MD - Phylicia Barnes, 16, Baltimore, 28 Dec 2010 #2

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Not to get OT, but the RSO range is so wide and so different from state to state....I always try to read up on a particular RSO and learn more about the conviction... He may be on the up and up..... but it is creepy that he'd post on the FB page and complain LE was uninterested in his calls. There are normal routes to take for 'legit' SAR and to demonstrate ones credentials. While I didn't see the FB comments mentioned I have to think there are some kind of, I dunno, background checks for someone to be a legit SAR and RSO doesn't fit the profile.


Oh I agree. Many times killers return to the scene of the crime or somehow tried to get information about what the cops actually knew. Look at the Foster case - Mona returned just a few hours later!
Yeah. I've seen a couple people try to reason with them about not getting too far out, but they are going for gangbusters. They've sent messages to all the involved parties, and tried to friend everyone. And they are getting some info that no one else has. It's like watching a train wreck as it is happening, in a way.

Totally off topic, but I wanted to add there was someone posting on te Prayer page a while back, who was offering his dogs to help search. Said he and they were trained and was hoping people would meet him at the apartments to help him search the woods. Something about his posts concerned me, so I searched him on the RSO list, and sure enough he was listed for an attempted rape charge. Doesn't mean he was intending to do anything bad, but it reminded me how illusory the internet is, and how everyone needs to keep in mind that we really don't know anyone. He never posted again after that day. I sent him an email warning about the dangers of meeting people we don't know (warning him) before I searched his background. Never heard back from him.

GJ, is that the same person I looked at? If so, then I don't think that's the RSO - just someone with the same name.


(If it's someone different, then sorry for interjecting.)
I hope LE does have a good handle on it. What a beautiful person PB is and she didn't deserve whatever happened to her. She had everything good going for her.
I hope we hear something soon.

Me too, me too..... I honestly do believe LE has a good handle on things. So many times it appears that LE has nothing and then Wham! people are surprised an arrest has been made. I think the desperation is more so in locating PB. Sadly, I don't believe this will have a happy ending and it makes me so sick, sad and angry for such a beautiful young girl and her mother. A mother who did nothing more than want for her daughter to know her father and her fathers side of the family, and did everything she knew how to ensure when she entrusted her child to that side of the family she would be in safe hands. And a daughter who was excited to get to know the other side of her family and welcome them with open arms and an incredible future in front of her.
On FB, 3 of the brothers joined the Find PB group late last night. The 2 females went hard on the brothers. One female attempted to be polite to the brothers. The brothers did leave comments but I think they got tired of being insulted by the 2 rude or more serious females. I was on the outside looking in.
On FB, 3 of the brothers joined the Find PB group late last night. The 2 females went hard on the brothers. One female attempted to be polite to the brothers. The brothers did leave comments but I think they got tired of being insulted by the 2 rude or more serious females. I was on the outside looking in.

Yeah I just read that. The brothers seem very nonchalant and casual. This is gonna be a long case unless LE has good evidence.
On FB, 3 of the brothers joined the Find PB group late last night. The 2 females went hard on the brothers. One female attempted to be polite to the brothers. The brothers did leave comments but I think they got tired of being insulted by the 2 rude or more serious females. I was on the outside looking in.

Links to FB page here: Warning graphic language at the Find PB FB group.
Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - MD MD - Phylicia Barnes, 16, believed abducted in Baltimore, 28-Dec-2010 - #2

I saw and I'm surprised the brothers joined claiming they joined to see what was being discussed when the page is open to the public. Maybe they went there to give a few of the members a rise? I'm also surprised to have seen MJ treat the page like a dating service discussing his interests with one of the members. What a shame when that page should be about Phylicia, not cussing everyone out. Imo, it is a disgrace to the search for Phylicia. Sadly, no answers or info on what might have become of Phylicia.

I should have added the only thing I gleaned from the hundreds of posts overnight relative to Phylicia's case is MJ claims to have lawyered up.

Praying for new news today on Phylicia. Where are you Phylicia? We'll keep searching until we find you. No stone left unturned. Help us find you and help direct us to serve justice on those responsible for your disappearance.
Unsure if this was posted previously, but if so it is worth posting again.


