Found Deceased MD - Laura Wallen, 31, pregnant, Olney, 3 Sept 2017 #1 *Arrest*

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It doesn't matter these days. Gitana can say for sure, but I'm not sure there's a way to escape child support. The courts will find you.

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He should've just killed himself. Sigh. I am so angry.
It doesn't matter these days. Gitana can say for sure, but I'm not sure there's a way to escape child support. The courts will find you.

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In my state if you don't file a petition for child support and aren't collecting welfare, the court wouldn't even know it was an issue. She wouldn't have had to even put his name on the birth certificate. If he wanted visitation I think it might be different because then the matter is before the court and chances are they would order support.
I agree - I think it's just because she wasn't the pregnant one that she's the one alive.

I'm just hoping that she wasn't some crazy @$$ b!tch like Tammy Moorer and forced him to get rid of her competition!

That name sends chills down my spine. She is the worst.
This family has such dignity.

In my state if you don't file a petition for child support and aren't collecting welfare, the court wouldn't even know it was an issue. She wouldn't have had to even put his name on the birth certificate. If he wanted visitation I think it might be different because then the matter is before the court and chances are they would order support.
OK. Like I said, I don't know the details. But I do know that it's pretty difficult to escape it. Either way, I think he felt locked in by the pregnancy, didn't want to pay child support, or deal with anything related to the child, and chose to eliminate what he saw as the problem. Coward.

ETA - we can't know what she would have wanted. She may have needed child support. As far as we know, she thought they were going to be together...

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Video, held without bond; students react, much more:

shorter portion of above video:

She was sure loved by her students. Their reactions are so genuine and from the heart:
“It’s unreal,” former student Saquan Maxwell said. “It’s like one of them bad Lifetime movies that you just like ‘yeah I know what’s going to happen in the next five minutes of the movie,’ like it’s not real. Why? Like why? Like what motivated you, like why? Like how could you be so possessed with hate?”“The community is devastated,” said Rick Wilson. “Our heart goes out to the Wallen family.”“She influenced us to be better in life not just in school, in life,” former student Hamad Wasti said.
It doesn't matter these days. Gitana can say for sure, but I'm not sure there's a way to escape child support. The courts will find you.

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Unless a person receives government assistance they can choose not to go after child support. But they can also always change their mind. It's against public policy to agree to give up the child's right to support.
I hope so too. But it's clear after reading the charging documents he's engaged, Laura texted his fiance and he freaked out. I can't believe ALL of this took place and she was no where to be found. She probably raged when Laura texted her.

I wonder if she knew Laura was pregnant with his kid. It was said that Laura and CW both thought they were exclusive with him, so I wonder what she knew and when she found out.

I also want to know what led Laura to text CW if Laura thought he was done with her. Had Laura found out that he was still seeing her? This is so unfortunate.
Unless a person receives government assistance they can choose not to go after child support. But they can also always change their mind. It's against public policy to agree to give up the child's right to support.
Thank you!

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OK. Like I said, I don't know the details. But I do know that it's pretty difficult to escape it. Either way, I think he felt locked in by the pregnancy, didn't want to pay child support, or deal with anything related to the child, and chose to eliminate what he saw as the problem. Coward.

ETA - we can't know what she would have wanted. She may have needed child support. As far as we know, she thought they were going to be together...

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He might also have feared to lose both his gf's plus both homes and be really homeless.
OK. Like I said, I don't know the details. But I do know that it's pretty difficult to escape it. Either way, I think he felt locked in by the pregnancy, didn't want to pay child support, or deal with anything related to the child, and chose to eliminate what he saw as the problem. Coward.

ETA - we can't know what she would have wanted. She may have needed child support. As far as we know, she thought they were going to be together...

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Coward is right. As illogical as it sounds I wish he had just told her that she has a choice: they go their separate ways and she pretend he doesn't exist, or he'll kill her. I know nobody would ever offer a choice like that but I'm sure she would have happily granted him his freedom from parental responsibilities in exchange for her life. I really hate that this happened to her and her baby, her family and her students.

....the couple had been “off and on” for about 10 years, and Wallen had talked about his reluctance to propose or make a commitment to her. The pair were a “strange mismatched couple,” in Waxman’s mind with Tessier “very cold” and Wallen an “angel who literally spread light and love.”

