GUILTY MD - Multiple Fatalities At Capital Gazette Newsroom In Annapolis, 28 June 2018 *arrest*

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Maryland Shooting Suspect Had Long-Running Dispute With Newspaper

His feud with The Capital, the chain’s daily newspaper, apparently began with a column in 2011 that detailed his harassment of a high school classmate, published days after he pleaded guilty to the misdemeanor charge.

After Mr. Ramos reconnected with the classmate in 2009, his emails to her soon turned venomous.

“He seems to think there’s some sort of relationship here that does not exist,” the woman told a judge, according to court documents in a harassment case she brought against Mr. Ramos. “I tried to back away from it, and he just started getting angry and vulgar to the point I had to tell him to stop.”
Dave Barry: Sorry, I'm not feeling funny today — my heart aches for slain journalists

My heart also aches, on this sad day, for the larger family of journalists, especially newspaper journalists. It's a family of which I still consider myself a member. I started in this business in 1971, as a rookie reporter at the Daily Local News in West Chester, Pa., for (if I recall correctly) $93 a week. Since then most of my friends have been newspaper people. No offense to any other profession, but these are, pound for pound, the smartest, funniest, most interested and most interesting people there are. They love what they do, and most of them do it for lousy pay, at a time when the economic situation of newspapers is precarious, and layoffs are common.
More at link...
<modsnip: rude> Are you blaming the military? Machine guns?
Maybe you're not familiar with Cariis' style of writing , but he has a free association way of posting. He also has tremendous insight as well as experience dealing with mentally ill human beings. And he's also very passionate about what he does. Just a FYI. :)
Capital Gazette: US mass shooters and their history of violence towards women
"Capital Gazette: US mass shooters and their history of violence towards women"
"This week’s attack on the newspaper, the Capital Gazette, comes at a time when threats against American journalists are rising. But threats, harassment and stalking behaviour from the shooter, Jarrod Ramos, started years before – with a female high school classmate"

“They talk a lot about taking firearms away from mentally ill, and really evidence shows mentally ill aren’t more violent than others,” said Lawrence Gostin, a law professor at Georgetown University and an expert in domestic violence. “It tends to be a red herring.”

“But what is not a red herring, is individuals who have engaged in stalking behavior, or actual violence, or threatening behavior,” he said. “That is the single best predictor of future violence, and women in particular are scared by it.”
Capital Gazette: US mass shooters and their history of violence towards women
"Capital Gazette: US mass shooters and their history of violence towards women"
"This week’s attack on the newspaper, the Capital Gazette, comes at a time when threats against American journalists are rising. But threats, harassment and stalking behaviour from the shooter, Jarrod Ramos, started years before – with a female high school classmate"

“They talk a lot about taking firearms away from mentally ill, and really evidence shows mentally ill aren’t more violent than others,” said Lawrence Gostin, a law professor at Georgetown University and an expert in domestic violence. “It tends to be a red herring.”

“But what is not a red herring, is individuals who have engaged in stalking behavior, or actual violence, or threatening behavior,” he said. “That is the single best predictor of future violence, and women in particular are scared by it.”
BBM. That is because most of these cowards are violent or threatening to women, before they get the 'courage' to take their gun and shoot innocent people.
Accused Gunman in Capital Gazette Shooting Left a Trail of Conflicts

LAUREL, Md. — Before he stormed into a quiet newsroom and unleashed a burst of gunfire that left five people dead, the suspect in the Maryland attack vented his hostility at the world with a barrage of lawsuits, harassment and workplace conflict.

Jarrod W. Ramos, the suspected gunman, had been fired from his job as a government employee, was the subject of a police investigation and for years kept up an online crusade against targets including the criminal justice system, the local newspaper and a mental health counseling facility.


The police investigation came on the heels of another legal dispute between Mr. Ramos and his former high school classmate, the subject of his earlier harassment case. She had retained a lawyer, Mr. McCarthy, in early 2013, after receiving a letter from Mr. Ramos that made her uncomfortable.

