Found Deceased MD - Laura Wallen, 31, pregnant, Olney, 3 Sept 2017 #1 *Arrest*

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Police: Texts point to love triangle in murder of pregnant teacher

Investigators say that although he initially denied having a romantic relationship with anyone other than Wallen, Tessier eventually admitted he was engaged to another woman and that both women thought he was dating them exclusively.

According to the documents, Wallen texted the woman a week before her disappearance, saying, "It's important that some things are cleared up and I imagine that if you were in my position, you'd want some answers as well. By no means is this an attempt at confrontation, just looking for an explanation…woman to woman."
Thanks, I can read it but the text is a little blurry when I enlarge and it hurts my old eyes. Lol. I was hoping for a clearer copy. I guess I will suffer through reading it to get all the info. Thanks for bringing it over.

It can be found here. It's not super clear but there's a full-screen option and with the + function it enlarges with less blur:

I don't think you need a scribd account to view it.
she didn't want to look at him. cuz she prob wanted to spit in his face! this poor woman.

not if you don't file. they really only care about recouping aid.

It doesn't matter these days. Gitana can say for sure, but I'm not sure there's a way to escape child support. The courts will find you.

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He'll wind up in solitary in no time at all I bet...Cellburg, nickname of the jail (it's actually Clarksburg, MD where I live at) isn't a place he'll want to be after a day...
so he did landscaping for 2.5 years six years ago? he sounds like a do nothing. like that loser aramazd.

....the couple had been “off and on” for about 10 years, and Wallen had talked about his reluctance to propose or make a commitment to her. The pair were a “strange mismatched couple,” in Waxman’s mind with Tessier “very cold” and Wallen an “angel who literally spread light and love.”

At Wallen’s school Thursday, one student recalled how Wallen would open wide her arms, wiggling them as a greeting.
“Come here, give me the jelly fish hug,” Wallen would tell her students , according to a former student, Aiyanah Moore.
The almost daily hugs had students referring to her as “Wallaby with the jellyfish hugs,” said Moore, 18, who took Wallen’s world history class as a senior last year.
Moore described Wallen as a teacher who paid equal attention to students who needed more help and those who, like her, quietly did their work.

Tessier worked for Ruppert Landscape for about 2 ½ years, leaving the company in 2011, said Amy Snyder, a spokeswoman for Ruppert, a business that has been in Montgomery County for about 45 years.

Manger said there were no signs on Wallen’s remains to suggest how she was killed.
so he is a macho trust fund baby. fantastic.

Was pretty shocked when I zoomed into this property today...Know several people who used to live on this property, including my son's father...Unless something has changed, this is not a privately owned home...This house, and several nearby, are owned by the farm, and are given to the farmers who work the farm across the road...(they pay them nearly minimum wage since they get free housing + food from the farm)...

You literally would not hear someone scream here at all if they were being attacked...The other farmhouses are far enough away, and there's often trucks driving up these farms so it wouldn't alarm anyone if he came up there at night...(Back area has a lot of people who come there to four wheel/dirt bike)

Tessier appears to have come from old Montgomery County money...Family addresses are in Brookeville and Laytonsville, and these were areas that were very cheap to buy property in 30+ years ago, but now the land is worth a lot of money...Last time I looked houses were going for about 800k...Father owns an autoshop...

My guess is he's like a number of guys I have known out that way...They never went to college cause they are from upper middle-class blue collar homes, where people tend to be business owners...A lot of these families own a lot of property in the area that's worth a lot of money, and give it to their children, and/or sell it little by little...I'm pretty sure if Tyler is who I think he is, his Grandmother sold some farm property worth double-digit millions a few years back...Tyler probably never had to work hard, and probably had a lot of women thinking he had the $$$...

I suspect it wasn't child support that led to this, it was more of a chauvinistic mindset that a woman that gets pregnant without being married is a hoe...Unfortunately, a lot of men think that women who get knocked up unmarried do so intentionally to set themselves up financially for life...
From what I know of Laura's family through a cousin of her's I believe her Dad's side of the family has plenty of money, and Laura had a job to support herself, she may have wanted child support to punish him but I certainly don't think she would have needed his help financially to raise a child. He did this because he didn't want to face up to his lying and cheating IMO.

I agree. She wouldn't have needed his money. I think he wanted a way to make his problems disappear. He is horrible.

She made that necklace she's wearing. It's bright & fun & cheerful, just like Laura. This is so incredibly sad.
It can be found here. It's not super clear but there's a full-screen option and with the + function it enlarges with less blur:

I don't think you need a scribd account to view it.
Thank you for this, lots of good information. I suggest everyone read it. This guy is a complete idiot. Telling police that he and Laura had a fight and so much other nonsense. I am so sick of men killing women. Just one after another. Oh, and he said they were going to meet at Nordstrom to talk but she never showed up. Come on.
Seems to be a steady supply of males who opt for murder over child support. Who the *^#% raises these monsters?
Thank you for this, lots of good information. I suggest everyone read it. This guy is a complete idiot. Telling police that he and Laura had a fight and so much other nonsense. I am so sick of men killing women. Just one after another. Oh, and he said they were going to meet at Nordstrom to talk but she never showed up. Come on.

And his explanation for why he dumped her phone, etc. To "buy her time" (re: "Antwan").

Eta: we need a textual version of charging docs so we can quote directly)
I don't think this was about child support. It's not a coincidence that she contacted the fiancée in August 28 and a few days later, he killed her. This is about the @)&; getting ready to hit the fan and she initiated it.

In light of the fact he had a fiancée and he killed Laura becuase of that, LE had to do some smooth talking to get him to go public with him being the father of Laura's baby. IMO
I don't think this was about child support. It's not a coincidence that she contacted the fiancée in August 28 and a few days later, he killed her. This is about the @)&; getting ready to hit the fan and she initiated it.

In light of the fact he had a fiancée and he killed Laura becuase of that, LE had to do some smooth talking to get him to go public with him being the father of Laura's baby. IMO

I'm wondering what occurred between her 8/28 text to his fiance and her 9/2 text to her sister when she thought he was going to propose. Maybe he convinced her that he dumped the fiance so she believed they'd be together. I'd imagine it was a combo of placating the non-pregnant fiance and avoiding child support. That is some f'd up stuff.
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