At Wallen’s school Thursday, one student recalled how Wallen would open wide her arms, wiggling them as a greeting.
“Come here, give me the jelly fish hug,” Wallen would tell her students , according to a former student, Aiyanah Moore.
The almost daily hugs had students referring to her as “Wallaby with the jellyfish hugs,” said Moore, 18, who took Wallen’s world history class as a senior last year.
Moore described Wallen as a teacher who paid equal attention to students who needed more help and those who, like her, quietly did their work.

Tessier worked for Ruppert Landscape for about 2 ½ years, leaving the company in 2011, said Amy Snyder, a spokeswoman for Ruppert, a business that has been in Montgomery County for about 45 years.

Manger said there were no signs on Wallen’s remains to suggest how she was killed.
He might also have feared to lose both his gf's plus both homes and be really homeless.

Good point! Well lucky for him he'll have a steady place to live for awhile, rent free.
I remember that PC for Kyron, and was waiting for Desiree to rip Terri's face off her head. I honestly don't know how these parents muster up the self control to remain so calm and collected in the presence of the person that harmed their child.

Well you know parents will withstand anything for their kids and ultimately this was for their kid- for answers and justice.

Such torture.

I still can't understand this. The guy could've walked away. To risk life in prison because you don't want to pay support or because you don't want a woman angry with you is just senseless. In what world does this become a viable option? Because the waiting in the field thing makes me believe this wasn't a case of a person with rage issues and abusive tendencies who snapped during an argument. It seems this was coldly premeditated. Why? Just like her student asked, I'm so dumbfounded.

Such a waste of a beautiful, promising life. She had everything going for her. And he had little to lose by just walking away - except maybe some anger and the need to get a damn job. But he had his whole life and freedom to risk, as well as the soul-killing horror of taking a beautiful life. It just makes no sense.
I'm surprised they didn't redact the other people's names in those documents...

Was the person who the text said "I'm going to try to get in touch with ___" her ex boyfriend? It was one of the texts sent from Tyler on the 4th.
He thought he could get away with murder. Could lie, makeup stories and fool the LE.

It hurts to think of what possibly could have been going thru her mind, how happy she was. I don't usually get emotional attached to cases, but I feel emotionally drained, I feel so sad for this family. They are so brave to put on a show at the pc. So brave.

I am curious about going to the field that many times, hate to think this, but did he just keep going back to dig more. Or was this after. A lot of criminals go back to check out the scene.....
Was the person who the text said "I'm going to try to get in touch with ___" her ex boyfriend? It was one of the texts sent from Tyler on the 4th.

Yes, if you look at the charging docs linked upthread the ex bf's name is "Antione" but TT spelt it "Antwan" in the text to Laura's sister. The cops did a piece of brilliant interrogation and asked TT to spell "Antoine" in one of his interviews and sure enough he said "A N T W A N." Genius interrogation move. The charging docs also say Antoine had not seen Laura in 2 years, he currently lives in MA.
Well you know parents will withstand anything for their kids and ultimately this was for their kid- for answers and justice.

Such torture.

I still can't understand this. The guy could've walked away. To risk life in prison because you don't want to pay support or because you don't want a woman angry with you is just senseless. In what world does this become a viable option? Because the waiting in the field thing makes me believe this wasn't a case of a person with rage issues and abusive tendencies who snapped during an argument. It seems this was coldly premeditated. Why? Just like her student asked, I'm so dumbfounded.

Such a waste of a beautiful, promising life. She had everything going for her. And he had little to lose by just walking away - except maybe some anger and the need to get a damn job. But he had his whole life and freedom to risk, as well as the soul-killing horror of taking a beautiful life. It just makes no sense.

Torture for sure. I can't even imagine the pain they are feeling. I wish he had just walked away. There is NO way this was anything but premeditated. Am I understanding right that he visited the field a few times before he took her there? I just don't understand. I don't fully understand any of the cases on here, and why people make the choices that they do, but some are easier to grasp than others. I can understand someone snapping in a moment of rage. This one though...I can't wrap my mind around it. I can't understand what he did. It's so brazen and horribly covered up, I can't help but feel like maybe he wanted his life as he knew it to end. Is he seriously this dumb, to think he would get away with it?

It makes me so so sad that she thought he was proposing, if that turns out to be true. I remember anxiously awaiting a proposal and how exciting that was. She probably wanted nothing more than for them to be a family, and if he used that hope to get her to go out to the middle of nowhere with him... it's just depraved.
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