"Currently, the best way individuals can help is to pass along information concerning her disappearance to those who may remain unaware through fliers and word of mouth. This, in turn, does two things; one, keeps her picture out there in the hope she is spotted or it spurs someone's recollection, and two, provides information on how to contact police with any tips that may be received."

I was just looking at the Find Phylicia FB page and reading the brother's comments, does anyone else find it odd that they sound like well spoken young men while everyone else is on there posting like they're 14 and have no grasp of the english language??

I don't know what to think right now re: these brothers... but I do know that those 2 girls attacking them verbally isn't going to help anything... if in fact they do know anything... kwim?
I agree. The two girls attacking is going to turn people away from that FB page. I don't forsee them quiting anytimg soon though. It's a complete free for all over there and no one is thinking about how Phylicia might feel about this and if this is the behavior she would wish for from those searching for her. If I had to guess from what we know about Phylicia, she too would seperate herself from a group who chose to act in such a manner publically. I am obviously completely putoff by that page....... JMO of course.

The one other comment which stood out to me was something brother GJ said. I hope she is where she wanted to be or something along those lines. It sounds eerily similiar to something Drew Peterson said about Stacy's possible whereabouts.

Hopefully the brothers, if they wish to speak publically will find an avenue such as WS they won't get attacked or be divulged with such nonsense. Maybe they'll find us here and choose to share their side of the story.
ITA Cubby, after seeing those girls behavior, I would definitely not want any part of that group. There's a way to go about things and they are surely not doing it. I was reading in the comments that started under where they joined and the one girl even started talking carp about PB's sister... WTH is up with that?

Not to mention, the fact that the one girl keeps calling them rapists and murderers sets her up for a lawsuit... If anyone over there had any brains at all, they'd block those girls from that page.

There was a chance to get real info (as real as could be expected I suppose...) out of those young men and those girls acted like it was some kind of schoolyard beat down.

It's shameful that all they care about is name calling and acting like fools instead of trying to do anything that could actually help.

I do hope the brothers find us here (unlikely though as I think one said he was posting from his phone...), I'd be 100% open to hearing what they had to say, and I hope they'd be willing to answer some questions that we all had for them.
Not to get OT, but the RSO range is so wide and so different from state to state....I always try to read up on a particular RSO and learn more about the conviction... He may be on the up and up..... but it is creepy that he'd post on the FB page and complain LE was uninterested in his calls. There are normal routes to take for 'legit' SAR and to demonstrate ones credentials. While I didn't see the FB comments mentioned I have to think there are some kind of, I dunno, background checks for someone to be a legit SAR and RSO doesn't fit the profile.


It was an attempted rape charge from 4 years ago. I got the impression he and his dogs were retired now, perhaps stemming from becoming a RSO, now that you both have posted about it and gotten me thinking...
It was the quality of his posts that sent me sleuthing, because he sent my hinky meeter off. He went on and on and on in his posts. Just was too weird. I'll see if I can find them again. They are buried pretty deep.

Most people, especially people who have worked at all in LE, know how inappropriate it would be to ask people to meet you to search the woods with your dogs. So to do so, one has to be a little off-kilter to begin with. To have a conviction for attempted rape just raises the concern. Yes, he could be reformed. Yes, it could have been a werid relationship snafu. But he was convicted.
GJ, is that the same person I looked at? If so, then I don't think that's the RSO - just someone with the same name.


(If it's someone different, then sorry for interjecting.)

Nope, different. I'll try and find his posts, and link to them so someone else can check it out and make sure I'm not reading things into it. TYIA

ETA Okay, his initials are RB. He posted at Jan. 14 at 12:23 pm and Jan. 13, at 9:07 am (that may be pacific time, I think facebook adjust for our own time zones??). And Jan. 12, at 4:17 pm, and Jan. 12 at 3:43 pm. Turns out he connected with the family finally, and supposedly went out with one of the brothers. So I think it is okay. But I wouldn't mind hearing back from someone on what they thought about his posts. He's probably harmless and truly trying to help, but I don't know.
ITA Cubby, after seeing those girls behavior, I would definitely not want any part of that group. There's a way to go about things and they are surely not doing it. I was reading in the comments that started under where they joined and the one girl even started talking carp about PB's sister... WTH is up with that?

