MD - Phylicia Barnes, 16, Baltimore, 28 Dec 2010 #3

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I still am very curious how anyone got her out of the apartment, without shoes or money, whether she went willingly, thinking she was going someplace else (laundry room?) or was carried, and no one saw anything.

Where is the laundry room int he bldg. and is there any sort of a service exit?
I still am very curious how anyone got her out of the apartment, without shoes or money, whether she went willingly, thinking she was going someplace else (laundry room?) or was carried, and no one saw anything.

Where is the laundry room int he bldg. and is there any sort of a service exit?

I think someone (cubby, maybe?) was speculating on a previous thread about how a large suitcase with rolling wheels would have fit in here... :(

And it would, especially if he was "moving". Wonder if that was one of his "trips" somewhere - to get something for that purpose? OR... maybe to bring it back. Okay, that would be freaky. I hope LE has searched for stuff like that...
**Update on the PFPB (Pray for PB) website:!/pages/Pray-for-Phylicia-Barnes/177767702243339

There is a gentleman by the name of Don L. Rondeau who recently made some disturbing comments. I don't know his affiliation with the PB case, but he stated that "people are no longer cooperating with LE" and they have "refused to speak further". I wonder who he is referring to when he says "people". He also stated that he is "ready to write a reward check", and that the reward is now up to $10k due to donations from the public.

Just FYI---I checked some other PB blog sites, and some people believe this entire case is a "hoax" in an effort to "cash in". Oh if only that were true, at least it would mean that PB is safe! However, I don't believe that this is a hoax...JMO
I'll add if she did bring PB to work, that tells me she knew it was not safe for PB to be alone in that apartment.


PB had plenty to entertain herself. There's a good reason it was bring your sister to work day. :(
It's amazing how you can catch things each time you listen. In the PEAS interview, I gathered some additional things that are still bizarre to me:

DB stated that PB had called (not texted) KB "that morning to pick her up". KB confirmed that she "spoke" to PB and was supposed to pick PB up at 1:30pm... I don't understand why KB did not physically come to the apt to pick up PB @ 1:30 per PB request via phone call that morning. Her explanation of "just let her sleep, she'll call me when she wakes up" does not make sense. She had already called you, hun!

Also, DB stated that she heard from KB AGAIN at 3:08pm via text asking about PB's wherabouts. So both DB and KB knew at 3:08 that niether one had PB. That's almost 2 hrs from when they were "told she was sleeping". Now you go 3 more hours, until 6pm before you start to worry? That's a 4.5 hr nap!!! Something is not balanced here!

Also, DB did NOT confirm that 12/28/10 was the "official" move-out day of MJ. After a long pause and whispering in background, DB said "No. It was an ongoing process since the beginning of December". How long does it take someone to move??? I don't think MJ was moving out that day. I think he was still living there. I'm starting to think he was also listening in on the Peas call and coaching DB on her responses. She seemed very nervous/cautious by any questions regarding MJ, which could possibly be why she changed LB to C during the call.

* But here is something I do believe about KB's statement, she said she believes that PB "left with someone she trusted". So even KB doesn't believe in a "sranger" abduction. But what is she hiding?

PB mentioned repeatedly that she wanted to get something to eat (FB and text). That's the only way I can see her willingly leaving with no $ and in slippers..if MJ offered to take her through a drive thru, and said he'd pay. She'd have to come to pick the place.
**Update on the PFPB (Pray for PB) website:!/pages/Pray-for-Phylicia-Barnes/177767702243339

There is a gentleman by the name of Don L. Rondeau who recently made some disturbing comments. I don't know his affiliation with the PB case, but he stated that "people are no longer cooperating with LE" and they have "refused to speak further". I wonder who he is referring to when he says "people". He also stated that he is "ready to write a reward check", and that the reward is now up to $10k due to donations from the public.

Just FYI---I checked some other PB blog sites, and some people believe this entire case is a "hoax" in an effort to "cash in". Oh if only that were true, at least it would mean that PB is safe! However, I don't believe that this is a hoax...JMO

Go Mr. Rondeau!!!! Yes! Turn up the volume on the pressure.
This is the way to get it done. There is no escape from the spotlight. It will get you, one way or the other. And whoever did this has the power to decide HOW that spotlight gets him. And WHETHER others are inadvertently caught in that spotlight with him.
It's amazing how you can catch things each time you listen. In the PEAS interview, I gathered some additional things that are still bizarre to me:

DB stated that PB had called (not texted) KB "that morning to pick her up". KB confirmed that she "spoke" to PB and was supposed to pick PB up at 1:30pm... I don't understand why KB did not physically come to the apt to pick up PB @ 1:30 per PB request via phone call that morning. Her explanation of "just let her sleep, she'll call me when she wakes up" does not make sense. She had already called you, hun!

