had called and reported the suicide in the basement.

Mr. Lipp informed the people that he was responding to the girl's call about a suicide and asked to be directed to the basement. He was advised that the body was in the woods a short distance from the house.

Mr. Lipp then asked the men at the table to accompany him to the body in the woods. They declined and told Ms. Lawson to take the paramedic to the scene. Ms. Lawson reluctantly agreed. Giving no reason why she had called saying the suicide was in the basement, Ms. Lawson changed her story and told the paramedic that she had been walking her dog in the
woods and came upon the body hanging from the tree. However, upon arrival at the hanging and making close observations, paramedic Lipp remarked, "This does not look like a suicide."

Montgomery County Police Officer Luther Leverette from the Wheaton-Glenmont Police Station responded to the scene and took charge. It appeared that Officer Leverette knew my son Keith and also knew Chip Wynn.

This officer did notfollow proper police procedure and secure the scene by cordoning off the area. Why? Bystanders described his acts as being "hasty" and "unprofessional." Officer Leverette even said, "Why would this have to happen on my lunch break?"

Officer Leverette immediately ruled my son's death a suicide. Via telecommunications, Officer Leverette contacted the County Coroner, John Rogers, and told him there was no need for him (the Coroner) to come to the scene, and that he should just mark the death down as a "suicide." Officer Leverette stated in his report that Keith had "Apparently jumped off of a log." The paramedic stated that there was no log or any other thing from which Keith could have jumped.

Officer Leverette had the body removed from the tree and sent to Collins Funeral Home in Silver Spring with instructions to have the body embalmed immediately. Again, proper police procedure was not followed. Why? In accordance with proper police procedure, an autopsy and toxicological tests should have been performed on my son's body. Neither an autopsy nor a toxicological exam was performed. Why? Further, even though three forms of identification were found in my son's pockets, it wasn't until seven hours later that I, the next of kin, was notified of his death. Why? My next door neighbor gave Officer Leverette my work number and the use of her phone. He refused to call me and told her to have me call him when I returned home from work that evening.

My neighbor called me at work and said that an Officer Leverette was looking for me and to call him. She was upset, but wouldn't tell me why. I called and was told that Officer Leverette was out on another call and would not be available for at least two hours.

Two hours later, Officer Leverette showed up at my place of work and produced a swimming pool ID card of Keith's and asked if that was my son. I confirmed that it was, and that my son had been missing for two days. I asked if the officer had found him. Officer Leverette responded that yes, he had been found and he had committed suicide. He questioned me as to any reasons why Keith would have committed suicide, preying upon the innate pain and guilt that any mother would feel when receiving such a message. I cooperated with him the best I could while agonizing over this revelation. At the time, I trusted Officer Leverette. Even though I could not think of any reason why my son would take his own life, I tried to think of any recent disagreements between my son and me. The only thing that came to mind was my strong objection to Keith's choice of a car. Officer Leverette later exaggerated my statement and used it to substantiate his own creation of a reason.

It was Office Leverette's idea that Keith had become depressed over this and committed suicide. Although Keith had no history of drugs, I asked Officer Leverette several times whether or not drugs were involved, given the fact that the area of Aspen Hill in which we lived had reported drug activity amongst teenagers. He emphatically replied, "No." Upon his departure and hour later, Officer Leverette handed me a business card from Collins Funeral Home in Silver Spring and told me to contact them after 9:00 a.m. the next day.

I called my brother who immediately went to the funeral home to identify the body but was denied entry three times and told to come back the next day.

Twenty-four hours later, on the fourth attempt, we went to the funeral home and were finally allowed to briefly view Keith's remains after he had been embalmed. I was later sued for payment by a funeral home I did not choose and for services I did not order. I requested Keith's clothes and was told by the funeral home director that they (the funeral home) had destroyed his clothes because my son's body had severely decomposed and deteriorated the clothes. I have never heard of that happening within two days, and I make my living working in pathology. I then requested the noose and rope. I was told that it was in the possession of the Montgomery County Police.

My brother and I went to see Officer Leverette who gave us a brown bag containing the rope and Keith's brown boots which he said Keith was wearing at the time he was found, along with a few other items.

A few days after the death of my son Keith, the Montgomery County Police went to the woods and chopped down the tree, stating that they needed it for evidence. My son's death was ruled a suicide, and the police called it an "open and shut" case. Why then did they need evidence? Were they worried that someone else would have looked at the tree and been able to determine that this was not a case of suicide by hanging, but that my son died elsewhere and was later put in the tree?

I have never believed my son committed suicide and have constantly pursued an investigation with each of the Montgomery County Police Chiefs, the State's Attorneys, and the County Executives in office from the time of Keith's death to the present. I am always met with cordial expressions of sympathy, only to be cut off soon after. People who confided to me that they thought something was suspicious and that they would investigate now avoid communications with me as though they have been silenced by an empowered authority.

The following defensive or inappropriate remarks have been made by several Montgomery County Police Officers: "I don't care how many lawyers she hires, it will not change the ruling of suicide." "If you had been a better mother, this wouldn't have happened." "She is an emotionally distraught mother who cannot come to terms with her son's death." It is implied that I am having a hard time letting go.

Let me at this point assure you that I have completely accepted the fact that my son is dead and have let go of any false sense of guilt. What I have not let go of is the fact that there is more to this story than I am being told!