Not to mention, the fact that the one girl keeps calling them rapists and murderers sets her up for a lawsuit... If anyone over there had any brains at all, they'd block those girls from that page.

There was a chance to get real info (as real as could be expected I suppose...) out of those young men and those girls acted like it was some kind of schoolyard beat down.

It's shameful that all they care about is name calling and acting like fools instead of trying to do anything that could actually help.

I do hope the brothers find us here (unlikely though as I think one said he was posting from his phone...), I'd be 100% open to hearing what they had to say, and I hope they'd be willing to answer some questions that we all had for them.

I've been reading over there also - and I simply can not believe that those two girls are blatantly over and over again calling the boys rapists and murderers (killers) etc. If the boys truly had nothing to do at all with any of this, they should be doing screen captures and copying off what's going on and if it were me, I'd see an attorney so fast it would make those girls' heads spin right off their shoulders. I don't know what is going through the girl's brain who set that page up - she could be pulled into the legal fray if it came to that. It's disgusting to read. But like a train wreck, I can't NOT look!!
I've been reading over there also - and I simply can not believe that those two girls are blatantly over and over again calling the boys rapists and murderers (killers) etc. If the boys truly had nothing to do at all with any of this, they should be doing screen captures and copying off what's going on and if it were me, I'd see an attorney so fast it would make those girls' heads spin right off their shoulders. I don't know what is going through the girl's brain who set that page up - she could be pulled into the legal fray if it came to that. It's disgusting to read. But like a train wreck, I can't NOT look!!

Phew. It is a shame that it was allowed to go that direction. Those men are so cocky, if people had actually engaged them in conversation, I have no doubt interesting things would have been revealed. But no, it was not handled well. Really a shame. And now GB's (the older) FB is private.
Wouldn't you be a bit cocky if you had people calling you a murderer & rapist over and over again without any proof? (and that was even before they had joined the group...)

I'm not saying how they acted was right, but in all honesty, I can see why they acted the way they did. If it were me, I'd be on there going "yeah yeah whatever you say... sure sure... keep talkin buttercup..." They don't have to go on there and defend themselves to anyone, all they need to do is talk to the police, which, I'm pretty sure they have considering at least one of them was at the apartment when PB disappeared.

And as far as their personal pages becoming private, can you blame them? I'm sure they're getting nothing but messages calling them murderers & rapists...
All of that arguing isn't productive. No answers will come of it. I wish LE would say something.
Whether or not I was involved - I would have locked my FB posthaste!
I'd like to change the subject a bit back to Phylicia's case rather than the FB drama if we could.

I was searching and ran across an article indicating the college Phylicia hoped to attend was Towson Univ near Baltimore. I'm not sure that means more than she was comfortable and trusted her MD family and wished to be closer to them.

Additionally, while searching for the name of the college I found the following MSM article. Unsure if previously posted so forgive me if it has.
According to the following article Phylicia was scheduled to fly home on Monday December 27th the day prior to the day she went missing. Is that an accurate date? I don't recall seeing anything previously/any discussion about when Phylicia was scheduled to fly home. If she was truly supposed to be on a plane the day prior to her disappearance why didn't her not arriving in NC on Monday set off any alarms? Was her flight changed, did she extend her vacation? Does the MSM have the date wrong? Or could there be some clue around why Phylicia did not go home to NC on the day she was scheduled to leave MD.


Nope, different. I'll try and find his posts, and link to them so someone else can check it out and make sure I'm not reading things into it. TYIA

ETA Okay, his initials are RB. He posted at Jan. 14 at 12:23 pm and Jan. 13, at 9:07 am (that may be pacific time, I think facebook adjust for our own time zones??). And Jan. 12, at 4:17 pm, and Jan. 12 at 3:43 pm. Turns out he connected with the family finally, and supposedly went out with one of the brothers. So I think it is okay. But I wouldn't mind hearing back from someone on what they thought about his posts. He's probably harmless and truly trying to help, but I don't know.

GJ... I looked at his RSO profile, and I think again it's someone with the same name but not the same person. The RSO is 46 and the FB friend looks to be in his 20s or maybe early 30s...? Different hair, different build, etc. JMHO
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