Also, DB stated that she heard from KB AGAIN at 3:08pm via text asking about PB's wherabouts. So both DB and KB knew at 3:08 that niether one had PB. That's almost 2 hrs from when they were "told she was sleeping". Now you go 3 more hours, until 6pm before you start to worry? That's a 4.5 hr nap!!! Something is not balanced here!

Also, DB did NOT confirm that 12/28/10 was the "official" move-out day of MJ. After a long pause and whispering in background, DB said "No. It was an ongoing process since the beginning of December". How long does it take someone to move??? I don't think MJ was moving out that day. I think he was still living there. I'm starting to think he was also listening in on the Peas call and coaching DB on her responses. She seemed very nervous/cautious by any questions regarding MJ, which could possibly be why she changed LB to C during the call.

* But here is something I do believe about KB's statement, she said she believes that PB "left with someone she trusted". So even KB doesn't believe in a "sranger" abduction. But what is she hiding?


I figured a lawyer, RB, or the siblings themselves were helping DB and KB figure out what was okay to say and what wasn't okay to say. That doesn't worry me, because there is a lot of legal layers there.

Much of the hesitation and uncertainty could come from being thrust into the media/pressure spot light and being uncomfortable, not to mention facing a lot of scrutiny and negative feedback about decisions that were made.

If you look at the day from the point of view of everything is fine, fun, and safe, the actions of DB and KB don't seem so awful. Maybe they had left PB home several times already during her visit? Maybe she had hung out with MJ or LBC or both before, either this trip or one of the other three trips, and everything had been fine. The old adage "better the devil you know" may apply here. MJ and his family WERE family, had been for ten years. PB trusted them BECAUSE her sisters and brother trusted them. PB looked up to DB. What better way to "be like" your sister than to be enamored with your sister's BF's little brother?

Often, it is only in hind sight that we see how awful our decisions were.

I have to keep reminding myself that this was DB and KB's world. This was normal to them, the people they hung around with were "safe." PB did not tell DB about feeling uncomfortable because she didn't want to cause friction. PB wanted to fit in. I believe she did not realize she was in trouble until it was far too late. The combination of street and country can be quite deadly in the wrong hands, and I fear PB fell into the wrong hands. The saddest thing is that her family put her in those hands.
Donald Rondeau is legit. It's about halfway down the page. At this point he had contributed 10K.

Yep. :) He's definitely a mover and shaker in this country, and not someone to trifle with. We talked about him back on thread 1 or 2, whenever he joined the Barnes family. If you google him, you'll see he's been in national security, terrorism, and investigation.

I believe his organization contributed enough to raise the reward to $10. It was $4 before he got on board. I could be wrong though.
Often, it is only in hind sight that we see how awful our decisions were.

I have to keep reminding myself that this was DB and KB's world. This was normal to them, the people they hung around with were "safe." PB did not tell DB about feeling uncomfortable because she didn't want to cause friction. PB wanted to fit in. I believe she did not realize she was in trouble until it was far too late. The combination of street and country can be quite deadly in the wrong hands, and I fear PB fell into the wrong hands. The saddest thing is that her family put her in those hands.

I feel ya GJ, but I still can't get past THE PLAN. The plan "that day" was for KB to pick up PB. It was established. Black and white, PICK ME UP. There is no logical explanation (for me) that this plan should have been deviated from UNLESS PB requested a change herself, which we know she did NOT. The only LOGICAL explanation (to me) is that it is all BS.

Also, DB did NOT confirm that 12/28/10 was the "official" move-out day of MJ. After a long pause and whispering in background, DB said "No. It was an ongoing process since the beginning of December". How long does it take someone to move??? I don't think MJ was moving out that day. I think he was still living there.
(respectfully snipped by me)

I missed this in my first read-through of your great comment. So much to think about! You are right, the 28th was not the official move out date. The month of Dec. was his last month there. Maybe they had a six month lease, and since DB had been in trouble before with leases (she had an eviction last year), maybe they worked it out so she wouldn't have to break the lease. They had been "room mates" for a while, if both DB and MJ's comments about their relationship being over for a while are true.

In the second Peas interview, with mom (JS), JS said that before PB visited, DB told JS that MJ was moving out, and was supposed to be out by the 1st. So this was the last week until he moved out. It's the week between major holidays, so maybe MJ had extra time off. MJ indicated he worked nights on the Find PB posts. I don't believe he had to be out by the 28th, but maybe after what happened happened, he finished moving out before DB arrived back.

The part that makes me extremely uncomfortable is if the move out date of Jan. 1 was driven by a new BF of DB's. If DB had a new BF which instigated the push to get MJ out of there, it sets up a potential volatile situation, which PB was set down in the middle of. That bothers me to the n-th degree.
I feel ya GJ, but I still can't get past THE PLAN. The plan "that day" was for KB to pick up PB. It was established. Black and white, PICK ME UP. There is no logical explanation (for me) that this plan should have been deviated from UNLESS PB requested a change herself, which we know she did NOT. The only LOGICAL explanation (to me) is that it is all BS.