“I am prepared to add you to my lawsuit against Eric Hartley,” Mr. Ramos wrote in a letter dated Jan. 30, 2013. “I am satisfied you did not directly solicit his column about me, but I think you know who did. Given all that has transpired, I think you have many such secrets, and I would ask you to surrender them.”

After Mr. McCarthy obtained another order prohibiting him from contacting her, Mr. Ramos sued the lawyer himself. He also appealed the order against contacting the former classmate, which was granted, Mr. McCarthy said.​
Good lord, that's chilling.


'Most dangerous person I've ever dealt with': Lawyer feared newspaper murder suspect

Brennan McCarthy spent years staring out the window, expecting one day to see Jarrod Ramos coming for him.

In his 19 years of practicing law, McCarthy, an attorney in Annapolis, Maryland, said he never came across any person who frightened him as much as Ramos.


McCarthy says he became a target of Ramos' rage after representing a woman in 2011 who accused Ramos of stalking her and threatening her online.

The woman told McCarthy that Ramos, who had gone to the same high school as she did, had been harassing her online since 2009. McCarthy described it as the "worst case of harassment and stalking I have ever encountered in my career."


"After that, his obsession turned to me, too, and he started harassing my sister and my family," McCarthy said. With an extensive family in the area, including 19 nieces and nephews, McCarthy constantly worried that Ramos might come after one of them.

McCarthy stated repeatedly that no one had ever frightened him the way Ramos did. He called Ramos a "classic loner" and "as angry and obsessive an individual as you will ever meet."​
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Good lord, that's chilling.


'Most dangerous person I've ever dealt with': Lawyer feared newspaper murder suspect

Brennan McCarthy spent years staring out the window, expecting one day to see Jarrod Ramos coming for him.

In his 19 years of practicing law, McCarthy, an attorney in Annapolis, Maryland, said he never came across any person who frightened him as much as Ramos.


McCarthy says he became a target of Ramos' rage after representing a woman in 2011 who accused Ramos of stalking her and threatening her online.

The woman told McCarthy that Ramos, who had gone to the same high school as she did, had been harassing her online since 2009. McCarthy described it as the "worst case of harassment and stalking I have ever encountered in my career."


"After that, his obsession turned to me, too, and he started harassing my sister and my family," McCarthy said. With an extensive family in the area, including 19 nieces and nephews, McCarthy constantly worried that Ramos might come after one of them.

McCarthy stated repeatedly that no one had ever frightened him the way Ramos did. He called Ramos a "classic loner" and "as angry and obsessive an individual as you will ever meet."​
I think that the Internet has enabled these odd people.
On July 31, 2011, a reporter for the Capital Gazette, Eric Thomas Hartley, described his case in a column about internet harassment.

The story enraged Ramos.

Court records show months after the story ran, Ramos requested reconsideration of his sentence. In November 2011, a judge struck the guilty finding from the record and allowed for probation before judgment, a conditional probation before sentencing.

On the same day, Ramos received what is commonly called a “PBJ.” He posted a comment to Hartley’s story that read:

“If you’re here now, you probably just googled my name. If this story caught you off guard, there’s something you should know. While I did commit the offense of harassment, the victim’s version of events is a gross misinterpretation of what actually occurred. Mr. Hartley has here further distorted the truth. Upon reconsideration this afternoon, Judge Jonas D. Legum has overturned by conviction despite continued opposition by the victim. At hearing she showed her true colors and the court was unpersuaded by her tempted manipulation. If you know me, ask me. I certainly did a bad thing, but don’t shun me for how it was portrayed by this newspaper. Mr. Hartley, this is your written notice the conditions I provided to you are hereby withdrawn. You have chosen to ignore my letter, but your response was not invisible. The ground you tried digging was solid, as my integrity. Say the same to me and you’ve lied once more. You can expect my lawsuit in July. Get your people ready, because I will be.”