A lot more at this link:

The cop that handled this case was charged with 2nd degree assault of his gf in 1999-2000. He beat her up in Dec of 1999, was suspended with pay, then retired March 1 of 2000.

He either held or still holds a title with the Fraternal Order of Moose #658, which is part of The Loyal Order of Moose. This is in Silver Spring / Burtonsville, MD.

When I was a little girl, my father was a member of the Moose. We frequented the lodge on a daily basis. I grew up years swimming in the lake on the lodge premises in NJ. I had a lot of questions as to why no "black" people ever came. I remember a lady & man that my dad was friends with lied about one of the lady's children - said her daughter was Italian & not negro. I befriended her when we were little & she had some serious issues over this stupid racist bullcrap. I stopped going to that lake when I was in 8th grade but in all the years that I went there - not one single time did I ever see an African-American person or Hispanic person there, not even partial. These races were blackballed in the club. Even on picnics & birthday parties, members weren't permitted to invite other races other than Caucasian. It makes me sick to know my father was a racist & all I know is that I never wanted to be like him.

So, having said that, I wonder if this excop is/was racist...

Literally, just sayin'...
In Mary's notes, she mentions a Mr. Chip Wynn as living in the house that the reported "suicide" call came from. He was the bf of the female that initially made that call about the "suicide in the basement". I wonder if he's the same Chip Wynn that had/has auto garages & sales lots...

Just thinking of a certain degreasing agent...
Is it me, or does his hand in this picture look like his fingers are pinched like he was holding onto something (a piece of paper maybe?)?


In the PDF of Mary's notes, it's stated that Kim Wilson said somebody put something in Keith's drink. It's also stated that Keith was set up in some kind of sting by a couple of his so-called friends. Maybe Keith's hands look like that bc he was seizing, which is common for the hands to clench like that. Or maybe it's bc he was holding a drink when his body froze into place, idk? One thing I am aware of is rigor & this pic shows it set in prior to hanging bc his knees wouldn't have been bent - they'd have frozen limp. IMO, my very honest opinion, this kid was dead before he was hung.

Tree base diameter of the one he was hanging from was 4-6 inches (not the other anchor tree). 4-6 inches?
I thought about the hands curling after death as part of the natural process, but what I noticed was that the fingers except the pointer finger and thumb are curled. Seems an odd for 2 of the 5 fingers to not curl, unless there's a reason for it. I would think a cup would have all the finger curled in a circle, but the 2 fingers look more pinched like he was holding a paper or something. A real mystery for sure.

The way his body is makes it seem impossible for a suicidal hanging. I don't buy suicide for a second. No doubt in my mind he was murdered and the police either completely botched the investigation or they helped cover it up.
So, the 3 guys that were looking for Keith were acquaintances of the cop in charge of this case?

Was Keith's hanging a staged coverup to conceal something else that may have to do with dirty le hands?

This cat was dead before any noose was put around his neck, had to be with his knees bent like that, plus the noose isn't tight. Now I'm reading there were no broken bones in his neck? Pffffft!

Hint: Read the comments underneath the pictures...
I wonder if copies of Mary's case file, complete with hanging pics & toxicology reports, could be sent to our country's top forensic pathologists. Wecht, Lee & Baden maybe? See if maybe they could look into it? All have shown they're not afraid to go against le.

1) Keith had a lethal level of TCE and a toxic level of DCE in his blood, brain, liver, kidney, and muscles. The concentrations and the pattern of TCE and DCE distribution in tissues indicate that Keith received these chemicals at about 1-2 hours prior to his death via ingestion and they were likely mixed with alcoholic drinks. The estimated ingested doses of TCE and DCE in Keith’s case are 94.94 g (70.85 mL) and 21.48 g (18.28 mL), respectively.
The ingestion of high doses of TCE and DCE lead to vomiting, diarrhea, central nervous system (CNS) depression, and aspiration pneumonia. Mihalakis examined H & E stained sections of Keith’s trachea, larynx, and lungs microscopically. He found aspirated materials in the larynx and trachea and congestion and edema in the lungs.

2) The autopsy showed no hemorrhages, soft tissue injury, dislocation or fractures in Keith’s neck. In addition, Keith’s tongue, larynx, laryngeal cartilages, hyoid bone as well as his cervical vertebral column visually were without injuries. The lack of bleeding and injury in Keith’s neck indicate that Keith’s body was lifted and put in a hanging position a few hours after his death, when the muscles of the neck became stiff due to rigor mortis.

3) The police and the county medical examiner missed the cause of death in Keith’s case because they did not conduct the required standard medical-legal investigation in his case.
So, TCE or Trichloroethylene, is a solvent for cleaning metal parts and DCE, or Dichloroethene, is a solvent for waxes, lacquers, etc.,2-Dichloroethene

I'm wondering if these are chemicals that anyone would have easy access to or if they are specific to certain industries. My first thought was auto mechanic or body shop but there could be many other industries as well.

The statements from Keith's mother are heartbreaking.

It sounds to me like Claudia Lawson was reluctantly involved in terms of being the one that had to make the call and lead the paramedic to Keith's body. I wonder if she has more info than she has shared so far.

Interesting MarylandObserver hasn't come back to refute all of these bizarre details.

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