Been lurking on this case ... I have to completely agree with your post and have thought this from the get!! I am just not seeing the stories of DB, KB, and MJ making much sense. As far as DB and KB being totally involved, Im' not sure but there is something very hinky going on IMO from all of the parties!
I feel ya GJ, but I still can't get past THE PLAN. The plan "that day" was for KB to pick up PB. It was established. Black and white, PICK ME UP. There is no logical explanation (for me) that this plan should have been deviated from UNLESS PB requested a change herself, which we know she did NOT. The only LOGICAL explanation (to me) is that it is all BS.


I respectfully agree!! In my world, there is NOTHING that makes KB's decision to NOT pick up PB okay. If I say I am going to pick someone up, I am there. If they don't answer their phone, I actually start to worry, and head over there to make sure things are okay. That's how I operate, and pretty much everyone I know operates that way.

I have a friend who's teenage son was supposed to do some work for me. I call before I go pick him up. NO answer. I figure, great, he's still sleeping. I head over there, and end up knocking on his window to get him up. His mom was counting on me to have him out and about that day, while she was at work. I can't imagine calling her and saying sorry, he never answered his phone, so I never went by.

Is it possible that PB had fallen asleep on KB before? That KB had gone over, and been unable to rouse her, and was ticked because she was left hanging? So they had an agreement that she'd call before coming, and if she didn't reach PB, she wouldn't come?
Is it possible that KB DID go over there, got no answer to her knocks? But why wouldn't that worry her?
And finally, to add to how wrong this decision was, in my book, GJ (the older) alleged on Find PB posts that cell phone reception was poor in the apartment. If you KNEW reception was poor, why would you rely on cell phone communication????
A chilling thought.
If the person who did this knew how unorganized DB and KB were, as far as structuring and monitoring PB's time, they would know that things would play out this way. They would know that they could create enough confusion to afford a large window of opportunity...
Kind of reinforces the perp being an insider, imo.
I am right there with you too GJ!

As far as theory, I usually don't post them but I'm thinking one of two things. Something happened during the night as far as alcohol and drugs are concerned and they are just covering. Or, something happened that morning and all parties are covering for someone either because of threats or because they are such a tight family ... more so than PB was as she just found then a couple years ago. So so sad, no matter what actually happened.
I can't imagine calling her and saying sorry, he never answered his phone, so I never went by.

EXACTLY GJ! Now you understand what I'm saying. I'm not saying that KB or DB was involved. I'm just saying their story bites (to me).

I don't care if they trusted MJ in the past and everything was ok. I don't care if it was customary for MJ, LBC, and PB to all hang out. I don't care if MJ gave them a play-by-play of her actions: she's sleep, she's awake, she's up and about, turning around, touching the ground... I don't care about any of that. Bottom line, KB was supposed to be there! She never showed. BIG QUESTIONMARK.

I am right there with you too GJ!

As far as theory, I usually don't post them but I'm thinking one of two things. Something happened during the night as far as alcohol and drugs are concerned and they are just covering. Or, something happened that morning and all parties are covering for someone either because of threats or because they are such a tight family ... more so than PB was as she just found then a couple years ago. So so sad, no matter what actually happened.

Yes. I'm there too. My first impulse has always been that something happened that night. I just can't put my finger on it.
I can't imagine calling her and saying sorry, he never answered his phone, so I never went by.
EXACTLY GJ! Now you understand what I'm saying. I'm not saying that KB or DB was involved. I'm just saying their story bites (to me).

I don't care if they trusted MJ in the past and everything was ok. I don't care if it was customary for MJ, LBC, and PB to all hang out. I don't care if MJ gave them a play-by-play of her actions: she's sleep, she's awake, she's up and about, turning around, touching the ground... I don't care about any of that. Bottom line, KB was supposed to be there! She never showed. BIG QUESTIONMARK.


In the midst of this horror, you made me smile. Thank you.

I need to add that I do not know what was "normal" for this group. And I am uncomfortable applying my "normal" to others. While I would follow up and make good on my commitment, and I feel pretty much everyone I know and associate with would do so as well, I must accept that perhaps, in this group, follow through was inconsistent. In my world, people who don't follow through are either lazy, addicts, or inconsiderate flakes.

KB did not follow through. Was she: 1, a flake; 2, doing drugs; 3, an accomplice; 4, lazy, or ?????

ETA: With that said, regardless of the reason, KB will be haunted the rest of her life. And we do not know if she had gone there, if PB would have been found anyway. It may already have been too late. Unfortunately, we will never know, most likely. But I do not believe KB did anything to PB, other than not being there for her when she agreed to.
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