Court records give insight into accused shooter's mind years before rampage
It seems to be popular nowadays to make the media he target of wrath. I am worried because after years, this guy became emboldened enough. Perhaps because it has been deemed that journalists are fair game?
Accused Gunman in Capital Gazette Shooting Left a Trail of Conflicts

LAUREL, Md. — Before he stormed into a quiet newsroom and unleashed a burst of gunfire that left five people dead, the suspect in the Maryland attack vented his hostility at the world with a barrage of lawsuits, harassment and workplace conflict.

Jarrod W. Ramos, the suspected gunman, had been fired from his job as a government employee, was the subject of a police investigation and for years kept up an online crusade against targets including the criminal justice system, the local newspaper and a mental health counseling facility.


The police investigation came on the heels of another legal dispute between Mr. Ramos and his former high school classmate, the subject of his earlier harassment case. She had retained a lawyer, Mr. McCarthy, in early 2013, after receiving a letter from Mr. Ramos that made her uncomfortable.

“I am prepared to add you to my lawsuit against Eric Hartley,” Mr. Ramos wrote in a letter dated Jan. 30, 2013. “I am satisfied you did not directly solicit his column about me, but I think you know who did. Given all that has transpired, I think you have many such secrets, and I would ask you to surrender them.”

After Mr. McCarthy obtained another order prohibiting him from contacting her, Mr. Ramos sued the lawyer himself. He also appealed the order against contacting the former classmate, which was granted, Mr. McCarthy said.​

that is just totally messed up? Never heard of that -- why on earth would one remove one in this context

that is very angering

can anyone come up with one reason to give a stalker the chance to resume
It seems to be popular nowadays to make the media he target of wrath. I am worried because after years, this guy became emboldened enough. Perhaps because it has been deemed that journalists are fair game?

I feel comfortable in coming to the conclusion that the current relentless barrage on media is certainly related to the why now question.

If we take the barrage of anti media stuff and look at it in the light of folks who are not suffering from a profound mental illness it has one notion.

But when we swing over into a person who is quite ill , who has been harboring profound and enduring desires to harm the paper -- relentless echos of the media is the enemy - in a disturbed mine can become a totally different entity.

I don't think in this instance we can go to causation . On the other hand I think we would be remiss not to associate the two as it relates to why now. In the past couple of weeks.............visualize cheerleaders........ moo

If we are gonna end up in the paranoid delusional or psychotic arena the realities are nothing other than chilling and terrifying .

Has the video of his court video appearance been released . It occurred to me that cowering under a desk might also be a component of catatonic behavior.

From the description they are giving IMO it sounds more like not uttering a word as opposed to a right not to incriminate? But that could just be the way it is hitting me idk

Are you guys getting a not uttering a word feeling??

“violent fetishes.

placed three restraining orders against him.

pump-action shotgun yuk i think that would make it more scary - it would be kinda like the music building before the next shot over and over

It was very obvious to me very early that this was a person who was malignant,” McCarthy said. “He felt that he was at war. He was at war with The Capital. He was at war with my client. He was at war with me. He was at war with my family. I was very, very scared for my family for years because of this individual.”

police found evidence at Ramos’ apartment that he had planned the attack.

"check of a fingerprint database ran slowly

he was in apt 402B anyone know name of complex!

police report

Document: Jarrod Ramos police report

ugh it is what I kinda thought it was

70 people were working inside the 5,000-square-foot office complex. The Capital Gazette, which is owned by The Baltimore Sun, is one of 30 tenants in the building and one of a handful on the first floor.

Capital will not pursue any charges. It was described as putting a stick in a beehive which the Capital Newspaper representatives do not wish to do.”

“Plaintiff has sworn a legal oath he would like to kill Hartley, and he still would,” Ramos wrote.

“There exists a very real possibility that at some point in time, Mr. Ramos will take these violent fetishes as expressed in print, and will try to carry them out in person, and the nature of the posts provides proof that threats have escalated over time,” McCarthy wrote. “This Court should absolutely consider a mental health evaluation before a tragedy occurs.”

declined to order the evaluation.
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Trolling seemingly began because of the psychological disinhibition that can occur with the anonymity of certain virtual spaces, or simply with interactions mediated through a screen.

perpetuate a violent culture and sensibility, which aren’t insignificant when considering Thursday’s shooting, and they are sometime literally deadly. In December 2017, a Witchita man was killed when a SWAT team was called to his house as part of a gaming feud.

Annapolis paper dropped '13 harassment complaint against shooting suspect
Anyone else notice the court document on twitter that included two paragraphs requiring JR to have a mental health eval (and related) AND both paragraphs had a pen-marked strike-through and had been hand-initialed by JR. I wonder if he (JR) marked/initialed these documents after the fact OR did court/judge decide to remove these paragraphs??

'Have I missed news reports related to this?

I have screenshots saved on my computer at home (where I'm not at the moment) but I'm not sure they can be posted here anyway.
It seems to be popular nowadays to make the media he target of wrath. I am worried because after years, this guy became emboldened enough. Perhaps because it has been deemed that journalists are fair game?

Seems the timing of his purchasing a gun a year ago suggests 'the press is the enemy of the people' non-stop rhetoric top down and all over social media could have indeed emboldened a maglinant lunatic bent on revenge. IMO.

-Journalists just doing their jobs, some in the most dangerous corners of the world, and this country must not be used as political tools. Period. So many have received death threats.

Our laws, surveillance capabilities have not caught up to what is happening on social media and how it is connected to mass killings. The aftermath of publicity...

It's astonishing how many people felt terrorized by this shooter and felt they had no recourse. Even those who knew the law who didn't want to 'poke the bear'...

And the law protects him because he hadn't crossed a certain physical line. Yet his intention, threats, terrorizing went on for years. Without any real repercussion he was free to do the unthinkable. Something's terribly wrong with this picture. And so many others.
I feel comfortable in coming to the conclusion that the current relentless barrage on media is certainly related to the why now question.

If we take the barrage of anti media stuff and look at it in the light of folks who are not suffering from a profound mental illness it has one notion.

But when we swing over into a person who is quite ill , who has been harboring profound and enduring desires to harm the paper -- relentless echos of the media is the enemy - in a disturbed mine can become a totally different entity.

I don't think in this instance we can go to causation . On the other hand I think we would be remiss not to associate the two as it relates to why now. In the past couple of weeks.............visualize cheerleaders........ moo

If we are gonna end up in the paranoid delusional or psychotic arena the realities are nothing other than chilling and terrifying .

Has the video of his court video appearance been released . It occurred to me that cowering under a desk might also be a component of catatonic behavior.

From the description they are giving IMO it sounds more like not uttering a word as opposed to a right not to incriminate? But that could just be the way it is hitting me idk

Are you guys getting a not uttering a word feeling??

“violent fetishes.

placed three restraining orders against him.

pump-action shotgun yuk i think that would make it more scary - it would be kinda like the music building before the next shot over and over

It was very obvious to me very early that this was a person who was malignant,” McCarthy said. “He felt that he was at war. He was at war with The Capital. He was at war with my client. He was at war with me. He was at war with my family. I was very, very scared for my family for years because of this individual.”

police found evidence at Ramos’ apartment that he had planned the attack.

"check of a fingerprint database ran slowly

he was in apt 402B anyone know name of complex!

police report

Document: Jarrod Ramos police report

ugh it is what I kinda thought it was

70 people were working inside the 5,000-square-foot office complex. The Capital Gazette, which is owned by The Baltimore Sun, is one of 30 tenants in the building and one of a handful on the first floor.

Capital will not pursue any charges. It was described as putting a stick in a beehive which the Capital Newspaper representatives do not wish to do.”

“Plaintiff has sworn a legal oath he would like to kill Hartley, and he still would,” Ramos wrote.

“There exists a very real possibility that at some point in time, Mr. Ramos will take these violent fetishes as expressed in print, and will try to carry them out in person, and the nature of the posts provides proof that threats have escalated over time,” McCarthy wrote. “This Court should absolutely consider a mental health evaluation before a tragedy occurs.”

declined to order the evaluation.

Full address is at this link.

(Armstrong Court, Laurel)

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